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All-Purpose Democratic Party Quote of the Day

All-Purpose Democratic Party Quote of the Day

Really doesn’t matter what the topic is, about whom you are posting, or whether you agree with the substantive policy position or not.

Just insert at random into blog posts on almost any topic, and it will work like a charm:

“This just makes the Dems look weak, unorganized, cowardly, and unwilling to take a stand for principles they plainly believe in.”

Contest: Name a topic, person, or policy as to which the quote will not work.

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Sadly, by changing a single word, the statement still applies with equal force for far too many topics, persons and policies… *sigh*

"This just makes the REPUBLICANS look weak, unorganized, cowardly, and unwilling to take a stand for principles they plainly believe in."

— Cogito, ergo TEA party. ~DeepWheat

The teacher union bailout.