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St. Louis Retired Police Captain David Dorn Shot and Killed During Looting at Pawn Shop

St. Louis Retired Police Captain David Dorn Shot and Killed During Looting at Pawn Shop

“He was the type of brother that would’ve given his life to save them if he had to.”

If you’re going to preach Black Lives Matter you better include every damn one of them.

A person shot to death David Dorn, a retired St. Louis police captain. Dorn responded to an alarm at a pawn shop, which was being looted during riots.

President Donald Trump remembered Dorn. Where is Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, etc?

David Dorn mattered as much as George Floyd.

The police department and his son Brian Powell remembered Dorn as a man who had a passion to help “help young people and would have forgiven those behind the violence on the city’s street.”

Dorn had five children and ten grandchildren:

Dorn had been passionate about helping young people, Powell said, and he believed his father would have forgiven those behind the violence and tried to talk to them.

“Because he was real big on trying to talk to youth. And mentoring young people as well. He tried to get them on the straight and narrow and everything,” Powell told KTVI.

“The person who pulled the trigger, my message to them would just simply be, just step back from what you’re doing. Know the real reason that you’re protesting. Let’s do it in a positive manner. We don’t have to go out and loot and do all the other things,” Powell said.

Powell’s reflections were echoed in a tweet by the Ethical Society of Police, which read, “(Dorn) was murdered by looters at a pawnshop. He was the type of brother that would’ve given his life to save them if he had to. Violence is not the answer, whether it’s a citizen or officer. RIP Captain!”


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Apparently BLM only if you take fentanyl and meth, pass a fake $20 and resist arrest…

I am sure the protests over this man’s death will start any day now.

I don’t necessarily disagree with protesting George Floyd’s death. At the very least the police officer acted poorly in that arrest, and keeping him on the ground with his knee on his neck for that length of time was excessive force. Yet, what is lost is Floyd was a drug user, a small time criminal. He wasn’t a paragon of virtue despite the media gushing their love for this man of peace (yet they can’t seem to give any examples of that).

Juxtapose George Floyd with David Dorn. One led a far more honorable life, contributed to society instead of taking away from it. Where is Sharptongue and Il Duce Pelosi and Schemer Schumer on David Dorn’s being murdered in the effort of giving protection to another fellow citizen?

This shows perfectly well how the riots, the protests, the looting was planned to launch at the first opportunity for political purposes and not because of the injustice for the treatment of a man who was being arrested while he was under the influence of powerful drugs. The terrorist organization of Antifa is well funded and well organized. These riots were planned, with cities picked out, locations scouted out, supplies like pallets of bricks and gas for making Molotov Cocktails to be placed in specific locations once the trigger was pulled. It was only waiting for the excuse to go into action.

Even these protests that sprang up all over the country feels faked. Sure, some would be spontaneous, but I just don’t see widespread rioting and protests starting over Floyd alone. It was nurtured and feed by outsiders to light the flames of revolution.

The left want a civil war/ race war to break out. With each of these organized riot campaigns it gets worse. Police are targeted because they are the ones to first combat crime, undermine law enforcement and tie their hands and the rioting and looting is given free reign.

    guyjones in reply to oldgoat36. | June 3, 2020 at 9:00 am

    Paragon of virtue, or not, no criminal suspect deserves to be treated in such a manner, by the police, once subdued and incapacitated. I don’t care what the suspect is accused of, or what his history is — that’s totally irrelevant.

    The cops’ conduct in this incident is indefensible, and, it’s wrong to attempt to trivialize or diminish that fact, by stating that the suspect in question wasn’t a choir boy. It’s irrelevant.

      PaulB in reply to guyjones. | June 3, 2020 at 9:08 am

      It’s very relevant…If he hadn’t put himself in the situation, it wouldn’t have happened. That said, the police do need to act more responsibly when subduing a suspect…

        GWB in reply to PaulB. | June 3, 2020 at 2:53 pm

        Yes, it IS irrelevant to the actual matter of this incident of police brutality. No matter what he did, it wasn’t enough to warrant being treated that way.

        If we don’t guard everyone’s civil liberties, then no one’s will be safe.

        Unless, of course, you’re like the progressives who think they will be the final arbiters of truth and justice in their utopia?

          ConradCA in reply to GWB. | June 3, 2020 at 3:13 pm

          You didn’t read the real autopsy. The knee on his neck didn’t kill Floyd. He was high on meth and fentanyl, in poor heath and resisted the police trying to put him in the patrol car. This is what killed him, not the police.

          PaulB in reply to GWB. | June 3, 2020 at 3:23 pm

          Sorry GWB…you are just flat out wrong…

      alaskabob in reply to guyjones. | June 3, 2020 at 10:00 am

      True, but the only lesson pushed is “police brutality”. Shall we list all the excuses for the failures within portions of the Black community? No we can’t because exposing the truth is forbidden. Obvious changes that would elevate the communities must be avoided. “Being like Whitey” is culturally dismissed. This isn’t limited to the Black community, but theirs is the most obvious and leads the way. Making poor and destructive life choices led to this confrontation . It doesn’t exonerate police actions but by no means absolves him of any responsibility.

      buck61 in reply to guyjones. | June 3, 2020 at 1:53 pm

      fentanyl and meth kill more people everyday that an act of racism or bad cop behavior. The outrage over that should be just as relevant as the reaction to bad cop behavior.

      ConradCA in reply to guyjones. | June 3, 2020 at 2:51 pm

      Floyd wasn’t subdued. He was still refusing to enter the patrol car and that’s why he was pinned to the ground.

      GWB in reply to guyjones. | June 3, 2020 at 2:59 pm

      His not being a choir boy is irrelevant in this case.
      There are cases where it is relevant.

        alaskabob in reply to GWB. | June 3, 2020 at 3:08 pm

        Hopped up choir boy. Trayvon… on the way home to make lean while scoping out the neighborhood, Michael Brown on the way home to smoke dope with stolen cheroots and now Floyd with his fav drugs on board buying cigs with a phony $20 and refusing to give back the cigs. Bad choices as if no consequences for their actions. I too am waiting for the full evidence.

        JusticeDelivered in reply to GWB. | June 7, 2020 at 4:48 pm

        What matters here is that Floyd was a low life criminal and he was resisting arrest. There is a very clear cause and effect here. What would our society be like if every low life could resist arrest? Floyd initiated the chain of events by resisting, and frankly, the world is marginally better with him dead.

Sadly, there are two glaring and morally indefensible omissions/exceptions to the “Black Lives Matter” claim — to wit, the millions of black babies murdered during abortion procedures, and, the thousands of innocent blacks murdered by fellow blacks, often in an unbelievably callous manner.

Two recent incidents that received zero press — a black security guard enforcing a mask-wearing order in a store, shot by the son/husband of a woman whose daughter was refused entry to the restaurant.

A grandmother in D.C., shot attempting to break up an altercation.

Zero outrage, zero media attention. Happens every day. Only the exceptionally rare incident of white-on-black violence gets attention. And, this is not to say that Floyd doesn’t deserve justice, or, that the cops don’t deserve to be harshly condemned and prosecuted. That’s obvious. But, our moral compass is askew, here. There’s a lack of perspective.

drednicolson | June 3, 2020 at 8:54 am

The leftilibral seditionists don’t mind crooks. Crooks can be bought. Principled and lawful citizens who aren’t beholden to them, like Dorn, are who they fear and loathe.

2smartforlibs | June 3, 2020 at 9:43 am

Explain to me how killing a black man ends racism.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to 2smartforlibs. | June 7, 2020 at 5:00 pm

    This is not about racism, it is about getting away with the loot. Also, blacks were rioting as cover to loot long before Antifa. Look at historical crime stats. I am not defending Antifa, I think that they should be put down along with those rioting.

The Form of Civility and the Content of Depraved Inhumanity

From the lack of any civil and decent word of recognition, sympathy, and peaceful exhortation from any of the Dem-Left politicians you mentioned, let’s stipulate that crime is relative. Its sociology, from the contents of the movement-party’s working ideological procedure manual, rests on identity and not anyone’s more generic and essential humanity. This is not about justice and law (despite what the statutes in front of the United States Supreme Court emblemize), but power.

So, the first question to ask, in order to either accept or refute our hypothesis here, is: What is the race of the shooter, does anybody know? There is no more relevant question to pose in such cases in the added construction of our theory.

I would postulate that, if the shooter is black, the story ends at the pawn shop, where the former police captain probably had to be killed for cause. The reason is ideological integrity and consistency — IOW, the working party narrative requires only promoting, no discrediting, and certainly no humanity or decency as our narrative proceeds. Stridency requires true, not weak and compromising grit. Read Mao, one of our movement’s great sources.

If, on the other hand, it can be further postulated that if the shooter is white, this story will add to the data, which steadily, compellingly, and convincingly continues to demonstrate, that black lives don’t matter to whites — who both wantonly and with impunity, unless we can help it in our cause to action — murder people of color, especially blacks on a routine basis every day.

That said, our hypothesis, that crime is relative — to racial identity — can so simply be accepted. It is clearly valid, as well as sound, and it suits our scientific purposes. For this is real, managed science, in the service of Leftist, anarchic, people-powered politics.

F**k the police!

    alaskabob in reply to GatorGuy. | June 3, 2020 at 10:11 am

    Ah, a discussion of Leninist-Marxist-Maoist scientific theory! As an applied theory, 10’s of millions wish to debate it…but are unavailable for comment. Nothing is so real as having to manage science as if it requires correction.

Dorn will honored by the MSM/DNC axis only if his family embraces the left wing terrorism presently running wild in the streets of major cities. Short of that, Dorn will remain an unperson.

The ghosts of those so many millions murdered — including the new entries on the list who once lived in Wuhan, among them being several champions of the human race who tried to warn, save the outside world from ravages of SARS-CoV-2, a CCP export — to keep the managed science working for the State (ie, the Party) appreciate your comment, alaskabob.

As do I, for it is well-emphasized, demonstrably concrete.

Sadly, tragically, and almost unforgivably, so true, Recovering Lutheran.

Husband, father, and brother, too.

healthguyfsu | June 3, 2020 at 1:03 pm

I’d argue that he mattered more than George Floyd

David Dorn was an old school cop, even though he was now retired. He endured low pay, terrible working conditions, probably public scorn from his own race in order to make the world a better place for his children and grandchildren. He did this by protecting the community in the only manner allowed to LE, enforcement of the law. So, when he saw a flagrant violation of the law, during a looting spree, he did what he had done all of his life, intervened to protect the community. For that he was killed. Probably by a person whose only contribution to society was being a leech upon it. Few people, outside those who knew and love David Dorn and his brothers and sisters in LE, will mourn him. That is because we live in a society where the leaders care nothing about anything other than their own immediate well-being. But, David Dorn was a hero. Not for what he tried to do on a night of mob looting in his home town long after he had retired, but for all of the years he spent making personal sacrifices for society. Captain David Dorn: 10-7. Hold a place at table for the rest of us, brother.

KMOV also reported that it was broadcast on Facebook Live as well.
“Police have not made any arrests nor released any surveillance video. The shooting was broadcast on Facebook Live. The video has since been removed. ”
Zuckerberg, you’ve got blood on your hands as well

Re healthguyfsu | June 3, 2020 at 1:03 pm
“I’d argue that he mattered more than George Floyd”

In a way, yes; I agree. But just as in healthcare, where all are equal because of either their naturally perfected or divine design, it’s also the case in civics because of the equal aim and purpose of law. In principle, then,

All humans are equally worthy.

This principle is part and parcel of our national creed and is concretely implied when we say, “We’re all Americans”.

On this admittedly more exalted view of what We the People means in part, Capt Dorn’s murder mattered in a different, but also in a nationally critical sense compared with that of George Floyd.

I’m saying this to support my wish for today’s memorial: have a dual service for both victims of murder, their families and communities, and for the nation, of whom many, many can only empathize.

And if a new national consciousness is set before us, to either accept or reject, let its acceptance be urged more symbolically with the notion that crime is not relative to race, not identity-dependent; and where there is a George Floyd, there is also a Capt David Dorn.

Their cause-and-effect facts are forever intertwined in time and place; that cannot be questioned seriously. Bad things lead to worse things, and these to even more terrible things. It’s all wrong from the start and, as a vicious cycle, it must end.

A policeman’s death, occurring heroically in the service of his community to protect all lives and all property must be seen as the twin occurrence of the unnecessary, brutal, and unjust murder of a plain citizen at the hands — at the knee of — a cop committing a crime.

Their twin deaths do more than coincide; they co-identify with ugly, evil, pernicious crime. Crime is crime; it is a violation of law, severe enough to threaten the public safety and well-being.

Let us therefore memorialize at the same event the importance and tragedy of both men and their tragic deaths. Maybe in this way, more and more Americans will join the memorial to remember the unselfish and civic-friendly nature of its purpose: to help repair, and help heal a nation.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to GatorGuy. | June 7, 2020 at 5:51 pm

    “All humans are equally worthy.”

    They are born equally worthy, but how they live their lives determines if they become more or less worthy.