Establishment Still Controls DNC and the Sanders Wing is Burning Out
“I would say that progress is sometimes slow, and that building a movement takes time”

There is still bitterness in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party from Bernie Sanders supporters who believe the primary was rigged for Hillary Clinton.
This problem was compounded when Tom Perez, a Clinton loyalist, was chosen to lead the DNC over Keith Ellison who had been endorsed by Sanders.
Now the DNC has formed a new commission and it’s made up entirely of Clinton people.
Michael Sainato reports at The Observer:
DNC Voting Commission Consists Entirely of Clinton Surrogates, Ignores Own Primaries
The Nation reported on May 25 that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a voting commission in response to President Donald Trump and Republicans forming their “election integrity” commission. Ari Berman for the Nation wrote, “The DNC says its commission will debunk the myth that voter fraud is widespread, document the impact of voter suppression efforts in the 2016 election, and propose solutions to expand voting rights.”
The members of the commission include former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander who will chair the commission, Congresswoman Terri Sewell, Sen. Cory Booker, Congressman Joaquin Castro, Colorado House Speaker Crisanta Duran, Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes, Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, Congresswoman Grace Meng, Congresswoman Gwen Moore, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, DNC Vice Chair Karen Carter Peterson and District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine.
The makeup of the commission signals that the DNC is less focused on expanding voters’ rights than it is on perpetuating the Democratic Party’s interpretation, which was fully exploited during the 2016 Democratic primaries to suppress Sen. Bernie Sanders’ candidacy and further the interests of Super PACs and wealthy donors.
The chair of the DNC’s voting commission, Jason Kander, sits on the board of Priorities USA, a pro-Clinton Super PAC. Super PACs are specifically created with the intent to suppress voters’ voices in election by raising exorbitant amounts of money for candidates, effectively buying elections. Because they are inherently undemocratic, it’s hypocritical for the DNC to organize a voting commission run by someone who sits on the board of a Super PAC.
This will drive further speculation that Hillary is going to run again in 2020. Why the Democrats think Bernie voters will finally come around four years from now is anyone’s guess.
That’s not to suggest that the Bernie wing of the party is doing any better. In fact, their record so far is downright abysmal.
David Siders writes at Politico:
Sanders revolution hits a rough patch
By many measures, the Bernie Sanders revolution proved a smashing success. Young people registered to vote, and small donors opened their wallets. Economic issues like the minimum wage and student debt were pushed to the forefront of the presidential debate. From big city rallies to the backwaters of precinct-level elections, the progressive movement breathes new life in no small part due to the Vermont senator.
But nearly a year after Sanders’ presidential run fell short, one thing is missing in the afterglow — a reliable string of victories at the ballot box.
The losses are piling up. Earlier this month, Democrat Heath Mello, whom Sanders campaigned with, failed to unseat a Republican in Omaha’s race for mayor. Kimberly Ellis, the candidate endorsed by Our Revolution, the successor group to Sanders’ presidential campaign, lost a fiercely contested race for California Democratic Party chair. And on Thursday night, Republican Greg Gianforte bested Rob Quist, another Democrat for whom Sanders campaigned, in a nationally watched House race in Montana…
“I would say that progress is sometimes slow, and that building a movement takes time,” said Wendy Carrillo, a progressive activist aligned with Sanders supporters who ran unsuccessfully in an April congressional special election in Los Angeles. “We’re really good on the messaging, and the rallies … But it needs to translate into votes.”
The media loves to talk about divisions in the Republican Party, and they do exist. Yet in many ways, the Democratic Party is as divided now as it was a year ago.
The activist wing wants control but the establishment isn’t giving it up any time soon.

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“The DNC says its commission will debunk the myth that voter fraud is widespread…
The DNC Word of the Day: whitewash.
Notice they get started early by calling it a “myth”.
“Sanders revolution hits a rough patch”. Yes, it’s called “themselves”.
Good. Considering the basket case that is the Republican Party, we need the Democrats to be a complete train wreck.
If we ever get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder then the whole DNC may be making tags in Levanworth.
As a young man I often fantasized about Ann Margaret but those dreams came to naught. I suspect that seeing anyone go to jail for killing Seth Rich will turn out the same way.
“The DNC says its commission will debunk the myth that voter fraud is widespread, document the impact of voter suppression efforts in the 2016 election, and propose solutions to expand voting rights.”
I can predict the end results of this right now. They will ‘debunk’ the voter fraud numbers by only counting cases of fraudsters being *convicted* of fraud (despite the widespread evidence of fraud on a far larger scale), determine that “Voter suppression”=”Voter ID laws” and call for their repeal, and propose expanding voting rights by registering everybody to vote everywhere, preferably by mail up to X months before the election and don’t you DARE think about how that will affect fraud.
The DNC says its commission will debunk the myth that voter fraud is widespread
For years the D’rats have stymied efforts to clean up electoral fraud with the claim that “the poor” are too dumb to handle the daunting task of acquiring a free photo ID. True or not, that’s an impossible claim to evaluate quantitatively, and therefore impossible to either verify or dismiss.
But lately we’ve had evidence of very substantial numbers of illegals voting. This is not a gray area; such voting is obviously illegal, and not a crime which can be rationalized away via the D’rats usual sophistries. And it hands the Repubs an opportunity. Successful prosecutions of these crimes give us numbers which can’t be fobbed off by the usual enablers of voter fraud. A certain number of convictions means a definite, proven number of fraudulent votes, and the claim that the problem of voter fraud is negligible will collapse. The actual sentences would be of no importance; but we need investigations, trials and convictions. Plea bargains would do. But everything has to be legally solid—that way we get it all out of the hands of the DNC and the press, and into the somewhat less corrupt (albeit glacially slow) judicial system.
The bad news is that a single conviction here, and another one there, etc, won’t do the job. Such small numbers would have the opposite effect—they would make the problem seem, on the national scale, negligible. We need thousands of convictions, and tens of thousands more under investigation. Then the D’rats won’t be able to squirm their way out of the crisis.
But the government better get a move on. The hours until the next election are ticking away.
[T]he Sanders wing is burning out.
Sorry. Duh.
The “Sanders wing” of the party is made up largely of 17-25 year olds that have never held a job, never had to make a car payment, never had to choose what bills got paid this month and mostly have gone after advanced degrees which are nearly useless in society.
They have the attention span of a Gnat. The instant that Sanders lost, they dropped out, tuned out and said “to Hell with it.”
I’m 70 and Bernie made me a millennial. I know dozens of seniors and voters over forty who feel the Bern.
What listeners in the audience failed to realize is that Hillary meant “bowel movement.”
RE: “I would say that progress is sometimes slow, and that building a movement takes time” – Shillary
What rough spot? Bernie has been drawing thousands to his speeches in this country and throughout the world. If he’s losing clout in the DNC it is because most of his supporters (like me) have given up on the DNC and gone independent or third party. Millennials of all colors are not registering with political parties. This bodes very badly for the future of the DNC. However it offers hope for our country.