Trey Gowdy Endorses Marco Rubio
Along with other heavy hitters from South Carolina
Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio picked up several meaty endorsements over the past few days.
Saturday, Townhall’s Guy Benson reported South Carolina firebrand, Rep. Trey Gowdy, has endorsed Sen. Rubio.
Scooplet: Campaign confirms @TGowdySC will join @marcorubio on the trail in Iowa next week. Statement from Gowdy:
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) December 26, 2015
More: Source says Gowdy will urge Iowans to caucus for Rubio. An endorsement. — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) December 26, 2015
The Rubio campaign makes it official:
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) December 26, 2015
Earlier this month, Rep. Gowdy introduced Sen. Rubio on the campaign trail. Fellow Republican contender, Donald Trump, was not impressed.
“His hearings were a disaster. Everybody was looking forward to something that was going to be really productive. And he didn’t win with those hearings. It was a total not-good for Republicans and for the country,” Trump said Sunday morning on “Fox & Friends.” Gowdy chairs the House Republican-led Select Committee on Benghazi, which grilled former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the attack for 11 hours, much of which was broadcast live on cable news. That day was widely regarded as a political win for Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, though some critics chastised that media narrative. But Trump was clearly unhappy with how Gowdy managed that hearing. “I mean, beyond Republicans it was very bad for the country,” he said. “So I hope he does a lot better for Marco than he did for the Benghazi hearings. Because they were not good. That was not a pretty picture.”
“@Sir_Max: andreajmarkley: Rubio finally gets an endorsement – from #Benghazi loser Gowdy #Tcot #pjnet via dailyne — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 27, 2015
Sen. Tim Scott also stumped for Rubio in South Carolina.
Trey Gowdy and Tim Scott both intro Rubio today. Scott says of Rubio, “I can think of no one better who speaks hope”
— Alexandra Jaffe (@ajjaffe) December 19, 2015
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Gowdy had so much potential.
So many great, principled soundbites.
Then, so many hair issues.
And then he flubbed Benghazi.
Now this.
Et tu, Trey?
Crazy hair Gowdy is in trouble with the SC upstate constituency. His non-action on Benghazi along with his vote for the Pacific Trade bill and his refusal to support the TEA party candidate Cruz has left a bitter taste of remorse in our mouths.
No “Rock Solid Conservative” would have been found within ten miles of that Gang of Eight.
“Rock Solid Sellout” is more like it.
“Rock solid conservative and strong leader we can trust.”
Total cognitive dissonance. He’s objectively neither. And the ways he is neither are still very fresh in people’s minds.
Hail Mary passes. As Trump pithily notes — meaningless, will do nothing for Rubio and won’t help Gowdy. Gowdy is a bloviating loser who couldn’t hang a thing on Hillary after months (years?) of trying — he embodies the impotent establishment. He’s a rodeo clown the GOPe used to keep the grassroots distracted and mollified.
Gowdy blew it.
Gang. Of. Eight.
Anyone who will bow and scrape before Chuckles Schumer does not deserve to be in government. Much less the President’s chair
Hope someone told Gowdy of the fly-by-night “conservatives” who support the guy who considers Planned Parenthood a women’s health issue, approves of Kelo, and supports “fixing” Obamacare by going to a fully government-funded national health system.
They’re the sort of trash that never stuffed an envelope, rang a doorbell, canvassed a precinct, worked a poll, or given rides to voters, whose sole “contribution” to the GOP and conservatism has been their incessant whining and complaining, but feel empowered to call others “RINO.”
It wouldn’t have mattered if someone had told him. His understanding of Mr. Trump and his supporters would be as wrong, misguided, and elitist establishment as is yours. How dare those dirty common members of the GOP base refuse to be quiet and keep doing what their globalist multicultural betters tell them to do.
You mean like the Clintons, who Duh Donald was saying were “terrific” and who he knew for years and “like a lot”? And gave money to?
You’re so funny!
Johnny one note blows again.
Yes. You certainly DO.
You ever note that your one note is ad hominem attack, since you can’t meet the reality of T-rump head-on?
Others have.
LOL Your post is just a version of the old 5th grader reply “I know you are but what am I”
Then you project your constant name calling and other ad hominem attacks onto me.
You need help and not just for your TDS.
Except that’s just MORE of your ad hominem BULLSHIT, Gari.
Show use in the above posts where you deal with any of the FACTS about T-rump, rather than simply attack the heretics who offend your little yellow god.
We’ll wait…
What facts? There are no “facts” in Estragon’s post to which I replied and you jumped in on. You constantly confuse “opinions” for “facts”.
Poor Gari. The Auto-schlonger.
FACT: “Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman,” [Trump] told Greta Van Susteren. “I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her.”
Not MY opinion. Duh Donald’s.
None of that was in the post by Estragon to which I replied. Yes those statements were made in the past. All perfectly normal for a businessman looking to grease the palms of politicians for later favors. Has nothing to do with Mr. Trump’s true thoughts for being president and running the country.
But again none of that was in the post by Estragon to which I responded so I certainly couldn’t deal with those “facts” when I responded.
The Baghdad Bob Of Trump-suckers.
Since Gari handed us this plum, I thought we’d analyze it.
Straw man fallacy takes the form…
False predicate statement (sometimes using personification) that is the “straw man” you intend to support or crush;
Followed by an apparently true observation;
Leading to a fallacious conclusion.
Here we’re treated to…
It is normal for business people to tell whopping lies about politicians in election years to curry favor with them. (See Koch Brothers for the truth.)
T-rump is a business person.
Therefore, whatever he said was a whopping lie about a politician in an election year, but it doesn’t matter because now he’s telling the truth.
PLUS, you have Gari admitting that T-rump is an opportunistic liar AND a crony capitalist of the most craven and cynical kind. But you can believe him now.
FACT: “[T-rump] the guy who considers Planned Parenthood a women’s health issue…”
He expressly said he supports Planned Abortionhood funding with Federal money, just not “the abortion part”.
Which shows both his total ignorance of the law AND economics.
In that same fatal week he uttered the condescending AND pandering statement, “We have to take care of the women”.
NOT my opinion. T-rump’s.
Mr. Trump is saying he wants to defund planned parenthood and provide for women’s health issues with the money. Not different from any other candidate, and not at all saying abortion is a women’s health issue as you are trying to apply. Mr. Trump has been quite clear on his position on abortion. He’s against it but believes in exceptions for rape and incest. Again not different than most republican candidates.
The fact that Mr. Trump is smart enough not to let the media bait him into sound bites that play into the media/democrat machine war on women meme is a sign of good judgment and craftiness. Nothing more.
The Baghdad Bob Of Trump-suckers.
“Mr. Trump is saying he wants to defund planned parenthood and provide for women’s health issues with the money. Not different from any other candidate…”
The first part MAY even be true.
It’s a complete reversal of what he DID say, and I quoted him or closely paraphrased him as saying.
The second part is a dead lie.
And how is “taking care of women” part of small government, or anything but PC pandering and sex discrimination?
“Mr. Trump has been quite clear on his position on abortion. He’s against it but believes in exceptions for rape and incest.”
THIS is a red herring; T-rump’s position on abortion is irrelevant to the point. Which was FEDERAL FUNDING of Planned Abortionhood.
“Again not different than most republican candidates.”
Again, a flat-footed lie.
Johnny one note plays on and on. Second verse same as the first. I’ve noticed recently the establishment talking heads all coordinating with the same lines of attack. In their desperation to stop Trump they are just trying a new focus to the wars of 4 years ago. They still think that the winning strategy is to show people Trump is not a pure conservative. Poor fools have no clue that who is the pure conservative is not what primary is about. That is the last war not the current war.
The current war or what is most important to the majority of the base is who has best chance of running over BOTH the democrats AND GOPe in congress to build wall, deport illegals, enforce our laws, bring jobs back to this country, restore national pride, in short take back our country as fully as possible from BOTH the democrats and GOPe and Make America Great Again.
So we just aren’t persuaded by the but he isn’t a pure conservative arguments. They fall on deaf ears because the pure conservatives don’t have fight and grit that Trump has to get the job done.
We have seen what the pure conservative ideas on absolute free trade has done to our middle class over the past 35 years. It is time to try the less pure fair trade over free but dumb trade.
Now for your Johnny one note posts above:
Ragspierre | December 28, 2015 at 7:14 pm
Nope you are wrong.
Ragspierre | December 28, 2015 at 5:18 pm
Been over Kelo many times. Same answers and rebuttals still apply no matter how many times you want to johnny this one note. Presidents have nothing to do with Kelo.
Ragspierre | December 28, 2015 at 6:15 pm
A lie Trump has described several times his plans for repealing Obamacare and replacing it with free market based competitive bidding for individuals and group policies combined with reduced price and free clinics and hospitals to care for those unable to have insurance. You and Estragon know tbis you both just think that if you repeat your lies often enough magically somebody might believe you.
FACTSSSS: T-rump approves of Kelo, has USED Kelo-type takings, AND has attacked conservatives who called him on it.
(Here comes a short course on what a straw man IS, instead of Gari’s misuse of the term.)
“Been over Kelo many times. Same answers and rebuttals still apply no matter how many times you want to johnny this one note. Presidents have nothing to do with Kelo.”
Well, I’ll punk you over your lying straw man talking-point yet again, just because I like proving you a liar…
“Presidents don’t have anything to do with eminent domain, and the founders who drafted the constitution liked eminent domain so much THEY PUT IT IN THE CONSTITUTION.”
This is a straw man, followed by a red herring, coupled with a BUNCH of historical idiocy.
The straw man takes this form…
T-rump has used Kelo-type takings, but those are limited to local government. (THIS is of course a LIE, as shown by the FACT we have KELO, which is a FEDERAL ruling.)
T-rump is running for POTUS.
Therefore, regardless of his predations on other’s property rights in the past, there’s no worries about T-rump’s PROVEN disdain for property rights.
The red herring is the reference to LEGITIMATE eminent domain under the Constitution, which Kelo shits on. They are related in the same way that the Commerce Clause jurisprudence PRE-FDR is related to it POST-FDR. Gari thinks everyone is as stupid about history and the law as he is.
Thanks, Gari, for this demonstration of your AMAZING dishonestly, historical and legal ignorance, and fanatical “fan boi” slavishness.
It would have been far more accurate for you to warn readers that “Here comes another, in an unending series, of inane, factless and hysterically stupid short courses on Rags personal windbaggery”
Presidents are not involved in Kelo type eminent domain takings. Those types of takings are the provenance of local city and county politicians. That is a fact. Not that you Rags are capable of recognizing one. As much as you might wish it otherwise neither Trump nor any President had anything to do with the Kelo decision by the Supreme Court. Trump’s favorite justice is Clarence Thomas a solid conservative.
So all this Kelo stuff we have been through many times and you lose every time because your lies, hysterics and logical fallacies just don’t substitute for or overcome the simple fact that Presidents don’t have anything to do with Kelo type takings…so irrelevant and immaterial.
You keep jonny one noting the word Kelo like it is some kind of magic talisman but in fact is unfounded concern based on ignorance and lies. When Trump is up to be on Supreme Court then get back to us about Kelo. Until then try to stop proclaiming your ignorance so loudly to the world.
The straw man takes this form…
T-rump has used Kelo-type takings, but those are limited to local government. (THIS is of course a LIE, as shown by the FACT we have KELO, which is a FEDERAL ruling.)
T-rump is running for POTUS.
Therefore, regardless of his predations on other’s property rights in the past, there’s no worries about T-rump’s PROVEN disdain for property rights.
And I’ll leave it to others to read your crap, and see who’s “hysterical”.
Poor fan boi….
FACT: [T-rump] supports “fixing” Obamacare by going to a fully government-funded national health system.
NOT my opinion, but a EXPRESSLY stated T-rump position.
“A lie Trump has described several times his plans for repealing Obamacare and replacing it with free market based competitive bidding for individuals and group policies combined with reduced price and free clinics and hospitals to care for those unable to have insurance.”
No. THAT is a lie. T-rump even acknowledged that it was not a “conservative” approach, you lying SOS.
“Free market-based”…??? How do you even say such a thing with a straight face? He EXPRESSLY said the FEDERAL government would pay for health care “for those who can’t afford it”. He ALSO said EXPRESSLY that the Federal government would be THE player in the “competitive” “free market” deals.
You’re such a stupid, lying, fan boi, you have no creds here any more. Baghdad Bob of the T-rump suckers is apt.
You need to reread my post on Trump’s repeal and replace Obamacare but this time for comprehension. It says free market greater competition plan for individual and group insurance plans and a safety net of health care delivery by local clinics and hospitals for the uninsured who can’t afford insurance.
Sorry, you lying moron.
I read it in the original T-rumpese, without your costume and makeup.
Whether you read it or not I don’t know. What is plainly obvious is you either lie about what you claim to have read or didn’t understand what you read. Then you share your lies and misunderstandings here over and over.
I linked to Duh Donald’s own words.
“Who you gonna believe? T-rump or his apologist fan boi?”
Poor, pathetic Gari.
As many have said this will not help Rubio nearly as much as it hurts Gowdy. Trey Gowdy also sings the praises of Paul Ryan. He is establishment through and through.
There is a new movie out “The Empire Strikes Back – The Trey Gowdy Edition”
Too bad the force is with Mr. Trump.
You poor dummy. Your analogy is more apt than you have the snap to even get.
The Sith were powerful because the Force was with them.
Yawn…Did a whacko bird fly by?
Wake up, Sen. McAnus.
Yep the mating call of the homophobic whackerectus bird.
i agree with most of the opinions expressed here – gowdy sound bites were hopeful (esp regarding benghazi), but the results sadly were from the rino playbook. i remain with Ted but open to Trump.
Is Gowdy’s work on Benghazi done? Has he issued a final report? Rather than jump to conclusions, maybe, just maybe, he’s got more to report on…I’m going to wait and see, but for now, I think it’s a good thing for Rubio that both Scott and Gowdy endorse. I’m sure the Trump fans will try to diminish any endorsement, similar to tactics used by our current POTUS. Maybe they’ve read ‘Rules for Radicals.’
Gowdy’s work on Benghazi has proved to be nothing more than the meaningless noise Darryl Issa used to make once in a while as that pathetic, corrupt hack Boeher’s paper tiger.
Like Sessions, Cruz and a few more good men, Gowdy should have thought more about his allegiance to his country than the club of hacks hogging the leadership positions of the GOP.
Gowdy inadvertently gave Trump yet another bump, and tarred himself at the same time. (Hope it hurts.)
Rubio is a ‘gang of 8 hack.’ We now know Gowdy by the company he keeps.
Once again, I ask, is Gowdy’s work on Benghazi complete?
Maybe he’ll complete it by Hillary Clinton’s second term.
Might as well be….all their foot dragging and refusal to fight gave Hil the opportunity to cover it all up.
Yes, it’s complete: it’s complete b.s.
The establishment right is revealing itself … maybe they’d have integrity if they honestly said why they really want Rubio.
Certainly not for his “conservative chops we can trust”, after kissing up to Schumer and showing he is willing to sell out conservatives entirely. Rubio was not honest in his attack on Cruz when Rubio was hugging Schumer on amnesty, and Cruz stopped him with Sessions and the “no citizenship” poison pill.
Cruz is the conservative, but RINOs love the omnibus. Pelosi said they gave away the store. Trump might rally the country behind was is a populist (and correct) recognition of broad corruption and deceit, exemplified by Rubio flipping on immigration to complete sellout mode. Then Ryan giving away the store.
Rubio has studied foreign policy some and deserves a pat on the head for getting names correct, but he hasn’t made hard executive choices, and still seems too young, too able to be swayed. The establishment and donor class loves them young and vulnerable, I hear.
I see Rubio has pulled out the sweater. Must be feeling the heat.
Here’s some delightful info on Gowdy.
“Gowdy is close, personal friends with Luis Gutierrez of conservatives who oppose giving Obamacare to illegal aliens are “xenophobes”-fame.
The two continue to work closely to advance Marco Rubio’s amnesty plan in the House.”
Gowdy’s endorsement — the kiss of death.
IL has one extra representative thanks to all the illegal aliens, assuming most were counted in the census. Most are in Chicago. They can’t legally vote, but effectively they have their own rep … Luis Gutierrez.
I have to wonder how many of California’s Reps are because of illegal aliens. A lot more than one, that’s for damn sure.
about 700,000 in the census count for each rep … so IF 14 million were counted that is 20 reps for the country devoted to illegals.
Of course how they are spread around matters, but they would tend to be in Hispanic neighborhoods, where it might only take half the normal number of citizens to get a rep. So whereas those neighborhoods would normally get 20 reps, the illegal alien census count gives them 40.
Or maybe , if there are really 30 million illegals (mostly counted) and they live in poorer Dem run neighborhoods, the foreigners have 42 of their own reps voting to appropriate Americans’ income, while they work largely in the tax free jobs while collecting entitlements. whatta country
Every 700,000 Obama lets in illegally, means another Democrat rep for the foreigners, and one less for Americans. Ryan fully funds the invasion, trying to get ahead of the “Hispandering” parade.
“….Every 700,000 Obama lets in illegally, means another Democrat rep for the foreigners, and one less for Americans. ”
In 2000, a census lady approached me in my front yard and asked if I or anyone in my household spoke Spanish or considered themselves to be of “Hispanic origin”. “No”, I replied. She thanked me and went on her census-taking way, apparently only interested in documenting a certain demographic. That was the extent to my participation in the 2000 census. Then Puff!! My neighborhood became a brand new district which went to one of the Diaz-Balart(R)boys.
The Repub reps from Marcos home town and environs are no different than the Dems of which you speak with regard to anything immigration/ open borders related. It is their campaign bread and butter because the donor class hires predominantly foreign born workers, regardless of immigration status.
Show votes not with standing, the voting records of Lincoln (retired) and Mario Diaz-Balart (R), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R), David Rivera (R)(Marcos buddy from way back), Joe Garcia (D) and Carlos Curbelo (R) all follow the same pattern which aligns with that of Luis Gutierrez (D-IL). Former (pre-Rubio)Senator Mel Martinez was cut from the same cloth. My point is simply, allegiance to the donor class to the detriment of America, gerrymandering, and vote harvesting techniques are not exclusive to Dems.
0bama was the Black Jesus, and he wanted to fundamentally transform America.
Is Rubio our Hispanic 0bama, who wants to “Out the Old, In with the New”, why we can’t go back to the ideas of the past and must embrace “a New American Century”. Sorry Charlie, the Constitutional ideas were just fine. We need to go back to that before tons of regulations.
When eliminate the direct election of Senators, we also must change the Supreme Court rulings on state districts for State Senate seats. When the state house was on population and the state senate was on geography, then population centers couldn’t dominate state politics the way they do know. Illinois state wide election can be won by carrying 6 counties. Maybe 1, Cook county.
No Mr. Rubio, I’m not ready for your vision of a New American Century. Mr. Gowdy has me disappointed.
Check out the map of Gutierrez’ district: gerrymandering redefined (can’t make this stuff up):
Has Sen Scott formally endorsed or is he just introducing everybody?
Gowdy handed the ball, runs the wrong way up the field. Excited Marky-Marco groupies cheer.
“especially with big endorsements like Trey Gowdy’s only now just starting to trickle in.”
Once again, people don’t understand this election is different than the ones they are used to. If the entire media, GOPe and Democrat Party have been unable to destroy Trump, then why to do they still think that these sort of “endorsements” mean anything at all, or will “sway” voters?
In fact, in this election cycle, being endorsed by DC insiders is a negative if anything, because the electorate is completely fed up with the lying, cringing, sold-out, PC, DC insider establishment scum who continuously stabs we American workers in the back. And it’s very unfortunate, but Trey Gowdy has repeatedly demonstrated he has joined this latter cohort.