Mississippi State Student Threatened After Planning to Host a Trump Parade
“encouraging students to bring their vehicles to show support for the president”

The good news is that the event still happened and some administrators were helpful and supportive.
Campus Reform reports:
Mississippi State student threatened for hosting Trump parade
A Mississippi State University student was threatened after planning to host a Trump parade on campus.
Undergraduate student Madelyn Winstead planned a “Trump Parade” on Nov. 1, encouraging students to bring their vehicles to show support for the president.
In response, individuals on Twitter threatened to physically attack Winstead.
“I will personally beat tf out of madelyn, where she stay?” tweeted one individual.
“Count me in,” said another. “Say less, i get first round,” responded the first.
Another joined in saying, “count me in too shid.”
Winstead told Campus Reform that to her knowledge, one of the Twitter users was a former Mississippi State student, but that she does not know the other two. Winstead said that the event was a “great success” in spite of the threats.
The event attracted nearly one hundred students, according to Winstead, with more people joining the parade as it proceeded.
Winstead shared that the university’s dean and assistant dean “were so kind and gracious” after she and other organizers contacted the school.

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Damn white nationalist troublemakers.