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Pro-Romney Mini-PAC reaches out to black community in Ohio

Pro-Romney Mini-PAC reaches out to black community in Ohio

Are Mini-PACs the wave of the future?

Pivot Point Washington Super PAC is making waves by running anti-Obama ads on BET television in Cleveland and Seattle.

The Super PAC is run by Dave Shemwell:

The thing is, this Super PAC really is a mini-PAC as it hasn’t raised that much money.

The rise of Mini-PACs has taken off:

Shemwell would not say exactly how much Pivot Point had raised to date, but he said it was in “the tens of thousands” of dollars. (Pivot Point, like other super PACs, must report how much it raises, but it had raised only $600 by the most recent filing deadline, in June.)

Pivot Point is not the only miniature super PAC to pop up this election cycle….

Pivot Point, however, seems to be the only super PAC supporting President Obama or Mitt Romney at the state level; other presidential super PACs are national.

“I can’t think of another one that’s been formed at the state level in the presidential race, although it’s not really surprising, and I expect we’ll see more of this as the race goes on,” said Anthony Corrado, a professor of government at Colby College in Maine and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who is an expert on campaign finance.

“In this new era of super PACs,” Corrado added, “you’re no longer dependent on party decisions on spending.” Groups like Pivot Point can spend money wherever they see fit.

While Pivot Point started with Seattle, it’s founder tells me that it has shifted its focus to the black community in Ohio via BET cable television.  The cost is relatively low.  Here are the two ads running:

Someday everyone will have a Mini-PAC.

I was thinking of starting a Legal Insurrection Super PAC, but then that damn fake Indian came along and sucked up all my spare time.

But we did manage to create a video without outside help, pass it along if you haven’t already.  It’s over 22,000 YouTube views.


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casualobserver | October 22, 2012 at 9:37 am

Speaking of ‘that fake Indian’, has anyone seen the recent Scott Brown ad showing Warren’s hypocrisy and highlighting all of her historical support of “big business”? It’s a pretty powerful ad without being too condescending or overly critical (they didn’t give her horns or show blazing fiery eyes, for example….). Mr. Jacobson is owed a debt of gratitude and that use of ‘spare time’ was very productive!

It’s hard to believe that with Obama still commanding such a huge lead in recent polling in MA that Warren can’t get much of a leg up on Brown, but it’s true. Some polls show her up by 3 to 5, but others do not. That most recent Brown ad may be crucial.

What I find downputting is given everything at stake ,the GOP & especially its supporters have largely resisted going out into the minority communities & connecting 1 to 1. As one who has made that effort ,at least to some degree ,I can tell you most people on our side have no real idea where these people are coming from.

    NC Mountain Girl in reply to secondwind. | October 22, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    When I lived in urban areas with large black populations I always found that the black working class wasn’t happy with either the black political class or the welfare class. There was a sense no one much cared about their interests. I am talking about people who held steady, non professional jobs in the service sector -sometimes more than one job. They sought upward mobility but didn’t yet have the income to escape the terrible public schools or the crime filled neighborhoods.

Great job on the You Tube video chronicling Warren’s claim to be a minority!

Warren’s voice is worse than fingernails scraping a chalkboard. What a whiny nag!