Residents of Chicago’s South Side Say Obama Presidential Center ‘Causing Harm’ to Black Families
“since the center was announced in 2015, median rents in the immediate vicinity have jumped a staggering 43 per cent, while house prices have risen 130 per cent”

Some people living in Chicago’s South Side claim that the Obama Presidential Center is causing harm to black families, by raising rents and increasing home prices.
Activists in the area have been battling the center’s creation for various reasons for years.
FOX News reports:
Chicago South Side residents say they’re being displaced by Obama Center: Causing ‘harm to Black families’
Chicago residents are growing increasingly concerned about the damage the Obama Presidential Center will have on their community, as longtime South Side families are being displaced by soaring rent prices and unsustainable living costs which they blame on the former president’s project.
The Obama Presidential Center hosted a ceremonial groundbreaking in September 2021, revealing a massive 19-acre plot that is designed to host a public library branch, playground, community centers and a museum that aims to revitalize the South Side of Chicago. It is being financed mostly through private donations.
But the ongoing $500 million project, which remains under construction, has reignited fears among longtime residents that the center will gentrify the community and that the positive “economic impact” promised by the former president will instead raise property values and make housing costs unaffordable.
An article published Monday by the Washington Post, titled “Chicago neighbors say Obama center is raising rents, forcing them out,” examined the center’s impact on neighboring communities, noting that median home prices have more than doubled since the center was first unveiled.
Amazingly, the Washington Post wrote about this:
Chicago neighbors say Obama center is raising rents, forcing them out
The Obama Foundation has told residents that the $500 million presidential center will help transform some of Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods and offer opportunities to those who live there. But Williams and others have watched its construction with mistrust. With the center’s opening still two years away, rents in the surrounding South Shore and Woodlawn neighborhoods already are rising. Median home prices have more than doubled since the center’s location was unveiled. Some longtime residents have been priced out.
In February, nearly 90 percent of voters on the South Side told city officials via a referendum that they should do more to create affordable housing and provide aid to renters and homeowners who live near the Obama Center. But whether the city acts on that will depend on the next mayor.
As Brandon Johnson, one of the two Democrats competing to replace Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) in a runoff Tuesday, strode into the packed room last month, people already had their hands up, questions at the ready.
“Will our rents be raised?” asked one resident.
“Will we have to move?” asked another.
“Some of us have lived here for more than 40 years,” a woman said.
The Daily Mail reports that the price increases are significant:
The nonprofit founded by Barack and Michelle Obama told residents that the sprawling new build on Chicago’s South Side will transform it and the surrounding neighborhoods – and provide local job opportunities.
But since the center was announced in 2015, median rents in the immediate vicinity have jumped a staggering 43 per cent, while house prices have risen 130 per cent.
The area is a historically black one, with many of those since forced to up sticks and move particularly upset at being booted from their homes thanks to the actions of the United States’ first African-American president.
Can anyone recall a story more rich with irony?

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This center is only a part of the harm Obama caused black families.
A very small part…
My immediate reaction was, “So nothing new.”
A communist wins Chicago mayoral election, despite being in the tank in polls. The fix is in AGAIN:
Polls closed at 7pm. 7:25pm Vallas ahead by almost 12,000 votes. 12 minutes later he is only ahead by 2,000 votes. Johnson takes the lead an hour after the polls close. 3 hours after polls close, Johnson wins by 16,000 votes. Yea, sure I believe it was a legit election, NOT.
Like he cares.
I would think the rent amd houses would decline
High rent because of high taxes and sky high insurance premiums. They can charge it because many are getting Section 8 subsidies.
Lots of murders going on in South Chicago
OK, anyway…
Somehow, this will still be Whitey’s fault. BLM can always blame “White Capitalism”
If Mr. Johnson gets elected Mayor, rents will go right back down again.
Nobody will pay good money to be brutally murdered.
We’ll see by the morning (maybe), but if Mr. Johnson is elected I fear he will do two things: a) a city income tax and b) a tax on securities trades.
The former will drive out income earners who can find a way to leave and the latter will drive out the Board of Trade and the Mercantile Exchange. Either will kill city finances for the foreseeable future.
Mr. Johnson has been elected:
Anyone really think he won at the ballot box??
Do I think he won at the ballot box, NO. The insane CTU stuffed ballots. It was the white, Hispanic and black progressives that got him in. Low voter turn out. A lot of very vocal high profile black leader support for Vallas but the Marxists had too many illegal mail in ballots for Brandon. Now watch Chicago turn into Detroit.
Yes. He won at the ballot box. That is the whole point. The left has taken over in many cities, many states and, at the moment, the entire federal government. The former president was just arraigned on what seem to be 34 counts of bogus charges. Was his prosecutor, Bragg, elected at the ballot box? Yes, he was, and he ran on a platform that highlighted his intention to indict Trump. So this was no surprise. Even if you take the position that Biden’s election was invalid, you still have to deal with the fact that his administration is composed entirely of absolute leftists who were confirmed by the Senate. Did those senators win at the ballot box? Yes, they did. In 2024, choose someone who can win at the ballot box. Alternatively, you can choose to follow someone who you think will lead a successful revolution. I wouldn’t bet on the latter.
To quote another Chicagoan, “Elections have consequences”. You voted for him, you got him.
More appropriately, erections have consequences.
It’s supposed to memorialize his presidency, isn’t it?
It’s a big cope, and now you’re in it.
The Black residents of Chicago’s South Side are obviously due reparations from the State of Illinois to compensate them for this fresh injury. About $5 million apiece sounds like a good starting number. The white people of Illinois need to make amends to these poor victims!
I work at the University of Chicago; the Obama Center will be just beyond the southeast corner of our campus (Midway and Cornell). It has certainly snarled traffic but that’s construction in Chicago. It’s in a tight space, however, and really the only way to handle all the parking will be to mooch off the Museum of Science and Industry, east and slightly north.
I had suggested to others at the time all this was being contemplated that the better site would have been at the old Wisconsin steel plant (87th and the lake). Wide open, great view of the lake and the downtown to the north, lots of space to add whatever the Obamas would want, and, importantly, lots of space for the community. Would have been good but (of course) no one listens to me!
As a lifelong Cook County resident I agree with you wholeheartedly. It makes too much sense though.
Whatever is built, the Obama Center will smell as bad as his campaign plane:
Would this be the same Obama Presidential Library that reportedly will have no physical documents and/or books or much else in its collections?
Also, is this the same Obama Presidential
Worship CenterLibrary that is being built on what was formerly public property? A public park in fact? Seem to remember reading something in the past how he people were outraged he was getting a sweetheart deal to buy the property and converting it into his presidential library. Could be wrong about that though. It’s been a while.You should see what his presidency did
Richard Epstein has been podcasting about the Obama library’s baleful effects on Chicago for a long time, though not recently.
Much less harm than barry soetero himslf caused
Home? Chicago? Obama’s own several houses, Chicago being only one of four. Totaling $30.5 Million and exclusive of any housing paid for security for life time security paid by tax payers. Having lived in Chicago for only 3 years he still registers and claims this as his main residency for voting. Obama learned from the best how to use government to his advantage and only now are those who believed he was the second coming realizing it was never about ‘them’. As is his style, Chicago exists only to underwrite a monument to his having been there and the neighborhood was just part of collateral damages.
Considering the nearly 800 murders last year of nearly all minority persons in Chicago and the fact they just elected a far left Defund The Police Progressive puppet of the Teachers Union that kept their kids out of school for 2 years forgive me my lack of interest in how angry they are about anything
Do you think Obama cares?? He only cares about one thing….HIMSELF. It is ALWAYS all about him.
Sounds like a fitting memorial. Obama caused harm to black families. Why shouldn’t his library do the same?
Ain’t a damn one of you can name anything this communist-raised country hater did good for black families, let alone the the entire country.
Its a hard fact that the South Side is crime ridden and an almost entirely black sector of Chicago.
The only way to lower the crime rate around Obama’s All About Me center is to gentrify it and boot the Section 8 inhabitants to some other benighted area… maybe Racine.
What a nauseating temple to the Dumb-o-crats’ deified false prophet — an utterly vile, pathologically narcissistic, corrosive, thin-skinned, self-enriching, hypocritical, incompetent and destructive hustler-demagogue.