Shirley Sherrod case settled, now put to bed myth that Breitbart’s tape was misleading
Bloomberg News repeats the false accusation against Andrew Breitbart.

Shirley Sherrod sued Andrew Breitbart, Larry O’Connor and others over a video of Sherrod giving a speech before an NAACP group, in which she recounted how in the distant past when she worked for a state agency, she had discriminated against a white farmer. Breitbart’s widow was substituted as a defendant after his death.
Sherrod was fired by the US Dept. of Agriculture as a result of their (over)reaction, and despite her clarifications and denials, indicating she had given some help to the farmer, and had learned from the experience to treat people fairly.
We have analyzed that original tape, frame by frame, and the tape was not deceptive. See these posts:
- The Original Sherrod Clip Was Not “False”
- Dissecting Shirley Sherrod’s Complaint Against Andrew Breitbart
- Saturday Night Card Game (Repeat after me: “The Shirley Sherrod tape was not misleading”)
- The myth of Andrew Breitbart’s “deceptively edited” Shirley Sherrod tape lives on at
- NY Times perpetuates myth of Andrew Breitbart’s misleading Shirley Sherrod video
Nonetheless, the myth lives on, and is perpetuated by Bloomberg news in a lengthy article about the Chairman of the Breitbart news organization, Steve Bannon (emphasis added):
In 2010, Breitbart News hit a wall. The site published video, furnished by a conservative activist, of a speech to the NAACP by a Department of Agriculture official named Shirley Sherrod, in which she appeared to advocate anti-white racism. Within hours, she was fired, as the story blanketed cable news. It soon became clear that the Breitbart News video was misleadingly edited—that Sherrod’s point was the opposite of what was portrayed ….“
That is completely false, and needs to be corrected by Bloomberg. Every single item which allegedly was left out of the original (not “edited”) short clip was actually in the clip, including Sherrod’s statement that she learned from the experience:
(additional screenshots added)
[The Bloomberg article also appears to wrongly blame James O’Keefe for the editing, but he indicated he has demanded a retraction.]
After several years, and a lengthy docket, the Sherrod case has settled. A Stipulation of Dismissal and Order of Dismissal were filed in the case a few days ago. (Copies at bottom of post).
The terms were not disclosed, and inquiries to attorneys on both sides have not been returned. (added) A joint statement was released last month, acknowledging that the blog post accompanying the video mistakenly originally indicated Sherrod was at USDA at the time. That error, having nothing to do with substance, was corrected immediately.
So the Sherrod saga is over — but the record needs to be clear, Andrew Breitbart and Larry O’Connor did nothing wrong. The short video was not misleading. If anyone screwed up, it was the Department of Agriculture.
The case is put to bed. Put the anti-Andrew Breitbart myth to bed as well.

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Breitbart was always truthful.
Sharrod was always a racist money-grubber.
The NAACLP has been for some years just a racists Collectivist organelle.
The story, good news, makes me miss once again one of the Great Conservative hitters of recent history. (removes hat)
Just in case anyone here at LI was comatose during the whole sordid episode, Breitbart’s sole purpose, his ONLY purpose, in releasing the video was not to denigrate Shirley Sherrod, but the show the crowd reaction of the NAACP to what Ms. Sherrod said about helping a white farmer.
I read the article and watched the video when they first came out. It was interesting, getting to watch the gaslighting behavior of collectivists/archists in real time.
Good to see Breitbart vindicated. But it doesn’t matter, the MSM coverage will be 20 words on the inside left of page A18.
We need to find a better way to fight this propaganda. They knew it was a lie, but they also knew it wouldn’t matter once they established the fake narrative.
Wish Breitbart was still with us, he would know the way.
Well sure, the facts are known, but the MSM won’t let go of the narrative. I don’t expect anything to change. Lefties and race mongers will continue to use it.
Isn’t the media objective demonstrated by Bloomberg’s hit piece……I mean article? As the same time the dismissal is finalized they come out with the lengthy negative piece to mute the news about the settlement.
The left overwhelmingly sees the settlement as a win for Sherrod. Just curious, but how is this a vindication for Breitbart?