CT Asst. Principal Won’t Hire Catholics Because Progressives are ‘More Savvy’ in ‘Delivering a Democratic Message’
“Because if someone is raised hardcore Catholic, it’s like they’re brainwashed. You can never change their mindset.”

Project Veritas caught Jeremy Boland, an assistant principal at a Connecticut school, admitting he won’t hire Catholic teachers because they’re “brainwashed” and won’t indoctrinate children.
I’m furious. I had to blow off steam before I wrote this post because I have too much respect for Professor Jacobson.
I am tired of the Catholic hate. Yes, the indoctrination ticks me off, but the Catholic hate and smears are too much.
Boland is more interested in brainwashing children at Cos Cob Elementary School in Greenwich, CT, than educating the children. But it’s not just a Republican or Democrat hiring tactic. He has inserted religion into the conversation. He won’t hire Catholic teachers:
Boland: I’m not a huge expert on religion, but Protestants in this area [of Connecticut] are probably the most liberal. But if they’re Catholic — conservative.
Veritas Journalist: Oh, so then what do you do with the Catholics? If you find out someone is Catholic, then what?
Boland: You don’t hire them.
Veritas Journalist: So, would you ever hire a Catholic then?
Boland: No, I don’t want to…Because if someone is raised hardcore Catholic, it’s like they’re brainwashed. You can never change their mindset. So, when you ask them to consider something new, like a new opportunity, or “you have to think about this differently,” they’re stuck — just rigid.
Boland knows progressive teachers are experts at brainwashing kids:
Boland: You’re teaching them [children] how to think. That’s it. It doesn’t matter what they think about. If they think about it in a logical progressive way, that becomes their habit.
Veritas Journalist: So, you kind of like, gear them to think in a more liberal way?
Boland: Mm-hmm. Believe it or not, the open minded, more progressive teachers are actually more savvy about delivering a Democratic message without really ever having to mention politics.
Boland wants teachers to drill those leftist ideas into your child’s head so bad:
Boland: So, it’s subtle. They [teachers I hire] will never say, “Oh, this is [a] liberal or a Democratic way of doing this.” They’ll just make that the norm. And this is how we handle things, it’s subtle.
Veritas Journalist: And that’s how you get away with it?
Boland: That’s how you get away with it.
Veritas Journalist: And how do you make sure the parents don’t find out?
Boland: They can find out, so long as you never mention [the] politics of it.
It’s disturbing. But we know the public school system is garbage. We know a lot of districts have a Boland. Professor Jacobson wrote last night that it’s harder to find a school district that does not teach or use Critical Race Theory.
So let’s look at the new boogeyman in the educational argument: Catholics.
Catholics are conservative. That’s news to me. Thing is, Boland isn’t even 100% sure because he says “probably.” Maybe Boland knows the following facts, but the bias against Catholics is too strong to push aside.
Biden, our super “devout” Catholic president, received 52% of the Catholic vote in 2020. That doesn’t sound conservative to me at all.
Granted, Catholics have “soured” on Biden.
But does that mean anything? Honestly, no.
You cannot assume Catholics are conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican.
Because Catholics are split. Let me use a progressive word against them: Catholics are a fluid voting bloc.
In 2020, Connecticut Protestants and Catholics almost split between Trump and Biden.
Protestants: 41% Trump, 58% Biden
Catholics: 51% Trump, 47% Biden
Pew Research wrote about Catholics and politics in 2020 because we are such a frustrating bunch of people for politicians!
Polls in 2018 and 2019 found that 48% of Catholics described themselves as Republicans or leaned Republican. 47% described themselves as Democrats or leaned Democrat.
It has not changed much, but we see a decrease in Democratic identification. A poll in July found that 44% of likely Catholic voters would vote for the Republican candidate. 43% of them would vote Democratic. 13% are undecided.
Want us Catholics to confuse you even more? Here you go:
42% identified as Democrats. 38% identified as Republicans. 20% identified as Independents.
Catholics “have swung back and forth between Republican and Democrat” presidential candidates.
Biden: 52%
Trump: 47%
Trump: 52%
Clinton 44%
Obama: 50%
Romney: 48%
Obama: 54%
McCain: 45%
Bush: 52%
Kerry: 47%
Bush: 47%
Gore: 50%
Stop the Catholic bias. Stop the Catholic assumptions. Just leave us alone.

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Kids coming out of catholic schools generally have higher ACT & SAT schools than kids coming out of public schools.
Must be some serious brainwashing!
Catholics recognize a separation of logical domains.
BREAKING: Vice Principal placed on administrative leave.
News 12 CT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkX1s7G4zWI
Liberals at the news station were pissed enough to unfairly characterize the Veritas/Biden diary dispute. Their very first question to O’Keefe accused him of editing the video out of context.
Well, the catholic schools still use books, so the students are at a definite advantage.
That, and they didn’t shut down for the fauxdemic.
Here in our area at least a year advanced, education-wise, of their public-school peers.
Catholics and Protestants, mostly People of Black and People of Brown, who, notably, voted against political congruence (“=”), then the transgender activists targeted Mormons for reprisals.
Diversity, Inequity, and Exclusion (DIE).
Allegedly, Boland also said that he will not hire people who are over 30:
https://youtu.be/sis4cE6u5MU?t=16 .
He has inserted religion into the conversation.
He did that when he asserted his Progressive beliefs into the system. Which was actually done long before he came along, honestly.
Until public officials, such as assistant principal Boland can be held personally responsible for illegal behavior, things won’t change. Bringing suit against the school district is defended with public money. Behavior that involves malice, gross violation of policy/procedures or violation of law shouldn’t qualify for any form of qualified immunity and that person should be paying their legal costs and judgements; not the tax payers.
Subsequent followup by Veritas discloses that this man’s superiors are in no way interested in keeping him safely away from the front of the bus. They are shocked, simply shocked.
Is that actually so, or are you mixing up two different kinds of Catholics: those who are serious Catholics and those who are ethnic Catholics, the ones who don’t believe in much if anything, but the church they visit for Christmas, Easter, and Christenings, weddings, and funerals happens to be Catholic? I’m suggesting that it’s something like what one sees with Jews: the seriously Jewish ones tend to vote Republican, the ones who couldn’t complete “Shema Yisrael…” on a bet tend to vote Democrat.
Good point, Milhouse.
I suspect you are corrrect.
I call them Chreasters….Catholics who go to church twice a year. As far as the rest I really can’t say for sure. I converted to Catholicism about 30 years ago and my wife was raised Catholic. She is a Democrat and I am a Republican so I would say it is more complicated than that.
You can’t spell “Chreasters” without “cheaters!”
Given that Biden, Pelosi, the Kennedys etc., were declared “catholics,” the religion is in trouble if it needs members so badly that it will allow those that break every tenet to belong.
Kind of like those seminaries…
And I say this as a person raised as a Catholic.
More recognized labels would be “lapsed Catholic” or “cafeteria Catholic.”
Spot on. I have always been amazed by my acquaintances who are “secular Catholics” and “secular Jews” and their ability to perform mental gymnastics to accept and normalize behaviors inconsistent with their alleged dogma or survival interests…such “Catholics” often go to great lengths to excuse abortion and such Jews run headlong toward the same hardcore socialist and even totalitarian policies that lead to genocide in the ghettos and gulags…
The Constitution of the United States Article VI Paragraph 3 “but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
A public school teacher is not an “office under the United States”. I’m not sure whether that clause is incorporated into the 14th amendment.
But it definitely violates several laws, both state and federal.
True what you say but more pertinent is CT state law and a CT employee. More on point is Article First, Section 20, Conn. Constitution, “No person shall be denied the equal protection of the law nor be subjected to segregation or discrimination in the exercise or enjoyment of his civil or political rights because of religion, race, color, ancestry or national origin.”
Once again, the oath of office of a Democrat is worthless.
Assistant Principal — Clueless martinet installed into a powerless niche in education admin, who has already advanced beyond their level of incompetence, as a trained, permanently installed, adult, failing to wrangle improvising, temporary, children.
A personification of the Peter Principle, in other words.
And Biden is their king…
Those who can’t DO, teach.
Them’s that can’t teach, teach gym…
This is a fascinating interview. So much to unpack here.
First, as noted, Catholics are not necessarily politically conservative. But what they are (at least the good ones, not CINOs like Pelosi and Biden) are MORALLY conservative. Which uncovers the first interesting truth: this bureaucrat is not so much polluting his students’ politics as he is polluting their MORALS. That’s scarier.
Second is the telling quote:
There’s a cart and horse problem here: these teachers don’t think this way because they are Democrats… they are Democrats because they think this way. If you take politics out of the equation entirely, these teachers are still going to teach the students that truth can be different for different people, that knowing what is better for some other person than they themselves do gives you a license to regulate their lives, that lies are acceptable in the pursuit of a greater good, and all that liberal crap, because this is “the norm” in their own lives.
Growing up among Catholics, I heard a common phrase used to explain away the Reformation and subsequent schisms: Protestant religions were “religions of convenience.” Catholicism was rigid, hard… and if you wanted to
beheaddivorce your queen, there was no way around it other than taking your ball home and starting a new team somewhere else.This works both ways, of course. If Connecticut were as blessed with evangelical denominations of Protestants as, say, Tennessee or Alabama, his hiring preconceptions would be quite, quite different.
Bad example. Henry would have got his divorce without any problem, just as easily as he got the dispensation to marry Catherine in the first place, had her nephew not been effectively holding the Pope prisoner at the time.
Henry didn’t want the divorce just because he wanted to marry someone else. He had become convinced that the marriage was illegitimate, that the dispensation the Pope had given for it had been wrong, and that that was why (other than Mary) all the children from the marriage kept dying.
First off, I’m reporting what Catholics taught at the time, which is a statement of fact regardless of whether the lesson was correct or incorrect.
Second, you make my point for me — Catholicism was rigid mainly because it is ruled hierarchically by a potential or real tyrant, and not by “individual conscience and interpretation.” Screw with the tyrant, and things get hard indeed.
Sounds like he is doing the job he was hired by the school board to do. This attitude neither starts nor stops with him in that district.
No, the outrage among his bosses at least appears to be genuine.
Superintendent Toni Jones promises a full investigation and reiterates her objection to “discriminatory hiring practices based on race, religion, gender, or age in any way, and we want to remind our entire community that our curriculum policies and procedures are strictly enforced by our Board.”
The First Selectman (= mayor) writes that he sees no reason to doubt the video’s accuracy, calls it shameful, and calls for a full investigation of not only the perp but the damage done to job applicants past and present.
A state rep writes that “This is what we’re afraid of — some petty bigot using our schools to make our children hate members of their own community,” and follows that up with even more vitriol.
I do wish today’s Veritas email containing these reactions (and more) were available at a URL, but not that I can find.
I hope, but am skeptical.
The idea that a VP is doing this without anybody else above him knowing borders on the absurd.
Yeah, exactly. It sounds way too much like, “I’m shocked, shocked, to find out that gambling is going on in here ….”
In the News 2 video, a former school committee member is on video saying that this is not an isolated incident or a rogue administrator, and that if you’ve been around the school system there long enough, you realize that this subculture has been very active there for a long time.
Makes me glad we bit the bullet and sent our children to Catholic schools. My wife was a bit skeptical at first as an Episcopalian but she converted along the way and is now the admissions director for the largest parochial school in the diocese. Admissions are at the highest level in years–COVID was one reason, insanity in the public schools is another.
My young grandchildren go to a parochial elementary K-8 school now, one of the best investments in their future that we could make. Aside from the Spring of 2020 when everything was closed, they have had full time, regular school ever since.
“if someone is raised hardcore
Catholicleftist, it’s like they’re brainwashed. You can never change their mindset. So, when you ask them to consider something new, like a new opportunity, or “you have to think about this differently,” they’re stuck — just rigid.”Leftists still think socialism is a workable economic and political system even after 100+ years of staggering failure. If that isn’t brainwashing, then nothing is.
I’ve told the apple/onion/baby story here before. And this is the adult version, playing out.
Just after Midnight the residents of Greenwich, CT were awakened to the clopping of hooves on pavement that was punctuated by the neighing of horses and the braying of mules.
Strangely garbed men were astride many of the horses and one carried a cross. No one had expected this inquisition.
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! 😉
Senora fuzzy zapatitos…no see um eye to eye on some issues but this is indeed chilling.
I’d like to see him eliminate an Islamic person.
Just how did he know an applicant was Catholic?
It’s easier than trying to figure out somebody’s mythical gender….
How does Mr. Boland know who is or is not a Catholic?
Discrimination in hiring based on religion is illegal. Does the job application include a question on religious affiliation? Does he ask?
Does Mr. Boland allow discrimination against Catholic students?
I had a boss who was convinced Catholics worked harder than others. When HR told him he couldn’t ask about religion, he got around that by asking where the applicant went to high school–a lot of Catholics at the time went to parochial high schools, and that’s what he considered–illegally, of course.
Veritas’ follow-on mail of today exposes yet another left-wing agenda educator. It appears this is the second of four that they will be releasing compromising material on this week. Stay tuned.
Leftist who scream discrimination are the first people who discriminate based on race, religion or national origin….IMO.
I expect somewhere down the line this guy will be caught diddling children.