Michael Bloomberg Plays to the Left, Saying He Would Close U.S. Coal Plants
“We’ve proven that you can transition to clean energy and strengthen the economy at the same time”

Former NYC mayor and 2020 Democrat candidate Michael Bloomberg is jumping on the ‘Green New Deal’ train in a blatant attempt to endear himself to the climate change obsessed left.
During a campaign stop in Virginia over the weekend, he promised to close U.S. coal plants.
Carl Campanile reports at the New York Post:
Bloomberg would shut down coal plants if elected president
Mike Bloomberg would shut down the nation’s remaining 251 polluting coal power plants and halt construction of 150 new gas facilities as part of a sweeping program to slash carbon emissions and boost clean energy alternatives if elected president.
Bloomberg’s plan — unveiled Friday during a campaign stop in northern Virginia — aims to cut US carbon emissions in half over 10 years and put the country on course to get 80 percent of its electricity generated from green energy sources, like wind and solar, by 2028.
The proposal would end taxpayer subsidies for fossil fuels and offer incentives for clean energy. Additionally, it would impose more stringent carbon and pollution standards for new gas plants, effectively barring new construction.
Somehow, I doubt this is going to earn Bloomberg an endorsement from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Josh Siegel of the Washington Examiner has more:
Michael Bloomberg wants to shut down coal by 2030 and start killing gas plants
Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg wants to close all of the nation’s coal plants by 2030 and have 80% of America’s electricity be carbon-free even sooner.
Bloomberg released a “100% clean power plan” Friday to replace the nation’s remaining 251 coal plants with clean electricity and stop the construction of new gas plants to achieve 80% clean electricity by 2028.
The electricity target is the first component of Bloomberg’s pledge to fully decarbonize the economy by 2050 at the latest — a goal matched by nearly the entire Democratic primary field.
Bloomberg, a late entrant to the presidential race, wants to get halfway to that goal by 2030, cutting greenhouse gas emissions 50% by then.
“We’ve proven that you can transition to clean energy and strengthen the economy at the same time,” said Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor and climate change philanthropist. “As president, I’ll accelerate our transition to a 100% clean energy economy.”
Does everyone remember what happened when a 2016 candidate vowed to put coal miners out of business? Bloomberg should ask Hillary how that worked out for her.
The worst part is how she smiles about it. pic.twitter.com/CruAKhBHLz
— Jimmy (@JimmyPrinceton) March 14, 2016
Progressives may not like coal, but it turns out energy independence and jobs are very popular with voters.

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Hear Disney is remaking one of their sixties movies upon the inspiration of Bloomers.
Bloomers is running expensive TV ads in the most RED of GOP states. This all makes me think Bloomers is IQ challenged. With evidence of Bloomers great stupidity we have to ask how such an incompetent man make his money.
Oh Yeah!
Bloomers LIES!
The redness of a state makes no difference in the Dem primary.
Nanny Bloomer’s arrogance is impenetrable. Not a chance of reasoning with this blockhead. Maybe we could put him out of his misery once he gets finished shooting himself in the feet.
On a side note, why does Hilary’s “new” look appear to make her look like Bloomers sister?
Hillary Clinton emerges with a new look that raises questions
I find my self wondering… Did Blooming idiot make any of his billions trading in petroleum stocks? That seems to be a recurring thing amongst Democrat billionaires (Think Tom Steyer…) running for President.
There’s an awful lot of Petroleum in Kiev!
(Now singing “The Coffee Song” subbing Petroleum and Kiev for the words of coffee and Brazil.)
Nope, nope, nope, nope…ahhhhhh NOPE!!
Fact: If there is energy in the ground, somebody is going to dig it up and use it.
If it’s in OUR ground, it had better be us!
This is the Obama/Hillary/democRAT theory to bankrupt the coal industry, then turn around and sell it to the Chinese for pennies on the dollar!
Put this theory on the Nope train to Fuckthatville, zip code 14 0h Hell No!
SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn’t take him long to resort to pure lies. With solar panels fully degraded by 10 years and windmills falling apart in 7, his statement is absurd. Worse yet, the waste produced when the systems fail is well beyond the communities abilities to absorb. The amount of fiberglass (made from petroleum) is just too much for local landfills.
But that extreme waste makes DEMS uber-RICH!
From personal observation the original wind mills in CA didn’t even last 7 years……
Stupid idea.
The US led the way in building clean coal plants. Carbon dioxide was not deemed a pollutant until after the US met all of its other pollution goals, and the EPA started to look for new worlds to conquer.
In case nobody has noticed, we need the carbon dioxide now. We are near a solar minimum, and baby, it’s cold, outside. If you believe that human activity affects climate through carbon dioxide content, we need the carbon dioxide.
Not only is it a dumb idea, it is a dumber idea too. Not only is he talking about closing coal plants, he’s talking about shutting down development of new natural gas plants. The US has led the world in CO2 emission reduction and that has largely happened through the boom in domestic natural gas production and power generation.
Like a typical prog, he starts his argument on a foundation of lies.
“We’ve proven that you can transition to clean energy and strengthen the economy at the same time”
Really Mikey? Where?
Agree completely. Not satisfied with killing the coal industry the moonbats quickly turned their wrath toward natural gas at a time when our country has achieved energy independence based on our technological innovation that has allowed us to tap into massive natural gas reserves.
Natural gas is abundant, historically cheap and clean burning so let’s ban it in favor of what? Wind? Solar? Check out what happened to energy prices in TX this summer when the wind stopped blowing during a heatwave (remarkably, the wind often stops blowing during heat waves). Spot prices rose from $19 MWhr to $9,000!!!
The über wealthy, über liberal city of Brookline, MA just banned any new natural gas hookups for any new construction in the city. A truly insane move but one that provides the ultimate in virtual signaling to those obsessed with being climate righteous (in their own minds anyway).
Meanwhile here in Brooklyn, the gas company put a moratorium on new hookups, because they don’t have enough product and the governor won’t let them bring in any more; but the governor threw a fit and demands that they hook up all new applicants, but to the same inadequate supply.
Honolulu is idiotically trying to do the same for new homes. Ignoring the fact that there is no better way to cook stove top than gas. I understand the pressure of Cuomo is also related to cooking gas and not so much hot water or house heating.
Solar minimum just declared. The quietest since the space age, and coincides perfectly with the 11 year sunspot cycle. So yes. In spite of constant exaggeration of current temperatures and lies about temperatures in past years, it is indeed cold.
Okay, I thought he was the foil to the other candidate’s crazy talk. Why did this dude become a candidate again?
With low gas prices, DOOMBURG can say any stupid thing he wants. Many coal plants have been converted or replaced. he might as well say He will make the sun come up in the east if he’s elected.
Yet another idiot promising the moon in new energy without even mentioning nuclear. Not that it isn’t already obvious but that’s all you need to know that he is totally unserious.
Down here on the Llano Estacado we have been blessed (sar) with a ton of those ugly windmills ruining the vistas. None of those progressive weirdos seem to mention that the vanes on those punchbowl inhabitants only last about 10 years and then they collect in big piles because nobody had figured a way to recycle them that won’t bankrupt the pope. Sometimes it is good to be old as the future post Trump looks bleak.
Here in MA and NH, climate activists are now attempting to block freight trains carrying coal in transit. Over the weekend there was much consternation that one of the trains didn’t appear to attempt to stop forcing the protestors to move quickly or likely die.
People will start dying over this insane climate change rhetoric either by freezing or starving or by sheer stupidity (train protestors) or perhaps intentionally should the climate activists take their rhetoric too seriously and some less stable advocates take action.
Good for the driver. It ought to be lawful not to stop for people who are deliberately and illegally blocking your way.
Sounds good to me. All kinds of fuel should be able to stand on their own. But what subsidies would those be, then? I’ve never heard of any. (I’ve heard some things called subsidies, but when the people making the claim are asked to explain just how what they’ve mentioned fits any definition of “subsidy” they have nothing.)
Im glad the children trying to block the train were at least smart enough to get out of the way. No trainman ever wants to be part of that.
So we should just throw away a trillion dollars of infrastructure?
To achieve that requires a population reduction ….who decided who lives?
What is it with Democrats? They compete for the presidential nomination by boasting about all the things they’ll confiscate, shut down, ban, close, take away… they hate everything that other people do, and they imagine the president as a dictator who can order everyone around.
(That’s a rhetorical question; I already know the answer has something to do with ‘dictatorship of the proletariat.’)
They’re a Hate Filled Party…..