Egard Watch Company video counters Gillette’s “Toxic Masculinity” ad
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Egard Watch Company video counters Gillette’s “Toxic Masculinity” ad

Egard Watch Company video counters Gillette’s “Toxic Masculinity” ad

Due to overwhelmingly positive response, Egard must now back-order stock & is donating to charity for veterans.

It appears that one company’s executive was making notes on the response to the Gillette’s man-shaming video, “The Best a Man Can Be”.

He directed his firm, Egard Watch Company, to make a video that is an homage to what is good in men, entitled “What is a Man: A Response to Gillette”.

A watch company CEO said Monday he has created an online ad in response to the new Gillette ad combatting “toxic masculinity” that has sparked outrage.

The YouTube commercial from the Egard Watch Company features footage of men in various situations — from fighting fires to hugging children as the firm’s founder Ilan Srulovicz asks “What is a man?”

“There’s been a movement in society I feel that’s just been painting men with a broad brush,” Srulovicz told “Fox & Friends” Monday.

“You know, for a company like Gillette to open up a commercial with a term like ‘toxic masculinity,’ I just don’t feel like masculinity is toxic.”

“I think masculinity can be beautiful,” he said.

The Egard Watch ad does so much more than show images of men on the job or with their families. The scenes are superimposed with statistics that show masculinity can be quite toxic…to males. For example, the viewer is informed that men account for 93% of workplace deaths and 97% of war fatalities.

If you were unfortunate enough to view the Gillette ad (the things I do for Legal Insurrection), then the Egard Watch Company video is a must-see palate cleanser.

What has the response been to Egard? Based on the company’s website, and sudden need to back-order product, I would say that it is a winning message.

The positive response to our message has allowed us to start donating to charities! We will be donating $10,000 USD To the Bob Woodruff Foundation this week! We hope to continue making numerous donations year round. Thank you all for giving us an opportunity to give back.

Due to the unexpected overwhelming response we are back-ordered on many units. Please bear with us. We are accepting pre-orders as we are making new inventory. The response is beyond appreciated. Every order will be fulfilled. We want to be completely transparent about the wait.

Ladies: Egard also has women’s watches and bracelets. If you like to send a message to the virtue-signaling elites dominating traditional marketing venues, this would be a wonderful opportunity to use the power of your purse as well.

The social media response has been uplifting.

Karol Markowicz, a New York Post writer, notes one positive aspect related to the Gillette ad: It has turned the tide against the “Toxic Masculinity” trope.

…In 2015, a company called Protein World released an ad for a diet supplement featuring a fit model in a bikini and the words: “Are You Beach Body Ready?” The backlash was swift. The ad was defaced again and again in the NYC subways, and the city of London went so far as to ban “body-shaming” ads on the Underground.

If there was a moment in time when women collectively decided that they would no longer stand for being body-shamed, that was it.

Similarly, the response to the Gillette ad feels like a dam breaking. This might be the moment when men have finally had enough.

If the response to Egard Watch Company’s video is any indication, the dam has shattered completely.


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4th armored div | January 22, 2019 at 9:42 am

thanks for posting this 🙂

I have witnessed toxic masculinity. The food services officer on the Carl Vinson. That guy could throw a brunch like nobody’s business.

And here is the deal. He could take the worst Sailor and turn him into a stellar performer.

His motto was, “Give him to me.” Inside of sixty days he could turn the worst performer into Sailor of the month. I wish I was the officer he was.

Men, and boys, rock!

saw the ad a couple of days ago, checked the watches, plan on buying one.

I was better at him at first aid. You have to go with your strengths. I was prouder to have had a Silver Star when the Battle Group evaluater said, “Your officer knew what to do. When I evaluated battle groups I always threw in first aid questions.

Maybe it was because it horrified me because that I grew up getting health care in a Navy hospital and I witnessed men terribly burned and maimed. Yeah, I think that’s it.

I signed up anyway.

I was better at him at first aid. You have to go with your strengths. I was prouder to have had a Silver Star when the Battle Group evaluater said, “Your officer knew what to do. When I evaluated battle groups I always threw in first aid questions.

Maybe it was because it horrified me because that I grew up getting health care in a Navy hospital and I witnessed men terribly burned and maimed. Yeah, I think that’s it.

I signed up anyway.

I used to wrestle with a guy whose greatest ambition was to be a pastry chef. The man was a tiger.

When I was in the Nav I was an intel officer. And I was a good Intel officer. But a Navy, like an Army, travels on its’s stomach.

Brilliant and on the money, without being obnoxious. I’ll definitely do business with this company. Once again – cram it, Gillette.

Schick is also bouncing off the stupidity of Gillette. From their web page, “The man I ma:”

Gillette, how stupid can you be.

When I was pregnant with my first son, I visited an Air Force base for Armed Services Day. They had an exhibit with airplane nose art. At this time, I had been working for a couple of years, among oilfield and chemical workers.

Possibly because I was pregnant, I noticed what had been painted by the artists on those planes: young women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Inflated tits, slightly rounded bellies, no filling out of the legs, yet. I could almost hear the conversations. “When I get home, in three months, my wife is going to look like THAT!”

It has been recorded that they had long-running conversations about how they were going to finish this dirty job, go home, make babies and have a real life. And that is exactly what they did. In the process, they built a whole, new country.

That was our greatest generation. Such is the power of a vow by very large numbers of men, to live well, despite catastrophe brought about by others.

That same potential, that will to live well, resides in their sons and grandsons. I’ve heard it when I listen in on my kids’ planning the future with their friends. I am amazed that there are people who want to quash this.

Time to push back. Enough is enough. I like my men as men and boys as boys with no apologies. Thank goodness I have a wonderful husband and an awesome grandson.

I went to Egard website and it looks like REAL MEN are putting them out of business. That is, in a good way. Much of their product is showing as sold out.
I’ve raised 4 powerful young women. Rock hard physically and mentally and true leaders but still tender, nurturing and caring. We don’t need to emasculate boys or men. We need to raise stronger women who don’t melt like snowflakes when somebody says something they don’t agree with.

“Is a man disposable”


Like it but in my humble opinion this one is better: