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Kavanaugh Hearing Craziness Is Just What the Democratic Base Ordered

Kavanaugh Hearing Craziness Is Just What the Democratic Base Ordered

“The Supreme Court is on the line, and you are failing us.”

To Understand the behavior of Democrats during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, you need only look to the people who are making demands of them. The Democratic base does not want Kavanaugh confirmed, and even though Democrats know there is nothing they can do to stop it, they are trying to appear as though they are making an effort.

As the saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and the loudest voices being heard by Democrats right now, are members of the activist class.

Molly Prince reports at the Daily Caller:

Democrats Interrupted Kavanaugh Hearing 63 Times, but Liberal Groups Are Banning Together to Push Schumer to do More

A handful of left-wing groups wrote a letter to New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer on Wednesday criticizing the minority leader for “failing” the progressive base by not blocking Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.

“The Supreme Court is on the line, and you are failing us,” the letter read. “Your job as Senate Democratic leader is to lead your caucus in complete opposition to Trump’s attempted Supreme Court takeover and to defend everyone threatened by a Trump Supreme Court.”

Democratic Senate Judiciary members have continually attempted to suspend the confirmation process while left-wing activists shouted down the Republican senators. Protesters screamed, chanted and cheered on the Democratic intervention 63 times throughout the hearing Tuesday. Many of the disrupters were removed from the room by police.

Here’s more from the letter sent to Schumer:

Dear Democratic Leader Schumer,

The Supreme Court is on the line, and you are failing us.

No senator who cares about our democracy should let a criminal co-conspirator like Donald Trump put anyone on the Supreme Court, and certainly not a nominee like Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh is an extremist who will help institutionalize Trump’s hate for a generation. He will end women’s access to abortion, decimate Obamacare, supercharge voter suppression and gut the EPA. He could be Trump’s get-out-of-jail free card when it comes to the Mueller investigation.

Your job as Senate Democratic leader is to lead your caucus in complete opposition to Trump’s attempted Supreme Court takeover and to defend everyone threatened by a Trump Supreme Court. But unbelievably, nearly two dozen Democrats have still not come out against Kavanaugh, and just last week, you helped Majority Leader Mitch McConnell fast track 15 Trump judicial nominees. That is not the leadership we need…

The Democratic Party’s progressive base expects nothing less than all-out resistance to Trump’s dangerous agenda. They want to elect candidates who will stand up for the people Trump threatens, not ones who compromise or cower as he and Republicans run the table in Congress and the courts.

The signatory list is a who’s who of the far left:

Democracy for America
Color Of Change
Demand Progress
Friends of the Earth
Justice Democrats
Social Security Works
Women’s March

According to the Washington Post, 70 people were arrested on the first day of the hearings. This is the Democrat base. These are the people Schumer, Harris and Warren are hearing from regularly:

This is why even Democrat senators are getting in on the interruptions. They’re mirroring the base:

Featured image via YouTube.


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Tasers. Make ’em ride the lightning.

I’ve been telling acquaintances that even though I’m no fan of the Republican Party, and am not particularly conservative, I’m voting a straight Republican ticket this fall because the Democrats will make the US ungovernable.

    Tom Servo in reply to moonmoth. | September 6, 2018 at 5:56 pm

    But all of the NeverTrumpin’ True Conservatives say we’ve got to vote for the Dems to save our Purity of Essence!

    “I’m voting a straight Republican ticket this fall…”

    Intelligent man (or woman).

    I loathe the republican party and will do the same. Of course, I have been for 45 years with a few exceptions. I voted for a D congressman in 1972, a Southern conservative and family friend. I did not vote for (spit) Romney, left it blank. I even voted for McCain, to my great shame. The truth is, there has been little difference in the two mainstream party’s for the last 30 years. All voting R has done was slow it down a bit. We have a chance to turn the ship now.

These hearings are only the undercard. The main event comes when one of the four committed lefties does a feet-first exit from the SC building. Lets call that, “When originalists dream,”

Kavanaugh will be confirmed, making it a Firm Five. Ruth Buzzy, who delusionally thinks she’s in charge of the length of her life span, may suffer a snip of the Abhorred Shears of Atropos sooner than she thinks, with DJT naming her replacement (yes, the Senate will remain GOP). Breyer, longing to spend his final days eating Breyers® Ice Cream with his grandkids and realizing that he will now be facing a Solid Six, responds to the loss of the Buzz, by crying, “What’s the use; I can no longer effectively legislate on behalf of the Democrat Party from the bench,” and resigns. The Don goes into action, and the Solid Six becomes the Solid Seven.

Then, in late-2022 or mid-2023, Thomas & Alito, each of whom will by then be in his mid-70s, come to DJT (yes, there will be a second term), announce their plans to retire, thereby giving the Don time to line up their respective replacements. Thomas & Alito condition their retirements on the Don’s promise to replace them with people in the mold of Scalia, with each nominee to be in his/her mid-40s. In time Roberts does the same, though he’ll be coming to President Mike Pence. The Solid Seven remains solid for decades.

4 days of crazyness plus maybe 2 more days when the Senate takes a vote is a very small price to pay to get Kavanaugh on the court.

    Price to pay?

    I’m not so sure.

    I’m finding all this gnashing of teeth and lamentation wildly entertaining, and I suspect huge numbers of moderate voters are turned off by the lunacy.

    Indeed. Other than trying to bring influence on the Mid-terms, why are they claiming the vote to confirm will be accomplished by the end of October when the new SCOTUS term starts on 1 October 2018?

“I would like to thank Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for not derailing these proceedings. There were several procedural moves he could’ve taken to slow down or, dare I say, halt these hearings altogether but instead he reached across the aisle in the spirit of bipartisanship and declined to do so.

I wish him luck in his next re-election bid.”

– An Open Letter from Sen. Ted Cruz to the NYT, probably

I have been wondering just how some of these obvious fringers have been allowed entry/access to the chamber. 🙂

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to G. de La Hoya. | September 6, 2018 at 5:48 pm

    Tickets issued by the office of the Minority Leader. With “No Search” clearances attached. One of these days they will not be bringing signs, but weapons.

      I’ve heard both ways, A) individual senators get guests and B) it’s a public hearing so all they have to do is stand in line like a concert. In either case, the only ‘no search’ clearance goes to the Secret Service and the various Senators. There’s no blinking way in heck any Senator, no matter how leftist, will get his or her name tied to that kind of clearance when a nut has a chance of taking advantage of it and going crazy in that room.

      I would be willing to bet that signs are *not* prohibited, just regulated a lot regarding sticks and other possible weapon potential.

        Subotai Bahadur in reply to georgfelis. | September 6, 2018 at 8:22 pm

        That was meant sarcastically, however I do not believe that there are not any Leftist supporters in the Capitol Security Force.

    Milwaukee in reply to G. de La Hoya. | September 7, 2018 at 3:13 am

    “I have been wondering just how some of these obvious fringers have been allowed entry/access to the chamber.”

    Good grief.
    The Democrat Party gets to pick which Senators they want on which committee. They were picked by the Democrat Party. Senators Corey and Kamela are there representing their party. That is how the obvious fingers got there. As for those in the audience, I’m surprised they weren’t screened at the door.

    By the way, the fellow who shot up the Republican baseball team sent plenty of emails to Senator Durbin. He has never released those emails. How about some transparency there?

Subotai Bahadur | September 6, 2018 at 5:53 pm

Win or lose, the violent majority of the Left is going to turn to their forte. If they somehow stop Kavanaugh; they are going to conclude that if violence and threats of violence work, more will work better.

If Kavanaugh is confirmed, they will believe that they have no choice but go to deadly violence, since they cannot win by following the law and Constitution.

We are not one country anymore, and times are interesting.

    Too bad for them that they’re so scared of Icky Guns.

      Anchovy in reply to Tom Servo. | September 6, 2018 at 6:01 pm

      That and most of them think .223 is Hillary’s normal blood alcohol level.

      The thing is that’s easy to say and very difficult to do. We need an incremental approach, much like has been used successfully for many decades.

      -Silently holding a sign up in the back of the room – fine as long as you don’t disrupt the proceedings.

      -Standing up and shouting in the middle of the hearing – The nice police officers will escort you out.

      -Struggling, screaming, and fighting the officers *by hitting them* gets you an arrest and a charge of resisting arrest and assault.

      -Rushing the stage or the speaker – Did you know that most of these guards played football when they were in college? Well, they’re going to give you an education in that regard right now with something called ‘Roughing The Quarterback.’

      -Engaging in actual deadly violence – Then we’ve gotten to the point we didn’t want to reach.

      Without that ramping up, the leftists just get louder and more violent. Without the actual *will* to prosecute and convict, the violence only grows until Little Timmy has been protesting and wearing his cool AntiFa outfit for several years now, keying cars and throwing eggs. Today, he decides to knife a little old lady wearing the wrong pin on her shirt, only to find out she’s carrying.

      We don’t want to get there. Support peace. Arrest a violent thug today.

    Let them get violent. Then, we can settle this once and for all.

      tom_swift in reply to Sanddog. | September 6, 2018 at 6:25 pm

      Fat chance. We thought we’d settled the D’rats’ hash in 1865. But they’re still here, the persistent rectal itch of American politics.

    Marine Corps doctrine is to act pre-emptively and with disproportionate force.

    Just sayin.

If the Progressive Fascists make it impossible to hold the hearing can the chairman declare it over and hold the vote?

One more time. The Supreme Court isn’t. Supreme, that is.

The lefty senators, and their cohorts in the MSM, keep using that phrase “settled law” to corner Kavanaugh for certain, but, more broadly, to remove any matter covered by a SC decision from any further debate. Meaning of course abortion. No one’s fooling anyone; the stakes are federal protection of abortion, as dishonorable a goal for our great republic as could be imagined. The 5th & 14th amendments speak of the protections of “life, liberty, [and] property,” and yet the unborn are wilfully destroyed through the legalistic, though not scientific, trickery of denying them the status of “person.”

While they might try to elevate their abortion decisions into “settled law” and then, from that concession, try to morph that concession into “supreme law,” they will fail utterly.

For a simple reason. A Supreme Court decision can NEVER be the supreme law of the land.

What is jurisprudentially supreme in our system of government are these, and only these: the Constitution itself; laws enacted pursuant to that Constitution; and treaties. Note carefully what is NOT FOUND in that list. Namely, court decisions.

I thought Sam Kinison had died. That lady in the first picture looks (and sounds) a lot like him.

The Castrato Party is allowing these zoo animals to make a mockery of the Senate, the Constitution, due process, and the Republic.

Of course I don’t look for professionalism because politics isn’t a profession, it’s a racket. So I don’t expect much. But I’m still majorly underwhelmed by both parties.


Democracy for America
Color Of Change
Demand Progress
Friends of the Earth
Justice Democrats
Social Security Works
Women’s March

Thanks for realizing Obama’s dream – your are indeed the change we’ve been waiting for, though not in the way you intended.

Your antics, disrespect of your fellow Americans, disregard for the Constitution, denial of a legitimately elected President… have not only endured a 2nd Trump term, but has encouraged us to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Don’t worry, we’ll say it was a “mistake” and put it back after Trump”s 6th term.

Thanks for giving us moar Trump!

The Deplorables

It’s banDing together, not banNing together. The first one means to come together as a group. The second one means to making something illegal (Joining the band vs banning the joint)

I hate illiterate journalists.

“The Supreme Court is on the line, and you are failing us,” the letter read. “Your job as Senate Democratic leader is to lead your caucus in complete opposition to Trump’s attempted Supreme Court takeover and to defend everyone threatened by a Trump Supreme Court.”

Translation: I really have no idea how any of this is supposed to work, but my feels tells me you are being a naughty poopy head!

I wonder if the protesters in the audience work out a timetable as to when they begin shouting.
Do you think they have a list so each person will know when its their turn to scream and get tossed out?
I mean, It would be rude if one person started shouting over another shouting protester, don’t you think?

2nd Ammendment Mother | September 7, 2018 at 9:37 am

My Dad picked up on what should have been the quote of the day yesterday….. the Democrats are angry with Americans for not falling into line and doing what we’re told. This is our punishment.

I wonder how many of them had actual jobs and maybe a mortgage… Seems like they are professional whiners. Who is paying them?