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LSU Hires Critical Race Scholar As President

LSU Hires Critical Race Scholar As President

Dr. William F. Tate IV, who becomes the first Black university president in the SEC, was not included in the initial list of eight semifinalists published by the special committee appointed to interview candidates for the position.

On May 6, 2021,m the Louisiana State University (LSU) Board of Supervisors selected Dr. William F. Tate IV as its new president, the first black man to lead a university in the Southeastern Conference (SEC). Many alumni have raised questions over the hiring process, after the original list of eight semi-finalists for the position did not include Tate’s name. Tate takes over as university president on July 2.

Tate has authored dozens of scholarly works in critical race theory as it relates to mathematics education. The selection of Tate comes amid several ongoing scandals at LSU regarding sexual assault, Title IX violations, and student and faculty social justice protests over the history of LSU.

He beat out two other finalists, Kelvin Droegemeier and Jim Henderson. Droegemeier served as President Trump’s science advisor. Henderson is president of the Louisiana public college system. Tate’s name was not included in the initial list of eight semifinalists published by the special committee appointed to interview candidates for the position.

Tate, the former Provost at the University of South Carolina, has academic specialties in sociology, mathematics, and epidemiology. He lists the following specialties on his LinkedIn page: “Specialties: Social determinants of mathematics, engineering, technology, and science attainment, (2) geospatial and epidemiological modeling of health and human development, (3) political economy of urban metropolitan regions, and (4) leadership in public-private learning alliances and research collaborations.” Tate has authored articles advocating for reform in mathematics education for African American students in primary education as a way to engage them in American democracy.

You can read more about about Critical Race Training at LSU at our website.

In 1994, Tate authored a paper titled, “Race, Retrenchment, and Reform of School Mathematics.” He wrote, “The prospect for a new beginning in mathematics education rests with the ability of mathematics teachers to provide pedagogy that builds and expands on the experience of African American students and focuses on preparing these students to function within our democracy.”

A 1995 paper Tate co-authored with Gloria Ladson-Billings is widely credited with putting Critical Race Theory on the map, not just as theoretical examination, but practice in education. The paper, “Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education,” states [emphasis added]:

We argue that the current multicultural paradigm functions in a manner similar to civil rights law. Instead of creating radically new paradigms that ensure justice, multicultural reforms are repeatedly “sucked back into the system” and just as traditional civil rights law is based in a tradition of human rights, the current multicultural paradigm is mired in liberal ideology that offers no radical change in the current order. Thus, critical race theory in education, like its antecedent in legal scholarship, is a radical critique of both the status quo and the purported reforms.

We make this observation of the current multicultural paradigm not to disparage the scholarly efforts and sacrifices of many of its proponents, but to underscore the difficulty (indeed impossibility) of maintaining the spirit and intent of justice for the oppressed while simultaneously permitting the hegemonic rule of the oppressor. Thus, as critical race theory scholars, we unabashedly reject a paradigm that attempts to be everything to everyone and consequently becomes nothing to anyone, allowing the status quo to prevail. Instead, we align our scholarship and activism with the philosophy of Marcus Garvey, who believed the black man was universally oppressed on racial grounds, and that any program of emancipation would have to be built around the question of race first. In his own words, Garvey speaks to us clearly and unequivocally:

In a world of wolves one should go armed, and one of the most powerful defensive weapons within reach of Negroes is the practice of race first in all parts of the world.

Tate’s co-author, Ladson-Billings, later wrote a chapter for a college textbook, The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Education. She wrote in an abstract of the chapter,

In 1998 I published an article entitled, “Just what is critical race theory and what’s it doing in a nice field like education?” (Ladson-Billings, 1998). This article was a follow-up to the article that William Tate and I (Ladson-Billings & Tate, 1995) published that first introduced Critical Race Theory to the education research community. In the 1998 article I attempted to offer both caution and encouragement to my colleagues. I cautioned those who would jump headlong into Critical Race Theory (CRT) without doing the hard work of reading the legal scholarship in which CRT is grounded. Without those foundational perspectives and knowledge education scholars are likely to sound both uniformed and ignorant. Despite that challenge I also wanted to encourage young scholars to think beyond the narrow paradigms that have historically delimited education research and scholarship. I am happy to report that more scholars have taken up the challenge to use CRT as a theoretical lens and analytic tool. That scholarship has expanded to include what we now know as LatCrit, Critical Race Feminism, and a variety of other strands. This chapter focuses on the basic theoretical assumptions that ground CRT and raises questions about its future in education research.

An article at credits Tate, Ladson-Billings, and other pioneers of CRT for informing primary education administrators on how to take race into account for disciplinary outcomes:

Education scholars Gloria Ladson-Billings, William Tate, and others have noted that critical race theory calls upon principals and teachers to examine how history, politics, culture, and economics inform our understanding of race, racism, and other forms of marginalization.

One could reasonably conclude that Tate, his colleagues, and academia in general consider him a pioneer in the theory and practice of Critical Race Theory, especially as pertains to mathematics pedagogy in primary education.

Tate is expected to enact social justice reforms on campus, especially considering the ongoing scandals in athletics and other campus protests:

LSU stakeholders should prepare to see Tate push hard on diversity, equity and inclusion with specific action steps and little patience for window-dressing moves.

The new president of Louisiana State University appears to have the academic credentials, but questions remain about the environment in which LSU selected him, and his intentions in regards to his vision for the university’s direction going forward.


Jeff Reynolds is the author of the book, “Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy,” available at Jeff hosts a podcast at You can follow him on Twitter @ChargerJeff, on Parler at @RealJeffReynolds, and on Gab at @RealJeffReynolds.


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Bless their hearts, LSU finally has some reason to exist.

    Dathurtz in reply to NotKennedy. | June 4, 2021 at 7:32 am

    They had some pretty good applied science graduate studies back when I was looking. Undergrad is atrocious, though.

    UserP in reply to NotKennedy. | June 5, 2021 at 12:31 pm

    The thing is, if you hire a Critical Race Theory Guy to run the place then it will be a Critical Race Theory Place.

He is made to sound like a hard core math guy, but his degree is math education. He seems to be primarily a sociologist. The rest is smoke and mirrors. At heart, he’s an education pedagogy guy.


Why do students tolerate these politics?

I hope some of them leave for a good trade school or apprenticeship.

He’ll want a commission to study having Mike the Tiger change his stripes.

    thetaqjr in reply to Mike Thiac. | June 4, 2021 at 8:21 am

    Mike can go from black-on-Orange to black-on-black to produce a reasonable facsimile of a massive black panther.

All the way with AA!

Every day, the value of so called “higher education” drops lower and lower. LSU provides exhibit A.

LukeHandCool | June 3, 2021 at 9:24 pm

“Critical Race Scholar” is the GOAT of oxymorons.

henrybowman | June 3, 2021 at 10:37 pm

“Race first?”
We can do that.
You won’t like it.




Since obama, there’s been a race to put morons in high offices. We didn’t think.they could top the stench of obama. But they didnit with a corrupt traitor like Biden and a dumb slut like Harris.

I hate what our nation has become. I’m not alone.

Getting the hell away from the crooks, lunatics, stoners, pedos, parasites, Jew haters, racists, and criminals (street and white collar) by secession is our only hope.

Maybe this would be a great time for Louisiana to consider taxing endowments?

    Dathurtz in reply to Danny. | June 4, 2021 at 9:24 am

    LSU has a death grip on this state. Nothing will ever happen to them from state officialdom.

I was hoping instead of critical race theory we’d have The Sexual Politics of Meat (Carol J Adams), a classic. There’s no accounting for trending though.

Brave Sir Robbin | June 4, 2021 at 7:45 am

Governors in red states need to get control of their board of regents and other like bodies to reform the American college and university system. Chancellors or presidents of public universities should probably be appointed by the governor. They expend the public largess in a large way with great impact upon the affordability and educational reputation and quality of its future professional workforce. I am not sure why they are given such unfettered independence.

Once again, the Progressives in education act in secret to advance their agenda. The fact that this guy was not one of the eight who were reviewed by the selection committee should disturb every fair-minded person.

They know that – in the light of day – their agenda would be rejected. So, as we have seen dozens of times in the last 9 months – the education administrators act in secret to put their own into positions of authority. And often those installed in such positions continue to act in secret.

Look at Rhode Island – where they blocked a parent from receiving info about their neo-racist teaching agenda. Look at school boards in California where school administrators were caught on hot-mics talking about keeping info from the parents.

This is devious and despicable.
If you cannot trust them to act openly and honestly in dealing with parents — you surely cannot trust them with your kid.

    Brave Sir Robbin in reply to Ben Kent. | June 4, 2021 at 9:02 am

    And in Virginia where teachers, union members, and administrators were compiling lists of objecting parents, collecting information on them, and plotting various means of retribution.

William Sherman must be turning in his grave about this.

In any event, The best action to take is to let “development” know that you will no longer contribute to them as one of their alums ad cc the trustees.

Tate may have been the best they get. LSU has multiple scandals on their academic/campus side. Additionally their basketball and football programs are under investigation which are likely to culminate in substantial sanctions and loss of revenue.

Couple that with revenue losses from the 2020/2021 academic year and LSU is not that attractive. Remember that Louisiana is not a wealthy State. Their d governor resorted to threatening LSU football as a way to convince voters to accept tax increases.

LSU has aspirations/illusion that they are/can become a ‘champagne academic campus’. The problem is they are on a ‘beer budget’. They consistently have delusions of academic grandeur which they always fail to meet.

    Jeff Reynolds in reply to CommoChief. | June 4, 2021 at 11:07 am

    That’s an interesting point I hadn’t considered. I wonder if he’s being set up for failure given the coming sanctions?

      SeiteiSouther in reply to Jeff Reynolds. | June 4, 2021 at 2:12 pm

      He’s term limited. Can’t wait to see his backside from the mansion.

      CommoChief in reply to Jeff Reynolds. | June 4, 2021 at 6:05 pm

      Not that I have any inside knowledge, this stuff is all from public/media. I am certainly not qualified by temperament or training to lead a University. If I were, then LSU would not be on my ‘dream job’ list. Too many spoons from politicians and financial boosters trying to stir the direction of the pot.

      I truly wouldn’t be surprised if, at the final stages where the candidates are ‘shown the books’ on what issues they will be facing and what the expectations of the hiring committee are if some of the candidates simply withdrew from consideration.

Doctor-Elect Disco Stu_ | June 4, 2021 at 9:34 am

How the-hell can ANYONE – of ANY race – expect to experience reasonably cordial and productive interactions with individuals who, at their core, believe that the “practice of race FIRST in all parts of the world” is so freakin’ critical?!?

The problem with your title is that “Critical Race Scholar” is an oxymoron.

It should read “Critical Race Bigot” or, at a minimum, “Critical Race Activist.”


Look at how the media disingenuiously distorts CRT and makes it seem that conservatives are racist for opposing “anti-racism”.

As I have said in prior posts – the Progressives purposely choose names like BLM and “anti-racism” to promote their propaganda by making opponents look out-of-touch.

If you oppose “BLM” – you mist be against Black Lives
If you oppose “CRT anti-racism” you must be racist.

In reality, terms mean something very different from what they imply. BLM is Marxism that uses black deaths to promote their agenda. CRT anti-racism is neo-racism.

I received a Master’s Degree in the Humanities in the mid-90s from LSU. That interdisciplinary humanities program in my view was a well executed educational program that I’m grateful for. And, though I had to read some post-Modernist literature in one of the courses (such as Foucault and Baudrillard), post-modernism and critical theory were not taught as “truth” like I think may be the case now at most major American universities. And we in my LSU humanities courses were allowed and even encouraged to criticize the material we were required to read both in verbal discussion in class and in our writing. Race issues were discussed in the humanities curriculum too at LSU at that time but in a mature multi-faceted and dialogical way that fully recognized the blight of racism in America’s past and even then present without the injection of Marxist rooted critical race theory and attendant hatred of the United States. I remember that the writings of political scientists Earl and Merle Black on Southern politics and society were required reading in one of my humanities classes that very well laid out the deep problems in race relations running concurrently with a yet evolving betterment of those relations in the former Confederacy. I left that LSU program with the knowledge that race relations in the US were far from solved but were indeed improving. I gained much from my coursework, thesis research and thesis defense for the Master’s of Arts in Humanities degree at LSU and it has held me in good stead through the years. Now I’m horrified with what I’m seeing going on at LSU with regards to CRT. I have a friend who is a Louisiana State legislator (State Representative), who disagrees with CRT and argues against it while in legislative sessions, My friend told me he is deeply concerned about this LSU President hire. I am too. Public intellectual James Lindsay who eloquently writes and speaks against CRT has commented that the universities we loved 20 years ago aren’t the same places now and that alumni might consider stopping the donating funds to the schools of their past who have gone all in for CRT. Alas, my grad school alma mater LSU seems to be going all in for it as is my undergraduate alma mater in Oregon. So divisive in my view, so unfortunate.