Trump mocks Biden attack tweet: “He didn’t write that …, he doesn’t [even] understand what he’s watching”
Trump suggests Biden cognitive decline: “He didn’t write that. That was done by a Democrat operative. He doesn’t write. He’s probably not even watching right now and if is, he doesn’t understand what he’s watching.”
At this point, it’s obvious to all that Joe Biden is losing his mental acuity.
It’s sad, Joe Biden is becoming a sad figure to watch:
With each passing day, more and more videos capture Joe Biden on the campaign trail making what are more than the gaffes for which he is famous. Biden forgets or struggles to remember names, events and people as he speaks, and jumbles words.
Biden should not be laughed at for this. My overwhelming feeling for Joe is one of sadness, that he was pushed into something for which he is not prepared. And it’s only going to get worse.
This certainly will be a campaign theme, as Trump demonstrated at today’s Wuhan coronavirus daily briefing.
A reporter asked Trump about a tweet sent from Biden’s Twitter account during the briefing.
Donald Trump is not responsible for the coronavirus, but he is responsible for failing to prepare our nation to respond to it.
Trump responded:
He didn’t write anything. He has people, he has professionals from the Democrats write it….
[Tweet read by reporter out loud]
He didn’t write that. That was done by a Democrat operative. He doesn’t write. He’s probably not even watching right now and if is, he doesn’t understand what he’s watching.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
So now, Biden has two options.
Either stay hidden, and tacitly concede Trump’s claim is spot on.
Or, come out in an unscripted setting and show everyone Trump’s claim is spot on.
No wonder Bernie is refusing to concede.
Biden has no options. He can’t: he no longer has any free will.
He’s a cardboard cut-out now.
[Biden]’s a cardboard cut-out now.
That may not be strictly accurate right now, but at the rate Biden’s deteriorating, it’s only a matter of months. Trump might as well make Biden’s incapacity — and the fact that Biden’s being used as a stalking-horse — thematic from now on. The media et al. will scream, but let them rave on. Every week, and maybe every day, they’ll look more dishonest as they attack Trump for doing no more than stating the obvious.
I took care of my father for 15 years as he sank into dementia. What’s happening with Biden is typical. Elder abuse.
Bernie needs to get it through his fat head, he will not be the Democratic nominee.
“He didn’t write that. That was done by a Democrat operative. He doesn’t write. He’s probably not even watching right now and if is, he doesn’t understand what he’s watching.”
That is just brilliant!
Suppose Biden makes it to the D’s convention. If someone other than Biden comes out winning, (assuming the D’s won’t allow Bernie a victory), will this winning candidate be vetted at all? I would think a debate or two with the sitting president per normal, but the rest of the vetting process candidates endure will be long over. I have no faith that the media will do their jobs.
Moochelle my Belle don’t need no stinking vetting.
She’s too lazy.
I wouldnt describe Mr. Michelle as any workaholic…
On Big Mike’s best day he’s not as sharp as Biden on his worst day.
No vetting of the Dem candidate IS their job as Democrat Party operatives. You may be thinking about what journalists do.
Suppose Biden makes it to the D’s convention. If someone other than Biden comes out winning, (assuming the D’s won’t allow Bernie a victory), will this winning candidate be vetted at all? I would think a debate or two with the sitting president per normal, but the rest of the vetting process candidates endure will be long over. I have no faith that the media will do their jobs.
Double post again, my apologies
What vetting? Barack Obama didn’t even have to provide routine citizenship papers.
Nor did anybody else. Which is what concerned me. I had no serious doubt that 0bama was eligible, but the fact that he didn’t have to prove it meant there was nothing to stop an ineligible person from running. At the time there was talk of what they were calling the Schwartzenegger-Granholm amendment, to allow those two then-rising stars in their respective parties to run. Once 0bama was allowed to run without proving his eligibility I wondered what need there was for an amendment; what was there to prevent Schwartzenegger, Granholm, or both from simply claiming to be eligible and running?
The only reason the obamster was asked for (and which he refused to provide) proof of citizenship was because he was the only person who ever needed to.
His “need” was no greater than that of any other candidate in history. And it’s concerning that no candidate has to prove eligibility.
i’d say “let’s roll the tape”, but your fame, and prior behavior supports doubting you, so the burden on proof is yours.
feel free to come up with poasts where you substantiate today’s claim.
we’ll wait.
What the hell are you talking about?
McCain had to… Frankly, the issue with Obama is whether he functionally renounced his citizenship (birthright) claiming a foreign status to gain a scholarship for college. (Also, one doesn’t get into a madrassa for a foreigner … if I understand that.) His initial college transcripts would show that.
McCain did not have to prove his eligibility.
There is no such thing as “functionally” renouncing citizenship. Either one intentionally renounces it or one doesn’t, and there’s no basis at all for supposing that he ever did.
And 0bama never attended a madrassah. (Not that there’s reason why a US citizen couldn’t attend one if he wanted to.)
Milhouse, he most certainly did attend a madrasah, given that madrasah simply means school in Arabic. Are you saying that he didn’t go to school in the years he lived in Indonesia? If he went to school then he went to a madrasah. There are a lot of Arabic loan words in use in Indonesia as it is the largest Muslim majority country in the world and was when Obama lived there.
Actually he went to two schools; a Catholic school and a public school. He was registered as a Muslim in both because his stepfather Lolo Soetero was a Muslim. He wasn’t a pious Muslim as he liked to drink and womanize. But Lolo did occasionally go to the Mosque for Friday prayers and Barry (as he was known then) would sometimes tag along.
There are two ways to become a Muslim. One, you can voluntarily convert. That’s what Barack Obama Sr.’s father, Barack Obama’s grandfather, did. Or if your father is Muslim then the children are automatically Muslim. Given that his father, Barack Obama Sr., was born a Muslim (he later converted to Anglicanism and was an Atheist when Barack Obama Jr. was born but Sharia doesn’t care if the father is a good pious Muslim; a bad Muslim is still enough of a Muslim for this purpose) then Barack Obama was born a Muslim. I can only describe it as similar to being in a gang. Given that he was born to a Muslim father, he had a Muslim stepfather, he was registered at two schools in Indonesia as a Muslim, at the public madrasah he studied the Quran. Per any school of Islamic jurisprudence whether Sunni (Hanbali, Hanafii, Shafii, and Maliki) or Shia (Ja-afari, Ismaili and Zayadi) he is a Muslim. And now he’s a Murtadd, an apostate who must revert to Islam or be executed.
That’s how Islamic law works. It doesn’t give the child a choice. His father may himself have been a Murtadd but that doesn’t matter under any form of Sharia. The story of Miriam Ibrahim is instructive. She was born in Sudan to a Muslim father and Christian mother. But the father abandoned her family before she was born. Her mother raised her as a Christian and she had no idea who her father was.
She would travel back and forth to Sudan where she had some business interests. On one of her trips one of her father’s relatives recognized her somehow and hauled her before a Sharia court and accused her of apostasy and adultery (she had married a Christian man, and Muslim women aren’t allowed to married non-Muslim men; that’s also how Sharia works). She was stunned because having never known her father she had know idea that per Sharia she was a Muslim. And she had to “embrace” Islam and divorce her husband or she would be executed. She refused to comply and was sentenced to death. But since she was pregnant the sentence wouldn’t be carried out until her child was born. Actually she lived in prison with her son and eventually her daughter when she was born.
It was fairly big news back in 2014. Due to international pressure an appeals court overturned her conviction and allowed her to leave the country but she was rearrested at the airport as she was about to board a flight with a family by about 40 very angry members of the Sudanese security forces. It seems religious hardliners in an opposing faction were going to carry out the prescribed punishment, international pressure and court decisions be damned. Sharia is very clear on this point; she was a Murtadd, an apostate, and she had to be executed. Under more international pressure the central authorities ordered the hardliners to release her and her family and let them leave the country.
Under Islamic law Barack Obama is just as much a natural born Muslim as Miriam Ibrahim and he’s under the same sentence for apostasy. The hardliners in Sudan were correct; Sharia is clear on this point.
“Sunan Abi Dawud – V40: Prescribed Punishments (Kitab Al-Hudud) – Chapter 1: Ruling on one who apostatizes:
Abd Allah (b. Mas`ud) reported the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) as saying:
The blood of a Muslim man who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah should not be lawfully shed but only for one of three reasons: married fornicator, soul for soul, and one who deserts his religion separating himself from the community.
“Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani)
Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4352
In-book reference: Book 40, Hadith 2
English translation: Book 39, Hadith 4338”
It’s a sahih hadith, the highest grade, “authentic” or “genuine,” so every Sunni Muslim must accept it’s authority.
Arminius, they don’t speak Arabic in Indonesia. In Indonesian a school is sekolah, not madrassa. In the four years he lived in Indonesia, he attended two of them, neither one of which was Moslem. His US citizenship would not have affected that at all. And of course as a child he would have been unable to renounce it even if he’d wanted to.
At the secular public school the sum total of his Islamic education would have been the two hours a week of religious instruction.
The rest of your comment, about sharia considering him to have been born a Moslem is irrelevant. First of all, according to Islam every child is born a Moslem. Having a Moslem father didn’t change that. Second, it doesn’t matter what sharia considers him, any more than it matters what halacha considers him. Suppose his mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother had been Jewish; halacha would consider him to be Jewish too, but would anyone who doesn’t follow halacha care about that? No, they wouldn’t. It would be regarded as a curiosity, completely irrelevant to any practical concern. In any case, it’s completely irrelevant to his eligibility for the presidency, which the constitution explicitly says can’t depend at all on religion.
I take it, Milhouse, that you missed this part:
“There are a lot of Arabic loan words in use in Indonesia as it is the largest Muslim majority country in the world and was when Obama lived there.”
Moreover, every Muslim in Indonesia certainly does speak Arabic because Allah only accepts prayers in Arabic. How much of it they understand is a different question but there are Indonesians who understand a great deal.
Finally, I know that Islam claims every child is born a Muslim. Hell, sometimes the Quran claims Abraham was the first Muslim. Jesus was a Muslim prophet. Actually the Quran is really confused and contradictory about who was the first Muslim because sometimes it claims Muhammad was the first Muslim.
But to apply the Shariah penalties for apostasy one must have been born to a Muslim father, which is why I included a link to the story of Miriam Ibrahim. She never knew her father because he abandoned her family before she was born and she had no idea he was a Muslim. But as far as the Sudanese Sharia court was concerned that made her a Muslim.
“…halacha would consider him to be Jewish too, but would anyone who doesn’t follow halacha care about that? No, they wouldn’t. It would be regarded as a curiosity, completely irrelevant to any practical concern.”
Islamic law is not halacha. It certainly wasn’t merely a curiosity, completely irrelevant, and of no practical concern to the Sudanese Sharia court nor to Miriam Ibrahim as the court had just handed her a death sentence. You can’t compare the two, just as you can’t compare Sharia to Church Canon law. Canon law doesn’t have a death penalty for apostasy, but Sharia law certainly does. So I would say that death penalty takes Obama’s family tree on his father’s side out of the “curiosity,” “irrelevant,” and no “practical concern” categories. Obama would be subject to the same penalty as Miriam Ibrahim were he not an ex-president.
If your father wasn’t Muslim and if for some insane reason you want to become a Muslim you have to recite the Shahada, the profession of faith or “There is no god but allah and Muhammad is his messenger,” before an adult Muslim male.
But you have to do it in Arabic whether you were born in Iraq, Pakistan, or Indonesia; “la ilaha ill*ll*h muhammadur rasul*ll*h.” If it isn’t in Arabic, like prayer in any other language, it doesn’t count. Then and only then do the Sharia penalties for apostasy apply.
So, yes, they do speak Arabic in Indonesia. Lots of it considering there are over 227 million Muslims living there and if they are going to practice their religion they have to speak it. It would be perfectly acceptable to call a school a madrassah since madrassah merely means school in Arabic. Most Muslim Indonesians would know exactly what you are talking about.
I take it, Milhouse, that you missed this part:No, Arminius, I didn’t miss that, I directly addressed it. You must have missed it. The Indonesian word for school is not madrassah, it’s sekolah. In the four years 0bama lived in Indonesia, he attended two sekolahs, neither of which was Moslem, and no madrassahs.
It works exactly the same way. It’s of concern to those who care about it, and to nobody else.
How is that even remotely relevant? Please stay on topic. What a sharia court would say about 0bama’s status is completely, utterly, irrelevant. He doesn’t care, and neither does anybody else in the USA. It is meaningless to say he “is” a Moslem just because a sharia court would say so, just as it is meaningless to almost everybody to say that someone who’s mother’s mother’s mother was Jewish “is” a Jew. The only ones who would say so are those who believe in Jewish law, and, ironically, Nazis. To everyone else, including the person himself, he is not a Jew, and certainly for the purpose of US politics and judging his loyalty he would not be considered a Jew.
And no, they don’t speak Arabic in Indonesia. They mutter words in Arabic that they don’t understand, but that’s not speaking the language. Otherwise you’d say that all Catholics until the 1960s spoke Latin, which of course they didn’t. They knew Latin prayers by heart, and some of them might even have known what those prayers meant, but they didn’t speak the language.
The fact remains that 0bama did not attend a madrassah. If you insist that he did just because that’s what any school is called in Arabic, then guess what, you also attended a madrassah. You also attended a Bet Sefer, an escuela, a schule, a paaralan, a koulu, and a lot of other things. But it’s completely irrelevant. 0bama did not attend a Moslem school where the education consists entirely or primarily of learning to chant the Koran without understanding it. He attended first a Catholic school and then a secular public school, at which the sum total of his Moslem education was the one weekly session of Religious Instruction. That does not make him a Moslem in any meaningful sense.
I generally agree with you, but I do not believe he ran under his legal name, that his draft compliance was suspect, and his social security number is inexplicable…unless his actual SS number is under the name of his actual name.
He certainly ran under his legal name. That’s the name he’s been using his entire adult life, it’s the name everybody in his life knows him by, that makes it his legal name. It’s also the name on his birth certificate, both the short form he originally released and the long form that he refused to release for so long, but that’s not really relevant. Having a different name on that would have been mildly embarrassing, but would have made no legal difference.
The Selective Service system says: “Mr. Obama did indeed register with Selective Service and was assigned Selective Service Number 61-1125539-1 on September 4, 1980.”
There is no mystery at all about his social security number. Social Security numbers are assigned in Washington DC, not at local offices, and they’re based on ZIP codes. Honolulu ZIP codes all start with 968, while the codes beginning with 068 are in Connecticut. Obviously whoever keyed it in either misread the 9 as a 0, or just hit the 0 on the keyboard instead of the 9, and the computer automatically assigned a CT number.
So much horse hockey from Milhouse.
What a waste of space.
What part of what I wrote do you dispute?
I wonder how many clients milhouse has that would up on death row?
You should end up there, you nasty person.
Trump is the best press secretary of all time! The only person that would give him a run for his money is joe exotic.
you misspelled Joe Isuzu…
You mean Joe Biden put his name on something he didn’t write?
Where have I heard that before? Time to check his bio on Wikipedia (before it gets scrubbed):
The 1988 presidential campaign of Joe Biden, the longtime Democratic U.S. Senator from Delaware, began in June 1987. He was considered one of the potentially strongest candidates in the field. However, in September 1987, newspaper stories stated he had plagiarized a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock. Other allegations of past law school plagiarism and exaggerating his academic record soon followed. Biden withdrew from the race later that month
Conclusion after reading that – Biden hasn’t changed a bit.
Oh, the fact that he plagiarized a paper as a first year law student was more than an allegation. The revelation was printed in the Washington Post under the title “Biden Admits Plagiarizing in Law School.” I believe he had to admit to it and do some serious begging or else he would have been kicked out of Syracuse University Law School. Denying that he had plagiarized anything when anyone who could read could tell that five pages of his fifteen page paper was lifted straight out of a published law review article would have sealed his fate and he would have been sent packing.
How do you even get into law school when as an undergrad you were in the bottom half of your class and had a “C” average? That’s not even good enough to become an officer in the Navy; with a “C” average the individual has to go enlisted. We had Intelligence Specialist like that on the Carl Vinson and he was bitter and resentful. He kept calling his Congressman complaining about some sort of mistreatment, and his Congressman asked us to look into his complaints. When you get a Congressional inquiry you have, if I remember correctly, 24 hours to respond. But this Congressman was no fool. The inquiry came with a question; “Is he a malingerer?” Oh yeah, and the Congressman could tell that over the phone.
He also wasn’t very bright. We found he had stuffed the locker under his rack with classified documents. He seemed to think the classified somehow constituted “evidence” that we were mistreating hem. He was off the ship the next day, and we were so happy to see that trouble child go we promptly forgot about him and to this day I don’t know whether he was charged or what kind of discharge he got.
Later as a politician he didn’t just plagiarize Neil Kinnock. He also plagiarized sections of JFK’s speeches, RFK’s speeches, and Hubert Humphrey’s (?!?) speeches.
Now he just plagiarizes DJT’s plans for dealing with the Wuhan coronavirus, but the guy’s already so out of it when he talks about what he would do as President he doesn’t realize DJT already did it. Months ago.
I can’t really feel bad for him. Like that IS3 on the Carl Vinson I just want to see him go away.
you bigots!
he had them secured in his locker…
Copying Kinnock’s words should have been a non-issue. Politicians’ speeches are not expected to be original, any more than preachers’ sermons. It’s completely common and accepted for them to use other people’s words. The problem was that Biden copied Kinnock’s life. If Biden’s own father and grandfather had indeed worked down t’pit it would have been completely fine for him to use Kinnock’s words to express that; but they hadn’t. He claimed a history that just wasn’t his.
Biden is corrupt trash – which is why he was chosen by obama. Who else would put up with 8 years of treason, corruption and sexual deviancy other than another corrptable POS sexual deviant?
As for biden’s school fraud, think about his wife’s “Phd” she got during a time biden was a DL senator. (Did they just mail her the thing?) Given who her children have become, and who biden is, she must be a real piece of work herself.
Now, biden is a mere sock-puppet, with words being put in his mouth (to the extent he remembers them) and into “his” press releases.
We will probably find biden and cuomo as a ventiloquist/dummy act, with biden as the dummy, but with cuomo oddly in his lap.
I’d score that one a knockdown.
Oh for a haymaker…
It’s fun watching the left refuse to learn any lessons. After 5 years and successfully throwing Clinton, Inc. into the dustbin of history, did they really expect him to go easy on a soft target like Quid?
If the left wants “the politics of personal destruction” I would imagine Trump will continue to give it to them twice as hard. Just ask Schumer….
I don’t think anyone forced Biden to run. He wants to be President. I also believe that his family is giving it full support despite knowing that he is not cognitively capable of doing so, as it is the last time they have to cash in on it.
Good points,, but really sad.
Well, I don’t know . . . I’m actually looking forward to the TV ads ending, “I’m Joe Biden and I don’t understand this massage. Message. C’mon, man, whatever.”
“I’m Joe Biden and I improved this mess.”
This little exchange foreshadows the solid wood that PDJT is going to bring upside Biden’s head (metaphorically, of course…) when we are coming down the stretch.
Remember PDJT commenting on how he started in on Pocahontas too early… and how he could have saved his powder until later… Well the same thing applies here. Easy, big fella!!!
Don’t fire until you see the whites of his dementia-stunned eyes… I would say he should start bringing it hard around September.
As of today [4-4-2020] 7.7 Million Dems [31%] have voted for Bernie in the Primaries. So if Clueless Joe keels over, how are they going to ignore the millions of Bernie voters?
None of the “Drop-outs”, The Fake Indian, Spartacus, Mayor Butthead or Bloomberg will bring those Bernie voters back in line.
PDJT must LOVE these press briefings, and being president – especially at this time. If not, he would not have them EVERY DAY.
The man was born for this role, and for this time.
Who says God hasn’t blessed America? Oh, yeah: Cuomo.