Cynthia Nixon Announces She’s a Democratic Socialist, Holds Contest for Bong Giveaway
“of course wealthy people and big corporations have always had an outsized influence on American politics”

Cynthia Nixon’s quixotic campaign for governor of New York is beginning to show signs of desperation. Cuomo’s lead in the polls is holding, and Nixon is responding with transparent appeals to the far left.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently grabbed the spotlight in New York politics by winning a primary as a Democratic Socialist. Cynthia Nixon clearly wants some of that attention.
Jimmy Vielkind reports at Politico:
Cynthia Nixon: I’m a democratic socialist
Gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon considers herself a democratic socialist, she told POLITICO on Tuesday.
Nixon, an actor best known for her role in “Sex and the City,” is running a left-flank challenge to Gov. Andrew Cuomo in a Democratic primary this September. She has promised to raise taxes on the rich to increase funding for public schools and mass transit, and she supports a single-payer health care system.
Nixon spokeswoman Lauren Hitt said that the campaign has been in touch with members of the Democratic Socialists of America, which backed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as well as Julia Salazar, a state Senate candidate in Brooklyn who has cross-endorsed Nixon. In an email passed along by Hitt, Nixon told POLITICO that she sees herself in their vein…
During an interview with The Dig podcast, Nixon said she disagreed with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s negative response to a question about whether Ocasio-Cortez’s surprise primary victory over Rep. Joe Crowley meant socialism was ascendant in the Democratic Party.
“I think Nancy Pelosi is dead wrong, I think that is exactly what is happening,” Nixon said. “I think that of course wealthy people and big corporations have always had an outsized influence on American politics and world politics, but at this moment, when you look at what the agendas of corporations are and you look at governmental policies, there is almost no daylight between them.”
This reaction from Stephen Miller is spot on:
1. No Shit
2. She’s getting creamed. So she basically halts any Ocasio-Cortez momentum going for Dem. Socialists by getting blown out in a primary and handing people a talking point like “wow this doesn’t even play in NYC.”
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 10, 2018
Nixon is getting creative with fundraising, as well. She’s giving away a bong that has been signed by celebrities.
Joseph Spector reports at the Democrat & Chronicle:
Bong contest: Cynthia Nixon’s plan to raise campaign cash
Here’s one way to try to smoke your opponent: Hold a campaign contest to win a bong.
Gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is offering a bong signed by the stars of Comedy Central’s Broad City to a random campaign supporter in an effort to boost her candidacy.
The contest’s website includes an option to contribute to Nixon’s campaign, but no contribution is required to enter.
“This may be a silly contest but it’s a serious issue,” her campaign said on its website.
Critics knocked the fundraiser, but Nixon said it’s another way to raise awareness about the importance of legalizing recreational marijuana.
Join the ladies of @broadcity and support my plan to legalize cannabis and end the criminalization of people of color in NY. Enter now for a chance to win a bong signed by Abbi & Ilana:
— Cynthia Nixon (@CynthiaNixon) July 8, 2018
This no longer looks like a serious campaign.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
What’s wrong with these people? Does nobody know their history any more?
She’s stealing a move from the Libertarian Party. “Free Weed, man!!! Free weed for everybody!!!”
Actually, snopercod, many of them don’t. This is what happens when we allow leftists to take control of our educational system.
If you’re a Dim, you can’t let anyone outflank you to the left.
I’m a fan of history.
How a racist hate-monger masterminded America’s War on Drugs
Harry Anslinger
Um, aren’t you rich, Sweetheart? Just askin…
She doesn’t mean rich like her. That would be silly and impossible. You can’t tax the truly rich in this country full of tax laws and loopholes written specifically for folks like her.
Does $60 million count?
Cynthia Nixon: the face of the Democrat Party. Maxine Waters: its conscience.
Here’s one way to try to smoke your opponent: Hold a campaign contest to win a bong.
Well, that should get her about a buck ninety-eight.
Roughly 60+% of Americans favor pot legalization.
For young Republicans the number is also about 60%.
Republicans look to repeat the mistake of 1932 when they opposed ending Alcohol Prohibition.
I’d rather not see that happen.
Democrat Socialist: … but it’s pancreatic cancer, not liver cancer!
Fen: You’ll still be dead in 5 years.
Democratic Socialist: … but it’s democratic socialism, not –
Fen: Like I said, not different enough to matter.
… Cynthia is not as smart as she thinks. Why do people keep falling for this Marxist Scam?
It will work this time because we voted for it? Really?
You are aware that fifty percent of people have below average intelligence?
Why do people keep falling for this Marxist Scam?
Because America doesn’t fix its defects faster than the Marxists can take advantage.
As soon as they point it out their opponents just say “it’s just a Marxist ploy”. And Marxists win until it gets fixed.
Cannabis prohibition is wildly unpopular among the general population. And yet our politicians won’t fix it (Federally). And the Marxist jumps up and says , “they don’t care about you, but I do”
I have been watching. And they have been doing this the whole time I have been alive. 70+ years.
“end the criminalization of people of color in NY”
What does that even mean? Only albinos have to obey the law? What about gingers?
And I’m getting weary of the “colored people” racisn. Whites don’t have skin tone? Hold your hand up to this white background and tell me your skin is “without color”. I guess whites aren’t even human now. How racist.
It means something like this:
How a racist hate-monger masterminded America’s War on Drugs
Harry Anslinger
“This no longer looks like a serious campaign.”
Was it ever really?
But I can hear the Bells ringing for the Cynthia Nixon Campaign!
“Critics knocked the fundraiser, but Nixon said it’s another way to raise awareness about the importance of legalizing recreational marijuana.”
More importantly, it’s a way for Nixon’s campaign to get the names, mailing addresses, and other personal information of contest entrants, so she can use that information to hit them up for campaign donations (and later, after she loses, sell her mailing list to somebody else).
Wait, some of you “don’t” sign your ex-boss up for everything?
That is why they use the captcha system. It used to be possible to sign someone up for 40,000 email lists with the click of a button, so I’ve been told.
As for Nixon, attention whore is as attention whore does.
Hipsters in NY love to go along with what is trendy and cool once someone else has tested the waters. Guess Nixon now sees that elections can be won downstate in NY by calling yourself Dem Socialist.
It’s also further evidence that statewide politics pretty much see anything north of about Newburg as deplorable country. So running further left just says “eff you” to about 85% of the state’s towns but maybe less than half of the voters. If people who aren’t far left in CA think they have it bad, NY is now giving them a run for the money.
I wonder what the prize Ms Nixon’s fundraiser would award in raising awareness for legalizing the black market for sex workers? Some kind of booby prize? Hell, I don’t know.
Black Markets are always a creation of government.
Could some one explain to me why the Republican solution to problems is first of all “we need a government program” ?
And second off why do the programs usually involve creating a Black Market?
but at this moment, when you look at what the agendas of corporations are and you look at governmental policies, there is almost no daylight between them
I think the agendas of corporations have to do with making money.
So the Democratic Socialist will raise taxes, so that government can make money, too.
She’s right—not much daylight between them.