Democrat Senator Wants IRS to Investigate Conservative Student Group Over Large Gathering
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Democrat Senator Wants IRS to Investigate Conservative Student Group Over Large Gathering

Democrat Senator Wants IRS to Investigate Conservative Student Group Over Large Gathering

“In light of these actions, the IRS should review whether Turning Point USA should continue to enjoy its tax-exempt nonprofit status”

Do you think a single Democrat would ever say this about Black Lives Matter? Not a chance.

The College Fix reports:

Democratic senator wants IRS to investigate conservative student group for holding large event

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat from Rhode Island, wants the IRS to investigate Turning Point USA and potentially revoke its nonprofit status because it held a large event that other people said might turn into a “superspreader” event.

Turning Point hosted a student activist summit before Christmas with thousands of attendees.

“According to press reports and social media posts, many participants gathered and mingled indoors without wearing masks, in violation of Palm Beach County’s COVID-19 regulations,” Whitehouse wrote in a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig on Tuesday.

Whitehouse is a member of the Senate Finance Committee, which has oversight of the IRS.

“In holding these ‘superspreader’ events, Turning Point USA knowingly exposed
hundreds of young people and staff working at the events to serious risk of infection,” Whitehouse said. He also referenced a fundraising event at Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Club hosted by Turning Point.

“In light of these actions, the IRS should review whether Turning Point USA should continue to enjoy its tax-exempt nonprofit status,” the Democratic senator.

An article by The College Fix noted that zero coronavirus cases had been reported three weeks after the event. Palm Beach County officials and the convention center that hosted the student activist conference still have not responded to our requests for information on if the event turned out to be a superspreader event.


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The Friendly Grizzly | January 23, 2021 at 9:48 am

Just further proof that the IRS, regardless which party is in charge, is nothing more than a weapon against any opposition. .

    I agree that it certainly has that power. Did the Trump Administration launch any tax investigations of leftist organizations, though? I don’t recall any.

      The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Anonamom. | January 23, 2021 at 3:30 pm

      It doesn’t matter whether he did or didn’t; he had that option. He was enough of the gentleman not to do so. Nixon, Clinton, and others not so much.

        Yep, he was a gentleman, he didn’t take down his enemies, and now he’s lost even though we reelected him overwhelmingly.

        No, he did not have that option. It’s illegal, and the IRS would have refused to obey any order to do it. Just like it disobeyed Nixon’s illegal orders. Nixon did not do it; he tried, but the IRS refused and reported him.

          henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | January 24, 2021 at 5:05 pm

          Just like they refused orders to leak Trump’s taxes to the NYT.
          Real profiles in courage there at the IRS. We should canonize them.

        “It doesn’t matter whether he did or didn’t; he had that option.”

        Ah. So your statement was intended broadly. With that, I agree.

Ohio Historian | January 23, 2021 at 10:16 am

What did they do that Whitehouse is so frazzled? It is not the size of the demonstration, but the damage they do. But Whitehouse hasn’t said “boo” about Kamala Harris supporting bail money for those that unpeaceably destroyed property during their BLM support.

Let’s get some real morality from the CongressCritters, not this faux outrage over peaceful assembly which is in the First Amendment.

Sheldon is such a damned pussy, surely the most effeminate “male” in that body of moral turpitude and cumulative dishonor.

As to imploring the IRS? Why would an “august” or distinguished citizen want to misuse governmental authority, just to retaliate against anyone disconsonant with his own socio-nazi whims and fantasies.

Wonder if he and NancyBoy ever share a room.

Even if this were true, can someone explain to me how being a superspreader disqualifies an organization for non-profit status?

Was this guy just born this stupid as to out the plans for weaponizing the government against opposition so vocally?

    henrybowman in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 24, 2021 at 5:10 pm

    Aren’t most ambitious Democrats, these days? “Hell yes, we’ll take your AR-15s”? “Second articles of impeachment for Donald Trump”? “Make up a blacklist of all Trump appointees/supporters/voters”? “The government has nuclear weapons that are even more amazing than cute Chinese cooch”?

Several presidents have weaponized the IRS, but no one has done it more effectively than Richard Nixon (“screw our enemies”) and Barack Obama, whose IRS went after conservative tax-exempt organizations. Senator “Fart” Whitehouse is just picking up where Obama left off.

    Milhouse in reply to OldProf2. | January 23, 2021 at 8:31 pm

    No, Nixon did not weaponize the IRS. All he asked it to do was continue to be the weapon it had been for the previous two presidents, but it refused and reported him.

      henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | January 24, 2021 at 5:12 pm

      Ah! So when you say, “It’s illegal, and the IRS would have refused to obey any order to do it,” you mean that they would refuse any REPUBLICAN, and while they could happily do it for a Democrat. If that’s how you define “illegal,” then we’re on the same page.

I wasn’t aware that violation of health regulations, if in fact that happened, was within IRS purview.

    Milhouse in reply to randian. | January 23, 2021 at 9:07 pm

    The IRS has a certain amount of discretion about what counts as a public service that deserves to have donations to it be tax deductible, but it certainly can’t discriminate on the basis of viewpoint.

    henrybowman in reply to randian. | January 24, 2021 at 5:16 pm

    Sheldon is just playing “cum ulla sella in pugno taverna.” If it had been Eric Swalwell instead, he would have called on NORAD to lob a missile at the kids. You write what you know.