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Faculty and Students at U. Nebraska at Kearney Protest Proposed Budget Cuts

Faculty and Students at U. Nebraska at Kearney Protest Proposed Budget Cuts

“I don’t think they appreciate or understand how harmful these cuts are going to be”

It amazes me when people protest over things like this. Do they believe protesting creates more funding?

The Nebraska Examiner reports:

University of Nebraska at Kearney faculty, students protest budget cuts

Faculty and students at the University of Nebraska at Kearney are pushing back against millions in proposed budget cuts that could lead to fewer degrees and faculty positions.

The University of Nebraska system is facing an approximate $58 million shortfall over the next two years across its campuses in Lincoln, Omaha and Kearney. UNK is estimating a $4.3 million shortfall this fiscal year.

Will Avilés, a professor of political science at UNK and president of the UNK Education Association, said administrators have proposed cutting approximately 30 faculty positions from 14 departments.

The UNK departments of Geography, Philosophy and Theater are proposed to be eliminated, Avilés said, as are the following degrees:

  • Business administrative comprehensive with an emphasis in business intelligence (BS).
  • Geography 7-12th grade teaching endorsement.
  • Geography and GIScience (BS).
  • Geography (BS/BA).
  • Journalism (BS/BA).
  • Modern languages with French or German emphasis (BA).
  • Montessori early childhood eduction minor.
  • Music comprehensive in business emphasis (BM).
  • Music performance comprehensive in instrumental emphasis (BM).
  • Musical theater comprehensive (BM).
  • Recreation management (BS).
  • Sports communication (BS/BA).
  • Theater (BA).

“From the union’s perspective, we just want more public awareness and we hope awareness amongst regents that what they’re asking UNK to do is going to eliminate entire programs that have been essentially the heart of humanities as well as other parts — geography, philosophy,” Avilés told the Nebraska Examiner.

“I don’t think they appreciate or understand how harmful these cuts are going to be,” he added.


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There is a simple solution.

The union can propose everyone gets a very small haircut, and all of the jobs are saved.


I did not see any DEI administrators on the chopping block. University administration costs have risen much more, generally, than other costs. The protests should highlight the bloated administration for reduction.

Their business program must already be crap, or else some whiz kid would have proposed an alternative budget that worked better.

Or we can just, y’know, protest.

Did these SCHOLARS ever have a mommy or a daddy?

And are we to believe that there reall were no warning signs that this might have been coming?

Instead of protesting, how about updating your resumes?

Instead of protesting, how about IMPROVING your resumes?

I feel for these people but jeeez smh

SeekingRationalThought | October 6, 2023 at 4:31 pm

This is just the beginning and the useless and mediocre at public universities may as well get used to their reduced expectations. Even a government school graduate can look at the demographics and the job market and see that too many resources have been devoted to mediocre institutions and people. There are fewer high school graduates and more of them are gravitating to productive areas of the economy that don’t require the money, debt and and intellectual abuse involved at most of these schools. Most schools and faculties simply don’t contribute enough to the common good to justify their expense. They are “on the wrong side of history.: 🙂