Thanks to Windbag in the Tip Line for the link to this music video by the group The Voters.
Why hasn’t this video gone viral? It only has 9800 views on YouTube.
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Been up on my page since yesterday
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Lead singer must be “Bob”…’cause he’s a racist.
Sweet. 9800 views is over twice what it was yesterday. They deserve the attention.
That video is hysterical. *snork* 😀
Great video!
But they left out that the American people are to blame.
“We’ve been a little bit lazy I think over the last couple of decades.” —Barack Obama
Excellent, but didn’t the Beach Boys sing this years ago? Sounds kind of familiar!
Good Vibrations, is sandra fluke’s fav..
OK, now I have to clean the stinkin’ keyboard.
Thanks bundles.
Virtual friends here, from Oz, the UK and South Africa, have me cleanin’ this damn thing, all the time. Welcome to the club. 🙂
“At some point, you’ve had enough views”. ~snort
Loved it. Shared it.
Great video. Great song!
Their other songs are okay too but this one’s definitely a cut above the rest. Too bad they won’t be at the RNC.
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You Tube is slow to update it’s views. They will be much larger soon. That begs another question. Why don’t great videos like this go viral?
The answer is other than bloggers there isn’t much support for great videos among mainstream conservative bigwigs. They only read and talk to each other.
This group should sing this song on primetime tv at the RNC convention. What’s the chance of that happening ?
I’d love to see this at the RNC, but it was released after the Isaac panic took hold, the attention was redirected, and the schedule shuffled. But, I am encouraged to see it posted at Ace’s site, and I expect many more to follow.
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and done
Great message at the end:
In the 4 minutes to watch, the debt went up 3 million dollars.
Get informed and vote for candidates who will reduce the debt (paraphr.).
That is the heart and soul of the TEA Party message.
And you wonder why it hasn’t gone viral…… 😉
Reminds me of some 90s era rock, has some great chords.
[…] Blame it on Bush, the music video […]
I’ll never forget obama blaming ATMs at one point for job losses.
Great video, on my Twitter and FB now.