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Senate Democrats Want to Change Rules Because Sen. Tuberville Put on Hold Biden’s Military Promotions

Senate Democrats Want to Change Rules Because Sen. Tuberville Put on Hold Biden’s Military Promotions

Shorter Democrats: We didn’t get our way so we must change the rules!

Democrat senators are the biggest babies. Every time something doesn’t go their way, they want to change the rules.

When they do, it always backfires. It’s a lesson I hope they never learn.

The Democrats are crying because Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) put a hold on President Joe Biden’s military promotions over the Pentagon’s abortion policy.

In October, the Pentagon announced it would pay for service members and their dependents’ travel expenses to get abortions.

Which rules should they change? All options:

“I do think we need to look at reforming the rules. I’ve thought for a long time we should reform the rules, and this is Exhibit A of why we need to do that,” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). “It is hurting the country badly, and the Senate has the obligation to allow every member to have his or her say but not shut down the entire process.”

“This is eating away at our national security, it’s putting our national security at risk and the longer it goes on, the more dangerous it can get,” he said.

Asked what type of rules reform he would like to advance to respond to Tuberville, Van Hollen said they “should examine at all the options.”

“You can look at very narrow changes to address this situation. You can also look at broader reforms to improve the process by which we consider nominees, generally. There have been a number of proposals that have been looked at over the years,” he said.

Extremist Republicans! At least they didn’t say MAGA REPUBLICANS! From The Hill:

“We need to talk about changing rules that Republicans have learned to exploit. We can’t continue in a world where one senator puts our entire national defense at risk because he doesn’t like one policy followed by the Department of Defense,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. She has repeatedly asked for unanimous consent to advance Biden’s nonpolitical military promotions only to be blocked by Tuberville.

“Sen. Tuberville’s hold is just another indication of the madness that seems to have seized extremists in the Republican Party,” she said.

Warren’s frustration is shared throughout the Senate Democratic caucus.

“I don’t think one person should be able to hold up the promotions and lives of everybody in the military or any other part of government,” said Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), the chairwoman of the Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.


It’s all talk but their hissy fits are so funny. Only Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) have the common sense to know not to change the rules because their side won’t always hold the majority.


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“In October, the Pentagon announced it would pay for service members and their dependents’ travel expenses to get abortions.”

This is a violation of the Hyde amendment, yes?

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Othniel. | June 20, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    They aren’t directly funding abortions. Just the travel to and presumably back from the abortion facility. But they are not paying for the actual abortion. At least I imagine that’s the argument that the liberal military leadership & democrats would make if pressed to give their justifications for such taxpayer money expenditures.

      The Pentagon justification is what I’d call the “German train driver defense”:

      “Hey, I didn’t kill any Jews. All I did was haul them to the camps.”

    Eagle1 in reply to Othniel. | June 21, 2023 at 8:43 am

    All Sen T has asked for is a briefing/response explaining the rational as to how this new policy is not in violation of the Hyde Ammendment. Pretty simple ask ImHO.

    It is not just the transportation funded by USG, it is the free leave that I find more problematic.

    DOD would have been better off with a general policy that covered all unavailable elective procedures that was gender neutral. I want a werk for LASIK because it’s backlogged at FT Hood, I’m covered, servicewoman X needs a woman thing, it’s covered as well.

MAGA Republicans aren’t anti-abortion. It’s a make your own decision thing.

They’re anti deep state. No more negotiations with nobody negotiating for America’s benefit. Deals should have mutual benefits, not one-sided payoffs.

Which has nothing to do with abortion.

It seems reasonable to pay for abortion transportation, since the service member has no control over what state she’s based in at the time. It would make it a matter of indifference to her again.

    Ironclaw in reply to rhhardin. | June 20, 2023 at 5:25 pm

    Using federal funds to pay for abortions is illegal, or did you forget that in your hurry to justify murdering babies?

    CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | June 20, 2023 at 8:14 pm

    Service members do have some level of control over their duty station. The Army offers the opportunity to indicate a rank ordered preference so that assignment managers can try to accommodate the service members and that usually works out. Enlisted troops can select a duty station in their enlistment contract and when they reenlist.
    Service members also have the ability to find someone of the same rank and MOS to swap assignments with from one duty station to another; these are normally approved.

    It is a violation of Federal law to use taxpayer funds to pay for an abortion. What you are arguing in attempting to mitigate this fact by down playing transportation is akin to arguing you ain’t guilty b/c you just drove the getaway car for the bank robber.

It’s not necessary to change the rules, just use it as more ammunition against electing Republicans in the next election. I think that’s likely to be the reason Dems win again. Too many Republicans pro-life thinking that finally everybody’s on their side.

    CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | June 20, 2023 at 8:27 pm

    If you are referring to fools like Sen Lindsey Graham talking about federal level, nationwide legislation then I agree with you. The great sorting is on going and people can choose to move to State who’s laws and culture better reflects their own.

    That’s the beauty of Federalism and we should absolutely oppose giving DC more power to impose nationwide ‘solutions’ instead of allowing the voters of each State to decide for themselves. If the Congress has the power to ban abortion then they also have the power to legalize abortion. Better to leave that issue to the States.

If Sen Warren believes she has the votes to change the Senate rules then go for it. IMO, the votes don’t exist to do so b/c at least a few d/prog Senators are wise enough to understand the potential consequences. Here’s an easy one; the blue slip for judicial nominees. When someone is nominated to Federal District Judge the two Senators of the State where the Court is located traditionally are given a thumbs up/thumbs down power to accept or reject the nomination. The color of the form used is blue thus referred to as a ‘blue slip’. The d/prog wield this power ruthlessly when there is a GoP POTUS. A negative or a non returned blue slip 99/100 results in no hearing for the nominee in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Plenty of other examples of different rules and atmosphere and level of cooperation in the Senate v the HoR. Putting all the chips onto just which part holds the temporary majority in the Senate is a bad idea long term for the d/prog. They are far more likely to be in the minority than the majority based upon most factors in the alignment of voting patterns. The current d/prog majority isn’t gonna hold up over another election cycle. The d/prog must defend 23/34 Seats in ’24 and in some very favorable places to the GoP; West Virginia, Montana, Ohio. Plus Arizona, Nevada, Michigan (open), Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.

“This is eating away at our national security, it’s putting our national security at risk and the longer it goes on, the more dangerous it can get,” Van Hollen said.

He continued, “The country’s gotta have, just gotta have, more AA admirals and generals. Making us a third-rate country with a third-rate military just doesn’t happen by itself. We Democrats have to work at it.”

“”She has repeatedly asked for unanimous consent to advance Biden’s nonpolitical military promotions only to be blocked by Tuberville””

Problem is, they’ve made everything political, especially in the military.

“This is eating away at our national security, it’s putting our national security at risk”

No, it’s not actually. In this particular case it is preventing a large cohort of woke Obama-screened officers from succeeding in gaining higher rank.

Just like Obama did when he started purging conservatives.

The object here is not to help anybody: it is to change the rules. Dems do not want to engage in our political process. That would mean accommodating any viewpoint different from theirs.

While this sounds like a rational response, I wish someone would put a hold on all promotions for the idiocy of the wokeness coming out of top leadership. Question these candidates for promotion on what their indoctrination really is, and vote accordingly.

This was part of a speech by Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt, the force’s deputy chief of space operations for operations, cyber, and nuclear, at the Pentagon’s “Pride” event. Why the Pentagon is even having a Pride event is beyond me.