Hillary Clinton | speech | plan to defeat ISIS | video
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Hillary Suddenly Concerned About Defeating ISIS

Hillary Suddenly Concerned About Defeating ISIS

This must have gone over well with a focus group.

When asked about combating ISIS at the Democratic Party debate last Saturday, Hillary Clinton said “It cannot be an American fight.” She took some heat for saying that, even from the left.

After what must have been a furious few days of focus groups and word testing, she presented a plan to defeat ISIS in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations yesterday.

CNN reports:

Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to ‘intensify and broaden’ efforts to fight ISIS

Hillary Clinton is calling for more allied planes, more airstrikes and a “broader target set” — though no large-scale mobilization of U.S. ground troops — to combat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

She urged Congress to approve a new authorization of the use of military force against ISIS, saying that doing so would signal “that the U.S. is committed to this fight. The time for delay is over. We should get this done.”

In the wake of the Paris attacks, for which ISIS has claimed responsibility, Clinton said that “every society faces a choice between fear and resolve” — an indirect shot at her Republican foes in the 2016 presidential race, who have called for the United States to shut out Syrian refugees.

“This is no time to be scoring political points. We must use every pillar of American power, including our values, to fight terror,” Clinton said.

No time for scoring political points, eh?

Clinton, in a major break from her GOP presidential rivals, called for the United States to continue accepting Syrian refugees despite reports that at least one of the Paris attackers entered Europe under that guise.

“Turning away orphans, applying a religious test, discriminating against Muslims, slamming the door on every Syrian refugee — that is just not who we are,” Clinton said.

Here’s a clip from the speech:

If you need further clarification, Hillary’s campaign chairman John Podesta offered a summary of Hillary’s plan which has been widely mocked on Twitter:

Featured image via YouTube.


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“. . . in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations yesterday.”

Where she made her remarks is itself quite telling.

And remember, kids: Donald Trump is the carnival barker.

Except when he made his plan “Make a billion dollars”, he did.

So, she won’t follow Obama’s lead and delegate responsibility (e.g. redistributive change). Progress. Positive progress.

But, will she leave people behind as the opportunity presents itself (i.e. pro-choice)?

We need a better class of Commander in Chief and President.

Political Expedience is this transparent, lying, opportunist’s best friend.

And Hillary’s PC term ‘radical jihadists’ is a page right out of the Department of Redundancy Department Manual.

After 0bama, we definitely deserve better.

Podesta should be fired since he missed the first and most important step to defeat ISIS.

✓ Elect Hillary

Sammy Finkelman | November 20, 2015 at 12:59 pm

After what must have been a furious few days of focus groups and word testing

Michael Goodwin in the New York Post noted she was careful to invoke Obama’s name, but only when agreeing with him.

Like President Obama, I do not believe we should again have 100,000 American troops in combat in the Middle East..

Pathetic: trying to solve the problem she started. This is worse than California reelecting Jerry Brown.

Hillary Clinton is as bozo. And one as dangerous as Obama. And even less talented.