I previously have posted about the RI-01 congressional race, which is my home district, a seat currently held by Democratic former Providence Mayor David Cicilline.
Cicilline concealed Providence financial problems until after the 2010 election. Cicilline ran a “scare grandma” campaign, making a tour of senior centers to falsely claim their social security was at risk.
Cicilline recently pulled a coup when he convinced a redistricting commission (controlled by Democrats in the legislature) to shift 75,000 people from RI-02 without any demographic justification. This angered RI-02 Democratic Congressman Jim Langevin, who saw his constituents effectively stolen to help Cicilline.
Nonetheless, Cicilline remains vulnerable as he has very low approval ratings, and every bit of bad economic news out of Providence reminds voters of the carnage he left behind. Cicilline likely will have a Democratic challenger.
There had been two possible Republican contenders, John Loughlin who ran a good but ultimately unsuccessful campaign against Cicilline in 2010, and retired State Police Colonel and Superintendent Brendan Dougherty.
Loughlin, who had been on active National Guard service in Iraq until recently, just announced that he is not running, fearing that a primary fight would damage chances against Cicilline. I had been waiting to see what Loughlin would do before getting involved.
I will support Doherty, because removing Cicilline is a chance to flip a Democratic seat. Doherty is well respected in Rhode Island, has good name recognition even though he has not run for office before, has been raising money and setting up a campaign infrastructure for months, and has a decent shot.
Doherty’s biggest challenge is that being a decent, honest law enforcement type, he will have to deal with someone like Cicilline who will say and do anything.
I hope you will support Doherty. His campaign website is here, and he’s on Facebook and Twitter. You can donate here.
Update: Here is Cicilline’s statement on learning Loughlin was not running. He is shameless:
“I have seen first-hand just how out of touch House Republicans are with the real world impact their policies have on middle-class families. From their plan to end Medicare, continue tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires and continue tax breaks for companies that ship American jobs overseas, their policies would have a devastating impact on Rhode Island.”

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Thanks for the heads-up, Prof. I’ll drop a little (damned little, unfortunately) cash his way next payday.
I too have been following this race and concur fully that Cicilline is as corrupt as they get and in addition, incompetent as well.
Unfortunately, RI is so Democrat controlled, it is difficult to break through the reality barrier. It’s no different today than it was twenty years ago when I wised up and moved to Texas. I can count the benefits of doing so every time I buy groceries, participate in “early” voting, finding work that truly fit my capabilities etc here as opposed in RI.
I do enjoy though watching RI politics from afar knowing that they no longer can have a negative effect on my life…
No doubt Cicilline is corrupt and damaged goods, but we can’t short his chances to slither under the Congressional door for another 2 years. If Al Gemma, Cicilline’s only Democratic primary challenger can’t reckon the case for Cicilline’s corruption and Cicilline survives the primary, Brendan Doherty will find himself also battling the Progressive Machine
1.) The DNC is not about to lose a Congressional seat to a
Republican, and will be generous with their support.
This is no longer about politics, this is ideology.
Cicilline is exactly the kind of Progressive that suits
the Obama Agenda
2.) Cicilline is the “Fastest Liar in the East” Few are as
skilled. He Took 37% of the vote 08 Primary, 14 points
ahead of his closest competitor
3.) Brendan Doherty is well respected by Dem’s and Repub’s
and has a distinguished career in law enforcement, but
as a polititian he is still (no disrespect) running on
“training Wheels”. He’s built a respectable war chest
thru fundraising but comes up shy in face time. His
message even now lacks specificity.
4.) As former superintendant of RI State Police, Cicilline
will set up Brendan Doherty as the “Enforcer” of former
Governor Carcierri’s Executive Order on Immigration.
With recent redistricting and shuffling 75,000 voters
Cicilline will pocket the latino vote
5.) When it comes to Rhode Island the RNC has “Short Arms
and Deep Pockets”. Unless the race is close Brendan
Doherty can expect little support from the RNC.