Question for @MarcLamontHill – How many must die for academic boycott of Israel?
Should breakthrough joint cancer research between The Technion and NYU be canceled?

Marc Lamont Hill is a professor at Morehouse College and a frequent TV Commentator. He also is coming out with a new book soon on social justice in the U.S.
Lamont Hill also is a big supporter of the “Ferguson to Palestine” movement which uses the doctrine of intersectionality to connect Israel to inner city and racial problem in the U.S. The only majority Jewish state in the world is held out as the connecting force of evil in the world.
We wrote about his support in January 2015, when he was part of a Dream Defenders delegation to Israel and theWest Bank, Wow, Marc Lamont Hill drank the anti-Israel Kool-Aid. For that visit, Hill included this statement in a video about the trip:
We came here to Palestine to stand in love and revolutionary struggle with our brothers and sisters
We come to a land that has been stolen by greed and destroyed by hate
We come here and we learn laws that have been co-signed in ink but written in the blood of the innocent and we stand next to people who continue to courageously struggle and resist the occupation
People continue to dream and fight for freedom
From Ferguson to Palestine the struggle for freedom continues.
That statement was issued in Nazareth, which is part of pre-1967 Israel:
.@marclamonthill U gave speech in Nazareth in ISRAEL, and BDS leaders like Barghouti consider all Israel occupied –
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) January 16, 2015
Lamont Hill just announced his support of the academic boycott of Israel which is not being voted upon by the American Anthropological Association (this detailed post explains the AAA academic boycott and why the justifications are propaganda not reality.)
As a member of the American Anthropological Association, I voted "Yes" in support of Academic…
— Marc Lamont Hill (@marclamonthill) April 23, 2016
Here is the image he posted on Instagram:
Systematic academic boycotts, including of Israel, are considered to be severe violations of academic freedom by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) because such boycotts damage the entire academic system and free exchange of knowledge:
[S]ince its founding in 1915, the AAUP has been committed to preserving and advancing the free exchange of ideas among academics irrespective of governmental policies and however unpalatable those policies may be viewed. We reject proposals that curtail the freedom of teachers and researchers to engage in work with academic colleagues, and we reaffirm the paramount importance of the freest possible international movement of scholars and ideas….
The Association’s defense of academic freedom, as explained in the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, rests on the principle that “institutions of higher education are conducted for the common good . . . [which] depends upon the free search for truth and its free exposition.” Although the statement says nothing about academic boycotts, plainly the search for truth and its free expression suffer if a boycott is in place….
The Association recognizes the right of individual faculty members or groups of academics not to cooperate with other individual faculty members or academic institutions with whom or with which they disagree. We believe, however, that when such noncooperation takes the form of a systematic academic boycott, it threatens the principles of free expression and communication on which we collectively depend.
Major academic associations of universities and over 250 university presidents have issued similar statements regarding the threat to academic freedom and the advance of knowledge pose by the BDS academic boycott of Israel.
Not long after I saw Lamont Hill’s annnouncement of his support for the academic boycott of Israel, I saw this article in the Jersusalem Post online, Haifa and NY researchers collaborate on treatment for two deadly cancers:
The Technion – Israel of Technology and New York University Langone Medical Center have initiated a joint cancer research project, targeting the most dangerous form of skin cancer, metastatic melanoma, and mesothelioma, a rare cancer that develops in the protective lining of the lungs and other internal organs.
In the first joint collaboration, US and Israeli researchers will test the ability of a nanotechnology based on so-called “nanoghosts” to deliver the promising treatments.
In earlier studies, Technion researchers took a stem cell, removed its contents and then shaped a piece of the cell’s outer membrane into a vehicle to deliver treatments into the brain.
There are dozens if not hundreds of similar medical research projects cooperatively between Israeli higher education institutions and non-Israeli institutions. Under the official academic boycott guidelines, such cooperative projects are banned:
Research and development activities that fall into these broad categories:
(a) Among academic institutions – Institutional cooperation agreements with Israeli universities or research institutes. These agreements, concluded between international and Israeli academic institutions, typically involve the exchange of faculty and students and, more importantly, the conduct of joint research. Many of these schemes are sponsored and funded by the European Union (in the case of Europe), and independent and government foundations elsewhere.
The American Anthropological Association boycott will be mostly symbolic (like that of other groups like the American Studies Association). So perhaps it’s viewed as a no-risk easy ideological and political choice for Lamont Hill and others AAA members. But if they support the BDS academic boycott of Israel for one field of study, they necessarily advance the boycott in all fields of study since BDS makes no exceptions for medical research. The academic boycott is the academic boycott, in for one field, in for all.
Which raises a question I tweeted to Lamont Hill. Since the Technion-NYU cancer research project would be banned under the academic boycott guidelines, How Many People Must Die for BDS?
.@marclamonthill This breakthrough cancer research project banned under academic boycott – How many must die for BDS?
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) April 24, 2016
Based on past Twitter interactions with Lamont Hill and his various writings, I believe he is sincere in his beliefs. But he is sincerely wrong, and needs to answer the question whether The Technion – NYU joint cancer research should be canceled, and if so, how many people must die for BDS.

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He may be sincere in his beliefs, but he is woefully ignorant about facts and history.
Actually, the Jews should be an example for the people of Ferguson of how a minority can overcome the greatest odds.
There’s a reason why Palestinians suffer and it isn’t Israel that is the proximate cause, but other Arabs.
Blaming Israel alone, with no recognition of Arab culpability, shows great bias, even bigotry.
The real problem is Islam which was created by Muhammad as an aggressive religion of war and fascist tyranny.
“We come to a land that has been stolen by greed and destroyed by hate”
OK. Granted. It just comes from the greedy haters that will not LET there be peace, because the hate works so well for them as a means to amass wealth and power.
Just like in Ferguson and the rest of America and the world.
What an idiot.
Hill is a good modern example of hate wrapped up in a PC package. He and other weak minded people take the struggle that has been Israel’s for generations and turn their success into greed and hate? I tell anyone that I meet that has anti-Israel views to go and live there for a few weeks and then tell how they are aggressive and intolerant. And greed? Come on Hill, they are fighting for their very existence! With tunnels being dug beneath them at this very moment and you bring up greed? Isn’t that like saying all black people like watermelons?
If they are honest (which they are NOT) they should not request or be given ANY Rx originated by Israeli companies, orgs etc.
What I find inconceivable is that Israel treats these PA Killers even when they are involved in terrorist acts.
Hill is right.
For example, NYU Med should immediately abandon its project with Technion. It should then find a comparable research facility in Liberia, Gaza, or the Ivory Republic, and establish relationships there.
And any SJW in need of help for the illness studied should be the first in line to volunteer as a test subject.
But be reasonable, if he changes his story to make any sense, he won’t be a nutty pundit and then he’ll lose his cushy talking head job on TV.
I sincerely doubt Marc Lamont Hill is well informed on the subject of Israel. He has a PhD in African American Studies not Middle Eastern Studies or International Relations. It’s much more likely he’s just going alone with whatever his political minders are telling him is the correct way to think.
Since Israel’s press is so unfavorable its easy to fall into the trap of false equivalency unless you do your own research and/or have sources who can help you sort out the truth of the issue, like how this blog helped get the word out about the Gaza rockets fired from civilian areas. To me this is another yet case where Democrats are generally well meaning but willfully misinformed and misled – i.e. useful idiots again.
Marc Lamont Hill is a dumb schmuck. Almost as great a schmuck as Barack Obama.
Can you imagine the tripe contained in the course work of the one that gave him a Phd in ‘African American studies?’
His PhD qualifies him for nothing other than perpetuating leftist idiocy and ripping off students who might pay to study under him and get their own useless PhDs.
because we tolerated leftist b.s. for so long, we’re in a place as a nation where there is very little hope we will ever be the nation we once were, if our nation even holds together. Maybe a breakup would not be such a bad thing.
He’s just a low life bigot whose 15 minutes of fame was up long ago.
Call me a magician if you must, but here’s a neat little party trick:
You tell me how many countries there are on the continent of Africa,
and I’ll tell you how many countries in Africa have worse human-rights records than Israel.
Then I’ll make myself disappear … before I’m thrown out of the party.
” How many must die for academic boycott of Israel?”
For Marc and the other supporters of Hamas, all the non-Muslims from the river to the sea.
I remember when Hill called the people opposing ObamaCare racists because they were alive during the Jim Crow era and were white. He is a racist like Tyrant Obama the Liar.
“land that has been stolen by greed” – no dog whistle about greedy Jews, no classical Jew-hatred inferred there at all, no, not at all..
Prof. Hill, I know you think that Jews are part of the white ruling class, but since they’re cousins to the Arabs, your exotic brown pets, can the Jews at least be beige in your racialist calculus?