In addressing the issue of contraception, brought up by John King at the Arizona debate, David Gergen felt compelled to point out something that had nothing to do with the issue, that the candidates are “four white guys” (emphasis mine):
But then it has now sort of morphed out of that. Once Obama found his compromise, it’s morphed out of that. It’s part of a more general conversation about contraception, and even tonight about culture when Rick Santorum got into what’s happening to families. And for a lot of women it sounds like four white guys who are out there telling them, “Here’s how we’re going to control your lives.”
What does being a “white guy” have to do with the contraception dispute?
Does Gergen think that if Herman Cain still were in the race and on stage that he would have taken a different position than the “four white guys.”
Let’s play role reversal. Most Republicans and plenty of independents believe Obamacare is an attempt to control everyone’s lives. Would Gergen dare say that Obama just “sounds like a black guy who is out there telling them, ‘Here’s how we’re going to control your lives.’”
And by the way David, not everyone appreciates you purporting to know what women want, particularly conservative women:
You know, it’s that smug certainty that is imbued within Gergen’s attitudinal hedonism as he speaks with no detectable irony for all women everywhere about the elitism of the Republican candidates. Quite a startling vision to behold….
Conservative women see four politicians who are struggling to articulate the conservative message of self-reliance, laissez-faire capitalism and the right to self-determination which must be infused with moral clarity in order to function in this world of despots who seek to control everything from how much money you make, to what car you drive, to your caloric intake, to where you dare say the word “God,” to which medical services you receive. We see four less than ideal candidates who as yet can’t reflect the conservative longing to end the control that government already holds over our lives.
I really don’t get what our Republican candidates find so difficult to grasp. The message is simple. Pay for your own damn birth control…. What more do you want? Free shipping and handling?
Has “white guy” simply become the proxy for everything with which an MSM commentator disagrees or cannot otherwise explain?
I know, asked and answered.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Prof., name an unprotected “class”, according to the Collective.
“White guy” (assuming heterosexual) comes to mind.
Another? Excellent Asian students.
“Excellent Asian students”. Isn’t that redundant?
Not entirely. Despite all they can do, Asian parents still produce some dummies.
Hey, even Asians need bureaucrats…
I believe that “excellent Asian students” is a tautology.
David “Rodham” Gergen has revealed quite plainly how the left will treat whoever the nominee is: the “white guy” that is NOT going to be able to represent your demographic – not even *WHITE GUYS*. Only Obama can……don’t you see.
The rest is just details.
It will be ugly, and will set race relations back farther than since the turn of the 20th century, IMHO.
I think it’s worse.
At some point, it will become obvious that with a more or less government run health care system that the underlying promise of privacy that was necessary to support Roe v Wade will be obliterated.
The privacy component of Roe v Wade is based on the premise that the government has no business in your decision or your action and therefore must stay out. Once all contraceptive and abortion procedures are funneled through the government billing departments or merely through a government benefits selection committee, they will have broken down the door into your privacy and equally into your decision and your action. At which point Roe v Wade will become moot.
If and when this happens, Democrats will claim that the only protection for your right to an abortion will be to elect pro-abortion Democrats.
DINORightMarie, you have nailed it.
I shudder to think what will happen as the GOP race goes on. We’ve already had a preview of the tone that will be taken.
Axelrod and Company will play it to the hilt.
Query for Mr Gergen
So if the debate the other night had say Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Nikki Haley, and Renee Ellmers and they were against the Obama policy then all the women who support Obama on this would somehow be ok with that? Then it would be ok for the GOP to be against it? Then it would be different than having Santorum, Romney, and Gingrich talk about it?
Why should anyone pay any attention to Gergen, he’s a white guy. Old too. Unless, of course, being a liberal cancels his whiteness.
Gergen: STFU.
There is, of course, this underlying narrative that other minorities can speak for all minorities but us “white guy” majorities can’t.
Granted, that line of reasoning is a bunch of crap, but it persists. So in this backwards world “White Guys” are doublely prevented from speaking about this since they’re a) white and b) men, two “overpowered” groups (according to certain power dynamics.)
In any case, double hit. I still find the whole thing strange to begin with, since Issa calls a panel on religous beliefs (and religous freedom) and gets critiqued because there are no women on it. Tough shit that the religous leaders of the particular traditions opposed to the HHS mandates are primarily men, no one’s keeping women in Catholicsm.
Great catch Professor. I don’t watch CNN anymore so I don’t get a chance to analyze the lefties over there.
” plenty of independents believe Obamacare is an attempt to control everyone’s lives. ”
Well, I’m a registered independent, and I’m not pro-life, not Catholic, and I absolutely believe this legislation is one of the worst shoved down on America, it is absolutely to control everyone’s lives. Dingell did say the legislation was to “control people”.
Funny, I do remember CNN’s Gergen calling the opponents of this crappy law racists.
In fairness to Gergen, someone told him that chin transplants are free under ObamaCare, so he’s pretty excited about it.
And for a lot of people it sounds like four left-wing guys who are out there telling them, “Here’s how we’re going to conduct emotional extortion.”
Of all the people who should understand the principal issue are those who exploit it for profit. Oh, that’s right, they promise instant gratification through redistributive change (i.e. involuntary exploitation) in exchange for securing their wealth and power. They have demonstrated little to no concern for the corruption their tactics sponsor.
I think this tactic was exposed most recently, in all of it crude glory, with the TEA Party protests of “health care reform” (i.e. cost shifting without addressing underlying causes).
Anyway, there is nothing “racial” about this issue either in theory or practice. It is also not about controlling lives, but, quite to the contrary, about preserving liberty; and mitigating contributing causes of progressive corruption.
Only a tiny quibble in that over the years Gergen has clearly morphed into [no pun intended] simply a “talking head”. Over-exposure to egocentric beltway politicians and the effete media aristocracy have destroyed his ability to actually “think”. Whatever he once was, he ain’t been in a long time.
That’s for sure, 49erDweet. He still seems like an amiable fellow. But he is nothing but MSM conventional wisdom. Zzzzzzzzz.
The polite term is “caponized”.
“White guy” or better, “white, Jewish or Christian, heterosexual not-disabled guy” has been the feminist bugaboo for years now. Women don’t actually count because feminism has morphed into Democrat party diversity politics. So if women have to go out and pay for a doctor visit and their own $20 a month prescription for birth control pills, the game is to mindlessly screech “Women are going to die!” and “Women are being controlled!” This keeps a lot of women from realizing that no one, including feminist orgs, actually are doing anything for women’s rights.
While the Sat. Night boys deal the race card, I do notice that Gergen and King are white.
Yes, feminism has morphed into the Dem. Party, or as they say, the “party for women.” NARAL, Planned Parenthood, NOW, and Emily’s List are all branches there of. Val. Jarrett ran, runs, or something the Office for Women in the White House. Or some such title of something which does nothing. It is a way for Val Jar to have a title and perhaps a stipend too. Or perhaps they did away with that office. Who knows what it did, does, will do, has done or might/could do.
And, if you are not a progressive, you, sweetie, do not count.
Feminism sucks, just ask any stay at home mom. We are ridiculed for putting our children first, it sickens me. My son has Epilepsy, and have spent the last fifteen years making sure he has the best possible medical care, and the help he deserves in education. I know I have done what God put me on this earth for and am thankful we can pull it off. Weird thing is, I made more than my husband, no regrets.
“Feminism sucks.” I thought it was dead, at best, moribund. You are more optimistic than I, it seems.
If you worked outside the home too then you would be a bad mother, disregarding your child and your poor husband. If you were single and working, then something would be the matter with you because you weren’t married. If you were married, but had no children, then you would be selfish for having no children. I think this sums up the attitudes?
Oh my goodness. Lol! The Cranky Housewife said everything I have ever wanted to say!
Moe4, I know the feeling, it is a constant assault. I am learning how to be one part ninja one part mom. It is an everyday struggle to deflect the negativity that comes at me. Even conservatives these days often devalue motherhood.
Moe4 and ella8,
My hat’s off to you … and all the wonderful mothers out there. I don’t know how you do it. There is no more important job in society, bar none.
Mothers are the civilizing force in this world. There’s nothing more beautiful in this world than seeing a good mother teaching her kids right from wrong and how to be good people/citizens. I don’t mean it in that coarse, tasteless “MILF” way (although I do find nothing sexier in a woman than her raising her kids well). It’s an art. An awe-inspiting, sexy art.
When the majority of mothers are bad people (such as those who raise their children to blow themselves up in martyrdom) … then we are truly doomed as a species.
Oops … that should be “awe-inspiRing”
Four white guys walked into a womb and wanted to westle away all the wepwoductive wights of all the women in the whole wide world. Wow. I weally wish they would weconsider. Wight-wing wackos!
I just could not stop hearing “Baba Wawa” (aka Gilda Radner) while reading that!
Thanks for the waufftah!!
I’ll never forget standing behind Gilda Radner and Gene Wilder in a long line late one night at a West L.A. 7-11 convenience store.
I’d been drinking all night and felt like hell … the two of them looked even worse than me !!
On of the great ironies about this tender concern for women’s health in the form of free birth control played out on cable stations over the last four years. First you couldn’t turn on certain programs without being bombarded with very slick ads for a new generation of birth control pills. Today those same programs are awash with very cheap ads by tort lawyers trolling for the women who took those drugs.
“Pay for your own damn birth control…. What more do you want? Free shipping and handling?”
From one liberated woman to another I say thank you. I’ll add, I am sick and tired of women and men who believe their liberalism means their right to intrude upon and control both my private wallet and my private sex life!
Sounds like you wouldn’t want to part with your tax dollars to provide me free Rogaine and Propecia.
Just so you could control my follicles and my life, white woman!
You’ll never know the pain of male-pattern baldness.
LukeHandCool (who is actually okay in the hair department. He started taking Propecia as a preventive premptive weapon. And … what is he going to do? Burden society with extra unwanted hair? So give him his free Propecia and give it to him now! Don’t force him back to the days of dark, dangerous alleys and buying dubious concoctions from shady characters).
I’ll start listening when the gub’mint starts offering free beef jerky and IBC Root Beer.
It’s the patriarchy, Wm. Plus, everybody knows it’s the matriarchy in the black community–the great myth of ‘the strong black woman’ means black guys don’t do patriarchy, or so the story goes. So, Gurgle is being a hip feminist. Plus, he’s reminding people the GOP is all white and only the Dems were cool enough to have a black metrosexual POTUS who wants to stay out of women’s womb by authorizing doctors to slaughter aborted babies who live. The LSM and Obama, er, the GOPE, got rid of Cain. Everybody knows that, plus there are no blacks in the GOP! So, Gaggle’s got a little layered thang going on.
The really amazing thing is that the dim party keeps all these different factions turned up sweet especially when some of them are diametricaly opposed to others in their little group. He tells each faction what they want to hear and give goodies to the rest. It reminds me of Billy what’s-his-name in “Chicago” tap dancing madly. This how he keeps an almost 50% approval rate. All these people have a dog in this race.
Is this really the best obama and co. can come up with as a campaign issue? Contraceptives? We ought to be laughing him off the stage. Too bad it has nothing to do with birth control. Control, yes, but not just about birth, but about everyting. This is just a door opening for larger rules and regulations regarding our daily activities. This POS would sterilize all of us if he could and the way things are going he just might be able to. Maybe he will issue an EO about EPA putting stuff in all the reservoirs in the country. Little by little we are learning just what is really in obamacare. 2000 plus pages have to pack a h*ll of a wack on our liberty.
It’s too precious that Georgie Porgie blind sided the republican nominees in a previous debate with this non issue and left them and everyone else asking, more or less, WTF. I should say it was obvious that the candidates thought this was not a presidential decision. However, it also brought to light (no.10,000,001th time) the fact that media are in cahoots with this administration and another hammer to hit the repubicans with. But we knew that for sure when Georgie corrected the won about the name of his faith on his show. Let’s see how the GOP and the candidates hanle this farce.
Free condums have been available in the schools for decades. They are just branching out. There condums for women, you know.
I’m waiting for them to hand out free self-respect and peace of mind to the women who treat their bodies like a community mattress then abort the consequences of their libertinism.
LukeHandCool | February 25, 2012 at 10:07 pm
Sounds like you wouldn’t want to part with your tax dollars to provide me free Rogaine and Propecia.
Just so you could control my follicles and my life, white woman!
“You’ll never know the pain of male-pattern baldness.
LukeHandCool (who is actually okay in the hair department. He started taking Propecia as a preventive premptive weapon. And … what is he going to do? Burden society with extra unwanted hair? So give him his free Propecia and give it to him now! Don’t force him back to the days of dark, dangerous alleys and buying dubious concoctions from shady characters).
I believe that we already established that white men are not eligible for the free stuff. Also, nothing else either.
The feminist movement has nothing to do with womem’s rights. I think they have proved that over the years. It is a just another movement that has been infiltrated by communists just like everything else in this country.
But Propecia is so much cheaper than a sex-change operation.
I an Man, hear me “meow.”
LukeHandCool (who, if he’s going to lose the family jewels, would much rather be a woman than a eunuch).
Rush Limbaugh calls him “David Rodham Gergen.” I think that about sums it up.
Beyond the race card element of Gergen’s dumb comment I have a question. Why is it that contraception is being presented by the mainstream media as strictly a women’s issue? Is unplanned pregnancy something men rally around? The whole thing is ridiculous. Sex is supposed to a voluntary activity among consenting adults. Why shouldn’t birth control be the same? Like the lady said, just pay for your own.
“Why is it that contraception is being presented by the mainstream media as strictly a women’s issue?”
Because they couldn’t care less about the issue per se. This comes straight from the White House, through Media Matters, and into the general media, first seen with George Stuffitupyerass’ stupid contraception questions to Mitt Romney a few debates ago. America is now pro-life and the Dems need a new pony to ride. The choice is now contraception. But it has nothing to do with the actual topic (I refuse to call it an issue, because it ain’t). The goal of creating a fake contraception controversy is to turn 50% of American voters – women – against the GOP, just as they used abortion ‘rights’ in decades past. It’s the newest Democrat wedge issue. Obama’s contraception dictat that has so angered the Catholic church and anyone else who honors the Constitution has this new dictat in mind.
And it has another goal, one I haven’t seen addressed yet, though I hardly read everything out there. It is this: Obama’s ‘you must provide free contraception to those you insure’ order does more than put the Catholic church at dds with its own doctrines – if it stands, it will force many Catholic institutions to close. Included among them could well be the Catholic schools. This means that about 2.3 million Catholic school students would have to find another plan and it is hard to see more than 10% of them going to home schooling, since that requires an available parent in the home and most households require two breadwinners anymore. Perhaps 2 million of them would have to go into the public school system, strengthening the Democrat/liberal stranglehold on education, teacher’s unions, etc.
This is an example of the caution that we must always watch what Obama’s other hand is doing.
I belong to two Unions. TWO. And the healthcare they provide does NOT cover conception. Birth bills, condoms, infanticide drugs, etc.
So tell me why religious organizations should be forced to pay for these things while my Union funded insurance does NOT.
And David Gergen is an idiot who should retire. I bet the guy doesn’t even know what google is.
Another clueless man that the leftist media calls a Republican when it suits their needs.
Four and a half white men….. Now if you could just make a sitcom out of it starring Charlie Sheen.
So what if they’re white and male– It was Seven Old White Guys who created phony privacy laws in Connecticut v. Griswold and Roe v Wade.
Oops– 6 white men and one black man– forgot about Marshall voting on Roe–but it’s still all men