Pro-Communism Group at UT Austin Doxxes Pro-Kavanaugh Protesters

The left’s increasing use of this tactic is going to backfire on them at some point.
Campus Reform reports:
Communism sympathizers post numbers, jobs of pro-Kavanaugh protesters
Communism sympathizers at the University of Texas-Austin posted on Wednesday the phone numbers, emails, jobs, and other information linked to members of the Young Conservatives of Texas at the University of Texas-Austin, who demonstrated in support of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
The Autonomous Student Network in Austin, Texas (ASN), whose website encourages “anarchy” and “communism,” posted the information in a Twitter thread that linked to a blog entitled “THE YCT: NOT JUST RACISTS, BUT RAPE APOLOGISTS TOO!”
“Yesterday, members of the Young Conservatives of Texas tabled with pro-Kavanaugh & anti-#MeToo signs on West Mall. They were swiftly confronted by a growing crowd of students, who made signs in protest, destroyed YCT signs, and chanted slogans like ‘we believe survivors!’” the ASN stated in an accompanying blog post. “With women of color taking the initiative, the protests grew increasingly militant and also confronted the administration and the police enabling the YCT rally. Within two hours, the YCT had fled in the face of the massive backlash.”
The group responded to a Tuesday incident on campus during which pro-Kavanaugh protesters had their signs stolen and destroyed.

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H’mm. Does Texas have campus carry?
Yes, and the Campus police were right there to make sure they didn’t exercise it.