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Former Interpreter for U.S. in Afghanistan Shot and Killed in D.C. While Working as a Lyft Driver

Former Interpreter for U.S. in Afghanistan Shot and Killed in D.C. While Working as a Lyft Driver

“Disturbing surveillance video shows the moment a quad of individuals fled the scene after a Lyft driver was shot and killed in Washington, D.C.”

Nasrat Ahmad Yar worked as an interpreter for the United States in Afghanistan. After our disastrous exit from the country, he somehow found a way to get himself and his family to America, where he supported his family as a Lyft driver.

This week he was shot and killed in Washington, DC.

WUSA9 News reports:

Man who served as interpreter in Afghanistan, escaped after Taliban takeover, killed in DC working as Lyft driver

A 31-year-old father of four who had been living in Alexandria, Virginia for less than a year was gunned down early Monday morning as he finished up a late Lyft shift.

Nasrat Ahmad Yar’s wife wanted him to come home after a night out with friends, but he told her rent was due soon and he needed to keep working, right before he was shot and killed in his car.

DC Police officers responded to 11th Street Northeast, near D Street Northeast, just after midnight for a reported shooting, and found Ahmad Yar with a gunshot wound. He was taken to a hospital for treatment but died of his injuries.

“He was so happy he got a new car because he could take care of his family,” his best friend Rahim Amini told WUSA9. “His wife asked him to stay home but he said, ‘I have to pay rent. I don’t have that much money. I have to work.'”

Ahmad Yar was the sole provider for his wife and four children, ages 13 years to 15 months, and was still sending money home to family overseas in Afghanistan. He served as an interpreter alongside U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan. Ahmad Yar escaped with his family in 2021 after the fall of the Afghan government to the Taliban.

There is video of the shooting suspects fleeing the scene.

The Daily Caller reports:

‘Just Killed Him’: Surveillance Footage Shows Four Apparent Suspects Fleeing Murder Scene, Discussing Crime

Disturbing surveillance video shows the moment a quad of individuals fled the scene after a Lyft driver was shot and killed in Washington, D.C.

D.C. Metro Police found 31-year-old Nasrat Ahmad Yar unconscious and suffering from an apparent gunshot wound just after midnight on Monday near the 400 block of 11th street Northeast, reports Fox 5 DC. He was transported to a local hospital where officials pronounced him dead, according to Fox 5.

Roughly 30 seconds into the video, posted to Twitter by Fox 5’s Allison Papson a loud bang sounding like a gunshot can be heard. Then four young men can be seen running through an alley when the camera picks up words which sound like “[inaudible] just killed him.” One of the four individuals could also be heard saying “he was reaching, bro.”

See below:

This is maddening.

A GoFundMe account set up for his family has already raised over $100,000.

Featured image via YouTube.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


“he told her rent was due soon and he needed to keep working, right before he was shot and killed in his car”


chrisboltssr | July 7, 2023 at 5:15 pm

Man survived the Taliban and Afghan war only to smoked by young black scholars.

For shame.

    guyjones in reply to chrisboltssr. | July 7, 2023 at 8:47 pm

    These crimes make me sick to my stomach. “Guns” will be blamed, of course. Not the moral and cultural rot that afflicts so many black youth; not the prevalence of absent/deceased/incarcerated fathers and mothers in black families; not the way that hard work and academic achievement are still denigrated as “uncool” and “white” by so much of black culture. Nope, the problem is “guns.”

An apparently hardworking man doing whatever it takes to provide for his family, shot down in a deep blue enclave, this time DC, by budding criminals. Is anyone truly surprised by this anymore? Will any of us be surprised when the guilty parties are handed a less than harsh sentence for their crime?

If you choose to reside in a blue enclave with soft treatment of criminals, assuming the defunded PD actually finds those responsible, then you need to rethink all the potential consequences you are signing up to receive for you and your family. IMO, your current job isn’t worth it. Nor is some stubborn family member who refuses to leave but demands you stay to provide care and support to them.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to CommoChief. | July 7, 2023 at 5:48 pm

    Regarding your second paragraph, how much about red and blue areas is this poor man to know? Not to mention issues with America’s problem race race problem?

      alaskabob in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | July 7, 2023 at 6:06 pm

      This will be framed, not as a murder, but as the result of oppression of minorities yearning to cast off the yoke of white supremacy….yada yada yada. Oh, and another case of needless gun violence. He moved from a hell that the DC elite enflamed. He died at the hands of those protected by that same elite. DC is just another No-Go city if one is smart.

      We have so many “phobes” the Left uses to push back with…. what is this now? I can’t offer any ideas without crossing into dangerous territory.

      CommoChief in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | July 7, 2023 at 6:47 pm

      Translators I worked with were fairly up to date on current events. They listed to English language news broadcasts and read English language newspapers/magazines as a training aid. They were eager to learn about the US, its cultural differences from their own, particularly regional differences in dialect and how/why they came to be. I can’t think of one Terp who didn’t ask me where I would live in the States if given the choice or for advice about where they should go live if they got the golden ticket chance.

      That’s a long, roundabout way to the point which is homeboy knew about the reputation of DC when he got there. What he didn’t know he picked up on damn quick driving an uber in DC.

        The Gentle Grizzly in reply to CommoChief. | July 7, 2023 at 8:20 pm

        So noted, and, thank you.

          CommoChief in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | July 8, 2023 at 11:54 am

          No worries. My team helped get three of our Terps a visa to the US but it was three very deserving individuals not just some guy who was an interpreter that we felt sorry for.

          During a large operation in Ramadi in early fall of ’06 (very bad time and place) they had pulled a wounded team member out of the line of fire (mostly), rendered first aid and shielded him with their bodies while returning fire until our team medic got there. They damn well earned every one of the very many hours we expended over a few years pestering our Congressional delegations to work their influence on their behalf.

          The majority of the Terps are ok but not anything special. A few are outstanding people that would make model US citizens. A few are grifters using their language skill to turn a buck but nothing more. IMO our assistance to these guys as far as getting them to the US should be reserved for those who were truly outstanding.

        henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | July 8, 2023 at 2:44 pm

        “That’s a long, roundabout way to the point which is homeboy knew about the reputation of DC when he got there. What he didn’t know he picked up on damn quick driving an uber in DC.”

        Yahbut… at least in Afghanistan, they allowed the interpreters to be armed, didn’t they?
        Then he got to DC and discovered their laws and Lyft’s regulations.

        Land of the free, my ass.

          CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | July 8, 2023 at 5:23 pm

          Terps were routinely armed in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I did notice the guys who smoked him claiming ‘he was reaching’ presumably for a weapon when he was shot.

More legacy, care of Obama, who tilled the soil of internal hate and destruction and made it mainstream.

BierceAmbrose | July 7, 2023 at 6:50 pm

Shot while working, or shot for working? I forget, is working a designated crime, yet, or just socially frowned on (and encumbered?)

In any case, just the voice of the community. They’re not vigilantes if they’re assaulting the right people, meaning the ones who are so wrong.)

Thad Jarvis | July 7, 2023 at 6:59 pm

RIP. Our terps in Kandahar were all brave, outstanding men who risked their lives and served the mission loyally. It’s sickening to read stories like this, the consequences of unfettered, crime enabling policy from scags like Bowser and her ilk. It’s equally repulsive the read the bluster and smarmy vitriol from the “all Muslims are jihadists” poseurs that infect the comments here too often.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Thad Jarvis. | July 8, 2023 at 1:34 pm

    Is there any country who allowed Muslims to immigrate who are not sorry they did so today? I think that Winston Churchill summed this up well when he wrote about how some had admirable traits, but something to the effect that Mohammedanism collectively does not. What is going in in Europe should be a lesson for the rest of the world.

      Thad Jarvis in reply to JohnSmith100. | July 8, 2023 at 2:35 pm

      And here’s exhibit A. My Muslim immigrant neighbors and the Afghans I worked with in Kandahar and Kabul are a 1000 times better human beings than you’ll ever be, you pretentious blowhard.

Obama: “If I had a son..”

    alaskabob in reply to Frank G. | July 7, 2023 at 8:25 pm


    guyjones in reply to Frank G. | July 7, 2023 at 8:45 pm

    Just the other day, dotard-marionette, Biden, was asked by a black teenager for “advice” on what to do if she was pulled over by the police.

    The question would have been more relevant if someone had asked Biden what an Uber/Lyft driver should do when hailed by four teens “of color.”

inspectorudy | July 7, 2023 at 7:28 pm

The first mistake he made was to think that civilized people live in DC, black or white. The second mistake was picking up four blacks wearing hoodies.

    guyjones in reply to inspectorudy. | July 7, 2023 at 8:43 pm

    In fairness to the victim, he was living in Alexandria, Virginia, which is a pretty nice neighborhood.

    But, you’re correct on the second point. Refusing to pick up multiple youths “of color” as a taxi driver isn’t alleged racism; it’s common sense and self-preservation, given statistical and cultural realities.

      henrybowman in reply to guyjones. | July 8, 2023 at 2:48 pm

      “In fairness to the victim, he was living in Alexandria, Virginia, which is a pretty nice neighborhood.”

      The tony parts of it, maybe. The parts close to DC are essentially DC. When we lived there 50 years ago, we had “local yutes” on the street stone our car just because we were white.

        guyjones in reply to henrybowman. | July 8, 2023 at 6:09 pm

        Well, a lot has changed in fifty years. Alexandria has some physical separation from D.C. proper, courtesy of the Potomac River. It’s a pretty expensive and desirable area to live in, today, and, there really aren’t any “bad” sections of it.

        That said, the bottom line is that prudence and common sense demand that any person living in the suburbs of a major metro area that is crime-ridden (i.e., run by Dumb-o-crats) must exercise caution and awareness, at all times.

“He was reaching, bro.” Was Yar armed?

Not that this is any excuse. When you set out to rob someone, you cannot claim self-defense, and you become responsible for anyone killed in the robbery. If your buddy killed the victim, you are guilty of felony murder. If the victim killed your buddy, you still might be guilty of felony murder.

    alaskabob in reply to markm. | July 7, 2023 at 8:26 pm

    What to bet on that in DC?

    henrybowman in reply to markm. | July 8, 2023 at 2:49 pm

    Highly unlikely. Uber and Lyft prohibit their drivers from carrying (also, their passengers). DC does better at that than most blue cities, as well.

Shades of the horrific murder in D.C. of an Uber driver (a Pakistani immigrant) a couple of years ago by teenage girl criminals (also “of color”), who I don’t believe even served the full juvie sentence of incarceration until age 21. Those two murderers got off with a predictable slap on the wrist. I expect no different outcome, here, if the perps are caught.

We know that the vile Dumb-o-crats view sociopath criminals “of color” as alleged victims and a protected class. In the Dumbs’ view, these reprobates cannot be held personally responsible, nor, criminally liable, for their conduct and choices.

And, will any Dumb-o-crat politician address the epidemic of violent crime sweeping the country, the bulk of it committed by criminals “of color?” I won’t be holding my breath.

Will we hear from the usual race agitators/hustlers/carrion feeders? Will they and their media lapdogs/trained seals/shills have any outrage or sympathy to spare over the callous and sociopath criminality that is pervasive among black youth in urban areas (all run by Dumb-o-crats, naturally).

“Systemic” criminality and sociopath behavior by black youth is transparently a far more real and pressing problem in the U.S., than the contrived and fallacious specter of alleged “systemic racism.”

DC is worse now than it was during the murder years of the late 80s, and it’s not anywhere close to rock bottom yet. I was shocked at how many empty storefronts there now are in fairly affluent downtown business areas, and since it seems as if the Feds aren’t going to force their staffers back into the offices, that’s not likely to change.

My risk tolerance is pretty high, and I’ll still always head in to go to Caps hockey and shows @ 9:30 Club/Black Cat/etc., but I’m glad I no longer live in the city.

Remind me, please, what was it that John Derbyshire said that got him cancelled?

Oh yeah, truth and common sense.

After I read the victim’s description, but before I saw the video, I was thinking this was an assassination for collaborating with infidels.

Dazzling urbanites once again. Our cities are becoming dystopian crap holes, and these feral vermin are growing in number each day. This won’t end well.

Richard Aubrey | July 8, 2023 at 4:22 pm

The deceased may have, I hope, friends used to the indirect approach.

henrybowman | July 8, 2023 at 4:29 pm

Survived Taliban, succumbed to Tyrone.