Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters Scream ‘Impeach the Motherf*cker’ Outside Supreme Court
It’s not a grassroots protest. Partners included Women’s March, Center for American Progress, and NARAL.
When will these people learn that their ways to voice their displeasure is the only way to push people away from their cause?
Protesters blocked the street outside of the Supreme Court on Sunday to mark Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s one-year anniversary. They screamed, “Impeach the motherf*cker!” before they made their way to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s house.
Not Grassroots
These people cannot stand the fact that the Senate confirmed Kavanaugh after he faced numerous allegations of sexual assault. There’s a few problems with that: no corroboration, no evidence, no proof.
Women’s March promoted the protest in September with the website The main partners included the Women’s March CPD Action, and Demand Justice. Other partnerships came from NARAL, Center for American Progress, National Women’s Health Network, and National Council of Jewish Women.
The website encouraged people to RSVP, but also wanted participants to have training before the protest. To the shock of no one, the groups participate in capitalism by selling merchandise.
Kavanaugh is Coming For You!
Rep. Ayanna Pressley joined the people as they caused havoc for those trying to navigate around Washington, DC:
“Last year you came to Washington, many of you quite literally putting your bodies on the line,” Pressley told a crowd in front of the Supreme Court building. “Many of you disclosed for the first time to yourselves, and then to your family, and then to complete strangers, that you were a victim of this crime. And it is a crime.”
“Many of you did that for the very first time,” she continued. “You chronicled the abuse and assaults that you have endured because you know that those stories, as painful as they are to share, that they change the conversation.”
“Kavanaugh may have that seat for now, but what you, what we are fighting for is so much bigger than one insecure man blinded by his privilege,” Pressley said. “You are fighting for the liberation and injustice for all of us because you know that are destinies are tied. For generations, we have softened our language and moderated our tone. No more.”
“My liberty, my humanity, my bodily autonomy is not yours to shackle. No man, no institution – no matter how revered – will come between us and our inalienable rights,” she continued. “Now, the man’s name on the posters we hold is a cog in a wheel of a broken system, and I’m not going to name him too often because I’m done gathering to give more credence and power to those who try to dehumanize and devalue our lives and our lived experiences.”
Oh, give me a freaking break already. After all, I’m still waiting for Vice President Mike Pence to round up all the LGBTQ people and put them in concentration camps.
Anti-Kavanaugh protesters are outside the Supreme Court on the one-year anniversary of his confirmation.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) October 6, 2019
One of the new co-presidents of the Women’s March at the anti-Kavanaugh protest says she has not forgotten about Merrick Garland.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) October 6, 2019
Julie Swetnick, who was represented by Michael Avenatti when she accused Kavanaugh, is here and the crowd chants at her, “We believe you!”
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) October 6, 2019
Anti-Kavanaugh protesters are now blocking the street outside the Supreme Court. Several cars have had to turn around.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) October 6, 2019
As more anti-Kavanaugh protesters are blocking the street, they’re chanting “Impeach the motherfucker!”
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) October 6, 2019
Then the people marched to McConnell’s house.
Anti-Kavanaugh people are now outside of what they say is Sen. Mitch McConnell’s house to protest.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) October 6, 2019
Anti-Kavanaugh protesters are blocking a man’s camera as he tries to take a picture of them wrapping caution tape around the door knobs.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) October 6, 2019
This is what anti-Kavanaugh protesters have left outside of McConnell’s home.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) October 6, 2019
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lovely people… we should have them for lunch, come the hot part Civil War 2. 😉
there should be an “of” in there, right after “part”…
we’re in the cold part of it naow.
WE are going to need to BUILD many more Padded Cells for these creepy Snowflakes.
On a more serious note, has anyone calculated how much money their slave masters are spending on this futile effort?
“When will these people learn that their ways to voice their displeasure is the only way to push people away from their cause?”
I don’t think you understand the enemy. They want to know when WE will learn to submit to their control. Bullies do not learn — their VICTIMS learn. Do not project your reasonable way of thinking onto a sociopath as they are NOT reasonable. Bullies use force to get you to submit and you will learn to submit. Period.
This is exactly why we need an IQ test to vote.
They are examples of the far “left” side of the Bell curve, Hillary’s personal deplorables.
Hilary’s used ……
This is why we should never have given women the franchise. It was bound to end up poorly.
It’s really kind of funny, I wonder when their impotence will set in.
although the day is coming when they’re going to arm themselves, and then they’re going to have to be put down hard.
Somehow they just don’t look like people who would run toward the gunfire.
I fully expect Billy Ayers is already running bomb-making teach-ins to ready the true Believers for 2020. Because that’s the next step.
yet again the beta males and butt-ugly women
the facts don’t matter–the truth doesn’t matter–it’s their litany of control–ignorant and vulgar and the media gladly provides the vehicle to aid and abet them
screw them
Why are they not arrested for the damage to a private residence?
Why are they allowed to trespass for destructive purposes?
Where are the police?
We all pay a price for the First Amendment. That price is constant noise from people we wish would just go away.
What’s happening here is not a program of publicity, or any attempt to elicit sympathy from the general electorate. This is a program of personal harassment of anyone who might oppose the Triumph of the Will. Anyone not part of the Borg Collective is to be driven from government by constant harassment. They’re to be hounded at work, at home, at restaurants and theaters and gas stations. If the job becomes unpleasant enough, they’ll resign, and make room for some good socialist to take it instead.
The unfortunate long-term result is that anyone who might pass as reasonable will steer clear of public office, and only outright fanatics, Left or Right, will be willing to take these jobs. Of course the current Left isn’t interested in the long term; it expects to have won long before then.
Your first amendment rights do not include standing on my property destroying it or prohibiting the free movement of my family and friends.
If the police will not protect the rights of the senate majority leader, what help do you think they will give to us?
The day when death and destruction rebounds against these people is ever closer.
In 1992, following the acquittal of the cops accused of misconduct in the Rodney King arrest, there were riots in Los Angeles. I demonstrated to several of the rioters that my car was far more powerful then their bodies. I did not run anyone over, but I refused to stop my car for “protesters” blocking the road and trying to intimidate me. I had a shotgun next to me in the passenger seat and I simply drove through the crowd. I lost a windshield wiper.
Yep. Car = weapon.
I constantly remind my family of this.
The first amendment does not apply on private property. It does not protect trespassing or vandalism. And it does not protect obstructing people’s movement on public streets.
Like it or not, it protects whatever the federal courts say it protects.
“Believe all⁽*⁾ women!”
(*) Except for those who accuse Democrats of anything. They’re lying. And any women who stand up and claim any Republican is a good person. They’re obviously lying too.
Julie Swetnick was referred to the DOJ for criminal charges a year ago. The DOJ did nothing. She went to Gaithersburg High School, but claims she went to parties with Holy Child and Georgetown Prep kids. No way that happened. She is a lying manipulator. The most annoying thing to me is the fact that the videos never show facial details of these horrible people. I want them photographed, catalogued and remembered. They should never get hired for any job.
Are you serious?
When are a lazy ignoramus and have really nothing going for you, easily bribed and you want to feel important and narcissistically special: join the likes of these fools (likely being paid) to protest Kavanaugh.
The zenith of these people are anita hill and blasey ford.
I’d call them astro-turf protesters but they’re more like concrete painted green.
Welcome to Mob Rule. Pure and simple. Shades of every socialist/communist revolution since France 1790’s. They all wind up in dictatorships . The deeper this goes to harder and harder to reverse. Republics don’t last when the majority of the populace are takers and not makers….a victim of their own success.
They gotta get past us, first.
We’re not going to sit by and let our country be stolen from under our noses by a minority of maniacs, who will enslave us, kill us and loot us in a manner that would make stalin envious.
Obama Science Advisor Called For Planetary Regime To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures:
Who could have guessed that when President Trump defended and saved Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination he was also protecting his office from Impeachment Inquiry theater?
Motherfucker, huh. Rabid diversity (i.e. color judgment), including sexism… the war on women.
They gotta get past us, first.
exactly–money and influence and promises will take them so far but none of that will matter once the dying commences–it will be then, if ever, that they’ll realize that all their leftist bullshit is not really worth dying for
therein lies the fatal flaw of soros’/et al’s agenda–what happens until then we’ll just have to guardedly weather and be prepared
They might realize what deep water they’ve gotten into once the dying commences but by that time it’ll be far too late for them to do anything about it. They are simply cannon fodder for the leftist elite. And they will die when they are told to.
And that ain’t a flaw of Soros’ plan. That’s a feature of the plan.
“It’s not a grassroots protest.”
There are no grassroots movements on the Left. They’re all Astroturf.