Friday Night Lights: Bern Baby Bern!
Get your groove on
How about a little disco inferno to kick off the weekend?
Forget primaries. Those are long, boring, and costly. We’re proposing a new means of DNC candidate selection — a dance off.
First, Bernie (well, sort of):
And then there was the time Hillary “danced”:
What say you, Legal Insurrection readers? Who wins the Dance Off? Who loses? Who goes home?
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I’m just one customer, but I’d prefer a blank space to contrived fluff.
You do have a point. These are dangerous, sad times.
Most of us have a righteous foreboding of the unnecessary evil and tragedy of what is coming to the American homeland, and what historians will one day call the era encompassing “The American Genocide,” “The Second American Revolution” and “World War III.” In that context, a ‘cute’ Bernie Saunders is as revolting as any image of Hillary Clinton.
“Millenium” (if any of them are strong enough to not be Darwined out) and “progressive” will one day be synonymous with “fey,”
“Obama,” will one day be synonymous with “traitorous cockroach,” and “Boehner” will be synonymous with “boehner,” a provocatively derogatory noun spoken by angry people in generations to come to describe a deserving human.
Some very quick review:
ObamaCzar Advocating Genocide against Americans
Obama’s Private Army: Militarizing the Federal Agencies
Obama: ‘I will stand with the Muslims
Obama’s Race War is Right on Schedule
Obama IRS Targets Tea Party
Obama Says Tea Party Members Fit Profile of Domestic Terrorists
Obama’s ‘national civilian security force’ endorsed
Bored much?
That brought a smile to my face! And I remember dancing to that song in a discotheque when it first came out. Yikes! I’m old!
Uh, what’s the “thumbs down” for? Really? REALLY?
It’d be funnier if that stupid old fool wasn’t so dangerous, and that corrupt old scumbag next to him wasn’t worse.
Not everyone can shake their “groove thing” under socialism. Some dancers are more equal than others.
Now that I’m in a dancing mood, where did Ryan Gosling go?