Buttigieg: Underpasses are Racist and That’s Why We Need to Spend Trillions on Infrastructure
I guess progressive and open-minded Buttigieg thinks blacks and Puerto Rican kids ride different buses than white kids?
It’s sad that people buy the crap coming out of Pete Buttigieg’s mouth. I wonder if he even thinks it’s true.
Apparently, underpasses are racists and black and Puerto Rican kids have different buses than white kids. That is why we need to spend trillions on infrastructure.
I mean, WHAT!?
Transportation @SecretaryPete: " If an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly Black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach, […] in New York was designed too low for it to pass by, that that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices." pic.twitter.com/0XWkDZehYM
— The Hill (@thehill) November 8, 2021
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These people are literally fucking insane.
Not “literally ”
They ARE fking insane
And evil
Butthead probably tests well, but common sense and managerial skills?
Functional idiots are running our government. In particular, Jill Biden.
That’s DOCTOR Jill Biden to YOU, SIR.
Dr. Jill is a proctologist with one patient: herself. And her head is her main exam instrument.
She is also a useful idiot and the useful part will expire.
I’m pretty sure Joe is her patient. Both of their heads are in the same place.
There are those with advanced degrees who are educated beyond their intelligence. As we can see.
Multiply the damage so far by 4. They have over 3 years left of carnage.
That is a frightening and sobering thought.
He is a psychopath – psychologically dysfunctional. However, he knows what he is saying and he knows it is absurd. Psychopaths have contempt for lesser humans (everybody else) and he is 1) doing what he is told to do; and, 2) enjoying the reaction. How does his statement make you feel? Afraid? Fear is the enemy’s primary weapon in play. The enemy knows what he is doing. We generally fail to accept that the enemy is rational. Very dangerous failure on our part.
This is psychological warfare. It is not insanity. We are the insane if we do not see this as a weapon and treat it as warfare. Buttigieg may not be smart but he is corrupt and effective. You must ask “Why is he saying what he is saying right now?” and treat it as part of a rational (albeit evil) agenda. Or, you lose the war.
How he always says the craziest parts with a smile and a gleam in his eye.
Everything is about race, everything.
When you have nothing useful to offer, you jump on the evil bandwagon of the left.
Just look at Kamala Harris.
I ask myself if this idiot actually thinks the engineers were sitting at their drafting tables thinking to themselves “There might be special, Black- and Puerto Rican-only buses on the way to the beach, so we need to make sure these overpasses are too low to allow them to pass.” Then I remember he put on fake boobs so he could pretend to breast-feed little babies when he was playing house with his boyfriend, and all my questions are answered.
This post makes me wish more than ever that LI’s comment engine supported images. I have a perfect facepalm meme for it.
We can just refer to the video of the Kenosha ada when his witness admitted he was pointing a gun at Rittenhouse right before he got his arm removed.
I won’t argue that the man is an idiot but in this case he is correct, to a degree. Robert Moses laid out the parkways (which lead to parks) with overpasses low enough to prevent buses from NYC from access the parks. Moses was well known to be racist and the low bridges was only one of his transgressions.
Whether or not they are still an impediment to minorities getting to the parks is debatable since there are plenty of ways for people to get to those very same parks, but what Secretary Paternity Leave says did happen in NY.
Well, that explains to this RVer why NY parkways/thruways have such insanely low bridges.
They’re marked only “no commercial trucks,” apparently for the amusement value that ensues when out-of-state RVers assume this is a tax thing instead of a physical height thing.
Well, they are intended to get people to and from parks so there is a good reason to keep commercial vehicles off but it’s not just out of staters that miss that, and when a trucker (it’s almost always a truck) hit’s one it disrupts the entire damn drive island. Racism from 70 years ago aside.
I was just scrolling down to see if anyone posted just that. As a former NewYorker I knew about Robert Moses and his plans. That was what I was thinking when I saw the article earlier this evening.
Even if Moses was racist is there any actual evidence that the underpasses were too low specifically to keep blacks out?
As Butthead probably sees it: people like the Obamas are too dumb too duck under low bridges.
They are especially tricky if you happen to be carrying an umbrella.
Fence headers are racist.
Poor people in general, not blacks in particular. If you couldn’t afford a car it wasn’t for you.
You ever go to one of these parks on a summer Sunday?
The NY parkways with the low overpasses were built pre-WWII. Historically, there were few Puerto Ricans and and a much lower percentage of blacks in NYC then than now. Moses may have sought to deter travel to the beaches by urban riff-raff, most of which was then white. But the progs conflate whatever history they find useful with their present-day ideology.
Jones Beach Park was opened in August 1939.
95% of NYC was White (based on 1930 census), 4.7% were Black and Hispanics were too few to count in a separate category. One estimate puts the Puerto Rican population at about 7,000 people in 1920 – about .001% of the population at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Ricans_in_New_York_City
So, how do Progressives arrive at the conclusion that Moses want to keep out Blacks and Puerto Ricans? Blacks were a very small portion of the NYC population in 1930 and Puerto Ricans were barely measurable in the census. They would not have factored into planning for any large infrastructure project. Must be the “new math” in which ever statistic is racist.
More likely, Moses was trying to avoid commercialization of the Parks that might have occurred if trucks and other commercial vehicles could have easy access. Commercialization would have greatly changed the character of the Park – which was meant to be an escape from the City and an inexpensive day-cation for the city folk.
Jones Beach State Park was opened in August 1929 – not 1939.
>.> Hence the use of the 1930 Census of NYC Population as a reference
I was unaware ‘new Yorker’ was a race?
new yaarker’s…..FIFY………..They would be a tribe of…NEVERMIND…..LOL
These bridges were built low to keep mainly trucks off the highways. The roads were not built wide enough to handle truck traffic. Most were built many years ago before so many cars were on the roads and speed limits were lower.
Look at the highways’ layouts from 50-60 years ago and no race separation. Everything is not race.
New York was over 95% white at that time. The trolley’s in New York ran for over 150 years (until 1957). The first subway opened in 1904. And as anyone has travelled on public transportation knows, you just SWITCH ROUTES at transfer points!
And the thing is, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. It’s all anecdote and the bridges were built low ON MANY OF THE PARKWAYS HE DIDN’T DESIGN with the express purpose to keep COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC (trucks) off the parkways!!!
Yet people are buying into this bullshit about ‘racism over-passes?’ Which doesn’t actually have any supporting proof and was common practice for other reasons.
Why didn’t Mayor Pete choose a POC to wet-nurse the twins instead of awarding the contract to lily-white Terry McAuliffe?
What sort of a mind does it take to even think of something like that? It reads like something out of the Babylon bee or that other party side I forget the name of.
Wasn’t there a black guy available to be Sec of Transportation?
They would have needed a black gay guy, and Ru Paul said he wasn’t taking the pay cut.
Don’t matter. According to Buttigieg its only a part time job anyway.
So Pete knows that the people who designed the underpass back when knew that in 2021 a but taking minority kids to the beach would not be able to get through…… And that they did that on purpose. Of course white kids use shorter buses so they could get through. Even though such a thing did not really happen.
How did this fool even get to be a mayor of a small sized city. But then I look at Portland, and SF, and say “why not?”
So are you a top (overpass) or a bottom (underpass)?
BIDEN: Hey, I’m going to nominate the gay kid who was an unremarkable mayor of a tiny town as Sec of Transportation and his qualifications are he has his driver’s license and he likes trains. Did I mention he was gay? No, no the OTHER kind of trains.
86 US SENATORS: Sure thing Joe, what’s the worst that could happen?
SECRETARY BUTTIGEIG: Underpasses are racist and you’ll get the stuff you ordered when you get it.
“If an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly Black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach, […] in New York was designed too low for it to pass by, that obviously reflects racism.”,
“Why would a bus be constucted so that it would carry mostly black and Puerto Rican kids?”
It’s fun.
I get the picture now! Nice.
Jeez, what a moron.
Yeah, I’m suprised he didn’t get picked for the Vice President slot.
Don’t give them ideas. They’ll see it as a challenge.
That’s maroon not moron.
Pete needs to go home and kiss his husband–or something. It would be more worthwhile than what he’s accomplishing as Transportation Secretary.
Although on the subject of underpasses, if you guys are looking for a good time watching stupid truck drivers, head over to 11foot8 dot com.
Guy has had a camera on this particular bridge for YEARS now, I visit a couple times a year to check out the new postings. He’s up to 173 crashes all catalogued in glory.
Honestly this bridge is a metaphor for idiot Democrats.
Over the years they have added giant signs, a sensor that flashes gigantic lights telling you that you’re too high and must turn, and now a giant billboard that flashes up OVERHEIGHT MUST TURN. And STILL idiots either don’t pay attention, or think they can make it work despite all the warnings.
As an aside, that 11’8″ is pretty messed up because there are two large signs on either side of the road indicating a clearance of 12’4″. If the clearance is only 11’8″, those signs saying 12’4″ are the problem – they should have the actual clearance of 11’8″ on them.
He kinda sorta has a point. It’s unknown if it is just an urban myth but some cities have overpasses buses cannot go under. Rumor says that is to prevent certain neighborhoods from bussing criminals in. Might be some truth to it. Developers and cities have pulled shenanigans before.
I thought criminals drove Lincolns.
They don’t bus criminals anymore. They fly them in secretly in the middle of the night.
Buttboi is white so that makes him a racist. He needs to be forced to quit the job and go back to Indiana and pole smoke for those quarters.
Every one of the EFF joe biden* administration that is white or even partially white is a racist and they need to quit and give their jobs to a non white.
Buttigieg’s appointment to Sec of Transportation proves that white affirmative action does exist.
Robert Moses was a significant influencer of Al Smith during his governorship of New York (1923 – 28) and of FDR during his Presidency (1933-45). His urban planning efforts in NY and specifically NYC were supported by those administrations. If Moses employed racism in his planning efforts, clearly they were approved/supported as well by the Democrats Al Smith and FDR. Under modern “logic”, shouldn’t the Left be pulling statues and changing infrastructure names that honor these two men? This association with Moses makes the by default racists. It also begs the question, is it the Democrat party that is based in racism and NOT the Republican Party?
It has always been the Democrat party that is rooted in racism. It’s become so institutional that minorities supporting the Democrats just cannot see the facts for what they are. It’s always a plot and a ploy. The Democrats treat them like victims, and it’s easier to play the victim than put in the effort to work toward the proverbial (and very real) “American dream.” The examples of the media calling Elder and Winsome (VA) “black white supremacists” is the example of the kind of logical idiocy that drives the race bait philosophy. When the majority of black individuals cannot support a few who have figured out how to be successful despite the generations of oppressive racism and discrimination, it definitely erodes their argument. Successful black leaders are vilified if they don’t support the party line, instead of being glorified as examples to emulate.
Robert Moses was a significant influencer of Al Smith during his governorship of New York (1923 – 28) and of FDR during his Presidency (1933-45). His urban planning efforts in NY and specifically NYC were supported by those administrations. If Moses employed racism in his planning efforts, clearly they were approved/supported as well by the Democrats Al Smith and FDR. Under modern “logic”, shouldn’t the Left be pulling statues and changing infrastructure names that honor these two men? This association with Moses makes them by default racists. It also begs the question, is it the Democrat party that is based in racism and NOT the Republican Party?
first of all racism is an excuse, not a justification, where I used to live, they had a bridge take out truck all the time, I doubt if the designer of the bridge was racist, the problem was the bridge was put in place when trains were important, but in the intervening time vehicles, got longer and taller, look at the issues 18 wheeler have in cities, the trailers have gotten longer, and taller
Admit it, it was better for the country with Buttyguy on maternity leave, not as funny, but better.
This is utter nonsense
If Pete were living on the down-low his career would have gone nowhere. He is our patron saint of sodomy.
It is hard to believe Joe Bide could select such uniformly stupid people for his cabinet.
Yet, somehow, he’s still managing to pick ones that are smarter than him.
What no one has yet commented on: Even if the overpasses in NYC were racist, what does that have to do with all the other overpasses in America? This is the exact thinking, that when done about people, we call racist – paint with a broad brush and use a few specific examples to tar everyone.
Buffoon, simply a buffoon. No experience, no skills, no self awareness. We are doomed.
So, this genetic perversion is back at work? I thought he/she was still at home pretending to be able to nurse?
He reminds us of racist underpasses and motherless children.
Crazy is as crazy does.
We have spent decades paying taxes to cover infrastructure. But what exactly has congress done with those funds instead? Corporate bailouts for their campaign donors, pork projects for their campaign donors, lucrative government contracts that don’t really accomplish much for their campaign donors, lots of money sent to foreign countries for reasons that aren’t really clear…… as for this new bill, how much of this new debt is owned by China? And what happens when they decide to collect?
And racism is a red herring.
Yeah, well this sure hasn’t stopped any South and Central American ILLEGAL ALIENS who managed to migrate to Freeport NY. They have no problem doing the Limbo Rock under all those underpasses to get here, if that’s what it takes. What a bunch of lying, corrupt bastards running this country into the ground.