Critical Race Theory, Anti-Racist Math Pollutes Kentucky School District Teacher Training Materials
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Critical Race Theory, Anti-Racist Math Pollutes Kentucky School District Teacher Training Materials

Critical Race Theory, Anti-Racist Math Pollutes Kentucky School District Teacher Training Materials

Anti-racism mathematics, you guys.

Jason Anger and Daniel Buck at Chalkboard Review discovered that the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) in Kentucky used Critical Race Theory and anti-racism language in its teacher training material.

Employees of the school district went through the Racial Equity Institute in July.

Dr. Julie Chancellor, Atherton High School’s assistant principal, didn’t even shy away from her objective in her presentation “Racial Equity Work and Your Majority White Faculty.”

Right there in black and white: Critical Race Theory

Chancellor even cites the book Towards a Critical Race Theory of Education and the article “Towards a critical theory of whiteness.”

One slide includes a quote from author bell hooks (she doesn’t capitalize her name) reminding white people, even the liberals, they’re white supremacists: “When liberal whites fail to understand how they can and/or do embody white supremacist values and beliefs even though they may not embrace racism as prejudice or domination (especially domination that involves coercive control), they cannot recognize the ways their actions support and affirm the very structure of racist domination and oppression that they wish to see eradicated.”

bell hooks chose not to capitalize her name because she wanted “to place focus on her work rather than her name, on her ideas rather than her personality.”

Anyway, I thought schools didn’t teach Critical Race Theory. I thought it didn’t exist in schools.

Chancellor suggests books for people to read, including How to be an Antiracist and White Fragility: Why it’s so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.

Anger and Buck also shared the slideshow “Coaching and Teaching Anti-Racist Math at the High School Level.” (These people are so lucky I am no longer a teacher!)

Don’t forget that last year the school district held a year-long anti-racist math training program for teachers! It looks like the district still has the program.

Three white teachers presented this slideshow!

Do you know what is so funny about all of these supposed “anti-racism” suggestions? It’s what teachers should do for their students no matter the subject or the race of the child. Look at this slide:

If you are not making any of these points as a teacher, you should not be in the classroom. It has nothing to do with race, religion, sex, gender, etc. This is no better than schools treating students like numbers to receive more funding.

Whatever happened to treating students as individuals?

Why do they think only non-white students struggle with learning? That sounds pretty racist to me. (PLC = professional learning community)

Then the teachers show others how to integrate anti-racism and Critical Race Theory into mathematics. The teachers used something called the “Hope Wheel.” Of course, it comes from The Chicago Tribune.

Don’t worry! The teachers suggested weaving anti-racism ideas into pre-existing lessons and perfect news sources.


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JCPS has been a complete shit show my entire life. They still bus kids all over the county, so it’s little surprise JCPS is also explicitly racist towards white people. Multiple friends of mine have moved to surrounding counties so their kids don’t have to attend JCPS. Others pay for private schools.

Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) is a first-order forcing of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] social climate change and progressive adversity.

NorthernNewYorker | August 29, 2022 at 3:47 pm

Choosing not to capitalize your name does indeed cause people to focus on your personality. E.E. Cummings (SWIDT) tried and failed to liberate the English language. I think this woman just forgot where the Shift key was one night and decided to run with it.
Snarky am I much?

    henrybowman in reply to NorthernNewYorker. | August 29, 2022 at 5:44 pm

    “bell hooks chose not to capitalize her name because she wanted “to place focus on her work rather than her name, on her ideas rather than her personality.”

    “Don’t look at me,” she pleaded, as she dropped her bodice.

This is why it is important for concerned parents to take hold of their local school boards. Not every state has a governor who will fire school board members for incompetence, so local citizens have to step up.

At least this is only in the teacher training material, not in the student training material. Teachers are adults and mature enough to decide for themselves whether to pass this poison on to their students. Presumably some will, but some won’t. When it’s actually in the curriculum that becomes harder.

    henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | August 29, 2022 at 5:44 pm

    “Teachers are adults and mature enough to decide for themselves whether to pass this poison on to their students.”

    Until the paychecks are threatened.

    Dathurtz in reply to Milhouse. | August 29, 2022 at 8:33 pm

    Any administration willing to pay for this training is willing to fire teachers for failing to implement this. The only choice is to comply or decide how vocal to be about your firing.

This is Plan 9 from Outer Space. Maximum energy now!

Antifundamentalist | August 29, 2022 at 5:23 pm

From what I gather, “white supremecy” is any ideology that allows for a culture to remain cohesive and successful. Things like self-sufficiency, a good work-life balance, a positive work ethic, equal protection under the law, rejection of blood-guilt, etc.

“… culturally responsive instructional practices that affirm mathematics identities of all students”

Use different grading scales on math exams based on student skin melanin content?

amatuerwrangler | August 29, 2022 at 8:00 pm

Let’s cut to the chase. Is this all about math requiring correct answers? I’m pretty sure that those right answer requirements are equated to “white supremacy”.. Is it really that hard to understand that a kid’s skin color is not the reason wrong answers happen.

And, yes, its tough for a teacher to find examples, those that show a reason for needing to learn something, when the most difficult students have never been, nor have parents, with balancing a checkbook (an example I always saw from parents and teachers) or how a carpenter uses fractions, or a machinist, decimals.

The problem arises when these CRT idiots push a “back to Africa” concept and there are no viable examples. Where is the Nairobi chemical industry? or aircraft development? or aerospace industry? automobile industry? Where are the racially compliant examples?

At some point people have to wake up to the fct that the US, nation and culture, is unique on this planet. It is based on ability and demonstrated knowledge. The standard of living of all but the poorest 10% of the residents here is superior to that enjoyed by royalty in Europe 5 centuries ago. Example: electricity; running water; heat; telephone; TV… (not an exhaustive list.) This s**t doesn’t just happen.

All this CRT and its variants is nothing more than an economic death knell for minority kids as it hobbles them through the tyranny of low expectations.

When I applied to Stanford graduate school many decades ago, I had to take the GRE exam and got a perfect score in advanced math. If this advanced math test happened to be in Ebonics, I would do whatever I needed to do to still get a perfect score. I would end up as a greater expert in Ebonics than Ibram X. Kendo.

Drop in the bucket money wise. Oilfield Rando did a breakdown of the Inflationary Climate Change act or more commonly know as Inflation Reduction Act.

$79.6 billion for Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Enhancement

$3,181,500,000 for Taxpayer Services

– $45,637,400,000 for Enforcement

– $25,326,400,000 for “Operations Support” (facilities, vehicles, printing, postage, admin) and you can also guess GUNS.

Imposition of $900 per metric ton fee on methane emissions in 2024, $1200 per ton in 2025, and $1500 per ton thereafter (past a designated threshold)

Fees will be applied to designated facilities that report more than 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gases per year. Facilities include:

– Offshore and onshore natural gas production

– Onshore natural gas processing

– Onshore natural gas transmission compression

– Underground natural gas storage

– Liquefied natural gas storage

– Liquefied natural gas import and export equipment

– Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting

– Onshore natural gas transmission pipelines

We’re going to end up with generations of illiberal, weak, biased, ignorant, selfish candy asses.

Heavon help us.

E Howard Hunt | August 29, 2022 at 11:03 pm

There are many different kinds of intelligence. It just so happens that blacks have the kind nobody else wants.

    DesertBunny in reply to E Howard Hunt. | August 30, 2022 at 8:24 am

    I think Thomas Sowell, Glenn Loury or the late Walter Williams would disagree with that statement as well as millions of other successful ordinary blacks. You let the dogs out, brother.

Methinks that too many of Jeff County educators & board members spent WAY too much time Downtown Louiville tasting of the Kentucky Liquid Gold!!!

Let nobody forget this and other education issues are the most important of our time period.

Wyoming will be a swing state in a decade if we keep doing nothing about it