Sidney Powell May Get To Try To Prove Her ‘Kraken’ Case – As a Defendant in Civil Lawsuits by Smartmatic and Dominion
Smartmatic and Dominion have demanded retractions and threatened suit, but Powell isn’t backing down, and her attorney Lin Wood dares them: “File your lawsuit.”
There have been several post-election developments in the last few days.
First, the Trump campaign has filed a Petition for A Writ of Certiorari, and related Motion for expedited consideration, with the U.S.Supreme Court. The Petition asks SCOTUS to overturn Pennsylvania Supreme Court decisions regarding election procedure. The case can’t change the outcome of the election, because even without PA, Biden still would have sufficient electoral college votes to win. It’s hard to say what SCOTUS will do because many of the procedural problems of prior suits are absent, but it’s also coming up on the January 6 congressional acceptance of the electors. I don’t know why this wasn’t brought weeks ago.
Second, the Trump campaign and some Republicans plan to contest electors from contested swing states in Congress on January 6. That appears to be the endgame. But as explained before, that has zero chance of success in the House, because state-certified electors are accepted unless a challenge is sustained, and the Democrat-controlled House is not going to uphold a challenge to Biden electors. A lot of people are arguing that being seen to keep fighting is most important, even if a congressional challenge has no chance of succeeding. I’m all in favor of fighting, including against the congressional Republicans ready to play footsie with Biden. But it’s important to fight smart. By the time of Trump’s inauguration, #TheResistance already was highly organized, stretching to the top of the FBI, with all the lawyers and protesters and rioters and ‘community’ organizing groups lined up and ready to go. They hit the ground running ready to kill the Trump presidency in the crib, so to speak. We won’t be in that position as to the Biden presidency at this pace.
Third, and the main point of this post, is that Sidney Powell may get her day in court as to her allegations against Dominion and Smartmatic. As you recall, she has advanced a theory of foreign and possible U.S. intelligence service manipulation of those voting and software systems to rig the election. She’s never offered any proof of that, and the mere possibility that it might have happened or could happen is not proof it did happen. We’ve emphasized that problem since the start.
The “Kraken” as it was called served as an unprovable distraction from other more specific claims of fraud. Now Smartmatic and Dominion are demanding retractions not only from Powell but also from conservative media who allegedly advance similar claims. Reportedly some of the networks are running segments disavowing the accusations, such as this at Newsmax.
Newsmax just aired this note to "clarify" its coverage of Smartmatic and Dominion.
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) December 21, 2020
Lin Wood, the second half of the Kraken team, is representing Powell and daring the firms to file suit:
I’ve said many times that if she had a normal litigation schedule and discovery opportunity, maybe Powell could prove her Kraken case, but that the electoral timetable didn’t allow years of litigation. Powell now may get her chance to try to prove her case, as a defendant in civil lawsuits.
Fourth, there are reports (which must be taken with the usual grains of salt) that Powell has been meeting with Trump at the White House jawboning him to declear martial law to seize voting machines. Trump denies it.
But it’s of interest that Rudy Guiliani again is distancing Trump and the legal team from Powell.
Rudy Giuliani on Newsmax just now separated himself, legal team and Trump from Sidney Powell. Despite Powell back at White House today – 3rd time in days. “She does not speak for the president”
— John Santucci (@Santucci) December 21, 2020
That’s where we seem to be less than a month from the inauguration, and just over two weeks away from the Joint Session of Congress to confirm the electoral college vote.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Smartalec and Dominatrix have already been buried and their rotting Corp. stink to high heaven.
Thanks to CKYoung for the Lin Wood link.
Lin Wood
Out country’s fabric is being torn apart. We The People must fight back for our freedom.
Bombshell Interview w. Lin Wood: Fight Back Foundation | Crossroads
Even if we “lose”, all branches of government stonewall the preponderance of evidence of a massive stolen election will hang over government for a very long time. I don’t see how the “global reset” planned for next year (end of nations and capitalism) would accomplish anything than triggering widespread violence around the world.
Maybe sending a flood of cases to the SCOTUS with a very large crowd of angry patriots carrying “Do Your Job! We Can Riot Too!” and “Pedophile Island Court At Work” signs might finally put the fear of God in them.
We absolutely cannot allow the GOP (thank you McConnell!) to surrender the US to the NWO led by China. The final battle has to start somewhere. Let it start at the steps of the Supreme Court!
If Biden takes office it is going to be a long and dangerous 4 years.
I remember when Nixon won reelection in a landslide. But he was smeared so much in the press that Americans were relieved to see him go. Biden would take office already irredeemable in the eyes of half of the country.
Look at how much damage Obama did, I don’t think we know the full scope of Obama’s treachery yet. Obama will be guiding Harris. It seems likely that they could undo all the gains Trump made in cleaning out swamp critters.
RE: “Pedophile Island Court At Work”
More and more Americans believe Roberts is a pedo -true or not.
VIDEO: Patriots Storm Oregon Capitol As Legislature Meets In Secret, Public Excluded, Police Protect Corrupt Politicians
GOP Congressman-Elect Madison Cawthorn Announces He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes
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Gateway Pundit
I doubt Dominion will actually file a lawsuit. It’s a bluff.
Why wouldn’t they file it? The things Powell has been saying about them are so ridiculous that her only possible defense is that nobody believed her so no damage was done.
Oh, and that reminds me, for those who were demanding a more recent instance of Gateway Pundit being full of shit. When rumors started circulating that Dominion’s CEO used to be Pelosi’s chief of staff, and that Richard Blum owns 60% of Dominion, I had a look at it because it seemed so bizarre. This was posted as fact on Gateway Pundit, by that lying piece of garbage Joe Hoft, complete with “evidence” that one only had to look at to see that it did not support his claims. The link Hoft himself provided showed that Pelosi’s former staffer didn’t even work for Dominion, let alone as its CEO.
And the “evidence” for Richard Blum’s holding was an SEC filing from about 15 years ago, about Blum having bought a small stake, in a completely unrelated company. The company Blum invested in, in a small way, was a publicly listed US company, which is why there was an SEC filing. Dominion is a private Canadian company, so obviously people buying its shares would not be filing anything with the SEC. All of this was right there, for anyone who cared to look, but the Hofts know their audience, so gullible that they either don’t bother looking at the “evidence” they’re shown, or so stupid that they can’t read or understand it.
And there’s never been a retraction, just as there was no retraction of Jim Hoft’s claims, which he reported with 100% confidence, about Darren Wilson’s injuries.
Dominion and Smartmatic will never sue because doing so exposes them to discovery orders. Filing suit gives Powell the keys to their filing cabinets and computer records, their email and other communications, everything.
What makes you think they have anything to hide? Powell is a certifiable nut.
What makes you think it would be advisable to initiate a lawsuit that might expose all of their proprietary software and trade secrets to forensic examination by outside computer engineers?
How would such potential exposure be in the best interests of the corporation or its shareholders?
Powell is not the only one leveling accusations of everything from systemic vulnerabilities to systems and software designed to be manipulated to produce fraudulent results. There are a number of statistically anomalous patterns in the results that suggest fraud and manipulation in Democrat strongholds where there equipment was in use.
For people who have nothing to hide, Dominion and Smartmatic have been highly reluctant to defend the integrity of their systems and software beyond bald assertions of legitimacy.
But even if they are not involved in anything nefarious it still doesn’t make sense to open themselves up to discovery conducted by Powell.
So I think they’re bluffing. These threats are political theater, nothing more.
They would have nothing to hide only if every news story about them since election day is Fake News
Simple test run on a tabulator: equal numbers of Biden and Trump ballots yield unequal results.
A test of the machinery showed it cheats
Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden.
The CEO of Dominion lied.
This machinery has Internet connections.
But even skeptics must admit that there are vote weighting algorithms documented in the Dominion manual.
Are you maintaining that the algorithms do not exist? Or, are you claiming the Democrats were too honest to utilize them? Are you maintaining that the Dominion servers were NOT hooked up to the internet? Or, are you maintaining that the election observers were NOT forced away from their viewing stations?
Says who? Where in the manual is it to be found? What page number, and what does it actually say?
The only “weighting” feature I’ve ever heard of is that the system can be set, of course, to different voting systems, depending on how the jurisdiction using it runs its elections, and of course one of the options is the good old fashioned Hare-Clark system, with a single transferable vote for multiple positions. In that system a vote can be partially used up to elect someone, and the rest of it is still active, so it’s transferred at a discounted weight. That’s how it’s supposed to work. That’s how it works when you do it manually with paper and pencil, and of course any software designed to administer such a system must implement it too. One of the first programs I wrote, more than 30 years ago, was to implement such a vote count.
Now tell me how the fact that this feature is available could possibly have helped the Dems cheat. First of all, tell me how it can be used to cheat in any election. It can’t. Second of all, none of the elections we’re discussing were using that system. No voters reported being presented with a ballot like that, which they would have had no idea what to do with. All the elections we’re discussing were first-past-the-post single position elections, where the voter is presented with several candidates and makes one choice.
So basically your claim has no merit. You’re using terms that you don’t understand.
And yes, I am denying that they were hooked up to the internet. Who told you that they were?
Oops, the italicized text after “of course” and before “supposed” should not be in italics.
That did not happen. You will not find anybody who claims to have witnessed this. Your link just shows some random person who says he heard it from another random person, who says she heard it “from a friend”. That’s your evidence?! What kind of idiot would believe it?
More bullshit. Did you bother looking at your link? All it claims is that the machines have USB ports. Well of course they do. How on earth do you jump from there to a claim that it’s connected to the internet? Or do you simply have no idea what a USB port is?
This is the quality of the case, ladies and gentlemen. People who think a USB port on a machine means it’s connected to the internet.
Dominion would be foolish to sue, hopefully they will be foolish. Sometimes discovery yields information which can be used to damage an opponent in other ways 🙂
smartmatic/dominion and affiliates are not going to survive the 2020 election. Lin Wood already smacked smartmatic across the mouth and asked them if they were going to do something or just stand there and bleed. My guess is they’ll just stand there and bleed.
Communist China is their majority owner.
Will be nice seeing their stock values grating to near zero.
Discovery would be fascinating…
Not if some Leftist judge limited what Sidney could look at
Please, sue. I’m sure Mrs. Powell would love to have discovery.
Beat ‘ya!
My main concern is that so much time has elapsed to cover up things… he who hesitates is lost… someone said that. Quick, sharp and decisive it ain’t. The courts have been so quick, so sharp and so decisive as to jerk their knees out of their sockets. Joe must be pleased.
Read up on Caroline Biden, Joe’s niece on her recent sentencing deal for DUI. Or the $100,000 scam she didn’t serve time for. It’s good to be a Biden.
Alaskabob, PDJT wrote an Election Executive Order in 2018. It reads like a manual which was reverse engineered based on the 2020 election night fraud, but written well ahead of it. Which tells me he knew exactly how they would cheat. On election night, he mentioned massive 4am mail in ballot drops before they happened. Chances he knew the dominion machines would be connected to the internet? 100%. Chances the traffic from the machines to servers (wherever they were) were captured? 100%. Again, just my opinion. I was called crazy in 2015-2016 for predicting a Trump win. Being called crazy for believing he’ll be sworn in Jan 20, 2021 doesn’t bother me at all.
True true.
Dominion Cheating Machines have been use in the U.S for the past 15 to 20 years.
Now you know how the most criminal AND despised crooks in history were stealing all those elections.
I expect it will be proven that “both” wings of the Uniparty have been rigging elections for years using these machines. So this isn’t a Dem vs Rep battle (too many people here just can’t get that concept in their heads). We are fighting what could be the final battle for the right of consent by the governed. We are already being ruled, not governed. No need for elections. Everyone okay with that?
We know for a fact from a plenitude of cases the GOP top people have been rigging primaries or they never would have existed go on to win the general.
Sounds like you are referring to the spike in votes. If that’s the case that has a well documented well known legal reason. Mail in ballots are counted last and these were overwhelmingly democratic votes. This has been documented over and over again
I remember reading that EO back in 2018 and thought the exact same scenario. I follow Trump on Twitter and remember back in August he posted a single Twitt “Joe Biden is a national security risk.” I believe that to be a Presidential designation under his EO. That could make all of this very interesting to participate in and watch.
I’ve become fairly well convinced that Hillary was as upset about her loss to Trump because cheating that was supposed to win the presidency for her was insufficient to overcome a DJT who was more popular with the voters than had been accounted for. This is why she was so sure she was the “next president of the United States.” And this is why she was so pissed off when it didn’t happen.
Remember how that night played out? I’m guessing PDJT broke the algorithm in that election as well, which the dems/swamp were completely unprepared for. The msm delayed, delayed, delayed “calling” states because they were waiting for an algorithm “fix.” Somehow that fix never came, and hillary completely imploded. She lost her sh!+ to the point she couldn’t be seen publicly and sent johnny boy podesta out instead. The dem/swamp 2020 election night strategy was born in the ashes of 2016, but PDJT’s win was so big they are going down in flames again.
Well even with not proof, this is the famous wikileaks cable:
3. (C) Mugica has told Poloffs on several occasions that
Anzola, Pinate, and he are the owners of Smartmatic, though
they have a list of about 30 investors who remain anonymous.
Jose Antonio Herrera, Anzola’s father-in-law (and first
cousin to Venezuelan Ambassador to the United States Bernardo
Alvarez), told poloff in 2004 the silent partners were mainly
upper class Venezuelans, some of whom were staunch Chavez
opponents. There were rumors, however, that Smartmatic’s
early profits came from Venezuelan defense contracts supplied
by then-Defense Minister Jose Vicente Rangel, whom Chavez
later promoted to Vice President. Perhaps coincidentally,
the Vice President’s daughter, Gisela Rangel Avalos, was the
head of the local corporate registry when Smartmatic was
registered, which contributed to allegations of the Vice
President’s involvement. These unconfirmed rumors also
suggested that one-time Chavez political mentor Luis
Miquilena was also a shareholder in the company.
And what has that got to do with Dominion? Smartmatic is not used in any of the states being challenged.
Given how that forensic audit of the machines went in Antrim County, MI, I don’t think Dominion or Smartmatic will be wanting to open themselves to discovery. If you wanted to design a machine to throw elections and provide ample means to make it hard to unravel what had happened, what would you do differently?
What “forensic audit”? You mean the one by that clown from Texas who can’t tell the difference between Michigan and Minnesota, and who reported completely wrong turnout figures? Why would they be afraid of his “audit”?
No the one by Mr DePerno in Antrim county. A judge ordered the County to provide him and his team of IT experts access to the machines used in that county. The findings were devastating. Many issues were found like the weighted race feature being used but also the machines were set to throw an error on 68.05% of ballots even if there were no errors. These errored ballots would then be sent out for manual adjudication by an election official who would then decide who the votes are for. There is no audit trail left behind to later compare ballots against. Many other issues were found as well. That prompted legislators in other states to call for audits. In AZ, the legislature subpoena’d Maricopa County for the machines to do an audit but so far they are defying the subpoena. Not exactly a marker of transparency. What are they hiding?
Bullshit. The “audit” was conducted by that clown from Texas, and it did not find any of the things you claim. It was not “set” to throw errors on some fixed percentage of ballots! It may be that the machines were too sensitive, which is good, because if there’s any doubt about a ballot you don’t want a machine to resolve it, you want it to go to human adjudicators. That’s what happens in every election, whether machines are involved or not. If a ballot is doubtful it has to be adjudicated. And that process is done in front of observers from all candidates who care to send them.
Every ballot that is adjudicated manually is one that everyone can be confident was allocated correctly, and doesn’t have to wonder about. It’s the very opposite of machine manipulation! If the machines were set to rig the election the first thing they’d be set to would be to never report errors!
To the best of my knowledge the only thing that went wrong in Antrim County was that they changed the ballot at the last minute and forgot to update the software to recognize the new ballot, so of course it screwed up. And of course it screwed up so massively that the error was immediately obvious, and was corrected.
You are so full of bullshit, millhouse.
Our own resident Denier in Chief right here.
The election was so full of fraud it’s undeniable.
Yet here you are, denying it.
You are a certifiable nut.
Two different forensic audits in two different states proved the fraud.
One hundred biden ballots and one hundred Trump ballots were ‘scanned’ through dominion as a test. You know what came out????
biden 113 – Trump 87.
Furthermore, Trump ballots were just ‘disappeared.’ Just moved to a file and deleted.
We all saw the people scanning ballots two and three times.
We know dominion prints ‘test’ ballots and that election workers used those ‘test’ ballots as actual votes for biden.
They were the ‘absentee’ ballots which had no folds, were in pristine condition, and had only biden marked.
All the evidence of massive fraud — with proof that our votes were sent out of the Country!
You are a vile POS!
How bout the clown Millhouse actually read the report. instead of making his normal negative comments about people maybe he could actually dispute the findings instead if being an ass and disparaging the person.
Follow the science (math is about as sciency as you can get):
None of this is “proof” of fraud, but it does show anomalous results that beg for an explanation. A mere handful of ballot dumps in just three or four states (all of which took place within five hours of each other in the middle of the night when observers were not present) put Biden over the top, and every single one of them is statistically anomalous by more than a single metric.
@lgbmiel won’t let me reply direct to you .. hate to say it but Millhouse is correct. Everything I’ve read this far supports his statements. The claims you make are factually incorrect. If you can provide good sources I’d happily change my mind. The ones listed below merely link to the original report which has been shredded by a number of different parties.
That’s a damned lie. I have never once denied that there was fraud. Of course there was fraud; Democrats were involved, so how could there not be fraud? But there is not even a shred of evidence that Dominion software was in any way involved or used in such fraud. The “Dominion” panic is exactly the same as the “Diebold” panic that we all made fun of in 2004. Or have you forgotten that?
Another lie
Bullshit. That never happened.
Says who?
No, we didn’t. We saw a video of scanning, and some person of dubious reliability claimed to have seen the same paper go through more than once.
We “know” this how?
That’s not surprising. Many people applied for their absentee ballots and filled them in right there and put them in the box. That’s how “early voting” was done in a lot of places.
What “proof”? There is none at all. You’re just repeating Powell’s lunacy that she made up.
The links you give are maths based articles at all. All they do is represent the voting throughout the night. The spike has been well documented. Its because mail in ballots arent counted until the end and given the demographics of voters ie democrats use mail in ballots far far more than republicans there is a spike. The science does not support voter fraud as a generalised statement
This one!
Why did the MI SoS try to stop it being released then?? Hmmm?
Why did DePerno have to sue to get the results released???
The evidence is overwhelming! No court will allow any case to be brought because it will burn everything down! They’ve been cheating for so long and they’ve been caught!
Our entire government is corrupted beyond belief and no one in government save President Trump is willing to put things right for us — The People!!!
The entire government needs to be replaced!
You are nothing more than a denier. Go bury your head in a hole.
That forensic audit was an utter joke. It was littered with basic errors which is one reason why the judge laughed it out of court.
Please supply your list of “basic errors.”
this link gives a good summary
1) Report alleges adjudication is carried out digitally – it isn’t
2) reporting of unconfirmed official results incorrect and due to malicious intent. The report stated it was a machine error. Not true it was user error.
3) false claims regarding error handling – actually exception handling
I could go on but the basic summary is that the ASOG report is actually pretty shoddy, it lacks understanding of how the machines works, doesn’t demonstrate a knowledge of the election process and systems and has spread well shit
I took a look at your ‘report’ supposedly debunking the forensic audit.
Pure BS.
There’s a reason TX wouldn’t use Dominion. You should look at why they refused to do so.
Also, why did the MI SoS try to keep the forensic audit results from going public?
What is MI trying to hide? Why would Dominion try to include in their contract that no audits could be done?
millhouse is FOS!
Dominion was created to steal elections!
On what basis do you say that report is BS? Going to have to do better than that. The rebuttal report provides clear examples of the errors made in the ASOG report.
Please here is a link to the reports, point them out.
Put up or shut up.
See link in the above post.
“File your lawsuit.”
That has a real Rooster Cogburn feel to it.
True Grit
These are the emptiest of threats by Dominion and Smartmatic.
They will never file suit and expose themselves to discovery.
I admire those willing to fight back. I’m sick of those who won’t.
“I don’t know why this wasn’t brought weeks ago.”
Yeah, there’s a lot of that going around. Every day, a new “bombshell”… yet nothing ever actually HAPPENED. I felt like the Democrats must have felt every day they had a new Russla “bombshell” in 2018, and every one of them was a total dud. Except I didn’t have the added lift of knowing the media were there to lie for me instead of against me.
That’s not a line of argument you want to go down. If you genuinely compare the Biden with Trump with the present state of evidence , Trump loses badly
We’re stuck with Sleepy Joe and the ho, there’s no way around it. President Trump is admired for his tenacity but we and the world are stuck with these incompetents.
My prayer is that they file suit.
Sidney, where do I sign up? Start a go fund me. Drag all these bastards out of the shadows; the users, the crooked vote counters, the state election boards, the poll watchers, their sales people, the Secretaries of State, the people who purchased the systems, the entire collection of fools and miscreants, the entire stinking rotten bunch. Expose them. Keep proceedings public, out in the open. No FBI “active investigation” nonsense; no secret FISA star chamber clap-trap; no Schiff-like ‘secret’ witnesses; no Pelosi-run congressional obstructions; just a knock down, drag out fight with no interference from the government or any of its agencies, bureaucrats, and sanctimonious self serving protections. Unlike the RNC, NRSC, NRCC, and all the other insider Beltway political groups, groupies, and panhandlers this will FINALLY be something worth contributing to. Pray for this law suit. Sign me up.
Why? Why are we ‘stuck’ with the criminal joe and his ho???
We have the power not the government!!!
They serve us!!!!
We cannot let foreign governments, cheaters, and criminals tell us who our president will be!!
A big goal should be to send Dominion and their likes completely out of voting.
They’re likely to go out of business anyway, and disappear to avoid being dragged into court — to shortly reappear as a different entity (with Chinese financing).
They may disappear, but, their entire crew from top to bottom will just change names and addresses and continue.
Sadly true. An endless game of whack-a-mole.
Im pretty sure that wont happen. The claims against them have virtually no evidence.
Ms Powell has done nothing to help with her outlandish claims without any solid evidence.
Given the time constraints even if there were a plot along the lines she seems to allege, it would not help in the least. Instead, it distracted from the more substantive issues.
Her claims helped the Supreme Court to hide behind the dubious standing excuse and avoid dealing with some central problems here.
Let’s call what has obviously happened in those swing states with suspicious results stochastic election fraud. There does not need to be a centralized planning committee if you can create motive (and moral justification – “Stop Orange Hitler”) and means (remove safeguards, send out absentee ballots en masse), the result will skew to your side.
Given the cowardly nature of so many of the representatives and/or their determination to accept the steal the remedy of rejecting all electors determined by constitutionally suspect elections, or elections that are not provably beyond the margin of fraud clean seems to be closed off as well.
A horrible situation and a tragically unavoidable constitutional crisis seems to be here.
No remedy will come from cowardly feckless GOP legislators.
Nope none and that’s absolutely right. Why would they? Prove your point about fraud then people will listen otherwise you are just another nut job spouting a conspiracy theory with no basis. That’s not me attacking you thats just the way people will look at you if you proceed to carry on without evidence
Come on, Mark, are you seriously denying that there was fraud on a large scale? Isn’t the fact that in several places Republican watchers were deliberately prevented from actually monitoring the count sufficient proof that the workers were doing something they didn’t want watched? Isn’t the fact that ballots were taken out of the watchers’ sight, fiddled with, and brought back to be counted, proof that they were altered to help the Democrats? Isn’t the mere opportunity presented by unsolicited mass mailing of ballots, no meaningful check on the validity of returned ballots, and the deliberate creation of an opportunity for ballots to be manufactured and returned after the election, proof that someone took advantage of that opportunity? How could they not? And isn’t election authorities’ repeated refusal to purge their rolls of ineligible voters, despite their legal obligation to do so, proof that they expect and invite fraud?
You don’t have to believe any of these paranoid theories about Dominion, and votes being taken out of the country, etc., to understand that there was a lot of fraud going on. And history tells us which party routinely engages in fraud.
The evidence provided so far has been poor to say the least. So poor in fact that we have had unanimous bipartisan court decisions in a large number of cases. When you drill down into the details of each claim it turns out to be nonsense. I’m sorry from the ‘evidence’ I’ve seen the level of fraud was pretty low.
So far those with actual knowledge of the election processes, and safeguards have all refuted the allegations.
If you can provide an authoritive source I’d happily take a look.
Mark, the “unanimous bipartisan court decisions” refuse to accept the fact that observers were prevented from observing as proof of fraud. They even refuse to accept the fact that ballots were taken out of observers’ vision, treated in some way, and then brought back, as proof of tampering. They insist that unless an observer saw the tampering it didn’t happen! But you can’t possibly mean to tell me that you don’t think that is proof?
They refuse to accept the deliberate engineering of the system to make fraud easy as proof that fraud happened. Again, how can you seriously believe that? If a bank teller is caught having deliberately left the safe and the bank’s front doors open all night, and disabled all the alarms and cameras, isn’t that proof enough that a burglary happened?
This Dominion stuff is bullshit, but fraud there definitely was. The Democrats always use fraud.
I think blaming Powell is a lack of creativity in objectivism. Remember, whatever merits her response may or may not have, it wouldn’t have happened if the feckless GOP Secretary of State would have told Zuckerberg, his money, and the DNC to pound sand and allow an audit of the machines in a timely manner.
What is “creativity in objectivism”?
Powell’s argument is a bad one. As I said, even if (and that is a big if) she were correct, and she could actually prove her claims to the requisite standard, it is all but impossible to do that in the time available. In this situation, you have to choose your battles.
She chose poorly.
It would help if what she said in public and what she has presented to the judges in the various lawsuits had any similarities.
Blaming Powell is easy, she is supposed to be a lawyer. A lawyer is supposed to present a coherent argument with facts based on the law. Instead she has spouted a load of shit without basis and no evidence. There is active discussion on some forums about whether she should have been held liable by the judges on the cases she represented because she in effect wasted everybody’s time.
No remedy will come from our post constitutional lawfare courts.
If they sure her, then there will be discovery. I wonder if they planned for that…
Honestly id suspect they are happy about this, going to court achieves two things 1) they fuck Powell because she is an idiot and has no legs to stand on and 2) gives a legal fuck you to everyone who thinks they have done something wrong.
To millhouse.
You just keep lying.
You say I’m lying, but you offer nothing in rebuttal. You just say I’m lying!!!!
You obviously don’t read the right sites to know what’s going on out there.
Ballots were tested. They scanned 100 biden ballots and 100 Trump ballots. The results were as I said biden 113 – Trump 87. This was after the election. If you read more, you might have more information.
Trump ballots were disappeared. Says who? Says the forensic audit. The one ordered by the court in AZ. One hundred random ballots were checked. There was an error rate of 3%. They found one Trump ballot just disappeared and one Trump ballot was ‘flipped’ to biden. That’s a 3% difference! One hundred random ballots! Think what they would find if they checked all of them!!!!
When they checked more ballots the error rate was higher.
Thousands and thousands of mail-in ballots had no folds and were ‘pristine!’ Stacks and stacks of these ballots were seen on the pictures!
No. Not that many people went in and requested ‘absentee’ ballots. Completely different!
No, we didn’t. We saw a video of scanning, and some person of dubious reliability claimed to have seen the same paper go through more than once.
It’s on the fucking video!!!! You can say your eyes didn’t see what they saw, but then again, you are a denying POS!
What “proof”? There is none at all. You’re just repeating Powell’s lunacy that she made up.
Powell’s lunacy? How is she a lunatic? She just got Flynn off! Showed Sullivan for the POS he is! Just like you I might add.
Showed the DoJ for the lying, piece of crap, unconstitutional organization it it! obama et al completely framed Flynn, but Powell got them to back the f off!!!! Showed them for the criminals they are!!!
You are one sick fuq, millhouse!
Not going through the whole post but re Powell and Flynn she did NOT get him off. The justice dpt attempted to drop the case and in the end he was given a pardon.
Yes Powell did get Flynn off!
When she became his attorney and looked at the case she filed all those motions for evidence that the DoJ was hiding!
She was the impetus for Flynn being free. He would be serving a sentence right now if Powell hadn’t taken Flynn’s case!
She was the one fighting for Flynn against the corrupt government!
The reason President Trump needed to grant Flynn a pardon is because our entire government is corrupt beyond repair, save President Trump!
All states and the federal government — all owned by foreign interests!
Nope, the prosecutors had a guilty plea out of him. The hidden docs as you refer to is part of the discovery process. They achieved very little. I’ll grant you that she extended the length of the case allowing him to avoid jail time.
Honestly I find it deeply ironic when people say Trump is some kind of saviour from corruption. His actions have been far from saintly. But I won’t start that particular rant ha.
Mark, the hidden docs were not produced on discovery. That’s why they’re “hidden”. We know how the prosecutors got a guilty plea out of Flynn — by corruptly threatening his family, and by hiding relevant evidence from him.
The evidence was being illegally withheld by the corrupt DoJ prosecutors!
They refused to give everything to Flynn until Powell came along.
Flynn’s first lawyers were actually in cahoots with the prosecutors! They sold Flynn down the river!
That’s how corrupt they are!!!
You are completely FOS!
Fair point regard the hidden element of evidence , just spent some more time looking at that. However from the point of view of his conviction my understanding is that the Russian link was never part of his conviction?
His “conviction” (i.e. his guilty plea obtained corruptly) was about his supposedly having lied to FBI agents who were not formally interviewing him, and weren’t supposed to be interviewing him at all. There was no legitimate investigation into him at the time, and he was led to believe that they were just having a casual conversation, in which he had no duty to give them “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”.
The link to the Russia hoax was that that was the pretext for the original investigation into Flynn, that was supposed to have been closed by then. Without the Russia hoax there would never have been an investigation, and thus no conversation with the FBI for him to have supposedly lied in.
Says who? This did not happen. The whole story comes from one person who says he heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from God alone knows whom. In other words it’s completely made up.
Ware Country, GA.
December 6.
GA Rep Jody Hice.
It happened millhouse.
Son of a bi..
Ware County
No, it did not. You are repeating a fantasy that you have never had any reason to suppose was true. Nobody has made such a claim of their own knowledge. Your entire basis is a rumor that someone heard from someone who got it from someone else, none of whom were in any position to know.