Not-Quite-Super Republican Tuesday
The rise or fall of Trump?
Here’s the primary/caucus schedule today, followed by Real Clear politics poll averages:
Mississippi · 40 delegates
Last poll closes at 8:00 PM ET
There’s only one recent (2/29) poll, showing Trump ahead by 24 points. Fair to assume Trump will win, but I doubt it’s by 24 points.
Michigan · 59 delegates
Last poll closes at 9:00 PM ET
Trump ahead by double digits BUT Kasich surging and Rubio falling:
Idaho · 32 delegates
Last poll closes at 11:00 PM ET
Only one recent (2/26) poll, showing Trump ahead by 11 points. Hardly enough evidence to predict an outcome.
Hawaii (caucus) · 19 delegates
Last poll closes at 12:00 AM ET
No polling.
More to follow.
None of the state-level polling, except for Michigan, shows momentum. There is some evidence that Trump is slipping in momentum. Not only did late / same day voters break significantly for Cruz on March 5, but WaPo/ABC News released a poll today showing Trump slipping nationally, though still leading:
Trump’s margin over Cruz has narrowed from 16 points in January to nine today. As a succession of Republican candidates quit the race, Cruz’s position has ticked up four points since January, Rubio’s has risen by 7 and Kasich’s grew by 11. Trump’s has dipped by three points, within the poll’s margin of sampling error….
Only a bare majority (51 percent) of Republicans or Republican-leaning independents say they would be satisfied with the New York billionaire as their nominee, a noticeably smaller percentage than for Cruz (65 percent) or Rubio (62 percent), with Kasich in between at 56 percent.
Favorable ratings also indicate an increasingly tenuous standing within the party. In early January, Republicans clearly gave Trump more favorable than unfavorable reviews, 60 percent to 39 percent. That has narrowed to a 53-46 margin, with negative marks at their highest level in Post-ABC polling since Trump entered the race. His positive ratings also trail Cruz’s 64 percent and Rubio’s 63 percent.
The WaPo-ABC News poll also found Cruz beating Trump head-to-head, which should feed Cruz’s narrative that he is the best person to challenge Trump:
In a hypothetical head-to-head test of strength between Trump and Cruz, Republicans say they prefer the senator by 54 to 41 percent. Rubio is a narrower favorite in a one-on-one test against Trump, with an edge of 51 to 45 percent. The survey did not test a Trump-Kasich face-off.
Say it again: If a majority of voters vote non-Trump & he falls short of a delegate majority, nothing can be stolen.
— Sean T at RCP (@SeanTrende) March 8, 2016
Cruz beats Trump — 57% to 40% — when matched up head-to-head, per new NBC/WSJ national poll:
— Vaughn Hillyard (@VaughnHillyard) March 8, 2016
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The poll margin of error is greater than the differences for Trump and Cruz between January and March.
So far the polls were off by double digits.
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president less than a day before the Hospitality State’s Republican primary begins.
“It’s time for Republicans to join together and unite the party for the good of our state and our nation,” Bryant said Monday evening. “I urge my fellow Mississippians to join me in standing behind Ted Cruz tomorrow.”
The second-term governor’s endorsement could boost Cruz in Tuesday’s race. Bryant received more than two-thirds of the state’s support in the 2015 election, indicating he has a significant amount of backing from conservatives.
Well, I hope that works better for Cruz than T-rump, who seems to be cursed when Palin or LaPage have endorsed him.
Because I’m too lazy to look it up, are all of these states proportional as to delegates or are some winner-takes-all?
And which have closed primaries/caucuses, and which are open?
Well Amy, you lazy cow, here it is as far as I can tell:
(1) All 4 states award their delegates proportionally
(2) Idaho & Hawaii are closed; Michigan and Mississippi are open.
I’m sure if I have it wrong, someone will step in to correct me.
Idaho has no party registration, so it really can’t have a closed primary. To vote in the primary, somebody must be affiliated with the Republican Party and they can affiliate right then and there.
If they votes in some previous year’s Democratic primary, I don’t know, but would guess from this site, which tells people how to vote for Bernie Sanders:
..that a person can re-align their affiliation every year, and they don’t have to do anything special besides ask for Republican or Democratic ballot at the polling place.
New York State, I have heard has the toughest re-registration rules of any state. You have change your party regisration before the previous year’s November’s election in order to vote in the next year’s primary of the other party. Actually, it’s even earlier:
Changing earlier in the same year, or even after the November election the previous year, can disqualify you from voting in either party’s primary.
People who weren’t registered at all can join a party whenever they register and that is up to 30 days obefore the primary election.
Most states that have closed primaries allow people to change parties anywhere from 1 month to 3 months earlier. Many did in Massachusetts this year. (from Democrat to Republican, to vote for Donald Trump. There was a campaign to get people to do that)
Massachusetts has a “modified” closed primary, which means it isn’t really a closed primary at all. “Unenrolled” voters can vote in either primary, as they choose. And a good thing too, or very few would vote at all; since there’s no advantage to being registered as a D or R, the vast majority of MA voters are Unenrolled.
“Idaho has no party registration, so it really can’t have a closed primary. To vote in the primary, somebody must be affiliated with the Republican Party and they can affiliate right then and there.”
This is not entirely correct. From
“Primary Elections in Idaho
Beginning in 2011, a law went into effect that restricts an elector to voting only in the primary election of the political party for which he or she is registered, unless a party notified the Secretary of State in writing that the political party elects to allow additional voters (unaffiliated voters and/or voters registered with another party) to participate in the party’s primary election. (See Idaho Code § 34-904A.)”
“For a primary election, an elector may change their political party affiliation or become “unaffiliated” by filing a signed form with the county clerk no later than the 10th Friday prior to such primary election, as provided for in Idaho Code § 34-704.
An “unaffiliated” elector may affiliate with the party of the elector’s choice by filing a signed form up to and including election day. The application form for an absentee ballot described in Idaho Code § 34-1002, may also be used for this purpose.
An “unaffiliated” elector may affiliate with the party of the elector’s choice on or before election day, by declaring such political party affiliation to the poll worker. The poll worker shall then record in the poll book the elector’s choice. After the primary election, the county clerk shall record the party affiliation so recorded in the poll book as part of such elector’s record within the voter registration system as provided for in Idaho Code § 34-437A.”
They are proportional. Any primaries or caucuses occuring between March 1 and March 14 have to be according to RNC rules, but there are some differences in the way they are proportional. Delagtes could be asisgned statewide (as in Michigan) or mostly by Congressional district, and the threshold might be 15% or 20% or none at all. Mississippi, Michigan and Idaho have a winner take all trigger at 50%, which no one has reached this year in any state so far.
Mississippi has open primaries. Michigan does not have party registration, and years ago, I think in 1988, and maybe later too, Democrats wanted to hold a closed primary and they only allowed people to vote who had bene dues paying members. That was highly unrepresenative. Michigan does not have a good history of presidential primary voting, but it seems to have settled down and become normalized.
Idaho has a primary on Marh 8 but only the Republicans are participating and there is a caucus for Democrats on March 22. Anyone can vote in the Republican primary and all those but those people who voted in the Republican primary can participate in the Democratic caucus. Some people who might otherwise participate in the Democratic caucus but won’t be able to for scheduling reasons may vote in the Republican primary.
Against Trump, but they probably don’t like Cruz either.
Anybody trying to organize votes for Kasich or Rubio could get some. Conversely, some people who missed the Republican primary, might decide to participate in the Democratic caucus.
Hawaii has a closed primary. It is a heavily Democratic state, so most people registerd Republican will be very conservative, and may be inclined to vote for Trump. Or maybe Cruz? Cruz should be the anti-Trump there anyway.
This poll is of “Republican-leaning registered voters” which is not quite the same as republican registered voters.
Trend? maybe. Polling for the result? more than likely.
The fall of many, Caveat voter:
What’s in a name? Trump, the name and face of business success…
But hold on…Investigations, BBB complaints, more complaints, class action lawsuits…?
“According to Ethan Vanderbuilt, who operates a popular scam-busting website, the state’s attorney general claimed that in 2008, ACN recruited 91 sales affiliates there.
Those participants paid around $62,000 to sign up with the company. All but two made money from the deal, according to Vanderbuilt. He also reported that in 2009 more than 300 representatives paid approximately $235,000 to sign on with ACN. The company paid out only $896.86 to participants.
“But while Trump has padded his pockets through his relationship with ACN, many of its sales agents and customers have not fared so well in its dealings with the company. It is likely that a majority of the tens of thousands who have attended Trump’s ACN talks will never turn a profit.”
Well that’s awkward: Trump quotes from newspaper endorsement that says he’s not fit for POTUS.
From same editorial: Trump is “smug, erratic, often petulant,” “lacks the experience and temperament to be president”
We shall see what the day brings.
Rubio is going ballistic on Cruz as Trump attacks Rubio.
What a primary.
I read a humorous comment somewhere…something to the effect that the establishment GOP can’t even pick a candidate that will finish in the top 3 places from a field of 4.
It was a slam at GOPe support for Rubio, of course. The writer expressed his belief that Sen Rubio will fold before Gov Kasich.
It’s hard not to be biased. My Father taught me how to buy a car and rule one is: do not fall in ‘have to have it’ love with a car you don’t own.
New poll out this morning:
Trump leads Rubio by 20 in Florida
Trump takes 42 percent of the vote, with Rubio receiving 22 percent, according to the statewide poll. Texas senator Ted Cruz receives 17 percent support.
The results stand in contrast to a Monmouth University poll released Monday that showed Rubio cutting Trump’s lead in Florida to single digits. Trump took 38 percent of the vote in that poll, with Rubio receiving 30 percent support. Rubio also led the front-runner among voters who have already cast their ballots, while Trump led among those who have not yet voted.
The News 13/Bay News 9 poll, however, is in line with several surveys taken last month that show Trump with a double-digit lead over Rubio in Florida, which has 99 delegates at stake in its primary on March 15.
Will Ted Cruz disavow Bryan Fischer?
Will Ted Cruz disavow Glenn Beck?
Why do the Trumpeteers think they need to format all their comments in bold? Do they think we’re just going to skim past them if they’re in a normal font, but if they BOLD them, we’ll be like, “Yo, they’re serious, I’d better read that one!”
I’ve tried in the past to use html bold tags but they don’t take. Are people using the strong tag instead of the tag to make it work ??
The bold tag – a plain b and an anti-B /b at the end works, doesn’t it?
It certainly works in the preview. But the preview doesn’t work on all computers.
No angle brackets ? this is bold ?
Ok this time it worked for me. Go figure.
Read this and experiment with it in the LI comment box.
Press ‘preview’ to see what happens.
I think Cruz will “win” Trump did so well in Alabama because of senator Jeff Sessions, but his influence does not extend so far. Trump lost among late deciding voters in Louisiana. Cruz is now apearing as the anti-Trump in all states where Kasich or Rubio do not do heavy campaigning.
Cruz says in every debate that’s he’s he only one that beat Trump. People are not paying close attention to what are winner take all staates and which are not, and maybe also not to the early voting votes-in-the-bank factor.
Just like Cruz was in the lead in Arkansas and Oklahoma, so he will be in Mississippi. Mississippi does not have early voting. See:
So all votes in Mississippi will have been cast after Mitt Romney’s speech and the last debate, except for a few excused absentee ballots.
Rubio has practically abandoned the state, and probably will not meet the 15% statewide threshold (all 59 delegates are assigned according to the statewide vote, and there are no Congressional districts for Rubio to win, or any kind of consolation prizes there.)
Kasich is making a big push, but probably may not be able to trump Trump. Cruz is not too popular in the north, and because of Kasich’s heavy campaigning, will not appear to be the “anti-Trump” and will only get the votes he is entitled to – in sum, barely over 15%, if that. He may even get less than his proper vote..
Between Cruz and Rubio, and diehard supporters of some others, 25% to 30% or more of the votes could be wasted.
I’ll guess Kasich 32%, Trump 35%, and there will be a near even split of the delegates. Trump will get less than half of the delegates if Cruz passes the threshold. Kasich may get more votes than Trump if many people conclude there is no need to vote for Cruz. His natural percentage is probably not anywhere near 20%.
Michigan also has no early voting, so very few votes were in the bank as of last Friday. (even some absentee ballots would have been cast pretty late.)
Idaho: There have not been many votes cast in the west – only Nevada caucuses. Idaho has got a 20% threshhold. I would say probably Cruz, by a small majority, because Rubio and Kasich aren’t campaigning, but Idaho has a lot of early voting, so there will be votes aplenty for Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, (both of these last two strong in the west) Ben Carson, etc. – and Marco Rubio too. Cruz probably won’t get above 10% of the early votes, at least the really early ones. Trump might win over a badly split field, or else it is Cruz.
Hawaii has caucuses, which means all votes reflect the situation on March 8. It may be a long time till we find out results.
Some states and territories have campaigns that only exist there. In Oklahoma conservative Democrats went all out for Sanders. In Puerto Rico, Marco Rubio won overwhelmingly. Who knows whatever is going on in Hawaii?
No, both Rubio and Cruz campaigned with rallies in Idaho. Rubio more than Kasich, I believe. Last poll I saw had Rubio in second place there
I think Cruz will “win” Trump did so well in Alabama because of senator Jeff Sessions, but his influence does not extend so far.”
Our resident democrats predictions are worthless.
So, is tonight Marco’s last stand, or is Macro’s last stand going to be next Tuesday?
And if you are a Marco supporter, Cruz’s trick of waiting for an “insider” to leak to drudge that Marco will quit after Tuesday and then email/tweeting/robocalling Marco supporters for their vote is another dirty trick.
I’ll ask again then:
Let’s say you’re a Rubio supporter.
Cruz says Rubio is dropping out.
Rubio says, “No, I’m not dropping out, that’s silly.”
Who do you believe?
Why would a Rubio supporter believe Cruz over Rubio himself?
In fact, the only ones I see repeating your meme are you, Gary Britt and Handy Gandy.
Is this something y’all have been asked to astroturf various blogs with?
I’m just passing on what is being talked about on Fox and CNN. Cruz has now after being caught in more lies and dirty tricks disavowed dirty trick email sent to Hawaii voters.
It isn’t my fault that your boy Cruz runs a CIA disinformation, lies and dirty tricks campaign.
Character counts and Cruz’s is lacking.
Well this particular “CIA dirty tricks campaign” doesn’t seem to have bamboozled anyone but you Trumpkins. Maybe they need to life their game 😀
Rule 40 (if left unchanged) doesn’t prevent any delegates from viting fro anybody. It just prevents any speeches being mad ein favor of thaat candidate.
It’s not like as if if Donald trump was he only candidate whose name could be placed in nomination, he is the only person delegates could vote for.
Cruz wants Rubio to drop out and he doesn’t care if that means that Trump gets all of Florida’s 99 delegates.
I say that Rubio shuldn’t drop out even if he loses Florida, because he can probably get most of New York’s delegates, and those of Pennsylvania, as well. Kasich will probably mostly drop out.
The only thing that it makes sense for a non-Trump or anti-Trump Republican voter in Florida to do on March 15 is to vote for Rubio, because of all the votes for Rubio that are already in the bank. That could be as much as 5% or more. There are probably more in the bank for Jeb Bush than for Ted Cruz.
If Rubio cannot win Florida, neither can Cruz. The only two candidates who have a possibility of getting Florida’s 99 delegates are Donald Trump and Marco Rubio.
It might be that it is simply people in the Rubio campaign who want to get jobs in other campaigns that want him to quit now – but somebody is probably promising jobs, maybe in some pro-somebody PAC, in that case.
Seems there is a lot of grousing going on here abouts. #LNYHBT
Meanwhile I have the poll closings in order of close times:
1. Mississippi: 8:00pm
2. Michigan: 9:00pm
3. Idaho: 11:00pm
4. Hawaii: 1:00am
Is that all Eastern Standard Time?
Yes, Sammy. It is in eastern time.
It appears voter turn out is very light in Michigan. I guess that is good for Trump but not positive . Thoughts?
It depends on who turns out first, and also if this low by the standards of other elections. I would think maybe the anti-Trump vote might be more motivated, and that might go for Kasich in Michigan.
Can’t say what it may or may not portend.
Michigan is a closed primary state.
Not really. Michigan does not have registration by political party.
The Democrats ran a really closed primary in 1988, and, I think, some other years, where you had to actually be a dues paying member to vote, (there was no other measure of political party affiliation) but that’s all gone now.
You may be stuck in the same politcal party for a calendar year, I don’t know, but they can’t have any more.
It is closed in the sense that voters are required to use a gop or dem ballot and can not vote in both primaries.
But that’s also true in open, or crossover, primaries. Just when can anyone vote in both primaries?
I think there’s something wrong about the way statistics about closed primaries are being compiled.
If a state has no registration by political party, the primary can’t be closed de facto, even if someone has to declare themselves a member of a political party to cast a ballot (as opposed to a state like Wisconsin, where at least it used to be someone could be registered in one political party, and, for that election, vote in another party’s primary.
There’s a Report on twitter that Dems are sending out the following message: if Hillary is safe in your state vote for Kasich.
Who is saying what and to whom? Maybe some people could be saying that if they don’t want to vote for Hillary, vote for Kasich. This doesn’t make too much sense for a campaign to say.
No state is “safe” for any Democrat. All delegates to the Democratic convention are awarded proportionately, with a 15% threshold and both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton should meet that in every state.
Of course, there are these “auperdelegates.”
No according to ALL reports, turnout in Michigan is NOT light
Cruz supporter on Fox today goes after Trump’s wife for being former high fashion model that posed nude like all high fashion models do and for being foreign born.
Wow what a huge mistake. Imagine if Trump says OK now Heidi Cruz’s mental illness is fair game and goes after her for being mentally ill possibly because of physical and mental abuse at the hands of her husband Cruz.
You’re are REAL SOS. But you know that.
Why should one candidate be able to attack another candidate’s wife but the return play is not allowed?
Plenty of Trump supporters have been attacking Cruz’s wife over her bout of depression. Google “Heidi Cruz Mental”.
And of course our Gary here brings it up regularly.
But since it’s estimated that 1 in 10 Americans will suffer from depression at some point in their lives, and many more will have friends or loved ones dealing with it, I don’t see it as a very effective “attack” mechanism.
You lie. I basically brought it up once indirectly before questioning the depression cover story on how she came to be in middle of median of a busy expressway. That it seemed more like car on expressyway pulled over and someone like say an enraged husband forced her out of car and drove off and left her there.
If you don’t have any evidence of Cruz’s “physical and mental abuse”against his wife i.e. documentation, I suggest that you should be very careful about your accusations.
What she did is she quit a good job in Washington to be with her husband in Texas – except she wasn’t with her husband in Texas, but in another city not that close. She got really depressed – for cause.
They worked it out.
Maybe we should change the libel laws for public figures, but I thought you ridiculed Trump’s ideas in favor of this.
(1) I can’t imagine a single devoted Trumpkin who, upon hearing that one or more of The Donald’s wives once posed in the altogether, is going to say, “OMG, well now I have have to completely rethink my support for the man and give my vote to someone else!” Can you?
(2) I can’t think of a single human being who, upon hearing that Ted Cruz’s wife may once have suffered a bout of clinical depression, is going to say, “Well that completely disqualifies her husband from ever being President!” Can you?
You are a very one-dimensional, almost cartoonish creature, Gary Britt. I’m glad I don’t live in your world. Most people are far more open-minded, compassionate and nuanced than you give them credit for.
Grotesque Britt is the ghoulish character Gollum, a foul and oppressive presence wherever he goes looking for his Precious.
It was a cynical effort by that Cruz spox to slander Trump’s wife in a manner to try and effect evangelical vote for Trump. It was not aimed at people like me or you. It was aimed at evagelical voters in Mississippi.
But sow the wind and Heidi and Ted might just reap the Trump whirlwind if Trump gets mad and decides to return fire at Ted and Heidi. Wouldn’t be pretty for them. So they need to think carefully about the lies and innuendo game they are trying to play.
It will be great to have a former career woman turned stay at home mom who is elegant beautiful and intelligent in the whitehouse again. Melania Trump.
Lies implicit in the lying SOS Britt’s slime-0-thon…
1. all “high fashion models” pose for porn shoots
2. Mrs. Trump had to be a “high fashion model”
3. Volunteering for a career as even a run-way model, and volunteering to pose nude for porn shoots is the same as suffering a bout of depression
4. Ted Cruz was implicated in his wife’s depression via his abuse
Gari Britt is a disgusting lying Collectivist SOS. He knows it, and he likes it. He trolls the people here, and I’m about tired of it.
So the wind and reap the whirlwind Ragsy. Maybe dominionists haven’t heard of that one. ;-))
The only wind being blown is the wind coming out of your ass, the putrid stench the only thing that is dominionist.
Breaking news.
Neil Bush, the crfook ofg Silverado, is joining the Candian Boogerman’s team.
Yep yep. Cruz is definitely not GOPe.
The what of what? Don’t speak with your mouth full, child.
Sorry Handy, ya gotta double check your p’s and q’s when Mizz Amy’s about. I learned the hard way lol
Mitt Romney’s voice is making robocalls in Florida and Ohio according to the CBS Evening News. Some of it was played.
He says it wouldbe terrible for our country’s future if Donald Trump was the nominee. (He apparently doesn’t say if that’s because he would get elected, or because Hillary would get elected)
They were played in Idaho, as well. If Trump takes Idaho, we’ll know whom to blame.
On the Democratic side, I think Hillary should probably easily carry Mississsippi (it’s a deep south state with high proportion of Democrats being blacks. Enough voted in the republican primary to re-nominate Thad Cochran in the runoff for the senate, but they are normally Democrats, although Charles evers endorsed Trump partially because he thinks blacks should be in both parties.) Bernie Sanders hasn’t been able to make much inroad into the black vote.
Michigan should be closer. Sanders won both the Kansas and nebraska caucuses by as wide a margin as Hillary won the Louisiaan primary. Maybe the debate in Flint helped Sanders somewhat. (I mean he starts off with an 85-15 ratio in favorof Hillary among blacks)
Michael Bloomberg announcved yesterday he was not going to run for president. The timing was expected and also the decision actually. What surprised me was some of his reasoning.
He wasn’t considering winning in the House? Nobody looked at
it and saw that you would need a practical supermajority of the House of Represenatatives to win? There would be a few key figures – 7 members who represented entire states and members in equally divided states, some of which would not cast votes.
A slightly Republican House would not elect Donald Trump. And the members would have various excuses besides their
personal feelings – who carried their district, who carried their state.
Fox calls Mississippi for Trump.
This is Yuuuge.
Trump is leading in Michigan. and yes, Gary, Trump has won Mississippi… slam dunk.
Saw something fly by on twitter that Carson was leading Rubio in either MI or MS. Looking for more info.
That’s what happens when Boogerman announces that someone is about to drop out.
Fox Michigan called for Trump. Kasich second and Cruz 3rd. Rubio below delegate cut minimum.
When will Boogerman and foam boy make their victory speeches?
Trump is over 50% in Mississippi. If this holds he gets all the delegates. Why Cruz spox was out sliming Trump’s wife may have been about trying to stop that.
Short for spokesman or spokesperson
Trump was just announced the projected winner of Michigan.
…where his supporters can mock, diss, slime, name-call, berate, try to shut down and shut up, and threaten to shun Trump supporters in towns where people all know everybody else’s business.
Hadn’t thought of that. If they were anything like the cruzbots here it would be pretty bad.
Twitter Feed:
@realDonaldTrump holds press conference in Jupiter, FL after MS, MI wins
Amanda Terkel Verified Account
Ben Carson, a man who is no longer running, is currently ahead of Marco Rubio in Mississippi
6:31pm · 8 Mar 2016 · Twitter for iPhone
403 Retweets 377 Likes
Bernie kicking a little ass in Michigan.
Trump 57%
Rubio < 2%
Big Media Weenies Be Bummin' & It's A Hoot To Watch
Looks klike Trump is shattering the ceiling.
Trump wins 47.7% Mississippi 36.6 Michigan @10:35 PM
Looks like little Marco is toast?
Check Drudge headline.
Oh, yeah. I can only describe that one as “BRUTAL.”
“The rise or fall of Trump?”
The rise it would appear.
Of course, that had already taken place, some of you just suffer delusions 🙂
Either way, he’ll have to win without me. If it’s him, I’ll find myself another party.
So you want Hillary to appoint next 3 or 4 supreme court justices. Don’t ever call yourself a principled conservative or constitutional conservative ever again.
Nobody here takes counsel from lying, cult worshiping, SOS Collectivists.
Of course not. You and those like you, faux conservatives all, prefer the counsel of Hillary Clinton, and want to see Hillary appoint people like Obama and Holder to supreme court versus Trump appointing solid conservatives like Sykes and Pryor.
All because of your childish tantrums over not getting your pick.
You lie and misrepresent people, gary britt, just like your yellow rubber duckie trump every time he opens his trap.
Gary, you pull your presumptions out of your ass.
Do us all a favor. Put them back in where they belong.
No, but I don’t want Trump to appoint them either.
You don’t want Trump to appoint solid conservatives like Sykes and Pryor and therefore prefer to help elect Hillary so she can appoint raving liberals to the court? Makes no sense.
I think edgeofthesandbox doesn’t trust Trump to appoint either Sykes and Pryor, and even if he does, does not trust him to appoint any other Supreme Court Justices he may have the opportunity to do.
Beldar has mentioned that Donald Trump quickly forgot the name of Pryor. (Donald trump doesn’t like to gain information by reading or via computer, but only by talking to people. that’s also true in running his businessess)
I trust him to appoint someone friendly to crony capitalists like himself.
This issue aside, yes, we lost SCOTUS for another generation – what can you do? But note that you have no other argument why a conservative should vote for Trump. That’s because if we elect Trump we lose conservatism. Forever.
“That’s because if we elect Trump we lose conservatism. Forever.”
Man, what a depressed and overly dramatic bunch you are.
Why don’t you list the things we are going to “lose” with a Trump presidency?
Looks like Boogerman is about to Kauai about Hawaii