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Profs Suggest Mass Shootings Are Linked to ‘Structural Racism’

Profs Suggest Mass Shootings Are Linked to ‘Structural Racism’

“a shooting incident in which 4 or more individuals are shot and wounded or killed”

I’m surprised these professors didn’t try to link it to climate change.

The College Fix reports:

Mass shootings linked to ‘structural racism,’ professors say

There is an association between mass shootings and structural racism according to a new paper in JAMA Surgery.

The study from Tulane University professors aimed to “examine the association between structural racism and mass shootings in major metropolitan areas in the United States.”

The College Fix reached out to eight professors, but only one responded. Professor Katherine Theall responded on July 27 and said she would respond the following week.

However, she has yet to respond. None of the other authors contacted responded to multiple inquiries sent in the past two weeks.

The study authors stated that “structural racism appears to be associated with MSE (mass shooting event) incidence,” and “structural racism may play a role in MSEs.”

The paper defines a mass shooting as “a shooting incident in which 4 or more individuals are shot and wounded or killed.”

The Fix asked the authors what they believe to be the strongest indicator that structural racism is a major cause for mass shootings.

Additionally, the study stated that “community gun violence has been linked to structural racism which has been defined as, ‘the normalized and legitimized range of policies, practices, and attitudes that routinely produce cumulative and chronic adverse outcomes for people of color.’”

The Fix asked the authors how else their research measured the impact of practices and attitudes that contribute to structural racism.

The Fix also asked for information on the race of the shooter of the black victims of mass shootings and if the shooters are generally black, how racism explains the violence.


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Is it just me? Wouldn’t you just love to get these eight Better-Than-Yous-Just-Ask-Them authors on video , going forward?

Are there people more deserving of the OMG treatment than these eight Best-Defense-Is-Good-Offense fraudsters?

Bless their hearts

You know what IS linked to structural racism? Faculty downsizing.

Antifundamentalist | August 12, 2023 at 4:34 pm

It is far more likely that mass shootings are the result of prescribed medications mucking with brain chemistry and causing psychosis.