Emory University President Rejects Demand of Young Democrats to Change Name of Campus Building
“We plan to continue to hold the Emory administration accountable to help create a more equitable community.”

The students want to change the name of the building because the namesake invited Heather Mac Donald to campus over a year ago.
The College Fix reports:
Emory U. president puts kibosh on Young Democrats’ desire to rename campus arts center
The president of Emory University will not bow to pressure from the campus Young Democrats who want a campus arts center renamed.
The Emory Wheel reports President Gregory Fenves “declined to take action” on the Young Democrats of Emory’s proposal regarding the Donna and Marvin Schwartz Center for Performing Arts, stating the “generous benefactors” are “devoted” to the university.
The Young Democrats, supported by resolutions from the College Council and Student Government Association, want the center’s name changed because Mr. Schwartz sponsored an event featuring conservative commentator and author Heather Mac Donald over a year ago.
The Wheel notes Mac Donald “ignited campus-wide dissent” with claims about campus rape and minority students asserting victimhood without reason. Fenves said that while Mac Donald “angered and alienated many,” her appearance was “consistent with Emory policy and [its] commitment to the free expression of ideas.”
Young Democrats of Emory President Alex Chanen said his group would not drop the effort to rename the center, saying “We plan to continue to hold the Emory administration accountable to help create a more equitable community.”

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Memo for President Fenves: Tell the little jerks, “Deal with it or leave.”
It is far past time to tell these students to grow up. The real world doesn’t bend to their every whim.
Are you sure it doesn’t? Last year sent me quite a different message.
If they aren’t careful, Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz will no longer be generous benefactors.