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REM gets Twitter to take down Trump tweet of “everybody hurts” satirical video mocking Dems at SOTU

REM gets Twitter to take down Trump tweet of “everybody hurts” satirical video mocking Dems at SOTU

Streisand effect?

On Friday night Donald Trump tweeted a really funny satirical video created by Twitter user @CarpeDonktum.

The video (see below) used the REM song “Everybody Hurts” mixed with Trump’s State of the Union speech audio to mock Democrats and Mitt Romney, with video clips of them in the audience at SOTU. The Trump tweet quickly gained almost 50,000 retweets and over 2,000,000 views.

Liberals were severely offended by the mockery, which no doubt triggered memories of Election Night 2016.

The humorless worker bees at were “alarmed“:

Sure, this is funny — if, say, The Daily Show or Stephen Colbert does something like it.

But for the president to tweet it, it’s alarming. In the past, presidents have tried to keep at least a bit of an appearance that they respected and were willing to work with the other party. With his tweet, Trump is doing nothing of the sort; he’s just mocking his Democratic rivals.

Nicole Galluci at Mashable felt this was so unpresidential, and conveniently included tweets from other liberals who were hurt by the type of mockery they send toward the deplorables daily:

Donald Trump is back at it again with the extremely un-presidential tweets.

On Friday afternoon, hours after he held a press conference outside the White House to announce he was declaring a national emergency (even though he didn’t need to) the president tweeted a parody State of the Union video in an effort to mock Democrats.
In my humble opinion, this was clearly “fair use” of the music. Universal Music and REM felt otherwise, and a demand was served on Twitter demanding that the video in Trump’s Tweet be disabled.

CNBC reports:

A lawyer for Universal Music Publishing Group had reached out to Twitter on Friday asking that the video, which was first posted by another user, be taken down from the platform, according to a source familiar with the situation, who asked to remain anonymous.

The clip, which runs more than two minutes in length, plays audio from R.E.M.’s early-’90s hit single “Everybody Hurts” over excerpts from Trump’s Feb. 5 State of the Union address.

But, as of the early hours Saturday ET, Twitter users could not play the video posted by Trump, and many saw a message that read, “This video has been removed in response to a report from the copyright holder.” ….

R.E.M. bassist Mike Mills took notice of the use of his band’s song in the video that Trump tweeted Friday.

“Measures have been taken to stop it,” Mills tweeted, adding that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey needs “to get on this.”

The video in the Trump tweet was disabled by Twitter and later removed entirely, presumably by Trump (view it on Wayback Machine and

The takedown has created a Streisand Effect:

The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread it is increased.

If the goal of REM and Universal Music was to censor the satire, it has failed.

@CarpeDonktum reposted the video (which as of this writing still is live):

[Click Image for video]

The video also is being spread by other accounts on Twitter (here, for example, still live as of this writing)

It’s also on YouTube in multiple accounts (live as of this writing):

And it’s still live on Facebook, where it’s been live since February 6:

The takedown has created a news cycle about the video, including the CNBC report above, and reports in Variety, and elsewhere, including here. I don’t think we would have written about it but for the takedown.

The lunatic fringe of #TheResistance is celebrating this victory over Orange Man Bad:

I don’t know if the reposts of the videos will survive. If not, hum the tune to “Everybody Hurts” in your head, and scroll through these screenshots. These are not everybody who hurts, but every one of them hurts:


The REM video is still removed, but Trump has now tweeted an alternative by the same @CarpeDonktum user of the video set to Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the U.S.A. Don’t think Lee will be upset.


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I like that he included that scumbag Romney.

JusticeDelivered | February 16, 2019 at 10:28 am

Trump needs to start using another social media site, at least for a few weeks, showing Twitter who is king of the hill. His withdrawing from their forum would cost Twitter dearly.

Donald Trump is back at it again with the extremely un-presidential tweets.

Hahahaha, the peanut gallery is still trying to define DJT’s job. Yeah, right.

I don’t think we’ve had a President who’s enjoyed the office this much since Roosevelt. (Teddy, not that party-poop Franklin.)

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 16, 2019 at 11:04 am

Orange Man Bad so Bad He’s GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 16, 2019 at 11:04 am

Orange Man Bad so Bad He’s GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 16, 2019 at 11:09 am

And it’s bad, bad Orange Man Bad
The baddest man in the whole damned town
Badder than old King Kong
And meaner than a junkyard dog

Guess I don’t know all the Dems shown…

Help, please: In the set of screenshots, who appears at 0:11, 0:45, 1:51 and 1:56?

Appreciate it.

The chosen music works of course, explaining why lefties are so “hurt” over it.

But it seems to me that any number of other songs could provide the intended jabs at Democrats. Such as,

Baloo’s The Bare Necessities,

Or Doris Day’s songs. Use Que será, será as an example,

“So unpresidential”…..The Dems love to sucker punch those they oppose. They are dealing with a street fighter that punches back. Being “civilized” with that bunch means “shut up and sit In the back of the bus.” In the words of TR..” bully! “.

REM who? I thought that was a medical condition.

DouglasJBender | February 16, 2019 at 1:50 pm

REM did have a decent song called “Orange Crush”. Someone should create a video honoring Trump, using that song ironically.

How shall I say this…

No question that this video is an OUTSTANDING way to get the Dems upset. I’m all for it.

And look, I’m VERY grateful for the multiple dividends which DJT and his administration have paid out — first, by making sure that HRC did not get elected, then second, by executing so well on so many things.

And OF COURSE it’s fair use!!! SHEESH!!!

But yes, I DO expect better from ANYONE holding the office of POTUS (and family), and REALLY wish the video had gained a very wide audience some other way.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Rab. | February 16, 2019 at 7:05 pm

    I disagree completely.

    Sarcasm and mockery are very effective tools for exposing the grievance bearing card-carriers (Race card, Sex/Gender card, Immigration card, etc.) for what they are.

“In the past, presidents have tried to keep at least a bit of an appearance that they respected and were willing to work with the other party.”

No party has ever made it as clear that they refuse to work with the President as the current Democrats, both in and out of Congress. And their ridiculous behaviour started before he even took office.

    alaskabob in reply to mrzee. | February 16, 2019 at 8:35 pm

    Maybe the Dems and Lincoln. I’d put that No. 1 with this a close second.

    rabidfox in reply to mrzee. | February 17, 2019 at 1:30 pm

    Wasn’t it Obama who said “Elections have consequences” when the Republicans tried to work with him over obamacare? HE had no intention if working with the opposition but now it is ‘UnPresidential’?

Illinois here–we stuck you all with Durbin–sorry; and I’m glad to see the sorry set of losers who couldn’t be gracious enough to celebrate our country–I hope President Trump plays this video in an endless loop during his re-election campaign to demonstrate how pathetic the Democrats have become.

I see a pattern

Conservatives love truth
Leftists hate truth

God have mercy on our souls if we let these hate-filled leftists rule over our children and grandchildren.