Trump nemesis NY AG Eric Schneiderman RESIGNS after 4 women accuse him of physical abuse
Just as Trump predicted in 2013 tweet: “Weiner is gone, Spitzer is gone – next will be lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman… Wait and see, worse than Spitzer or Weiner”
UPDATE 10:30 PM: Schneiderman has resigned:
“It’s been my great honor and privilege to serve as Attorney General for the people of the State of New York,” Schneiderman said in a statement. “In the last several hours, serious allegations, which I strongly contest, have been made against me. While these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time. I therefore resign my office, effective at the close of business on [Tuesday].”
Original Post:
A couple of weeks ago I argued in a radio appearance — John Gibson Show I think — that NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was unfit for office because he was so hyper-partisan. Elected Attorney Generals have a political role, but Schneiderman had unofficially appointed himself the AG to #TheResistance. It was too much for a law enforcement officer.
Little did I know that it would not be long until an even darker side of Schneiderman was revealed.
The New Yorker has a blockbuster story about how 4 women have accused Schneiderman of physical abuse, some in the course of relationships, at least one not in a relationship. Two went on record using their names, the other two didn’t want their names used, but reporters Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer vetted the accusations.
The story is extremely detailed, Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General of Physical Abuse:
As his prominence as a voice against sexual misconduct has risen, so, too, has the distress of four women with whom he has had romantic relationships or encounters. They accuse Schneiderman of having subjected them to nonconsensual physical violence. All have been reluctant to speak out, fearing reprisal. But two of the women, Michelle Manning Barish and Tanya Selvaratnam, have talked to The New Yorker on the record, because they feel that doing so could protect other women. They allege that he repeatedly hit them, often after drinking, frequently in bed and never with their consent. Manning Barish and Selvaratnam categorize the abuse he inflicted on them as “assault.” They did not report their allegations to the police at the time, but both say that they eventually sought medical attention after having been slapped hard across the ear and face, and also choked. Selvaratnam says that Schneiderman warned her he could have her followed and her phones tapped, and both say that he threatened to kill them if they broke up with him. (Schneiderman’s spokesperson said that he “never made any of these threats.”)
A third former romantic partner of Schneiderman’s told Manning Barish and Selvaratnam that he also repeatedly subjected her to nonconsensual physical violence, but she told them that she is too frightened of him to come forward. (The New Yorker has independently vetted the accounts that they gave of her allegations.) A fourth woman, an attorney who has held prominent positions in the New York legal community, says that Schneiderman made an advance toward her; when she rebuffed him, he slapped her across the face with such force that it left a mark that lingered the next day. She recalls screaming in surprise and pain, and beginning to cry, and says that she felt frightened. She has asked to remain unidentified, but shared a photograph of the injury with The New Yorker.
There’s a lot more in the story. Read it.
Schneiderman, obviously anticipating the story would break, had his excuse lined up, that it was all consensual role playing.
“In the privacy of intimate relationships, I have engaged in role-playing and other consensual sexual activity. I have not assaulted anyone. I have never engaged in non-consensual sex, which is a line I would not cross.”
The women deny that it was role playing. And in numerous cases Schneiderman tried to use his role as the chief law enforcement officer in the State to his advantage:
About four weeks after they became physically involved, she says, Schneiderman grew violent. One night, they were in the bedroom of his Upper West Side apartment, still clothed but getting ready for bed, and lightly baiting each other. As she recalls it, he called her “a whore,” and she talked back. They had both been drinking, and her recollection of their conversation is blurry, but what happened next remains vivid. Schneiderman, she says, backed her up to the edge of his bed. “All of a sudden, he just slapped me, open-handed and with great force, across the face, landing the blow directly onto my ear,” Manning Barish says. “It was horrendous. It just came out of nowhere. My ear was ringing. I lost my balance and fell backward onto the bed. I sprang up, but at this point there was very little room between the bed and him. I got up to try to shove him back, or take a swing, and he pushed me back down. He then used his body weight to hold me down, and he began to choke me. The choking was very hard. It was really bad. I kicked. In every fibre, I felt I was being beaten by a man.”
She finally freed herself and got back on her feet. “I was crying and in shock,” she says. She recalls shouting, “Are you crazy?” To her astonishment, Schneiderman accused her of scratching him. At one point—she can’t remember if it was at this moment or in a later conversation—he told her, “You know, hitting an officer of the law is a felony.”
Another woman recounted:
When Schneiderman was violent, he often made sexual demands. “He was obsessed with having a threesome, and said it was my job to find a woman,” she says. “He said he’d have nothing to look forward to if I didn’t, and would hit me until I agreed.” (She had no intention of having a threesome.) She recalls, “Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did.” Selvaratnam, who was born in Sri Lanka, has dark skin, and she recalls that “he started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’ ”
The abuse escalated. Schneiderman not only slapped her across the face, often four or five times, back and forth, with his open hand; he also spat at her and choked her. “He was cutting off my ability to breathe,” she says. Eventually, she says, “we could rarely have sex without him beating me.” In her view, Schneiderman “is a misogynist and a sexual sadist.” She says that she often asked him to stop hurting her, and tried to push him away. At other times, she gave in, rationalizing that she could tolerate the violence if it happened only once a week or so during sex. But “the emotional and verbal abuse started increasing,” she says, and “the belittling and demeaning of me carried over into our nonsexual encounters.” He told her to get plastic surgery to remove scars on her torso that had resulted from an operation to remove cancerous tumors. He criticized her hair and said that she should get breast implants and buy different clothes. He mocked some of her friends as “ditzes,” and, when these women attended a birthday celebration for her, he demanded that she leave just as the cake was arriving. “I began to feel like I was in Hell,” she says.
There is so much more in the article, READ IT – I feel like excerpting the whole thing but you can READ IT at The New Yorker.
Aside from the horrorshow, there are politically interesting angles. Schneiderman is up for reelection this year, and the deadline to run is not until July. It’s hard to see how he survives politically. Al Franken was driven out of the Senate by NY Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and others for groping that was mild by comparison to what Schneiderman is accused of.
As Trump’s nemesis, Trump is sure to be smiling. He is blessed with terrible enemies. In 2013 he tweeted that Schneiderman was no better than disgraced former Governor Elliot Spitzer and Congressman Anthony Weiner, both of whom had sexual scandals.
Weiner is gone, Spitzer is gone – next will be lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman. Is he a crook? Wait and see, worse than Spitzer or Weiner
This tweet by Schneiderman about the rule of law is sure to haunt him:
Some of the liberal reactions are fearful that this will help Trump:
There’s also a strain of reaction that this must be a set up by Trump:
Can’t wait for Trump to tweet after this news broke.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Not to pile on, but this is delicious. 😉
I would not be at all surprised if Mueller didn’t get reported in a similar way.
No, Mueller’s kink seems to be going after innocent people under the color of law. I doubt he has the S&M thing going on at home.
Don’t care. It’s the prosecutorial overreaching that is a deal-killer for me.
Mueller declared illegal!
Perp walk starts in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6…….
Life, Liberty & Levin 5/6/18 | Dan Bongino Fox News Today May 6, 2018
Schneiderman! Schneiderman!
Does whatever a Schneider can!
He can weave a web of lies!
Treating women far worse than flies!
Look out! Here comes the Schneiderman!
Genius. If I could have up voted 10 times I would have.
Sessions is probably his clyde tolson.
It accounts for a lot.
Pile on, pile on! It is delicious!
Once again, Trump class it correctly!
I again credit these stories.
Let’s see if all the apologia flopped out in defense of Roy Moore is now forthcoming…
Was Moore accused of beating on women while claiming to be their champion?
No. In fact, one of the “accusers”, who wasn’t actually an accuser, just a describer of his actions, quite clearly stated he took “No” for answer quite easily. A fact all his “accusers” agreed on.
Kind of makes you wonder what all the fuss was about. You’d almost think it nothing but a concocted political hit job against Roy Moore.
Not standing up for Moore. But to compare his situation to Schneiderman is a stretch, and that’s being generous.
Thats a series of false statements.
But, how fun! Red herrings by the barrel!
The bullshit here is focused on specifics.
What about the global? I expect it will not appear.
Have you figured out that a yearbook comes out once a year?
Have you figured out that since the once a year yearbook was admittedly altered that the whole thing was a farce?
Have you figured out that you are wrong about Moore not filing suit against the women, since he has now done so?
Have you considered that one is not like the other?
You are Stormy’s best friend, praising her “production” capabilities. Anything against President Trump and you will get behind it and push it.
You’re deranged.
Psycho analyze that Henry.
You can’t NOT lie…!!!
I’ve noted that Stormy has a career in porn, including acting (!), writing (!), directing (!), and producing (!). You simply lie like a Bolshevik.
Moore and his piece-of-work wife, just days ago, filed a state court action against several people in Alabama. Allegations include “wantonness”, negligence, defamation, negligent infliction of emotional distress, intentional infliction of emotional distress, outrage, and civil conspiracy.
Notably absent are Allred and the WaPo.
Moore is begging for money from his supporters, which is the likely reason for the suit.
He lied (again), saying he “never knew” any of the ladies. They are standing firm.
I agree, rags. Your BS is quite specific.
“I’ve noted that Stormy has a career in porn…”
Actually, liar, what you said was she was a successful “writer (!), producer (!), and director (!) of porn”. Note the wording and the exclamation marks.
“Clifford is a successful writer (!), producer (!), and director (!) of porn.”
Goalpost moving. Moore filed suit. You said he wouldn’t.
As for your hypocritical call for anyone that didn’t believe the Moore accusers with their unprovable 30 year old allegations to defend the NY AG…
Bullhockey. You reek of hypocrisy. YOU should be standing firmly behind these women, staunchly defending their truth telling. At least then you would be consistent.
Nope. It’s simple, like all good progs, you’re now on the defensive because the AG was after Trump. It’s all about your hatred of President Trump. That is how you pick your side, always siding with the progs.
You’re SO deep in lying, you can’t help yourself!
I DO stand behind the ladies in the Moore allegations. He’s a obvious liar, and you either know it, or you’ve lied to yourself sufficiently that you can’t recognize conflicting statements when you see them.
I made a prediction regarding Moore’s huffing and puffing during the campaign. It was based on my knowledge as an attorney.
He did NOT sue, did he?
YOU were predicting he’d sue for millions IIRC, and that would entail the WaPo and Allred.
I don’t know beans about Alabama civil procedure or case-law, but I’ll predict Moore’s suit here won’t make it to a jury.
You should donate to his legal fund, Bolshevik.
“YOU were predicting he’d sue for millions IIRC, and that would entail the WaPo and Allred.”
I’ll be generous, you’re mistaken, entirely. I never predicted or asserted any such thing, just the opposite in fact.
“I DO stand behind the ladies in the Moore allegations.”
So, why do you not – stand behind the ladies – in the NY AG allegations? Hypocrisy. They have recent stories, not 30 year old bullshit that you chose to believe.
“He did NOT sue, did he?”
Yes, he is.
“You should donate to his legal fund, Bolshevik.”
Nope, comrade, never even liked him. Actually as I noted at the time, I despise him.
YOU were the one that claimed you donated to his campaign.
Just more of your nevertrump deranged BS.
I like this little tidbit you spouted regarding trump and your fave, Stormy.
“He is guilty as charged.
You know it.”
When are you going to pronounce the NY AG “guilty as charged”?
I dunno…twelve hours ago.
“I again credit these stories.”
OK, my mistake. Not much, nothing like your defense of the Moore accusers or Stormy.
But it is there.
The thing that makes the allegations against Schneiderman credible is simple: two of the women went, at the time, and got medical treatment for injuries from the encounters. That means that there is the possibility of recent, independent, physical, corroborative evidence gathered by third parties whose backgrounds can be checked.
There was NOT ONE SHRED of such evidence against Judge Moore. A yearbook that was an obvious forgery, 30+ year old memories that were disputed by those in a position to know (mall manager saying no one banned Mr Moore as claimed), etc.
That’s good enough for someone like Rags, who follows the Harry Reid standard (“he didn’t win, right?”), but not for an actual justice system.
OK, enough time has elapsed, and sure as shootin’, the specious defenses afforded Moore (or Porter) never materialized.
Why would one expect they’d be, since the allegations are easily distinguished? Because the three cases all have common features, and two of them were defended on the same global nonsense (easily applicable here, but un-applied).
1. “It’s all hearsay”
2. “It’s all he-said/she-said”
3. “No man can defend himself against these charges”
4. “I thought we believed in due process”
5. “Innocent until proven guilty”
Those are all conspicuously absent here.
You missed creditably of the reporting source. Farrow seems to be on the mark. As for Gloria, it is all about extortion.
I “missed” it because it wasn’t a factor. You only vest creds because you want to.
“OK, enough time has elapsed…”
Yes, it has. Where is your defense of the women here as being credible and honest?
Cat got your tongue? Or is it Stormy that has it?
What did my first comment say, lying sack of shit?
Find it hard to believe you don’t have your own blog Rags. I’m sure people would subscribe by the millions….
In the case of Scheiderman, unlike Moore, Scheiderman actually admitted to abusing women. His justification is that it wholly consensual. If it was consensual, and so far there is no evidence that it was not [none of his accusers have claimed otherwise], then there is no crime here. So, Schneiderman would have to face the voters who would make that decision. What is interesting here, is the same thing which applied to the Moore case, timing. This was released just as Scheiderman’s campaign for reelection was ramping up. Also, his penchant for fetishism was apparently pretty widely known and was not used against him in the past. Also, he was outed by the New YOrker, magazine. A wholly liberal publication which WaPo found was the most highly preferred publication by liberal in the US. He was swiftboated by his supposed political allies and supporters. Irony is wonderful.
“If it was consensual, and so far there is no evidence that it was not [none of his accusers have claimed otherwise], then there is no crime here.”
Very selectively FOS here, as usual.
More of your critique without reference. Exactly how am I FOS, Buford?
Completely. Up to your hair follicles.
You have the story entirely WRONG. Read, nutter…!!!
This is how communication works, Buford. You make a claim that I am incorrect. I ask you to explain in what way I am incorrect. Then, you are supposed to press enough keys on your keyboard to actually spell out where I was incorrect. If I was, in fact, incorrect, then I will push a sufficient number of keys on MY keyboard to acknowledge that and thank you for point this out. However, you seem unable to comprehend how communication works. So, i suppose we could simply default to your normal mode of address and just grunt. So, “Oog, Oog, Buford”.
I provided you an IMMENSE hint/sound piece of advice. You didn’t have the snap to take it.
NONE of the ladies consented to his violence. ONE of them never had a relationship with him except to rebuff him. READ THE FLUCKING PIECE.
” If it was consensual, and so far there is no evidence that it was not [none of his accusers have claimed otherwise], then there is no crime here.”
According to the women, the violence was not consensual. The sex was.
This is going to be huge. Remember, the first allegation or first few allegations open the floodgates. Women who were afraid the come forward, thinking they were all alone, will now speak up, even if they don’t publically reveal their names. The snowball has started. See: Weinstein. Also, this is actually far worse because of the physical violence and use of his official position to keep the victims quiet. I give him two weeks at the the outside.
But it’s going to tough for reporters to report on. Any woman coming forward will discover reporters playing hide and seek to avoid talking with her. They won’t be the bushes looking for anyone with any kind of story like they were in Alabama. They’ll be studiously looking the other way trying to pretend there’s nothing to see.
You can guarantee that if a guy is his comfortable with doing this to these four women, it was far from the first time he’d done it.
It is so funny, the dems hyper-politicized the whole sphere of sexuality over the last 18 months or so because they were so sure they could take down Trump – just one more bit of evidence that Dem’s are always doing whatever they accuse anyone else of.
Also, with respect to Roy Moore – Moore was accused of being attracted to women who were too much younger than he was, but he was NEVER even accused of actually causing physical harm to anyone.
Which is exactly what Schneiderman is being credibly accused of here.
Its the same story time and time again. These abusers all have the same thing in common…HISTORY!
That is the difference here between these abusers and the abuser the left wants Trump to be. He doesn’t have a history of destruction like these pieces of shit! The left might wish Trump to have a train of destruction BUT unlike all these Democrats he doesn’t!
And is it really surprising that someone supposedly so up for protecting women is in fact himself a serial abuser?
Im telling you now, if you want to end sexual abuse just investigate every fucking Democrat!
I am going to read the piece, because this type of investigative reporting must be supported.
Good luck, Leslie. It’s an extremely painful read. I don’t think I made it past the first 1,000 words — the point where one of his woman victims whom he beat and strangled decides to give him a second chance….
You were right. Tough reading, but well written.
It seems pretty obvious a “consensual” relationship with a kink is the last thing he wanted. It’s not “roll play” when only one person has agreed to the “game”.
But zat iz the only way Leftists Democrats have it!
He mocked some of her friends as “ditzes”
Sounds like they’re on the trail of a master criminal, for sure.
On the spectrum of crimes against humanity, that one ranks pretty low.
Hopefully Schneiderman will be driven from office quickly. As a resident of the once great state of NY, I would be overjoyed at that prospect if I did not expect that whoever replaces him will be essentially the same.
You mean like Hillary or some other “Clinton?”
Okay, you’re right. It really could be worse.
This guy would have been comfortable working for the STASI. I love it.
Pretty much any Democrat would be happy, really happy, in working for the STASI. Especially an American STASI.
….or the TSA
“Schneiderman freaked out, telling her, ‘A lot of women like it. They don’t always think they like it, but then they do, and they ask for more.'”
He’s probably been going through the Letters section of his 1970-1995 stash of Penthouse, and believing what he reads.
‘A lot of women like it. They don’t always think they like it, but then they do, and they ask for more.’”
I find that comment, from an AG, chilling. I think every rape case he ever touched should be revisited.
you will find a lot of challenges to cases that he won.
allowing him to JUST resign is a travesty –
where are the #MeToo cadre ?
like with Billy Jeff, he is a member of the Protected Class,
Don’t worry. The Manhattan DA has already opened an investigation. Did so last night after the resignation.
Billy Jeff isn’t dead yet, who knows what tomorrow may bring…perhaps his own headlines (along with that evil wife of his). How sweet to consider that both may someday be prosecuted.
Re: FSCarn
He was probably reading “The Collected Wisdom of Bernie Sanders.”
My level of schadenfreude is very high this evening.
I thought mine was going to peak on Nov. 8, 2016. However, it keeps going higher!
We ain’t seen nothin’ yet!!!!!!!!
I wonder if Mueller will be prosecuted for his crimes as well?
we are NOT tired of WINING
Talk about having a glass jaw! Say what you will about Trump, but he woulda put up a fight. This guy folded within hours. On the other hand, he’s in the running for a Kennedy Center Profile-in-Putty award.
The way he folded should tell us that he knew all 4 of these women had their stories nailed down and checked out, probably with physical evidence and pictures of the beatings they took from him.
So much for implying that these claims were “fake”.
To see such a vicious enemy taken out so fast, from out of the blue!!!! Now I think I know exactly how Nimitz and his staff felt in the hour they learned that Yamamoto’s plane had been taken out!
The quick resignation also tells us that there are another dozen or so women in the background — Ronan Farrow may not even have met them yet, but Schneiderman knows that they’re out there.
As was said earlier, these aren’t the only four women he abused; they’re just the only four we know about as of this morning.
That’s why Schneiderman folded like a cheap lawn chair.
Rags will be soooo disappointed; Schneiderman was the plan B for bringing down President Trump because he’d file charges against Mueller’s victims at the state level so President Trump couldn’t pardon them.
Post to a link where any of that lying bullshit is supported.
This moke was never anyone I posted about. You’re a lying sack of shit.
You can buy his dresses on ebay.
Sorry rags. You own the lss title in perpetuity. No one can match your ownership of that.
First of all, that’s a lie. Second, it’s stupid, because whoever takes Schneiderman’s place will bring the exact same charges.
Hey, his replacement might have even had a three some. The pond scum is deep. Next target, please!
Oh, look, Rags and his sidekick can’t use Google:
“Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is working with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on its investigation into Paul Manafort and his financial transactions, according to several people familiar with the matter.
The cooperation is the latest indication that the federal probe into President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman is intensifying. It also could potentially provide Mueller with additional leverage to get Manafort to cooperate in the larger investigation into Trump’s campaign, as Trump does not have pardon power over state crimes.”
Now, I won’t ask for an apology, I’ll just point and laugh at you two.
Oh, look!
You ASSumed I’d know WTF you were alluding to in a personal attack on me.
I can’t read your “mind”. I read what you LIE about.
You’re a lying moron. No apology, no equivocation, no moderatioin.
I think Monofart is a criminal son-of-a-bitch and has been for decades. I hope he’s prosecuted and imprisoned. Just like Hellary. And you should, too. But you don’t because Monofart is nominally part of your tribe.
Um, what would you expect an apology for? You lied and I called you on it. I also called you on your stupidity because anybody serving as state AG will bring the exact same charges.
I just proved you lied, chuckles. So you run along and fluff for Rags, and I’ll keep laughing at both of you.
And you’re assuming that his deputy is equally insane and dishonest.
There’s nothing either insane or dishonest about prosecuting violations of state law as and when they turn up.
You can’t know that whoever takes Schneiderman’s case will bring the exact same charges. Whoever takes his place may not be Capt. Ahab, and Trump may not be his white whale. Whoever takes his place may not be so rabidly obsessed with getting Trump at all costs that he’d bring any charges while Scheinderman clearly would have.
Look at what’s going on with Mueller. We know that the FBI didn’t think Flynn had lied to them. And the FBI certainly didn’t recommend to the DoJ to charge him with making false or misleading statements.
But Mueller went after Flynn, and I don’t see it as definite proof that Fynn lied simply because he plead guilty. The man had already lost his house, and the prosecutors were threatening to charge his son. With what, I don’t know. Felony dog walking maybe. That had Weissman’s fingerprints all over it; with that b#st@rd the process is the punishment.
The DoJ had already investigated Manafort. Judge Ellis got Mueller’s boy Dreeben to admit to that in court. And the DoJ didn’t think he was a) guilty of committing a crime or b) they could prove it. So the DoJ never brought the exact same charges Mueller brought, or any charges at all. Judge Ellis laid it out very well. They brought charges that could put Manafort away for the rest of his life to extract a plea and get him to turn on Trump.
From the unintentional comedy show that Mueller’s team put on in Judge Dabney Friedrich’s courtroom last Friday shows they never thought any of the Russians they charged with “meddling” in their PR indictment would show up. They thought that the BS they were trying to pull would ever see the inside of a courtroom. But one did have his attorneys show up in court last month; Mueller indicted Concord Consulting, LLC, controlled by an oligarch named Yevgeny Prigozhin. He hired counsel and his counsel is going on the attack.
And Mueller’s team didn’t know what to do. Prigozhin’s team demanded their right to a speedy trial and extensive document production from Mueller office; how they built their case, to produce the evidence against their client, and most hilariously a catalog of how many elections the US has meddled in since 1945 (Let’s see, Obama meddled in two just in his second term; Israel’s to topple Netanyahu, and Britain’s Brexit vote).
All Mueller’s team could do when they returned on Friday was stammer that they needed a delay to confirm that Prigozhin/Concord had been properly served with the subpoena. Because, get this, they needed the Russian government’s cooperation to serve the subpoenas and the Russian government wasn’t cooperating.
It was hilarious. Judge Friedrich summarily denied their request for a delay in an order she issued on Saturday. So the hilarity resumes tomorrow at the next hearing.
I’ve read parts of the indictment. I couldn’t read of all of it because I kept looking for something to be there, and there’s no there there.
So here we have several glaring examples that one prosecutor will bring charges out of naked partisanship, megalomania, combined with desperation. And another prosecutor will not.
Generally best to ignore Rags these days; he’s a one-trick pony.
I’ve seen elsewhere what you’ve said, written as opinion: that the NY AG could go after Trump’s associates, financial and legal teams, etc. If Mueller can’t get to them the AG perhaps can. If neither can, perhaps the intel agencies can. Is there proof of this, as Rags demands? Why no, and conspiracies generally work hard to prevent proof from coming to light.
The important point: the one-two punch of Mueller and the AG was to send a message to everyone in Washington and New York. Do NOT fight against the Deep State, do NOT ally yourself with Trump or a similar outsider, do NOT attempt to change how business is done.
Because if you do the Deep State will get you. The special prosecutor. The FBI. The intel agencies. A motivated state AG. They’ll get you. That’s the point.
I don’t know who you’re talking to or about here.
It ain’t me.
To your larger point, any state AG can go after anyone for violations of state law.
But not just any state AG would join Mueller on his fishing expedition simply to prevent Trump from putting Manafort out of reach with a presidential pardon.
Schneiderman would have. But the nest guy may not be as partisan, megalomaniacal, and desperate.
This is delicious. Schneiderman must be some special tough guy. Can’t hold his liquor & obviously can’t hold a woman. What a putz. 🙂
I see by Ms. Eastman’s time stamp that I missed the resignation. Schneiderman is still a putz and always will be a putz. 🙂
Remember when Roy Moore beat women and brutalized them? Me neither.
No, but the DC Swamp Uni-Party did – FAKE MEMORIES they have…..
As far as the 2013 tweet by Trump- People forget Trump is a teetotaler. He’s held and been at a lot of functions over the years, especially in NY, where alcohol flowed freely. In vino veritas. Anyone want to bet he wasn’t taking notes?
Probably why you don’t see important people from NY and NJ stepping forward to tell Trump stories. They know he knows things they don’t want him to know, but they can’t be sure what. And they don’t him telling stories in return.
So, here’s a thought question…
assuming, arguendo, that Duh Donald knew about this behavior, how is he not complicit in not doing something effective to stop it?
It isn’t like he wasn’t a New York Deemocrat biggie.
Gossip isn’t actionable. Second hand stories are hearsay, not admissible in court. Just because Everyone knows doesn’t make it true. Now a prosecutor or policeman hearing stories can start asking some questions- but opening a formal investigation requires some actual real proof something happened. Like, for example, a victim coming forward. A dead body. Missing money.
Now the media can run with anything and investigate based on stories. Ad they do and will- if and only if the stories are rumors and innuendo are about a Republican. And then they’ll devote all kinds of time and effort attempting to find victims or manufacture proof. With Democrats, well, without the blue dress- Monica Lewinsky would be just another crazy bimbo…
Ergo, we know that Weinstein, Spacey, etc. are Republicans… Silly.
You (I hope) would not just suck your teeth if you were in possession of the information you impute to Mr. Establishment.
I sure as hell would NOT.
Except, liar, that one of Weinstein’s accusers said something to NYPD AT THE TIME. Big difference.
You keep trying to play in a game of logical propositions.
You don’t bring anything to the table. You’re vacant.
I have no idea what you lie about me lying about.
Your hatred is on full boil here, pot running over.
Nothing actionable about rumor and you know it. Since Trump was not in the legal profession, spell out what you expected him to do about rumors he had heard.
You’re so FOS it’s painful.
I’m a BIG TIME Deemocrat donor at the time. I rub up against all the New York pols, and have them to my parties and wedding. I’ve heard that the state AG is knocking around wimmins and threatening them with police action if they talk.
According to YOUR bullshit, I kan’t do nuffin.
In that position, I’d hope you could find your voice and some balls. I know I sure would have.
Just more of your specious nevertrump BS
Just more of your cultist’s defense of your Great Goad Cheeto.
Would you just suck your teeth and sit on the knowledge like Jabba The Hutt?
You have no clue what Trump knew. Any rumors he knew about, so did law enforcement and the NY criminal justice system. So, who is Trump going to run to about the rumors?
You are just FOS. Deranged.
But this whole thread started with the notion that T-rump got something right. (Actually, if you look at more of the T-rumpian bullshit from the era, it looks like a silly notion.)
He was prescient, and several here have imparted insider knowledge to him.
I just asked a good, hard thought question, based on all that.
You can’t stand the exercise, so you attack in knee-jerk. Because you are fundamentally a liar who can’t deal in challenging thought. You run to your lies.
If I can’t know what T-rump knew, how can you pretend to know what he AND the New York law enforcement community knew? See? You’re just irratonal.
This gave me a schadenfreude buzz.
He just resigned.
Not standing up for Moore. But to compare his situation to Schneiderman is a stretch, and that’s being generous.
And nobody has.
Ragspierre | May 7, 2018 at 9:15 pm
I again credit these stories.
Let’s see if all the apologia flopped out in defense of Roy Moore is now forthcoming…
Except, of course, for you….
But I’m not suggesting anything of the kind. Quite the contrary. Or did you miss that?
I’m still looking for the apologia afforded Moore. Don’t you remember it?
Now you’ve got me confuzzled. If you’re not comparing the two, then why would you expect Moore’s apologists to do the same for Schneiderman?
“I’m still looking for the apologia afforded Moore. Don’t you remember it?”
I’m still looking for the defense of these women. Don’t you remember it?
Which women, you slobbering moron?
Are you stupid, or just deranged?
That’s exactly what you did, by challenging those who did not criticize Moore as if it was similar, when, in fact, it’s completely different. The comparison you attempted is not only extremely weak, but serves what purpose?
And just reinforces the image of Rags being a dim witted light bulb.
The thing that makes the allegations against Schneiderman credible is simple: two of the women went, at the time, and got medical treatment for injuries from the encounters. That means that there is the possibility of recent, independent, physical, corroborative evidence gathered by third parties whose backgrounds can be checked.
There was NOT ONE SHRED of such evidence against Judge Moore. A yearbook that was an obvious forgery, 30+ year old memories that were disputed by those in a position to know (mall manager saying no one banned Mr Moore as claimed), etc.
That’s good enough for someone like Rags, who follows the Harry Reid standard (“he didn’t win, right?”), but not for an actual justice system.
Schneiderman has long had a reputation as a prosecutor who uses bullying tactics to force agreements to plea deals – threatening to prosecute questionable charges (and relatives) in order to coerce agreements.
Hell, that’s the entire strategy so far in the “Get Trump” “investigation”.
No surprise E.S. Is also a bully in his private life.
Makes you wonder about Mueller et Alia as well, though….
So, Schneiderman probably has a job lined up with the Mueller inquisition. If he’s the kind of prosecutor who likes to overcharge (and if he’s anything like Weissman who likes to make up crimes and charge people with non-crimes) and go after relatives to force plea deals he’ll fit right in.
He will probably be hired by the FBI.
Yes, just like Spitzer before him, and just like Rudy Giuliani. I always said that Giuliani and Spitzer were temperamentally identical twins, and I could never support either one for any office. Schneiderman was a wannabe, trying to copy their success but with far less skill at it. Now we see why: they’re both sadists but (as far as anyone knows) don’t express it physically. He’s a literal sadist, and thus not as good at the subtle stuff.
Did I say two weeks? That was a typo – I meant two hours. LOL. Feeling pretty good about how this is sinking more Democrats than Republicans. Pretty sure that’s not the way the idiots who started this predicted.
You missed the part where one of them claims she consulted some of her ‘friends’ about the abuse and they told her she couldn’t file a police report or go public because they ‘needed him’.
Democrats are scumbags and they cover up for other despicable scumbags because they’re politically valuable.
“Close your eyes and think of the Democratic Party.”
It does. Was it Seattle several years ago? The mayor? I forget. It makes you wonder what will come out when someone finally kicks the pile hard enough in California. Or again, here.
Anyone to inclined to gravedance over this should probably read up on the Jian Ghomeshi case first.
from Wiki —
In 2014 and 2015, Ghomeshi was the subject of allegations of sexual harassment or assault and was later arrested.[4] In late 2015, Ghomeshi pleaded not guilty to the charges and his trial began in early 2016.[5][6] He was acquitted of five of the charges on March 24, 2016.[7][8][9] On May 11, 2016 the Crown withdrew the last remaining charge after Ghomeshi signed a peace bond and apologized to his accuser. In April 2017, Ghomeshi launched a new online venture, “The Ideation Project”.
how does this apply ???
Ghomeshi was charged with very similar offenses under similar circumstances, and the case fell apart (five acquittals, last charge withdrawn) when by an quirk of how email is stored he was able to produce documentary proof that his primary accuser had lied repeatedly to the police (and arguably under oath), had been pursing him aggressively for a year after the alleged incident, and had colluded with the other accusers to present a unified story. His accusers also tried their case in the media at first, forcing Ghomeshi to resign. Ghomeshi never denied the facts of the encounter, and was able to show, thanks to the email archives, that yes, it was consensual every time.
I have no idea if the allegations are true or not.
But one case has nothing to do with another.
“the Crown withdrew”
He wasn’t tried under US law but under British law. As we can all clearly see from the epidemic of sexual grooming of minor children (some as young as 2) that have been either dismissed or the perps given a slap on the wrist, “The Crown” is rather soft on sexual crime. You might very well have seen a different result here.
What the blazing h*ll are you talking about, “Granny”? Do you enjoy making things up? Does lying through your teeth get you excited? What on earth would British law have to do with it?
“Does lying through your teeth get you excited?”
What lie are you talking about? Try not to get all ragged up.
The bizarre lie that Ghomeshi was tried under British law, and that events in the UK could possibly have had any kind of influence whatsoever on his case. Something Granny could only have pulled out of her rear end with reckless disregard for its truth or falsity. Which makes it a lie.
Perhaps the reference to the “the crown” is confusing. Canadian law is based on English common law.
The current Canadian Monarch is Queen Elizabeth 2.
The Canadian state refers to the prosecution as “the crown”.
Perhaps a slight error hardly warranting the claims you make with respect to Granny’s comment.
You can point out the error without the accusations of murder.
So, what is it in the New York water ?
See the huge cloud of dust on the horizon? The DemocRAT party starting to circle the wagons around this reprobate. Won’t do them any good though. Schneiderman is going to be Anthony Wiener’s new cellmate. Maybe even his bunky.
I therefore resign my office, effective at the close of business on [Tuesday].”
Sounds like a few tens of thousands of e-mails need deleting from the office computer. It won’t work … unless the DNC grabs the computer and keeps the FBI away … which would never happen in America.
Democrats won’t worry. The FBI will wipe the computers.
He didn’t resign, he was fired by Andrew Cuomo.
You’re not just a liar but a stupid one. How could Cuomo fire him?
The NY AG is an elected position. The NY Governor cannot fire him.
Democrats can do whatever they wish, and get away with it
No, they can not. You’re a stupid liar, just like Stan25 and Granny.
Fired? Resigned? Cuomo wanted him gone and he was gone.
NY AG is a stepping stone to Governor in NY and being that the agenda which Schneiderman has been following is as to the Holder/ Obama agenda of discretionary prosecution. It’s all about fronting Cuomos agenda for his run to the White House in 2020. Ooops!
Another hand picked lackey bites the dust.
Cuomo’s wishes were irrelevant. There’s nothing Cuomo could do to him to make him resign if he didn’t want to.
This tent certainly collapsed quickly
” “Now that I know it’s part of a pattern, I think, God, I should have reported it,” she says. “But, back then, I believed that it was a one-time incident. And I thought, He’s a good attorney general, he’s doing good things. I didn’t want to jeopardize that.” She notes that he did not hit her again, after she protested. Nevertheless, she says of the assault, “I knew it was wrong,” adding, “Our top law officer, this guy with a platform for women’s rights, just smacked away so much of what I thought he stood for.” ”
This is where I quit reading. What on earth is wrong with these women? It’s ok to commit a crime, if you’re a good Democrat? Really?
As long as you are a Democrat who follows the Party Line you are immune from the law and of course morality does not count.
Half the commies in the Soviet Union were women.
I thought that would be clear by now.
No. Just no. I used to be a Democrat, and this behavior was never acceptable.
Maybe I was just a Democratic voter, as opposed to an active party member, and that is the difference.
Re: Valerie
That is the difference. The dems have always believed and acted as though their voters didn’t care.
Eg: Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, etc.
We need a thorough investigation into schneiderman and his role in the NXIVM investigation. And not an fbi or US doj investigation. Maybe the US Marshall’s Office.
Why? What grounds are there to suppose anything went wrong with that investigation?
Commie democrat progs conducted the investigation. That’s a good start.
about the title.. “nemesis” only in Schneiderman’s head a truthful description would be “Trump Deranged”.. bashing forever yet never landed anything of consequence
Rumor has it he’s leaving all his dresses to obama. And his suits to moooochelle.
One more P.O.S. progressive socialist and elitist anti-American Democrat get’s served up a little taste of justice that he has long deserved. Let’s see how much prison time he’s earned, and PLEASE ladies, strip this commie pimp of all his wealth. MAKE HIM REMEMBER, with burning shame far into his future, the insults he willingly handed you. Grind his dignity into the ground and let it rot as deserves a corrupt official. Don’t forget to piss on the ashes either!
Schneiderman always had a cruel look about him.
Schneiderman has gone from #metoo to #hetoo.
Hey Humphrey, my schadenfreude has schadenfreude!
Remarkable that this comes from the New Yorker, which makes CNN look like a Trump admirer.
Will CNN and MSNBC invite these women on the air to tell their story pretty much non-stop for the next several weeks? Will they have panels of Democrat lawyers discussing ad nauseum the legal peril faced by Schneiderman?
Yes. If they can get ratings out of it, absolutely.
No, they will not. Like you, they are progs and never trumpers.
CNN is stormy central, like you. They’ll cover it, have no choice, but it will be done and gone shortly, buried.
You are, of course, both lying and insane.
Nothing I COULD do would keep the Stormy Storm alive. That’s all on T-rump and his myrmidons. Wanna see that go away? Just tell the truth.
As of THIS story, I expect it will be a story on into the future, as some here have already intimated. There may be more victims, and there could easily be completely unrelated revelations that come out now.
Watch and see.
“Nothing I COULD do would keep the Stormy Storm alive.”
I’m quite aware nothing you have to say has any real meaning.
Doesn’t keep you from trying.
As a follow up,
Note: The MSM has finished with this, just like I said.
Prosecute this asshole.
Very telling psychological profile similarities to Eliot Spitzer, only more violent.
Weiner, Spitzer, Schneiderman – repulsive human trash.
Poor Schneiderman. If only he’d had a wife like Hillary, he could have gone from AG to the WH.
Goodbye Eric! Best of luck in finding a new law job.
Schumer next?
State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.
Harvard-educated activist writer Tanya Selvaratnam told the New Yorker magazine that her yearlong affair with Schneiderman “was a fairytale that became a nightmare” — and quickly escalated into violence in the bedroom, even as he begged for threesomes.
“Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.
“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’” Selvaratnam said, “The slaps started after we’d gotten to know each other.
State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.
Harvard-educated activist writer Tanya Selvaratnam told the New Yorker magazine that her yearlong affair with Schneiderman “was a fairytale that became a nightmare” — and quickly escalated into violence in the bedroom, even as he begged for threesomes.
“Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.
“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’” Selvaratnam said, “The slaps started after we’d gotten to know each other.
Sure. This is going away in the next hour or two…
By his own admission, the guy is a total sleazeball. He is a brutal, sadistic thug. BUT, these women apparently went along with it. At least one of them continued the relationship for a year, during which she was being abused. None of these women have said that they were physically restrained and not allowed to leave. They remained in the relationship, despite, or possibly because of, the brutality. Now, this expose could not have happened to a more deserving person. But, as I said before, the timing of these charges is interesting. I doubt that Schneiderman’s behavior was unknown to people in his political circle. Tey, it has never come up, publicly, before. He got swiftboated by liberal activists who he “supported” just before his reelection campaign begins to roll.
It will last about as long as the Roy Moore stories did, once the election was over. This expose was simply a way to get rid of Schneiderman before the election. And, it worked. That it was apparently engineered by liberals is what is so interesting about it.
I have to conclude you simply cannot read.
You are the MOST obdurate know-nothing-but-pontificate-anyhow sumbitch on the interwebs…!!!
For the last eighteen months the New Yorker has been the most relentlessly anti-Trump magazine in the country (I have a subscription). I encountered an article about watch collecting that included a brief anti-Trump tirade.
So One wonders what they saw as the alternative to publishing this. What would happen if they didn’t? Something worse?
I wonder the same thing about Weinstein. Is there something worse that requires diverted attention?
(I have a subscription)
We’re sorry.
“You are the MOST obdurate know-nothing-but-pontificate-anyhow sumbitch on the interwebs…!!!”
See also “liar”.
Oh Kettle thou art Black — Pot
“They remained in the relationship, despite, or possibly because of, the brutality.”
For whatever reason, women sometimes do so, and are not consenting to the violence. Then there is the case of justifiable fear, from a NY AG threatening them.
“That it was apparently engineered by liberals is what is so interesting about it.”
I’d guess it was coming out one way or another. But it is interesting.
But he’s a Democrat… nothing to see here. Move along.
I like Occam’s Razor.
I think Ronan Farrow really, really hates sexual abuse and sexual abusers. I concur.
The “New Yorker” likes circulation. How complex is this?