Anti-Israel Third Grade event a “microcosm of what’s happening to our educational system”
My appearance on the Mark Levin Show
I appeared on the Mark Levin radio show on Wednesday night, December 14, 2016, to talk about my post, VIDEO: Activists manipulate third-graders into hating Israel.
Video of the event is at the link above, which also has extensive background. The short version is that Ariel Gold from Code Pink and Jewish Voice for Peace arranged for Bassem Tamimi to appear before the third grade classes at an elementary school in Ithaca, NY. Tamimi is best known for using children, including his own, to confront Israeli soldiers in the hope of creating viral photos and videos. Tamimi urged the children to become activists and “freedom fighters for Palestine.”
The event turned into a total anti-Israel propaganda event, and caused the 8-9 year old students to react very negatively towards Israel, with some suggesting ways to attack and retaliate against Israel. One student was so affected that his parent complained to the school afterwards that the child was having nightmares.
I’m always appreciative when Mark has me on the show to talk about the anti-Israel movement, but particularly this time given how outrageous the Tamimi Event and cover-up were.
I made the point, as I have before, that it’s not just about Israel, Israel is the canary in the coal mine. It’s about how the education system is being systematically undermined by anti-American, anti-capitalist leftists and Islamists who also hate Israel. It’s a single fight, Israel just happens to be the easy object of their hate.
“The whole point of this, and you’ve been kind enough to have me on before to talk about these anti-Israel people, it’s not just about Israel, this is taking place in a public third grade class. There were other teachers there, there were staff there, nobody said a word about it, and they tried to cover it up. This is really a microcosm of what’s happening to our educational system. We are allowing these activists not just into college, everybody knows about college it gets tons of press, but into high schools and elementary schools, and you rarely get video of it, because most people can’t just walk into an elementary school and just start shooting video….”
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Homeschooling is coming back as the best possible option for a child’s education.
This country has way too many dang lawyers; my daughter has only one mom. I choose to stay home and ensure that our family values are what she is exposed to the majority of the time.
Let’s see what Betsy DeVos can do. Inner city schools are probably hopeless – as are inner cities (bozos continuing to vote in other bozos). But smaller towns and cities are not.
They are not hopeless, just the bigger challenge. They are politically most valuable to progressives. And the teacher’s unions maintain the tightest grip. But the good news is their”customers” are also becoming the dissatisfied with the results.
I hope your eardrums recover.
Thank you for spreading the word. Regardless of whether you choose public, private, homeschool etc for your family, ceding public schools to leftist radicals so they can use them as indoctrination facilities just isn’t an option if this country is going to have any kind of future.
Good job using Freedom of Information Act to get the video.
When a family with children are in the midst of failing to provide solid parental care, apart or together, family courts assign a third party Child Advocate to protect the child’s best interests and whether or not that family continues, together or separately to provide a safe environment.
I suggest here that each building, not district, have a third party school advocate to do the same thing. The district administration failed, the building principal failed, the class room teacher and their aides failed. A third party who can step in and out of the class room and any scheduled school wide or class room events and is charged with the ability to report back to the Board of Ed. and Superintendent of Schools would make everyone accountable. Today too many parents do not have the ability or with time constraints to be a presence and advocate for their children. The School Room Child Advocate would also have the right and obligation, if merited, to report to Children’s Services if harm or potential harm is being inflicted and it has failed to be addressed by those employed to so. Trust but Verify.
P.J. Media has posted the released video and an edited recap of Dr. J’s investigation as a lead out article on it’s blog today…Way to go Dr. J.!