From KTUU in Anchorage, Alaska:
Several electronic road construction signs around Anchorage were hacked late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning, according to the state Department of Transportation.
Signs that normally display closure and detour information, like the one on Minnesota Drive near 100th Avenue, were changed to read “Impeach Obama.” That particular sign wasn’t fixed until sometime between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. Thursday.
It happened because DOT says it doesn’t lock the boxes on the signs that hold the message control pad.
The Alaska DOT was not happy:
“I’m sure somebody thought it was a pretty funny joke but we try to convey a lot of important information with these signs,” said Tim Croghan, a regional construction engineer for DOT.
What could be more “important information”?
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to the full extent allowed by law.
It beats spray-paint.
DOT says it doesn’t lock the boxes on the signs that hold the message control pad.
Civil Disobedience just came within comfortable reach of most mild-mannered patriots! Heh.
Hum. I would have guessed IMPEACH ROBERTS, but then I live in a part of the country were in my youth IMPEACH EARL WARREN billboards were popular.
After we all agree that people really should not tamper with electronic road signs, and such actions are illegal, as for the message itself … it’s constitutional, bitches!!
After we all agree that people really should not tamper with electronic road signs, and such actions are illegal. . .
*wink* *wink*
In a healthy and sane nation, those signs would be far more common.
There certainly appears to be a deep rooted sentiment that regime change is needed. Now if only the GOP will answer the call and get real aggressive…
They won’t if we don’t make them do it.
The GOP will NEVER become aggressive to save the country,they would rather obama wins again rather than take out romney. However, there’s no doubt in my mind that Sarah Palin will jump in at the very last moment. Run Sarah Run!!
According to Big Sis, the individual who programmed the sign is probably someone who “loves liberty” and is therefore a terrorist. Uh oh …. I used the red letter word “terrorist”. Hello ECHELON …. are you listening?
The new blame game will be: “It’s Sarah’s fault.”
Intrenched government interests have always become more disturbed when the “upstart” people express their true sentiments.
Too bad the hacker didn’t lock the message contol pad.
For a party that dearly loves abortion, you’d think someone would have hit the Off switch.
This part of the road is known as, “Dead Jobs Curve.”
In 2005 George W. Bush vetoed a bill that would have provided adequate locks for all Alaska DOT roadside infographic signs.
Just sayin’.
Yeah, he loved seeing, Fu*k Bush on all the flashing signs. 😯
As funny as it seems, there is a real public safety threat with altering the messages.
I’m pretty sure that the person who hacked those signs doesn’t think that there’s anything funny about Obama and as far as I am concerned there is nothing more important right now in America –absolutely nothing more important – than removing Barack Obama from his job.
And just so you all know, I have been on Cape Cod all week and was not anywhere near those signs.
And I’m in Southern California, and I can vouch for turfmann’s whereabouts the entire time he was on Cape Cod. Just in case anyone asks… 🙂
Heh. I passed one of those roadside signs today on NC 97 east of Possum Holler. It was off, idle, waiting on some sort of minor road work to start up again on Monday, I presume. I couldn’t help myself, stopped, went back and checked to see if I could locate the control box and whether it was locked. Found it. It had a lock, but it was hanging there unlocked, not pushed closed. Heh. Too much traffic on a Saturday afternoon to play with it. But I will absolutely make an attempt. If it works, I’ll try to get a pic.
On 4Chan-dot-org, on the /b/ board, they often have an “info thread” and the How to Reprogram Flashing Road Signs is a popular post. It’s funny that this never got a word of ink when Bush, Cheney et al were the reprogramming subjects. Of course, we know that Teh W0n eversospecial.
I won’t repost it for obvious reasons, but if you’re curious, Google it, as it is archived all over the Interwebz.
BTW, if you’ve never gone to 4Chan, do so with utmost caution. It is the absolute as*hole on the Internet in that you will see literally everything there. Only one subject is verboten and aggressively policed by the mods. Definitely NSFW or those with normal sensibilities. At one time, it was where all the common Internet memes were originated.
Just trying to assist with unpaving the road to hell.
The GOP will NEVER become aggressive to save the country,they would rather obama wins again rather than take out romney. they ARE obama with a pretense of being conservative. However, there’s no doubt in my mind that Sarah Palin will jump in at the very last moment. She saves us or it’s over for sure. Run Sarah Run!!