Fetterman’s Chief of Staff Won’t Tell Anyone How the Hospitalized Senator is Introducing Legislation
“Why is the chief of staff of a United States Senator blocking people on Twitter who are asking about the Senator’s constitutional ability to vote on or introduce legislation?”

Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) is at Walter Reed to treat his depression. As someone who almost had to do that to herself, I sympathize with him and wish him well.
Fetterman is still in the hospital. So how is he introducing legislation? From The Pennsylvania Capital-Star:
U.S. Sens. Bob Casey and John Fetterman of Pennsylvania joined a bipartisan group of senators on Wednesday introducing new legislation aimed at preventing future freight train derailments like the one last month in East Palestine, Ohio.
In a statement, the Pennsylvania Democrats said the bill, christened the “Railway Safety Act of 2023,”will “take key steps to improve rail safety protocols, such as enhancing safety procedures for trains carrying hazardous materials,” increasing fines for rail carriers who violate rules, and requiring railroads to operate with crews of at least two people.
How? How is Fetterman contributing to the statement?
The Ohio train derailment happened on February 3. Fetterman checked himself into the hospital on February 16.
It’s possible Fetterman and the others started drafting the bill before he checked into the hospital.
However! Asking Fetterman’s Chief of Staff Adam Jentleson how Fetterman introduces legislation is a valid question.
Jentleson blocks people asking the question.
A U.S. Senator's office pic.twitter.com/EhfmuYmIhe
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) March 2, 2023
This Jentleson seems like a righteous dude. I am adding a screenshot because he’ll probably block all non-leftists.
By the way, Jentleson. We’re the ones who wanted Fetterman to stop campaigning because of his health. It was the left and Democrats who encouraged the sick man to continue the grueling work.
Also, Jentleson’s move conjured up more questions.
Why is the chief of staff of a United States Senator blocking people on Twitter who are asking about the Senator's constitutional ability to vote on or introduce legislation? https://t.co/4AhiKLW3JC
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) March 2, 2023

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to the full extent allowed by law.
If they are constituents, it’s purely unconstitutional to block them.
Democrats are not limited by the Constitution, at least not in reality.
Subotai Bahadur
July 9, 2019
That was a government account, not Trump’s personal account. It was run for Trump by a government official as part of his official duties, and it was used to conduct official business.
No. It was his personal account.
Will you at least do some research before you engage in your usual “nuh uh!” comments?
No, it was an official government account. Why don’t you do some research first? Have you read the decision? I did. Do you have any idea what the decision was based on? Do you even know the most basic facts about the case, such as who the other defendant was, and why he was a defendant in the first place? The evidence is clear that it was a government account, and that was the entire basis for the decision.
@Milhouse “No, it was an official government account.”
As adorable as your “nuh uh!” comment, backed up by the evidence of “welL i’Ve rEAd iT s0 sHuT up!” was, you’re wrong.
“WASHINGTON — President Trump has been violating the Constitution by blocking people from following his Twitter account because they criticized or mocked him, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday. The ruling could have broader implications for how the First Amendment applies to the social-media era.
Because Mr. Trump uses Twitter to conduct government business, he cannot exclude some Americans from reading his posts — and engaging in conversations in the replies to them — because he does not like their views, a three-judge panel on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in New York, ruled unanimously.”
later in the article:
“We are disappointed with the court’s decision and are exploring possible next steps,” said Kelly Laco, a department spokeswoman. “As we argued, President Trump’s decision to block users from his personal Twitter account does not violate the First Amendment.”
It was NOT his government account, it was his personal one, @realDonaldTrump. Trump’s personal account was not run by government officials, it was HIS, used by him.
Anyway, as delightful as it is watching you try and bluster your way through getting basic facts wrong, I don’t think there’s really any point in paying any more attention to you.
Sorry, you are just plain wrong. You are stating false facts. @realDonaldTrump. was a government account, and yes, it was run by a government official, as his official job. Once again, who was the other defendant, and why was he being sued? If you don’t know that, you don’t know anything about the case. Read the f****ing decision and see for yourself. Because right now the things that you think you know are NOT TRUE. I’m only not calling them lies because you seem convinced that they are true, which only shows that you don’t know the most basic facts about the case.
It Doesn’t Count When Democrats Do It
Only if it’s a government account. If it’s Mr Jentleson’s personal account, which he handles himself and does not use to conduct government business, then he can block anyone he likes.
Flat-out wrong.
It is completely correct. You are wrong. Go read the decision and then tell me where you think it was in error.
Democrats are allowed to operate in mysterious ways.
Only because their alleged opposition doesn’t call them out.
And there’s only one reason they are allowed: the GOPe. Just ask McConnell and Romney.
I would expect if you dig enough you would find that’s illegal.
But not “illegal” illegal, so the Republicans will let him continue.
Subotai Bahadur
His aides are preparing legislation and putting his name on it.
“…Fetterman (D-PA) is at Walter Reed to treat his depression.”
Really? Prove it. Every thing about this ‘senator’ has been a lie: his qualifications for office; his mental capacity to run, let alone serve; the cause of his incapacitation; the fairness of the vote; his wife in hiding to avoid hard questions…
Every thing about this ‘senator’ has been a lie. If he turns up dead in a day or week, they will lie about that, too.
Add clinical depression to cognitive issues and just how is he competent.to submit legislation? Until discharged he should be off line. This is .. well… insane.
His own Chief of Staff admits he was admitted to the hospital suffering from major depression. That’s not a broken leg that they can treat and release, it’s a mental illness. Medication might help control it to him get through the day but is a far cry from curing it.
He’s spent almost half of his time in office hospitalized for mysterious dizzy conditions and flat out mental illness.
Two people are capable of throwing in the towel and sending him home to live in peace, his wife and Schumer. Someone needs to grow up and do the right thing here.
Fetterman was a numbskull before any particular medical condition. He makes Kamala Harris look like a genius. He even made AOC and Sheial Jackson Lee seem coherent.
Now he’s had a stroke and while recovering, his wife ran him into the ground for her own vanity (shades of Jill Biden), and now he’s lost to the real world.
As democrat “vote 51”, he’s invaluable to the left. If he’s braindead (probably is) they’ll shove a rod up his behind to prop him up, and a wire to pull his mouth open and closed while someone hides in his pants pulling the string.
Compare: Dr. Oz. Good work, you idiots of PA.
I don’t live in PA so unlike a whole lot of people legal and otherwise did not vote in that state but even so I was appalled that his closest people allowed the obviously sick man to campaign despite his illness. His wife should be in prison for what she contributed to this.
Power hungry Progressives don’t care who they ruin on their way to the top.
Spot on. It’s behind the woodshed for her….same for Mrs Not-A-Doctor Biden. Yet those types like the spotlight and perks.
I am a constituent of Fetterman, can say didn’t expect much work from him as he has the knack of getting jobs that don’t require putting in the hours required.
At least someone is putting time in for John though they weren’t elected.
“Fetterman’s Chief of Staff Won’t Tell Anyone How the Hospitalized Senator is Introducing Legislation”
Because he’s not. This is exactly why democrats love people like Fetterman and Brandon. Because they can do whatever they want without restraint or fear of consequences.
This is also why the next presidential election WILL be stolen if there is any possible way.
Just like 2020
Senators and reps come and go in DC but these staff members stay and make a career in the swamp. They’re the ones who do the actual work for their figureheads and are just as responsible for the mess we’re in as those who were “elected”.
Everyone in Washington is saying Fetterman is incapacitated to the point that he can’t take care of himself, communicate or say anything rationale. Here we are again with another Democrat zombie in office with political decisions mysteriously being made.
Meanwhile, Feinswine is in the hospital with Shingles
She hasn’t made a coherent public comment in years
Tile, skate, or metal always beats shingles.
Fetterman reminds me of the movie “Dave” but without the “Imposter” doing daily duties while the real guy is plugged into machines keeping him alive. (For the record I like the movie.)
In comments elsewhere some thought Fetterman was getting a Senate vote in but Senate voting is on line and it shows he and Feinstein have not voted this week. Will keep eye on that. He has supposedly sponsored a bill but that doesn’t require being present I would think.
Iam voting for the Biden/ Fetterman ticket in 2024!
Its a no brainer!