and we’re not even going to give you what you need unless you stop acting like crybabies and hooligans. Life isn’t a Rolling Stones song, despite everything you learned in school.
From reader Jay:
Thank you for your work with Legal Insurrection. Your hard work is appreciated.
I saw the attached sign near my home in WI and thought you might enjoy it.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Posting that…in Wish-consin…
THAT was a gutsy-ier move.
Does this sign advertise a whine-and-cheese(head) festival?
I think it’s a mocking sign making fun of the whine and cheese.
The initial birth pangs of a new protest group:
The Occupy Christmas Stocking movement
They’ll walk around barefoot wearing their empty Christmas stockings pulled down on their heads, looking out through two cut-out eye holes.
It should read:
“Recall SANTA
I didn’t get EVERYTHING I wanted”
It’s not like unions are being abolished, they are still getting more than federal public unions, from what I “recall”. These are spoiled children that throw tantrums, even though they get double what the non-union neighbor kids get.
The collective isn’t “bargaining”, they are demanding, with implied threats.
Call in the SEIU–Santa runs a sweatshop manned by the vertically challenged!
[…] Prager: The Welfare State teaches people to ‘want’ harder [Darleen Click] And if they don’t get what they want then they can recall Santa Claus. […]
Ertha Kitt’s “Santa Baby” song now being rewritten by WI NEA, SEIU and other bruddah’s in da union family:
Santa Baby, GIMME, dammit!!
Say, Santa, nice lil’ North Pole workshop ya got dair. But I don’t remember seeing a shop steward anywhere. Shuuuuur would be a shame if sumpin’ untoward was t’ happen to it, if ya know wuddai mean… I’m sure you, me, ‘n’ da boyze kin come to a mutually – shall we say “beneficial” – arrangement to ensure the safety of yer fine establishment, capice?
Replace recall with occupy, this would make a great national bumper sticker and t-shirt slogan.
… but if you try some time, you might just find … a job, and end up successful and vilified. So stop trying.
Rasmussen just put up poll results:
Wisconsin Recall Election: Walker 50%, Barrett 45%
!!!!!!!!! Yay !!!!!!!