The news broke today that Massachusetts has taken extraordinary efforts in response to a lawsuit by a former ACORN affiliated, Soros-funded group to register 500,000 welfare recipients to vote (who would have thought there were that many people on welfare considering Mass has only 6.5 million residents).
Republicans cried foul, as this was a transparent attempt to register Warren’s base, while no similar efforts were made to register voters who might be more favorably inclined towards Brown.
Rob Eno of Red Mass Group, however, took the story to an entirely new level by discovering that the group in question is run by Elizabeth Warren’s daughter:
Elizabeth Warren’s daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi is leaving nothing to chance in the 2012 election for her mother. Warren Tyagi, the chair of the George Soros funded Demos Foundation, has bankrolled, through Demos, former members of ACORN in their pursuit to have the Commonwealth’s welfare agency perform a voter registration drive. The Boston Herald has the story, although they missed the Warren familial connection….
The article goes on to show that NEU4J was aided financially in this effort by Warren Tyagi’s organization Demos.
NEU4J worked in concert with Demos, a liberal group leading a national charge to enroll welfare recipients. Demos – which was started in the 1990s and lists Barack Obama on its founding board of directors – has sued nine states, including the battlegrounds of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Nevada, according to Demos lawyer Lisa Danetz.Cases are still pending in Nevada, Pennsylvania and Louisiana, which is fighting the suit. Settlements have been reached in Ohio, Missouri, New Mexico, Indiana and Georgia. Meanwhile, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado and Mississippi have all agreed to comply without being sued.
So Elizabeth Warren’s daughter is using the power of the Commonwealth to register voters for her mother.
The Herald now is on the connection, as is the Brown Campaign, Brown blasts welfare vote group chaired by Warren’s daughter
“I want every legal vote to count, but it’s outrageous to use taxpayer dollars to register welfare recipients as part of a special effort to boost one political party over another,” Brown said in a statement this morning. “This effort to sign up welfare recipients is being aided by Elizabeth Warren’s daughter and it’s clearly designed to benefit her mother’s political campaign. It means that I’m going to have to work that much harder to get out my pro-jobs, pro-free enterprise message.”
Expect the Warren campaign to spin this as Scott Brown hating welfare recipients.
No, it’s about Elizabeth Warren once again rigging the system for her own benefit.
Update: I have just uploaded the key court documents, linked below. The interesting thing is that the claim was not that people were not offered registration forms, but that Mass officials should have take more steps after over 90% of welfare recipients said they already were registered to vote (far above the actual number). The Sec. of State attached to the Answer the steps which already had been taken to assure adherence with the so-called Motor-Voter law. Rather than defend the case, Mass just decided to agree to a mass mailing.
- Complaint
- Answer
- Joint Motion to Stay Case due to settlement
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
This is the sort of thing that’s commonly referred to as corruption, though less commonly when the left does it.
Where’s Crying Man now when we need him to declare, “This is the end of democracy”?
You seem very emotional, Cassandra.
At such times, it’s comforting to watch someone giving out free pats on the back.
Cassandra has it right. It isn’t the fact of Soros, and Warren et al or the extreme left in Hollywood funding her (there are always criminals and corrupt politicians, and even fascists in our country) — it’s the lack of complete outrage that allows Warren to even remain in the race.
And Ragspierre is also correct: it is Cloward-Piven in application. It’s also “it could never happen here” in application.
Enough is enough.
Taxpayer funds disbursed to illegal aliens up 4x in last five years.
I saw that video — what an incredibly controlling and manipulative character. His bizarre touching was a method he uses to control people (a way of showing domination). It was interesting that once the reporter established he would not be ‘touched’ (and thus submit to this odd form of control), the guy ended the meeting, in a rather quite form of rage.
And the guy committed an actionable tortous and criminal battery upon the cameraman (indirectly, if the camera he pushed touched the cameraman) as well as upon the reporter ( — that is, once the reporter told him to stop touching him).
That was hilarious. But I’m not quite sure whether I’m the toucher or the touchee.
By (the motor voter) law, Welfare and food stamp offices are already required to have voter registration forms available.
Imagine the outrage if they mailed registration applications out with tax returns. But only to those that paid into the system more than they took out.
Who knows how many similar abuses are ongoing and as yet undiscovered? We know Obama: He is a liar, a cheat, and a thug. Under his leadership the democrat party will establish new lows this election cycle.
Will any remedial action be taken, or does this stuff just go on and on?
Cloward-Piven in application.
There is no other way to view this.
How Kennedy-esque!
Outrage as a political reaction just doesn’t work, and we really need to advance beyond these predictable protestations. It gets too easily scumbled within the noise machine of “politics as usual,” the implied equivalence of partisanship. People tune out. You need to hit the Left where it hurts, make them bleed. Instead we’re always just reacting. The lesson of Breitbart was to wage war, to initiate conflict and force them on the defensive, not just form faster responses to their attacks. Romney has a “rapid response team” now. Bully for him. But this isn’t how to win; it’s just better triage. This state of affairs is quite absurd and even retarded when you think how much material we have on the Left and how long we’ve been taking their crap.
Elizabeth Warren has been manipulating and gaming the system for her entire adult life. Literally.
Why should the laughing hyena go and change her stripes now if it has been so lucrative and advantageous for her thus far?
If it ain’t broke and it still works — don’t fix it, right?
“Ms. Tyagi co-founded HealthAllies, a venture capital-backed health benefits firm which was later acquired by United Health Group, the second largest health insurer in the U.S.”
This is the daughter Warren referred to as a “small business” person in her piece from the other day.
Dripping with irony… Well, and hypocrisy.
2 things never change. The dems are outrageous. The GOP is outraged.
Don’t get it. Why shouldn’t people on welfare be registered to vote?
“I want every legal vote to count, but it’s outrageous to use taxpayer dollars to register welfare recipients as part of a special effort to boost one political party over another,”
What part of that statement do you disagree with?
It’s like encouraging people with business at the DMV, courthouse or military recruitment center to register. Voting should be encouraged.
Really? Do you actually NOT see the differences?
And IS it a good thing for everyone to vote? (Not have the RIGHT to vote.)
Should we have compulsory voting?
Ragspierre: And IS it a good thing for everyone to vote?
Sure. But then again, that could just be one of our peccadilloes, civil involvement and democracy and all that stuff. Maybe it would be better if only those who agreed with you made the decisions for everyone.
But thanks for making clear what this discussion was really about.
The story is about using taxpayer funding to target a specific demographic with a known bias for a registration drive.
And you appear too stupid…or obdurate…to see the point.
As is normal for your Collective.
Zac, I will go so far as to suggest the wholly brazen notion that anyone receiving public largesse not be allowed to vote. If they want to vote, get off the dole and get a job or be homeless. Instead of being given voter registration forms at the welfare office, they should have to turn in their voter ID (which should be mandatory in all 50 states) at the welfare office when the “social worker” signs the approval of benefits form on the dotted line, and it should not be returned to them until they’ve been off the dole for at least six months.
How about that?
JackRussellTerrierist: I will go so far as to suggest the wholly brazen notion that anyone receiving public largesse not be allowed to vote.
Again, just want to thank you for making clear what this is really about.
Zachriel : I may disagree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it without unprovoked name calling. Especially when you are gang attacked. . .The main reason to oppose leftist registration drives is they are open to fraud. Especially in precincts where leftists count the returns. The reality of widespread fraud cannot be denied. It will be over the top in this election. That this fraud undermines the electoral system is a given. And no ,both sides dont do it. Certainly not to the same degree.
Zac, you’re the one who raised the issue of encouraging voting among the parasite class.
Zac, you’re the one who raised the issue of encouraging voting among the welfare class, so that’s what this is about to YOU.
Why should voting be encouraged?
If the group of people voting are only voting because they were spoon-fed a voter registration form, what does that tell you about their level of knowledge of political and public policy issues?
Why should voting be encouraged among those whose only ability to consume is through public largesse? If you are a recipient of charity, under what theory is it appropriate and fair for you to have a vote in how your benefactors manage the affairs that pertain to their productivity which provides your subsistence? In other words, why should the parasites get a vote on anything the host does or needs in order to keep hosting? In the natural world, the parasite opportunistically adapts to the host’s conditions; they do not dictate the conditions to the host.
Folks on welfare would vote in those who would let them remain a drain on the taxpayer. That is unAmerican. Voting should be the right of those who work and or pay taxes. If you’re a parasite on the body politic’s wallet, the privilege of voting should not be extended to you, the same as if you are not a citizen,
No fair! (having to hit “return” and load a page, for an additional sentence & a half.)
Why are pizzing and moaning at something the d’s do all the time and not out there making sure that Brown & Co. are getting every r in the State registered. Since I live in TX and we have the credo to vote early and often, I am not up on MA voting regs. Is this illegal, or just immoral?
I asked in the other Warren post:
Well I had no idea that Warren Tyagi was running a foundation for George Soros, but it fits, doesn’t it? Ms. Warren Tyagi certainly is a proud 1%er.
From the Beacon report we have this:
That’s mom being praised by her daughter. Will wonders never cease.
I realize Mr. Brown has made some conservatives in his state unhappy. But please vote in November: you really don’t want your state to send a Soros-tool to the Senate.
Another little Indian? What can you say about these Warrens?
All of the dysfunction of the Kennedy family without all the history (at least no real history … dubious cookbook evidence notwithstanding).
Well, we can say they do not prey on women or drink like fish.
So, compared to Kennedys, they are paragons of virtue.
On the other side of the ledger, they DO everything they SAY they deplore (i.e., get sloppy rich by hook or crook).
So…typical Collectivists.
The network of manipulation, control and corruption goes so far back with Obama and his crony friends like Warren, aided and funded by Soros and Progressive Foundations, honestly makes me want to cry a tear.
The intristic design and coordinated effort is so reminiscent of the Cold War. In fact we are in the midst of a “Law War” for the first time in the history of our country. There are those who wish to overthrow us through our own laws.
We must purge the corruption for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Therein lies, the frustration that moves me to tears, over this kind of dirty filthy manipulating politics.
Dear Massachusetts,
You get what you vote for.
Sadly, WE get what they vote for, too.
Time to repeal the 17th Amendment. Not that that would be a panacea, but it DAMN sure would help.
Dear Massachusetts,
WE get what you vote for.
Fixed it.
So, George Soros is trying to buy Congress, after buying a President.
Sort of a new slant on the term “retail politics”, huh?
Zachriel is a rather uncommon name. There’s a now defunct lefty blog by that name.
Zombie T PJ Tatler Posted this about lefty commenter, Stan Chaz.
“IP traces back to Media Matters.”
Wonder if Zachriel’s IP address can also be tracked to a Soros’ organization?
Well…ok. But we can still eat them, right?
I think it’s useful to flush them and use them as foils for a time.
“I think it’s useful to flush them and use them as foils for a time.”
Yes, I totally agree.
“feeding” them is giving them a line to go back and post on their lefty sites.
Flush is an appropriate word. Flush, flush away!
Are they USDA approved? Do I need a state or federal license?
I think of them like quail…
Flush and shot.
Elizabeth Warren’s Logic
American Indians were the original government-welfare group.
Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee (In her modified reality).
Therefore, Elizabeth Warren is, by default, a welfare recipient.
Conclusion: Registering those on welfare is wholly within her power to project her superior moral certitude onto ‘her’ poor downtrodden people.
Here is the NEU4J “Election Kit.”
When you look up on Google Maps the address given on the “Election Kit” (196 Adams St., Boston, MA), go to street level view and zoom in, you can see in the window on the right the Acorn emblem and the word Acorn!!!
(And, a Volvo parked in front.)
Great detective work, donb!
Can you capture a screen print of that?
Breitbart LIVES…!!!!
Here ’tis (temporarily publicly accessible).
voter lists are public records. wonder how many Boston voter registrations show an address of 196 Adams Street, Boston, MA?
Secondwind said:
“Zachriel: I may disagree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it without unprovoked name calling. Especially when you are gang attacked. . .The main reason to oppose leftist registration drives is they are open to fraud. Especially in precincts where leftists count the returns. The reality of widespread fraud cannot be denied. It will be over the top in this election. That this fraud undermines the electoral system is a given. And no ,both sides dont do it. Certainly not to the same degree.”
Absent Zachriel’s response, I presume that your logic has persuaded Zachriel and he now understands that leftist registration drives are rife with fraud and that leftists exclusively perpetrate electoral fraud.
Hundreds of successful voter fraud prosecutions in Minnesota alone.
On the update is this line: “Rather than defend the case, Mass just decided to agree to a mass mailing.”. Hell, they want Warren to win. These are all Democrat appointees. I wouldn’t be surprised if they encouraged Demos to file suit so they would be compelled to spend the nearly $300,000 to send out the notices.
Our biggest problem is the media. It always comes back to the media.
Even if it can’t save them (like Anthony Weiner), the media will greatly mitigate the damage: temporary disgrace (Weiner) instead of irredeemable destruction (Mark Foley, rising conservative star/leader — remember him?)
The Democrats know that whatever they do, no matter how criminal, the media will protect them. And go after Republicans for nothing.
The founders would be amazed and appalled. I doubt any of them, whatever their partisan views, ever imagined members of “the press” freely selling their souls expressly to destroy the Constitution.
I believe some of the Founding Fathers suffered at the hands of the press.
Actually,, some of the Founding Fathers may have believed that the “press” was soulless in its scathing attacks: John Adams, being one.
Nevertheless, I agree the lamestream media is totally in the tank for the leftist/progressive agenda. They control the narrative.
Here’s scientific proof of the media’s leftist bias.
CalMark is hereby fined $500 for saying the name A____ W____.
From “A Judicial Watch Special Report: The Rebranding of ACORN”:
“The ACORN affiliates in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island have supposedly been reorganized as New England United for Justice (NEU4J), incorporated on January 19, 2010. As of the date of this report, however, the only office established thus far is the one in Massachusetts. The president of NEU4J is Maude Hurd, though her name is not identified on the website. Maude Hurd was previously the president of ACORN and was on the board of ACORN Housing. Other NEU4J board members include vice president Sandra Ramgeet, former president of ACORN Massachusetts; and executive director Noemi Mimi Ramos, who was a head organizer for ACORN in Boston. New England for Justice is located in the former offices of ACORN MA at 196 Adams Street, Dorchester (Boston), MA 02122. The NEU4J website is”
The above is from page 12-13 here:
The more I read about this, the more I believe that Brown has lost this race and it’s only a matter of time now. This whole Indian thing backfired and distracted him from focusing on making voters want to elect him again.
If we had an honest justice department, prosecution under the RICO statutes would be a no-brainer.
But we must face the reality that this will be an uphill fight for both, the honest voter and Scott Brown.
I hope that they won’t let the fake Indian get away with it…
It’s no longer called the “Justice Department”. Under Obama-Holder-Napolitano, it’s called the “Department of Just Us”.
Me think Pocahontas actually live and breath with Chicago values. Corrupt,socialist elitist and FAKE.
sounds like one walfare recipient was’nt offered a voter registration form,so they have to flood the state with an extra 500,000 into acorns hands,what could go wrong.
this could of,and probably was a set-up,to create a crisis.
warren’s daughter working for soros,thats interesting.
keep up the fight mass..
[…] The left is pulling out all the stops to win this one. Their latest gambit is using lawfare to force states to make special and sustained efforts to regist…. […]
[…] PROF. JACOBSON: Elizabeth Warren daughter secretly behind effort by Mass to register 500k welfare recipients (Update… […]