Hard Hitting Journalism: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Mocks Brother NY Governor Cuomo, Makes Fun of His Nose
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Hard Hitting Journalism: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Mocks Brother NY Governor Cuomo, Makes Fun of His Nose

Hard Hitting Journalism: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Mocks Brother NY Governor Cuomo, Makes Fun of His Nose

Governor Cuomo is dealing with a major nursing home scandal, and yet, it’s his big nose that gets the air time.


In today’s edition of CNN is Not Actual News, we have a segment with anchor Chris Cuomo. Thursday, Cuomo interviewed his brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Of all the things he could’ve asked or discussed, Chris Cuomo went with a comedy sketch, or an attempt at one.

Governor Cuomo was recently tested for COVID-19 on live TV to encourage others to do the same. The test included a nasal swab. So, Chris Cuomo dug up giant prop cotton swabs to poke fun at his brother’s big schnoz.

Governor Cuomo is dealing with a major nursing home scandal, and yet, it’s his big nose that gets the air time.


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healthguyfsu | May 21, 2020 at 5:08 pm

Fredo the Clown

Talk about a news SHOW jumping the shark.

This is childish nonsense that has zero place in the news, mainly because they work on capitalizing it to make Cuomo seem less like a third world dictator.

It really should be embarrassing to them, but the little fan girls who watch the Idiot’s Hour gush over it, and they have to keep the few viewers they have I guess.

I see zero charm in these two underwhelming corrupt bastards.

You would think that even CNN wouldn’t want junk like this on the air if only out of respect for their viewers.

But now that the airports are pretty much shut down they probably don’t have that many viewers anyway!


texansamurai | May 22, 2020 at 3:30 pm

used to think that fredo was the genuine retard of the pair–seeing them side by side am more convinced than ever that both of them are laboring under significant retardation issues

BierceAmbrose | May 22, 2020 at 8:28 pm

All that to work with and he goes after Gov Soprano’s nose. Well, we knew Cuomo-the-Lesser was a hack.