Poll: Real Native Americans disagree with Elizabeth Warren on “Redskins” team name
How about a poll on whether Pow Wow Chow Cookbook is offensive?
Elizabeth Warren is not Native American, but she played one for the law professor directory used for hiring in the 1980s as she was climbing the ladder to Harvard Law School. After she got tenure at HLS, she stopped filling out her forms that way.
In 2014, Warren signed a letter to the NFL Commissions, along with dozens of other Democratic Senators, calling on the league to take action against the Washington Redskins for using the name “Redskins”:
The NFL can no longer ignore this and perpetuate the use of this name as anything but what it is: a racial slur. We urge the NFL to formally support and push for a name change for the Washington football team.
I understand why some people may view the name as offensive. But according to a Washington Post poll just released, almost all actual Native Americans don’t oppose the use of the name:
Nine in 10 Native Americans say they are not offended by the Washington Redskins name, according to a new Washington Post poll that shows how few ordinary Indians have been persuaded by a national movement to change the football team’s moniker.
The survey of 504 people across every state and the District reveals that the minds of Native Americans have remained unchanged since a 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found the exact same result. Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.
Among the Native Americans reached over a five-month period ending in April, more than 7 in 10 said they did not feel the word “Redskin” was disrespectful to Indians. An even higher number — 8 in 10 — said they would not be offended if a non-native called them that name.
I wonder what the results had been if Native Americans were asked whether they were offended by the name of a cookbook “Pow Wow Chow” and fake “Cherokee” dishes such as “Cold Omelets with Crab Meat” and “Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing.”
Or claiming that native ancestry is proven by high cheekbones.
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Given her track record, I can’t believe she took a position in this! As the wise guy said, the more you stir it, the more it stinks.
Donald Trump is more of a Native American than Elizabeth Warren. At least he owns a casino.
I see from the down ding that someone doesn’t have much of a sense of humor.
Thanks to Trooper York for clearing that episode of virtue-signaling right up: ” Donald Trump is more of a Native American than Elizabeth Warren. At least he owns a casino.” And I’ll bet he even built it, too.
How about a debate on how Native Americans feel about Ms. Warren’s cultural appropriation to grasp a position with the university of Penn?
Some how I don’t believe they’ll be so forgiving over that.
Watch Trump poke Pocahontas a few more times. Maybe bring up those ladies who are real Native Americans who protested her use of the Indian race as a resume enhancer.
Don’t call Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas. It’s Fauxahontas.
As for HLS hiring her, Fauxahontas’ lying about her heritage to get a job all goes to show that for prestigious liberal law schools, character counts for nothing.
I suspect that every so often, Elizabeth Fauxahontas Warren uses her lipstick to paint streaks on her cheeks, puts on gaudy feathers, a faux-buckskin loincloth, and waves a rubber tomahawk (all made in China).
I think the whole point of this exercise of faux outrage is to say nasty things about Americans generally and white people specifically. The object is to break the social compact over minorities rather than extend the social compact to minorities.
It seems that the white liberals are more upset about the “Redskins” name than the actual native Americans.
I think more liberals in the DC area are more upset that they haven’t had two consecutive winning seasons in the last 25 years
White woman (and fake Indian) Liz Warren outraged at white mens’ appropriation of Indian identity.
You can’t make this sh*t up.
Observer wins the internet today with this comment!
What do you call a Native American who won’t stay on the Dim plantation and in line with their faux outrage machine? The blacks get called “Uncle Tom.” I guess there must be a similar pejorative for Native Americans too, huh?
Yes, Uncle Tomahawk.
I propose we rename the Redskins to something that has no connections to any indians at all: The Warrens.
Come on, people! You know you’d all be outraged if somebody named their team the ‘Whiteskins’.
Why, I’d be so triggered, I’d never leave my safe space again!
No.. But a team back in 2002 caused a stir when they called themselves “The Fighting Whities.”
Unable to persuade a school district to drop a mascot name that offends them, some American Indian students at the University of Northern Colorado have named their intramural basketball team “The Fighting Whities.”
Until 1980, the Pekin, IL school teams were called the “Chinks”
Some self-righteous female pounced on me and asked how I would feel if some team were called The Rabbis.
In the Jewish tradition, I replied to her question by asking her another question: “It depends; do they win?”
She did not see the humor in this…
I’d feel about the same as I do about policemen using the term “rabbi” for a patron/mentor. Or as I imagine Christians do about the Padres or the Saints. i.e. “what’s the problem?”
Actually let me amend that: if a major-league sports team were to call themselves the rabbis, I’d probably become their fan.
Next target: the Fighting Irish…
Let’s run with this theme for a moment and see where it will take us …
The logic here means that Tucson will have to change its name since that is a cultural appropriation of an Indian word for the area and clearly reminds native Americans of the taking of their land and throwing them onto the reservation just southwest of Tucson where they can see land and mountains that was once theirs (where they run a big casino that takes much wampum from whiteman’s pocket).
In fact, Kitt Peak which is part of their reservation too stands out like a sore thumb. Get rid of the telescopes! Give the mountain back its native American name.
And so it goes on, and on, and on, and on ….
Tejas…from the Caddo Indian word for “friend”.
One of the best things (things that made us very successful) about the Europeans is that we are very acquisitive. We take good stuff wherever we find it, and we make it our own.
Except in the German belt around Austin n central Tejas, where a lot of the Spanish place names are i(intentionally?) mispronounced using EnglishGerman rules instead of Spanish ones. I grew up in CO, hearing many of the same words pronounced using quasi-Spanish rules, and kept running into the disconnect of hearing words that I didn’t recognize until they were spelled out, when I would recognize them, and see why they were pronounced the way they were. It was as if an English/German speaker, who had never heard them pronounced correctly tried to sound them out. Except that part of Texas is near a heavily Hispanic part of the state.
We take good stuff wherever we find it, and we make it our own.
Not just ‘us’. Count, if you can, all the bands worldwide that play Country and Western, not to mention rock and roll and jazz. And all the international nuclear-bombs-in-waiting, including the latest ‘foreign aid’ to Iran by the Obama admin.
At the 2:34 mark in the video I swear she looks like bernie.
(Going to the store to buy some eye bleach).
Warren is heap big pile of drek.
Lesson to learn: the public is with us – all we have to do is take charge.
According to the Globe, Warren was listed during her tenure as the only N. A. Professor on the entire teaching staff.
It puzzles me as to what differences Sen. Fauxahontas Warren’s traditional Indian family’s crab omelet and crab mayo dressing were when compared to the 16th, 17th, 18th Century Cherokee recipes for ‘crab omelet and crab mayo dressing’ which had neither the access to rapid delivery of crab from the seashore nor any reliable means of refrigeration.
Don’t put out of mind that the Cherokee were once resident in NC, and likely did have access to crabs – though not via Warren’s silly receipes.
Well I was aware that the Cherokee were forced into NC in the mid-1800s but I am pretty sure the coastal areas were darn well occupied & controlled by soon to be confederates during that time period. During the civil war the Cherokee in the interior of NC were recruited by the British but I doubt they brought crabs from the shore either. I also think I recall a Sen. Fauxahontas Warren Cherokee oyster dish from her family recipes.
They had airplanes. Cherokees!
Uncle Tomahawk was used at one time, not sure if it still is.
Too bad the pollsters didn’t ask two more questions:
1. Do you know who Elizabeth Warren is?
2. Do you believe she has a Native American ancestry?
I’m 1/8th Cherokee and find Elizabeth Warren offensive.
Does that help? 🙂
Eliz. , is hanging in the background incase Hillary has to go to prison or the ” O,” thinks she can’t win. I have thought for 3 or more years, that this was the DNC plan.
Liz. is of course. a bigger liar than the ” Queen,” of them all.