CNN Tries to Blame Trump for Incident Between Montana Candidate and Reporter
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CNN Tries to Blame Trump for Incident Between Montana Candidate and Reporter

CNN Tries to Blame Trump for Incident Between Montana Candidate and Reporter

CNN analyst Avlon accuses Trump of “consciously stoking those fires of fear and anger and resentment”

James Taranto’s late, lamented Wall Street Journal column had a running tongue-in-cheek rubric, “We Blame George W. Bush,” in which the former president was blamed for everything under the sun, despite his utter lack of connection to it.

In that spirit, Taranto might have had a field day with a panel discussion on CNN this morning, in which the participants did their best to blame President Trump for an incident in Montana in which the Republican congressional candidate has been accused of manhandling a reporter. Co-host Alisyn Camerota got the ball rolling by asking whether there is “some sort of larger story or message we should take away here . . . growing aggression against the press.”

The panel was only too happy to run with that ball. Take CNN political analyst John Avlon, accusing President Trump of “consciously stoking those fires of fear and anger and resentment.” Avlon later called on Montana voters to “send a message.”

Chris Cuomo ended the segment by advising President Trump to condemn the incident. “Let’s see if he takes” the opportunity, concluded Cuomo.

Note: Take a close look at what Washington Post reporter Karoun Demirjirian did. She began by saying that it is Democrats who are pointing the finger at President Trump for creating an anti-media culture. But by the end of her statement, she seems to adopt the Dem view as her own, saying that Trump “certainly creates an environment in which this is somehow okay to hate reporters and sometimes fists fly.”

ALISYN CAMEROTA: Is there some sort of larger story or message we should be taking away here? Is this just an isolated incident? A candidate snapped, and we can look at it that way. Or we can look at it as growing aggression against the press?

KAROUN DEMIRJIAN: You’ve got this kind of culture of, you know, the reporters are the enemy going on and it depends. You see a lot of Democrats pointing the finger at the president right now, saying you’ve created, you’ve helped create at least this culture where people consider reporters to be —

CAMEROTA: — enemy of the people!

DEMIRJIAN: Exactly! And so, and maybe that doesn’t mean go out and assault a reporter, but it certainly creates an environment in which this is somehow okay to hate reporters and sometimes fists fly in those situations.

CHRIS CUOMO: The flip side, John, is it fair to blame the president for the actions of one dope in Montana?

JOHN AVLON: No. No. There’s not a direct connection. But it’s about creating an atmosphere consciously stoking those fires of fear and anger and resentment. And this isn’t subtle! The President of the United States calling the press the quote enemy of the American people. A lot of rhetoric in his rallies over the course of the campaign where people at the rallies express a lot of anger and hostility to the press and to reporters. This guy clearly flipped off the handle. And it’s part of a larger pattern we should be aware of.

The fact that three papers in Montana overnight withdrew their endorsement is a big deal. And now it is up to the people of Montana to send a message.

. . .

CUOMO: There’s one opportunity here, though. The president made robocalls for this guy. He supposedly has a picture of him with one of Trump’s kids. There’s an opportunity. If the president is going to be fairly or unfairly blamed for this environment, to come out, condemn it, say it’s wrong. You want to be angry at the media, that’s fine. You want to have heated conversations. That’s fine. You don’t touch people. It’s an opportunity. Let’s see if he takes it.


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I think Greg did a fine job of handling a trespassing assailant. When someone starts shoving stuff in your face I think that have invaded your space and you have a right to defend yourself.

Given that the assailant represented foreign, liberal operatives, who knows what the malfeasant may have intended.

“Growing aggression against the press?” Left unmentioned is the growing aggression of the press against the Constitution and those who support it, despite having started at a very high level.

No, I’ve been hating the “press” long before Trump arrived on the scene. I still blame Lou Grant.

Trump “certainly creates an environment in which this is somehow okay to hate reporters and sometimes fists fly.”

No, reporters created that environment.

What’s going on here is yet another display of entitlement by ignorant reporters who imagine that they have some special constitutional role, and even dare to call themselves a “fourth estate” without having a clue what an “estate” is or being able to name the first three. Even if this incident happened exactly as reported, and the candidate is guilty and belongs in prison, hitting a reporter is no different from hitting an encyclopædia salesman or a panhandler. Reporters are not special, and need to be reminded of that.

Oh but you can bet your left flap the meeeeja will spin this for all its worth to help the Democrat in the election!

Eye witness to incident raises BS flag on the way the reporter described it. She says he shoved a device in the candidate’s face, the candidate grabbed it, and both fell to the floor.

This is not the first time a person has lied on the scene, and been caught doing it. It’s called trying to “establish facts on the gound,”

    Old0311 in reply to Valerie. | May 28, 2017 at 9:40 am

    The reporter had his hands up and was begging…don’t body slam me? I think CNN needs to get their “reporters” a bigger punch bowl.

Of course you can blame Trump… as soon as Obama takes responsibility for every riot by Black Lives Matter.

“some sort of larger story or message we should take away here . . . growing aggression against the press.”

Give me a break! Most people ignore you, and couldn’t care less about your ‘media privilege’. You’re just desperate for people to pay attention to you, so you have to make up your own fake news about “growing aggression against the press”.

It seems to me that this meme of “creating an atmosphere of fear” is just a subliminal way for the press to make the Trump-Hitler comparison. Lately, the newsrooms in the local SF Bay Area have been airing interviews with members of minority communities to show how Trump’s immigration policies are stoking fear in these communities. The interviewees are mostly Latinos but also include some Muslim.

They interview adults who say they are afraid that they will be rounded up and sent away, losing everything and leaving their family destitute and homeless. They interview tearful children (how heart-wrenching) afraid that they will lose mommy and daddy and never see them again. The children state their fear that the same will happen to their friends and families.

They are not interviewing illegal immigrants. They are not interviewing legal immigrants. They are interviewing U.S. citizens. The newscaster even mentions this and uses it to show that even people who have nothing to fear are living in fear that one day they will leave the house never to be seen again.

Avlon later called on Montana voters to “send a message.”

Oh, the laughs never stop with these turkeys. The voters already “sent a message” in November, and that message was that counterattacking a malignant press is good politics, and probably even good policy. I’ll agree that tweets are preferred to fisticuffs, but I won’t quibble too much over the tactical details.

But it’s about creating an atmosphere

Big deal. The Bill of Rights creates an atmosphere. Perhaps he’ll whine about that too.

Freedom of press versus Freedom of speech. Journolists, [class] diversity professors, and liberal activists have a history of creating a hostile environment where it’s impossible to reconcile civil rights.