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2018 GA Gov Loser Stacey Abrams Open to 2020 Presidential Run

2018 GA Gov Loser Stacey Abrams Open to 2020 Presidential Run

She won’t accept her 2018 defeat, real Democrat presidential material there.

Stacey Abrams came up short in her race for governor of Georgia last fall, but that’s not stopping her from considering a run for president in 2020. Why not? Everyone else is doing it.

Eli Watkins reports at CNN:

Stacey Abrams: ‘2020 is definitely on the table’

Stacey Abrams, a rising star in the Democratic Party, said Monday it was possible she could seek her party’s presidential nomination next year.

Abrams’ comment came after an interview at the South by Southwest conference in Texas, where Abrams reportedly said she previously thought 2028 would be the earliest she could run for president, but over Twitter, she clarified: “Now 2020 is definitely on the table.”

If Abrams decides to run, she would jump into a crowded Democratic field that already includes 12 announced campaigns.

A former Georgia state House minority leader, Abrams rose to national prominence last year during a closely fought gubernatorial bid that would have seen her become the first African American woman ever elected governor. She conceded the race amid significant controversy over the way the election was conducted — a process overseen by her opponent, now-Gov. Brian Kemp, who was Georgia’s secretary of state at the time.

Earlier this year, Abrams delivered the Democrats’ official rebuttal to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech.

Here’s her tweet:

At the end of this week, Abrams did one thing that is raising speculation. She had a quiet meeting with Joe Biden in Washington, DC.

Zachary Halaschak reports at the Washington Examiner:

2020 powwow? Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams meet in Washington

Former Vice President Joe Biden and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams met in Washington, D.C. Thursday.

The two are both potential 2020 presidential contenders, with Biden expected to announce a run soon and Abrams still undecided.

The meeting, reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, came after mixed signals from Abrams. She said Monday she wasn’t going to run but a day later reversed course, saying a 2020 bid was “definitely on the table.”

Abrams, 45, who was the Democratic minority leader in the Georgia House, lost a 2018 run for governor against Republican Brian Kemp. She is a rising figure in Democratic politics and gave her party’s response to President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union.

If Biden, 76, a white male who has spent nearly 50 years in Washington, were to win the Democratic nomination then Abrams would be a natural vice-presidential pick to “balance” the party ticket.

Biden knows his political capital as an older white man will only go so far with the Democratic base. This would be a shrewd attempt to check more boxes for the sake of identity politics.

Abrams would also present some challenges as a VP candidate. She still refuses to believe she lost the 2018 Georgia election.

David Rutz writes at the Washington Free Beacon:

Abrams Still Refuses to Accept Defeat in Georgia Governor’s Race: ‘I Did Win My Election’

Vanquished Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D.) boasted about never conceding her race against Gov. Brian Kemp (R.) Thursday and claimed “I did win my election.”

Abrams never officially conceded defeat in her bitterly fought race with Kemp, claiming the former secretary of state in Georgia engaged in systematic voter suppression—although the number of voters participating in the governor’s race nearly doubled from 2014 to 2018—and claimed it was not a “free or fair election.”

At an event Thursday, Abrams was asked by a tracker if she would ever concede to Kemp. She appeared to remain silent, but she said inside that she’d told the tracker “no.”

“I did win my election,” she said, according to ABC News reporter Adam Kelsey. “I just didn’t get to have the job.”

The media will not be able to cover for her on this for one simple reason:

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Snowball meet Hell.

casualobserver | March 17, 2019 at 10:08 am

Should she enter it won’t be a serious run. It will be a Beto-like effort to simply elevate her already exaggerated public profile. The media will follow along like puppies. Who knows how many mag covers and articles she we get benefit from.

Her purpose in my mind is simple – to continue to chant about racism and the racist South and the stealing of elections and supremicists hiding in plain sight with powers to affect the election rolls, etc., etc., etc. The dozens of Dems running mostly aren’t seriously hoping to win. But they are going to get their fame AND give the media endless material to paint the deplorables and the the middle of this country to be the same as the psychopath in New Zealand.

    I don’t believe for a second all these obvious losers are running for president as a speculative exercise in increasing their visibility and I especially don’t believe they are doing it because they care so much about issues.

    With liberals, everything is about money. She figures using a political campaign to cover some of her expenses (travel, food while on the campaign trail, new clothes) is a good gig whether she wins or loses.

    Also, check to see if she sets up a “charitable foundation” to funnel bribes through. There’s a precedent for that, you know.

      casualobserver in reply to irv. | March 17, 2019 at 11:26 am

      You are missing a key indicator >> Since her election she has continued to get reasonably significant media coverage to continue to talk about what I described. You are right but are only identifying the motive. By entering a campaign (or a second/another one), the message is more profitable. And the money flows in based on the impact of the messaging, not the likelihood of getting the nomination. At this stage. At some point as the field begins to get pruned, donations will be more centered on electability.

      Surely you don’t think the tens of people who will eventually run on the Dem ticket are finding very favorable polling data and high probability of winning. That situation was similar to those that ran for the GOP in the last election, where many might have been “testing” to see if they could catch on (e.g. Ben Carson), but also trying more to find their role in politics. Guys like Jeb or some of the senators might have been making a serious run. But not all.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to irv. | March 17, 2019 at 1:36 pm

      Clothes cannot improve the appearance of this hog.

      3525Tex in reply to irv. | March 18, 2019 at 11:27 am

      Her food bills must be enormous.

The old saw is that in America anyone could grow up to be president. Now one doesn’t have to grow up.

Who said Democrats don’t have a sense of humor?

Everybody is making fun of Beto and Abrams. Both of them raised eye opening amounts of money outside of their past very red states and came within less than 1% of winning. That should tell people what is going on in the country and give us reason to take any Dem seriously.

DieJustAsHappy | March 17, 2019 at 10:47 am

Sure, why not. She already has the why-I-lost thing down pat.

She would be the 1st POC to run. No, not “Person of Color”, that would be Jesse Jackson, way back in 1984.

She would be the first Pig of Color to run for President, and compared to today’s other DEM nominees, she matches up quite well. I certainly hope she runs, and I wish her well.

“Vote for me — I’m black, I’m a woman, and, I can’t pay my taxes on time.”

The Dhimmi-crats are proffering some truly awful candidates, each more vapid, more reliant on tribalist identity traits as a substitute for substantive accomplishment and manifestly less-qualified, than the previous one.

Abrams too? Well, why not? Apparently losing elections, like Bob O’Rourke did to Ted Cruz, is qualifying enough for the Democrat Party. If loser Abrams enters the race, loser Andrew Gillum won’t be far behind.

Connivin Caniff | March 17, 2019 at 11:03 am

Wasn’t an Oscar for Gone With The Wind enough?

If they bankroll this idiot, it’s because they need a foil for their voter suppression theme. My most vapid leftist contacts are frothing at the mouth over this.

At least, if she sings, everyone will know it’s over.

Bernie taught people that you can pocket a few million from campaign funds.

Sheer denial. It’s all “business as usual”, as if Hurricane Orange never happened. Sure, we can just run any old nobody, it won’t matter, the voters are stuck with whatever offal we feed them.


Comanche Voter | March 17, 2019 at 1:20 pm

Run Stacy Run! You’re black–not some Halfrican wannabe like Obama. And you are indubitably female. However if you identify as one of the other 57 flavors of sexuality, you’ll be a trifecta for the Dims. Run Stacy Run!

Introducing Justice Democrat’s newest recruit.

I was at the gym this afternoon and had Fox News on. They interviewed Pete Buttigieg. I think he may make a serious under the radar run.
Well spoken, good looking and slimey as they come. Probably would make aoc head of epa if he won. Another fascist who would push the new green steal and likes the idea of changing over the Supreme Court by packing it.

ugottabekiddinme | March 17, 2019 at 9:33 pm

I saw a headline that she was “weighing” a run, but my aged eyes immediately interpreted it as if she was at a “weighing in,” like for a prize fight. Given the lightness of Beto and the ineffable thinness of the resumes of Gillebrand, Spartacus and Kamala, I guess the Dem’s are seeking more heft in their candidates.

It’s like “gravitas” back in the G.W.B. days, only this candidate will really bring more gravity to the ticket.

I can only hope she goes whole hog.

OleDirtyBarrister | March 18, 2019 at 3:26 pm

Yale Law admitted here under AA and gave her a piece of paper.

And she is still broke and a failure despite having a degree from the purported top law school in the country.

But there are idiots that will vote for her again.

She’s a #1 fan of the “All You Can Eat” buffet concept.