Evergreen State President Grovels to Student Demands in Statement
“I use he/him pronouns.”

Evergreen State College is in a crisis as lunatic students have driven a professor off campus over claims of racism which are completely imagined.
Instead of telling the students to grow up, President George Bridges is groveling.
Here’s an excerpt of his statement from the Cooper Point Journal:
George Bridges Statement in Response to Student Demands
I’m George Bridges, I use he/him pronouns.
I begin our time together today by acknowledging the indigenous people of the Medicine Creek Treaty, whose land was stolen and on which the college stands. I would like to acknowledge the Squaxin people who are the traditional custodians of this land and pay respect to elders past and present of the Squaxin Island Tribe. I extend that respect to other Native people present.
In response to Native Student Alliance requests, we commit to opening every event with this acknowledgement.
We also received requests from our Native students late yesterday. We discussed many issues they seek to have addressed. We are working on these requests, too. In our meeting, I committed that Native American students, staff, and faculty can sustainably collect, gather, and harvest the natural resources from any of The Evergreen State College’s lands for ceremonial purposes with legal impunity and asking no permission. Their additional requests include but are not limited to important items such as: funding and resources for the recruitment and retaining of Native students; paid positions to support the Native Student Alliance; a pre-orientation retreat for new and continuing Native students; funding for a Native American graduation; exemption from the catering and cooking prohibitions so that Native students may cook and eat Native foods in freedom.
These will be the focus of much work and commitment in the weeks ahead.
We are grateful to the courageous students who have voiced their concerns. We understand that the demands presented are evolving. We have worked intensely on this in the past two days. Our responses, too, will evolve to ensure we are attending to the needs you present. Our documents must live and be living, changing with additional issues and concerns as they arise. This work never ends.

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I am sure that Professor is thinking, WTF?
What are the trustees thinking. Are they going to give away the school?
“We know we’re bad people, so we are going to demolish every building, beginning tomorrow. Deer and Antelope will play, and you can all get your degrees somewhere else”. Go on, Mr. Bridges- I dare you!
Methinks they’re trying to beat the U of Missouri’s decrease in enrollment of 20% for the past 2 years.
Maybe they can achieve a 100% decrease……
I’d like to hear what the legislature across town thinks of the recent events at this state institution. Aren’t they located in the same city?
If I saw one of my kids on a video telling a college prof or the president to “Shut the f… up!”, I would know that both I and the college had failed to educate my kids. I would stop any payments I was making to the kid or the college.
But parents of Evergreen State students should know that the school doesn’t give grades because grades might seem triggering or threatening to their poor babies. Also, Pres. Bridges wrote an op-ed to the Seattle Times about how his immature students (as opposed to those at the U. of Chicago) need safe spaces to protect them from triggers. http://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/why-students-need-trigger-warnings-and-safe-places/
Now he needs to figure out how to provide safe spaces for himself and his faculty. We’ll see if he has the courage to stand up to the “social justice” bullies. If not, his faculty should give him a vote of “no confidence.”