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Things you may have missed

Things you may have missed

Over the weekend (is this still the weekend for you?):


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MR. GREGORY [to Sen. Reid]: But you know what they’re saying. I mean, look, you run the Senate. Democrats haven’t put together a budget in a year. The Republicans in the House are doing that. So you can say that they’re, you know, holding the process hostage, but they’re actually getting things done. That’s the argument they’ve made. Are they wrong?

The Democrat controlled Senate failed to produce a budget by April 15, 2010 and April 15, 2011 as required by the Budget Act. The House, under the outstanding leadership of Nancy Pelosi, “deemed” a budget pass on July 2, 2010, ten weeks late.
This isn’t obstruction, this is procrastination.

    Valerie in reply to Neo. | January 16, 2012 at 10:25 am

    not malfeasance?

      Clearly, the Democratic leadership fears a new budget. With the use of “continuing resolutions” they are trying to continue the 2009 budget (which was delayed until after Bush left office) and it’s huge increases in spending, thereby not having to address the “temporary” increases in spending that were added there.

While you’re talking about nasty, add this:

Republican = Religion = all the ills the world has ever seen, and antithetical to Jesus.

I’m no Repubican, and I’m no evangelical Christian, but the nuns taught me a long time ago to recognize the sinful kind of pride. Jefferson Bethke is no follower of Jesus.