Poll Finds Majority of Students Want Peers to be Punished for Offensive Halloween Costumes
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Poll Finds Majority of Students Want Peers to be Punished for Offensive Halloween Costumes

Poll Finds Majority of Students Want Peers to be Punished for Offensive Halloween Costumes

“results come as universities across the nation warn students to be careful what they wear on Halloween”

We go through this pretty much every year. Remember when Halloween was fun?

The College Fix reports:

POLL: Majority of students want peers who wear highly offensive Halloween costumes to be punished

A majority of college students say those who wear highly offensive Halloween costumes on campus should be punished, according to a new poll.

A College Pulse survey of 1,500 college students from across the nation found that 55 percent say students who wear highly offensive Halloween costumes on campus, such as blackface, should be punished, while 45 percent say they are a protected form of free speech.

The poll also found that most Democratic students — 72 percent — want to punish peers for wearing offensive costumes compared to Republican students at 22 percent.

Specifically, the survey question asked: “Are highly offensive Halloween costumes (such as blackface) a protected form of free speech on campus, or should students who wear them be punished?”

The two choices provided to students were: “They are a protected form of free speech” or “They should be punished.”

The results, released Monday, did not ask students what sort of punishments they would like to see enacted against peers who wear offensive costumes.

The results come as universities across the nation warn students to be careful what they wear on Halloween, lest their costumes offend others. The admonishments come in various forms, such as emails, handouts and poster campaigns.


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Those who live to punish others will be the first to be punished by their own kind.

Don’t students have anything to do these days but get triggered, worry about safe spaces, and complain incessantly about everything? It’s a Halloween costume–get over it.

On last night’s Dancing with the Stars, Pasha in a wonderful Wolfman costume that included a carefully painted blackface. I was a little surprised that the PC Police didn’t crucify him.

And of course it will be the Left which decides what is “offensive.” IOW, headless costumes of Donald Trump dripping blood will be fine, but anything in the other direction will be “offensive.”

Sounds to me like Bob Marley needs to be reborn with a mop head and a couple of boxes of black RIT dye. Dang I miss that costume. You know a costume is good when you are chatting with a friend and they don’t recognize you.

Got me to thinking that there might be a run on orange paint either this year or next. Also considered getting the 4chan crowd to troll the left by stating that OMG really means Orange Man Good and that it is a pro-Trump meme. That’ll put a kink in all of the gen-whine fb posts.