The vast left-wing conspiracy got $18 billion more from George Soros
That’s billion with a “b” – his legacy of undermining the West and Israel will live on long after he is gone.
George Soros, through the groups he has funded, has created a self-sustaining left-wing ecosystem, including #TheResistance.
Soros has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the U.S. political process, as the Media Research Center reported in August 2017:
Since 2003, Soros has spent more than $48 million funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news – journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations.
Soros has personally funded some of the top names in America’s left from Barack Obama to Nancy Pelosi. Soros also donates hundreds of millions to politically active liberal organizations as well. He’s even given $500,000 to the allegedly neutral Center for Responsive Politics, which is the source for much of the information on political donations.
Since 2000, Soros gave more than $550 million to liberal organizations in the U.S., underwriting major liberal initiatives including pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-gay marriage, pro-drug legalization, pro-union, pro-government-funded media and even attacks against the concept of free elections and voting for judges.
Soros has funded virtually all the major anti-Trump, anti-Republican and “social justice” groups in this country, including at least 50 of the groups backing the Women’s March movement:
… Soros has funded, or has close relationships with, at least 56 of the march’s “partners,” including “key partners” Planned Parenthood, which opposes Trump’s anti-abortion policy, and the National Resource Defense Council, which opposes Trump’s environmental policies. The other Soros ties with “Women’s March” organizations include the partisan (which was fiercely pro-Clinton), the National Action Network (which has a former executive director lauded by Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett as “a leader of tomorrow” as a march co-chair and another official as “the head of logistics”). Other Soros grantees who are “partners” in the march are the American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch….
(MRC puts the total number at over 100 groups involved in the Women’s March.)
Soros-funded groups also fund the anti-Israel movement, as we reported in Soros-funded anti-Israel ecosystem unmasked by hack.
The Open Society Foundation is at the center of Soros’ efforts. And now it’s received $18 billion dollars from Soros, the bulk of his net worth.
The NY Times reported:
George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund manager and a major Democratic donor, has given $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations, one of the largest transfers of wealth ever made by a private donor to a single foundation.
The gift, made quietly over the past several years but disclosed only on Tuesday, has transformed Open Society into the second-biggest
philanthropic organization in the United States, behind the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It will also place Mr. Soros, a lightning rod for conservative critics, squarely in the middle of the social and political debates convulsing the country….“We must do something to push back against what’s happening here,” Mr. Soros said in November, lamenting what he called the “dark forces that have been awakened” by the election.
His political focus — including large donations to Hillary Clinton and other Democratic politicians — has made Mr. Soros a target of criticism from both the Republican establishment and fringe elements of the far right. The conservative website Breitbart, for example, has accused Mr. Soros of attempting to make Ireland a “pro-abortion country” and undermining the control of European countries over their borders.
“Given America’s place in the world right now, I think he’s making an enormous statement,” said Eileen Heisman, chief executive of theNational Philanthropic Trust, a nonprofit that works with foundations. “He has a very clear point of view and he’s not trying to hide it.”
Expect groups that have benefitted from Soros’ past donations to be flush with cash moving forward. Long after Soros is dead and gone, his money will be undermining the U.S. and the western world, and trying to destroy Israel.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Actually, $18 billion is spent rather fast. Let us hope Soros’ disgusting legacy turns to dust in less than a generation.
From your fingers to God’s eyes, I wish your statements to fly.
I read somewhere that Soros has a son that he has groomed to be his successor – and the son is just as ugly as his father. Hopefully, the son will mess up, and mess up quickly and completely, and that Soros senior will die very, VERY soon – the world will be much better off.
Will no one rid us of this meddlesome criminal?
Maybe an IRS “investigation”?
Doesn’t that IRS fraud audit need to happen to a lot of the Democrat pols too?
What crime do you claim he’s committed? It’s his money, and he’s entitled to spend it promoting his views, however malign they may be.
Since when is an actual crime a requisite for IRS harassment?
We shouldn’t mimic our competitors. We’re not fascists.
Even more to the point, we’re not Democrats.
It isn’t, but a crime is required in order to be a criminal.
For starters, Soros was convicted of insider trading in 2002 in France
Other countries have either looked at prosecuting, or unsuccessfully prosecuted him for financial crimes, such as currency manipulation.
Soros has committed many moral crimes against humanity using his far left-wing Open Society foundation supporting collectivist and socialist causes worldwide, in support of a failed ideology which killed millions over the prior century, but that is extremely difficult to prosecute.
French law is a very different creature from ours, and a French conviction is no more relevant than a Chinese one. You’d probably call Chinese dissidents criminals. What Soros did wasn’t even against French law at the time, and it’s still not against US law.
Supporting a malign ideology is not a moral crime, and it’s certainly not a legal crime in any country whose laws are worth giving a **** about.
So we’re only counting crimes as defined by you. My apologies, I forgot to ask what stipulations you imposed in my response; now I’ll know better that your goalposts are highly mobile.
As far as French securities law goes, your statement is probably correct for 2002, but significant convergence and regulatory handshakes between US and Euro area countries in that area are now in place, so differences have been reduced greatly. And MIFID II is having an even greater convergence effect on cross-continent financial regulation, as securities markets become fully globalized.
Supporting collectivism, which killed millions in the 20th century, is most definitely a moral crime, as is financially supporting violent groups such as Antifa, which Soros does.
Ah, so you would call Chinese dissidents criminals. F**k off. Soros has some very wrong opinions, and is a malign influence on world politics, but as far as anyone can tell he has never in his life committed a crime, and you have no right to call him a criminal merely because a court in some shitty little country convicted him of doing something that wasn’t illegal at the time even in that country.
PS: I used the phrase “shitty little country” for a specific reason. I would hope people would recognize it, and understand the reference without being told, but some people need to be given at least a hint.
I thought that even you could step around your willful blindness in this matter.
Sadly, I was wrong, and you are incapable of discerning between obviously totalitarian regimes (and someone who funds their actions), and legally “modern” societies with functional legal systems.
Thank you for yet again demonstrating that you are nothing but a bitter troll.
China has a functional legal system too. So did the Third Reich. Totalitarianism doesn’t work without one. Tell me the substantive difference between Soros’s French conviction and that of someone in China, or Turkey or Iran. Did he do anything that was (a) objectively wrong, or that (b) he could have known would be retroactively found to be against French law? France is a shitty little country with a legal system that is functional all right, but no more just than Iran’s.
Sure Milhouse, whatever you say.
Easy money, and fast too, will result in a lot of foolish,
ill-conceived project by our commnnist “friends” May they
spend int all just as fast as they can.
Really need to change federal law on how these “foundations” are treated for tax purposes.
Really need to abolish them entirely.
That $18 Billion will get invested and the profits from it, year after year, for decades, will be used as a slush fund to fund SJW causes.
Its essentially a legalized tax dodge for the uber-rich to avoid paying the death tax. Their children, and grandchildren, end up controlling all of the money either way – pay themselves salaries from the “foundation” and spend the money on their pet causes, and personal expenses, for their entire lives.
The death tax is inherently unfair, so good on them for finding a way not to pay it. Why should foundations be taxed, when all their proceeds go to tax-free causes? The salaries the execs pay themselves are taxed, of course.
That $18 Billion will get invested and the profits from it, year after year, for decades, will be functional parts of a dynamic economy … if they’re not removed from that economy by capricious taxation.
Just so’s there’s no confusion, money taken by taxes isn’t sequestered in a box somewhere. It remains part of our dynamic economy as it’s spent in our dynamic economy.
What is the case is that money (as capital) is in finite supply, and when government competes for it on the credit market (or removes it from the supply of available, invest-able money by just taking it), it is unavailable to business for investments that otherwise would (likely) be made. It also makes what investments are possible more expensive.
True, the money isn’t withdrawn from circulation, but instead of being spent productively (either in production or to satisfy genuine consumer demand) it’s spent for things whose value can range from negative to almost worth it, but frequently negative and rarely if ever actually worth it. What you mean is that after it’s mostly wasted, the recipients then in turn usually spend it on worthwhile things.
Well, no, I can’t entirely agree with that.
For instance, a lot of government spending is on our military. We can state with some certainty that there’s waste, fraud and abuse there, but it is a net good and generally worth the spending. Much of it is for pay and benies for our uniformed services. That also is directly spent in the business sector.
Government at all levels needs stuff that it purchases on the economy. That money goes directly to businesses.
Any of us can think of other examples of money pretty well spent by government at all levels.
Most all of us would concede that a lot of money is wasted, too, and primarily in redistribution schemes of every stripe. But the value of the money isn’t simply vanishing, and even it eventually gets into the economy.
One CAN make the case that money CAN be actually sequestered (and is) when it goes to foreign nations, where actual currency can be rat-holed for years or decades. It isn’t put to work, but just sits in a horde. That, happily, is a small percentage of government spending.
Rags, that’s why I wrote “things whose value can range from negative to almost worth it”. Military spending comes closest to being almost worth the money spent; we get more bang for our buck here than almost anywhere else, but we still don’t get our money’s worth. It’s practically impossible for government to produce our money’s worth.
Not quite.
Money taken in taxes by definition must come from the private sector, which does at least temporarily remove it from circulation and productive activity.
Additionally, withholding activities and financial planning preemptively causes unproductive “warehousing” of funds.
The economic rule of thumb is government is inherently inefficient for multiple reasons, and capital is better left in the private sector. Redistributive schemes such as Social Security, while providing for reinjection of funds back into the economy via SS payments upon retirement, sequesters those funds inefficiently, yielding only 1 – 2% over time, when they could be much more effectively and efficiently deployed in the private sector (7 – 8% historical return for the S&P).
So there is significant opportunity cost for government taxation, even for funds which do eventually get redeployed into the private sector.
Don’t know about you guys but I’m seeing opportunity here to spend some of that money 🙂
When will it be stopped?
If the same people decide how to spend the money are the people who have been having a temper tantrum since November of last year then much of the money will be spent foolishly.
Even billions won’t do much good if there are fools spending it.
Look at all the money Hillary spent and where it got her.
It is better to be squandered than to allow tax evasion that the left loves so much. At least some of it will go to good causes. Nothing that the Ford , Rockefeller, Clinton, or Soros foundations will go to good causes.
Soros is in serious need of termination.
By law, for a foundation to retain its tax-exempt status, it must give away 5% of its assets every year. A competent money manager normally can earn more than that level. If the endowment has enough assets, this has the effect of allowing foundations to have eternal life.
I think the Founding Fathers would shudder at the thought of independent bodies who report to nobody would be given a “carve-out” to be fairly free to influence public policy and social attitudes, but this is exactly what leftist foundations do. (Like the Tides and Soros Foundations to just name two).
In a time when government is searching for more tax revenue, one untapped source is to change the required payout from 5% to 7.5%. This would force foundations to spend-out their assets at a rate slightly faster than they can earn on the investments. This would flush billions of dollars into the economy in the form of wages from the resulting grants and expenditures. Government would gain tax revenue that came from that.
Just as important, it would make foundations mortal. The Tides and Soros foundations would spend themselves out of business. And given leftist economics, the temporary increase in foundation spending would be spent ineffectively, just like leftist know how to do. Who knows, maybe the Tides foundation would try to restart Solyndra.
It is long past time for there to be legislation limiting the amount that can be sheltered from taxes with this dodge. Even conservatives like Henry Ford had the foundation he set up taken over by far left liberals and it now funds eternally attacks on our constitution and way of life. Gates, Buffet, and now soros have created permanent war chests funded by tax sheltered billions while family farms are regularly face destruction to pay estate taxes.
Hey guys how much of that money will be spent on the Nov 4th Purple Revolution.?
Antifa has been talking forever about a ” purge ” in which they seize guns from law abiding citizens for the , ” Revolution”
My question is ,did the Obamanites help them to identify gun owners?
This protest( riot) concerns me as either a beginning of something bad or as a provocation to elicit a violent response from the right, giving ammunition to the anti gun ,anti American Democrats.
Soros is an Old Man and he undoubtedly wants his overthrow in his lifetime.
Stay away from Blue,Purple ,Light Red areas that weekend.
Perhaps we should all make sure our Federal Riot insurance is in place
Federal 9mm ,Federal 40 ,Federal 223