Panicked Media Escalates Disinformation War Against Critical Race Theory Opponents
“This [CRT] issue is like something that was created out of thin air by a couple of producers at right-wing media outlets and all of a sudden, now school boards all across the country are dealing with something they did not know was an issue,” NBC News’ Chuck Todd falsely claimed Tuesday.
The opposition to teaching Critical Race Theory in public schools and college campuses is growing. As a result, its proponents – including the mainstream media – are in full-blown panic mode and respond accordingly.
As further evidence, Astead W. Herndon, a national politics reporter from the New York Times’ “woke” newsroom, took to the Twitter machine Wednesday to complain. He said it was “kinda amazing” that “[J]uneteenth is gonna be a federal holiday for reasons teachers won’t be allowed to explain to their students out of fear critical race theory backlash”:
its kinda amazing: juneteenth is gonna be a federal holiday for reasons teachers won't be allowed to explain to their students out of fear critical race theory backlash
— Astead (@AsteadWesley) June 16, 2021
why do we have this day off?????
— Astead (@AsteadWesley) June 16, 2021
This is, of course, not true, as others pointed out:
If nobody knew about slavery before critical race theory, how did Juneteenth start in the first place?
— (@jtLOL) June 17, 2021
This is the type of tweet that gets shared a lot and many will use similar logic to support their stance.
But there’s nothing banning the teachings of emancipation.
In fact, the Texas law mandates the history of slavery/white supremacy be taught.
Please don’t fall for this.
— Chris Sadeghi (@chrissadeghi) June 16, 2021
Florida law requires students to be taught about "the enslavement experience, abolition, and the contributions of African Americans to society."
But at 43,000 Likes Astead got what he wanted…
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) June 17, 2021
Stopping the teaching of Critical Race Theory does not prevent teachers from talking about slavery, Jim Crow, or Juneteenth… that's just a flat out lie from a very dishonest person
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) June 16, 2021
On Tuesday, “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd and his colleague Ben Collins smashed hard on the panic button in yet another report from the network on how conservatives had supposedly been whipped up into a manufactured outrage by right-wing “propagandists” into making life harder for school teachers by allegedly opposing the “correct” teaching of U.S. history. Here are excerpts from the transcript:
Todd: You have been at this nexus of sort of online propaganda and how online propaganda is used to create issues out of thin air and frankly, buddy, this issue is like something that was created out of thin air by a couple of producers at right-wing media outlets and all of a sudden, now school boards all across the country are dealing with something they did not know was an issue.
Collins: The good thing is, the Critical Race Theory could mean whatever you want it to mean, so if you get people really riled up in conservative media, you can win those [school board] seats back. It didn’t win back that situation in Maine, but it does win all throughout the country, and it’s having this impact where it’s being saturated nationally and having a downstream effect.
Todd: Well, Ben, I was talking to some school teachers who happen to be in Florida, and who live and work in the state of Florida, and they are a bit confused by the law. Does this mean — can they not teach American history correctly? There’s a real fear among civics teachers that they are going to the front lines, and the Tucker Carlsons of the world will character assassinate them?
As Professor Jacobson noted in his write-up Tuesday, the media used very similar tactics against the Tea Party when it rose to prominence several years ago during the Obama-Biden administration. Paint your opposition as bought and paid for ignorant, racist hicks who want to stand in the way of progress and moving forward, blah blah.
In this case, however, the media has specific villains to point to as the source for all the “disruptions” to the CRT agenda: Tucker Carlson and former President Donald Trump. The media’s allies in Big Tech did their bidding by taking Trump off of Facebook and Twitter – not totally silencing him but nevertheless making it harder for him to get the word out, and now if they could just do something about canceling that guy Carlson, then opposition to CRT will magically evaporate.
Except it won’t.
Carlson, Trump, and other prominent Republicans and conservatives have been megaphones for the message already out there about CRT. As it turns out, there is a rather significant grassroots opposition to brainwashing children into believing that their country is inherently racist, systemic racism is everywhere, all black people are victims, and that some of their classmates have much to atone for simply because they were born white.
It’s a legitimate, well-informed opposition movement composed of parents, students, and educators, and one strong enough to have seen some successes at the local level against CRT. And because of that, they must be tarred and feathered as “racists” because the media and Democrats have no actual persuasive arguments they can use to counter them.
Is Critical Race Theory being proposed for a public school or university in your area? Learn more and become more involved by visiting LIF’s Critical Race Training in Education website here.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —
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Interesting that the dems want to make June 19th a federal holiday, with the Ebonic name of Juneteenth. Lovely. It will be the first new federal holiday since … Martin Luther King Day – the only individual American worthy of a federal holiday all to himself!! No other American merits a federal holiday except for Martin Luther King … And now this Juneteenth idiocy.
I can’t wait to find out what the next federal holiday is going to be …
Where Darwin awards are handed out.
Chuck Todd Day.
Gender Celebration Day
It will celebrate the freedom of all genders of slaves. For the only slaves freed on Juneteenth were male and female.
What about slaves of all races. We can be pretty sure that slavery was invented in Africa, and then exported to the rest of humanity.
No, we cannot be at all sure where slavery started. It has always been a part of humanity. I am unaware of a civilization, on any continent that did not practice slavery. People of any race and/or color have been slaves or slave holders. Not only did Greeks and Romans practice slavery, the majority of their populations were slaves. The US and England were unique in being the first countries to argue against slavery. Slavery still exists today in the world.
George Floyd Day. Free fentanly overdoses for everyone.
Sort of like Festivus.
First, the free fentanyl overdoses for all.
Then, the children are delighted when counterfeit 20 dollar bills are passed out to them.
Then the feats of strength – participants will go to the town square and begin shooting at each other.
As the sun goes down, all will sing “Mama, I can’t breathe”
Your points are good ones, and yet Juneteenth is worth a holiday. It’s the day commemorating the freeing of the last slaves. Our great national trauma that we keep getting blamed for over and over should be capped off with a holiday. There, we did it.
But MLK isn’t worth a holiday. He was a seriously flawed individual, and others were doing related work at the same time. He was a communist.
So we should drop MLK day. That also addresses your point about holidays for individuals. If Washington doesn’t get a holiday named after him, MLK isn’t even close to meriting that.
This is incorrect. Slaves in Delaware were not freed before Juneteenth. Yet another thing libs have failed at.
We just defeated two pro-CRT candidates and elected to anti-CRT candidates to our school board. But the pro-CRT people ran away from the name “CRT”. It’s called other things.
DEI is diversity, equity and inclusion. Until a couple years ago, it was D&I, without the E. Equity is now another word for communism, and they smuggle it in Trojan-horse style, between diversity and inclusion which are not controversial.
Anti-racism sounds good but it was defined by Kendi to require racism against whites to favor blacks.
Equity and anti-racism sound so good that our school board passed a policy supporting them in the crazed rush around last fall “in the wake of George Floyd”. Now we’re stuck with a formal policy supporting communism and discrimination against the dominant group of students in the district, unless we can flip the school board enough to get that revoked. In the mean time we push the administration to interpret these words in the most reasonable possible ways and ignore their “woke” definitions.
Systemic Racism may be asserted, the evidence boiling down to blacks aren’t doing as well as whites in certain things, and the difference must not come down to inherent difference (this the assumption they’re trying to force you to rebut) and if they’re family structure, that’s just more evidence of systemic racism.
They’ve already moved on from the title “Critical Race Theory”. It’s a distractor now, while they redefine other words and rearrange their efforts under different titles.
(Selective) inclusion is very controversial and Diversity is another word for affirmative action.
Both are not benign terms.
Inclusion in our district is about disabled students, and many parents who pay the level of taxes that support our schools aren’t getting FAPE for their children because we devote insufficient resources to their inclusion. The issue in two different school districts we’ve lived in comes down to disabled vs. racially diverse students, in the fight for resources and even teacher time.
So I am more willing to accept Inclusion and fight the battle to focus it appropriately. As for Diversity, we have it regardless in the student body, due to Plyler v. Doe. Those illegal immigrant children who live in our district are entitled to public education, even though their parents would never pay property taxes and receive “refundable” money for using an ITIN and having H&R Block file a 1040 for them. This is beyond school policy, maybe even beyond legislation, SCOTUS has spoken so no use fighting on this front.
“….that was created out of thin air by a couple of producers at right-wing media outlets….”
What an abject lie. If this was created “out of thin air” by the right, then why are so many school districts and other organizations spending millions of dollars on so-called “training” for this vile ideology?
Do you trust your lying eyes of the lying PMSDNC?
If public schools are not very careful, they will find themselves left with just the dredges of society. CRT will lead to their demise. Are they going to end up like public schools in the UK?
I don’t know. How did UK schools end up? Any links? I’m interested. Thank you.
“If public schools are not very careful, they will find themselves left with just the dredges of society….”
That’s the idea! Same with police hiring.
Remember Anthony Burgess’ book (and Kurbricks’ film) “A Clockwork Orange”, when the criminals became the police officers:
The public is forced to pay for the public schools. In non-poor communities that’s mainly from local property taxes. So we’re involved regardless, the question is whether we get something worthwhile for our money.
Why is anyone surprised by this? They have been making up news from whole cloth since the first Gulf War. This is just pushing the bar further and further from reality. No one is calling them out because the lot of them are in collusion.
The media disinformation regarding the lab theory may have finally soured the public enough that attempts like these will fall on deaf ears.
It’s a story and dishonesty that everyone can relate to, and CRT is not far behind.
A boost to the growing counterculture that will cause DiAngelo, Kendi and race hustlers indigestion.
MSNBC’s chyron writer should probably stick to polishing ze’s grammar and subject-verb agreement abilities before trying to frame falsehoods with the pro talking heads up there.
Illinois father gives STRONG rebuke of critical race theory at local school board meeting
I predict a lot of mom’s are not going to like this. The are a powerful group.
I’m looking at the man on the rightvin the picture. Is he wearing those ear lobe hole things? And, why do people do that?
I think those are earbuds — a miniature, wireless version of what we oldtimers used to call “headphones”.
I believe you’re right. There is also this trend of white men sticking expansion rings in their earlobes. That is what I thought they were.
CRT proves Chuck Clodd is a racist…and likes it that way.
June 19th is more accurately the end of slavery in the Confederate states. Slavery in the United States did not end until the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment on December 6, 1865.
Oh, good. Now, we can declare Dec 6 a federal holiday as well. Another paid holiday.
Dang, I was using the apprehensive face of my opposable thumb. That’s a red mark against me.
Sort of like Festivus.
First, the free fentanyl overdoses for all.
Then, the children are delighted when counterfeit 20 dollar bills are passed out to them.
Then the feats of strength – participants will go to the town square and begin shooting at each other.
As the sun goes down, all will sing “Mama, I can’t breathe”