Biden’s National Security Spokesman Asserts Climate Change More Existential Threat than Nuclear War
The climate cultists in our government are every bit as deluded as Iranian clerics and Hamas terrorists.

Fox News Channel’s “The Story” anchor Martha MacCallum recently had a disturbing exchange with the Biden administration’s National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby.
It was an intense interview, in which MacCallum challenged Kirby on why Biden had called a lid on Mondays’s appearance so early in the day, given the fact that an untold number of Americans are being held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. It is currently being reported that 11 of our nation’s citizens have already been slain during the attack on Israel.
But the most troubling part of the exchange comes when MacCallum reviews a clip of Biden’s speech during his visit to Vietnam, where he asserts that global warming is more of an existential threat than nuclear war.
WATCH: Joe Biden says climate change ‘is even more frightening than a nuclear war’
— Daniel Turner (@DanielTurnerPTF) September 10, 2023
Here is what Biden said one month ago:
“The only existential threat humanity faces – even more frightening than a nuclear war – is global warming; going above 1.5 degrees in the next 10 years.”
MacCallum noted that since the September address, war has essentially broken out between Israel and Iran-backed Hamas. The Biden administration can deny the ties between Iran, Hamas and the attack…but it doesn’t make the connections any less true.
Furthermore, Iran’s nuclear ambitions have been known for some time. In fact, shortly after Biden asserted global warming was the scarier threat, Iran barred nuclear inspectors from its facilities.
The clerical regime on Sept. 16 barred one-third of all International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors from the country’s nuclear facilities.
The organization’s director general, Rafael Grossi, said in a statement that Tehran’s move is “disproportionate and unprecedented” and “affects in a direct and severe way the ability of the IAEA to conduct effectively its inspections in Iran.”
MacCallum, quite reasonably, inquired of Kirby whether his boss still had the same view. Tragically, the answer is yes. Kirby essentially doubled down on the relative threat levels.
“Absolutely he does,” he replied. “Climate change is an existential threat. It actually threatens and is capable of wiping out all human life on earth over time.”
Kirby added that addressing that threat doesn’t mean the U.S. cannot fulfill its other national security obligations.
“The president believes wholeheartedly that climate change is an existential threat to all of human life on the planet. That’s just science… But it doesn’t mean that we turn our back on the other challenges facing this country and our allies and partners around the world,” he said.
Kirby is confusing science with pseudoscience. In the interest of humanity, and the correct assessment of threat levels, I will simply offer these real facts that counter the media-and-politically driven “climate crisis” narrative.
#ClimateScam alert – more junk science. The narrative says CO2 is bad for oceans, but in reality more is better. During the Cambrian Life Explosion era, CO2 levels were more than 15 times greater than today and the oceans never turned acid – and ocean life thrived!
— John Shewchuk (@_ClimateCraze) July 11, 2023
The hottest July 4th in the US occurred in 1911. At least three states were over 110F, thirty states were over 100F, and every state was over 90F. Modern Americans have never experienced a heatwave like that.#ClimateScam
— Tony Heller (@TonyClimate) July 4, 2023
Can we get our money back?#ClimateScam
— Ragnar Danneskjold (@FreeDanneskjold) June 27, 2023
The Biden administration is clearly not capable of doing an accurate risk assessment. They are going to ride the “global warning” narrative all the way down to disaster.
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Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Bomb ’64
Kubrick’s dark comedy about ‘the bomb’+Slim Pickens’ famous bareback ride to oblivion & ends in a montage of mushroom clouds & Vera Lynn singing “We’ll Meet Again.”— Julie (@Jules_Atkinson) July 16, 2019
The climate cultists in our government are every bit as deluded as Iranian clerics and Hamas terrorists.

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Idiocy. Energy should be plentiful to fight against the evil we are witnessing.
Climate won’t matter if there is WWIII. First things first!
Not idiotic despotic. The climate cultists are using this “emergency” to seize power and wealth for the correct tribes of global oligarchs and leftist government bureaucrats.
They will transfer some of the wealth from western societies to motivate the useful idiots who assist them.
Marxism and authoritarianism are the existential threats that we should fear. The whole notion of “climate change” is merely a tool of the Marxists to wrest ever greater levels of control over the country and its citizens.
the greatest threat to the US people is the National debt
the favorite tool of the DC terrorists
You know I can’t always tell, but sometimes it seems these retards might actually be stupid enough to believe this crap
Climate change is an extra day of summer in 100 years, the end of the world as we know it. Unlike a nuclear war.
Another name for the Biden administration—–Dumb and Dumber!!!!!!
“The only existential threat humanity faces – even more frightening than a nuclear war – is global warming; going above 1.5 degrees in the next 10 years.”
The man is a fucking idiot.
It’s a disservice to reality to put it any more kindly.
It’;s scary to think that that retard was an admiral.
Actually, the retard who said that was a p*resident.
Yes, but sea level will rise half inch in 10 years and millions of people could drown if they don’t hurry up and get out of the way.
Lots of people latch onto some bit of ‘truth’ and invest so much of their time, energy, money into it that they fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy.
If I have to choose, I’d rather take my chances with climate change rather than be killed in a nuclear war, terrorist attack or crime encounter.
I’m surprised Kirby didn’t try to pull his fake crying routine for the “climate”.
No one should let these retards get away with their BS “Climate Change” stuff. Force them to call it Global Warming, and when they refuse ask them why. Most of them probably don’t even remember why they changed the name … because every time they held a stupid Global Warming meeting somewhere it snowed – even in places that hadn’t seen snow in 100 years, like Dehli, IIRC. It was a running joke how they kept getting snowed out of Global Warming meetings … no matter where or when they scheduled them!
And “Climate Change” wasn’t the only name change they tried. They flipped between three or four different names that they were polling and testing before settling on the stupid and intentionally deceptive “Climate Change” moniker.
I’ve been debunking climate change since the hockey stick and it has no effect.
We seem to have run out of options. Should Kirby be deprogrammed or removed from the human race? I can’t decide. If I were more woke I would definitely know the correct choice.
Lets ask the experts. Does anyone have Heyden’s or Hillary’s contact info?
What they really mean is there isn’t any money in nuclear war compared to the huge windfall of bribes in globullschiff climate change.
And they’ve decades dumbing down the kids and scaring them to death to get to this point.
“You can’t fix stupid”.
These people are batsh*t crazy. It is truly a twilight zone we live in.